Is it possible to 'update' ADF pipeline property through powershell - powershell

I would like to update some of the parameters of an ADF pipeline (e.g. concurrency level) of lots of mappings. I am not able to find out any cmdlet to be able to do this through powershell. I know I can drop existing pipeline and create new one, but that will start reprocessing all the Ready slices for that pipelines active period, which I don't want. Because in that case it will involve calculating up to what point existing pipeline has processed slices. And then this is only temporary, at some stage again I am going to revert back settings. I just want pipelines to change one of its properties. Doing this manually through the UI is slow and tedious. I am guessing there is no way around this, but let me know if you know of.

You can still use "New-AzureRmDataFactoryPipeline" for this Update scenario:
Use with the -Force parameter to force it to proceed even if the message reads "... may overwrite the existing resource".
Under the hood, it's the same HTTP PUT api call used by Azure UX Portal. You can verify that with Fiddler.
The already executed slices won't be re-run unless you set their status back to PendingExecution.
This rule applies to LinkedService and Dataset as well but NOT the top level DataFactory resource. A New-AzureRmDataFactory will cause the service to delete the existing DF along with all its sub-resources and create a brand new one. So be careful from there.


How to provide dynamic values for approvals and checks in yaml pipelines?

I'm working on an integration between Azure Pipelines and ServiceNow's change management module. To achieve that the ServiceNow Change Management extension has been installed and configured according to this documentation page. In Azure DevOps we are using multistage yaml pipelines, which should create standard preapproved changes in ServiceNow.
The connection itself between the two applications works fine, I managed to put together a pipeline that creates change requests, waits until their status changes and then closes them. However, I'd like to pass some values set in the pipeline runs to the created change requests and I couldn't find a way to do it.
First I added a service connection to our Azure DevOps project, and created the ServiceNow check for it. I experimented a little with adding different expressions to it, like setting the short description to ${{ parameters.shortDescription }}, or defining a variable in the pipeline as ShortDescription: ${{ parameters.shortDescription }} and using that variable in the check as $(ShortDescription) or $[ variables.ShortDescription ]. Unfortunately none of these expressions got resolved. I also realized it is possible to use the predefined variables, but the values I'd like to set are not possible to describe by predefined variables. For example, selecting an assignment group would be pretty straightforward from a parameter defined as a list, but impossible to select from predefined variables.
So as a next idea, I tried to link a variable group to the check and update the variables through logging commands. Even though the variables from the group got resolved, they only showed the values I set them through the UI as a static default value. The dynamic values set via the logging commands were not visible. I played around some time and verified that I can update the definition of the variable groups through Azure CLI or REST API, so I can add new variables or update existing ones. Thus I tried to add a new variable to the linked group during the pipeline run named as ShortDescription_$(Build.BuildId). Even though it got added properly, I could not use it within the check, because it required double variable resolution, like $(ShortDescription_$(Build.BuildId)) and this expression was not resolved, not even partly. It remained $(ShortDescription_$(Build.BuildId)).
Then I started thinking about using only one variable from the group with a static name (e.g. ShortDescription) for all pipeline runs. However, I feel it would create a race condition and could cause some inconsistencies.
So as a last resort, I tried to put together an extension with an Agent and a ServerGate task, which are capable of storing the values I want to pass to change request and reading the stored values in an agentless environment. The problem here is, that the second task is not visible as a check for service connections. It's there as a release pipeline gate and looks good there, but I can't utilize it that way. Based on a question I found, this does not seem to be the problem with my task. To verify it, I copied the content of the same ServiceNow check I used before, and added it to my extension as a contribution with a different task id. And it did not show up as the question stated.
Which means now I can either
create a change request through my custom server task (as the ServerGate task can be used properly in yaml if it is changed to a Server task), but that way I can't wait for the state change of the ServiceNow ticket, or
create the change request in a separate stage where I want to use it, update it first in the same stage where I created it via the first-party check and wait for the state change in the stage where I would normally create it.
The second can work, but it has its own problems, like having misleading values stored in the changed request for the stage id field, or not having multiple change requests created for multiple run attempts of the deployment stage. Also I feel like it's not how the extension's task and check should be used.
Unfortunately, I'm out of ideas how this dynamic value passing can be achieved, if it's possible to do so in the first place. Could you please help me by sharing ideas, or pointing out errors in my attempts?

How to update manually a pipeline in Azure Data Factory

Right now we are doing some tasks manually while the entire solution is prepared. One of this tasks is the updating process in some Resouce Groups. Normally, what we do is to export a template from our development environtment and, then we import that .zip file template. However, if the pipeline or other object are alredy present in the target ADF these are going to be created with the prefix 1.
Then we need to rename the objects (pipelines, data flows, data sets) to implement the new solution. We were wondering if there is a way to avoid this, or another way to do it.
If both your Test_Pipeline or Test_Pipeline1 are going to perform similar type of actions then you can create a Dynamic pipeline using parameters in ADF and create a metadata / config for the operation that you need to perform and add a Lookup activity, that would avoid creating multiple pipelines

Using Azure Data Factory output in Logic App

I have a logic app that runs on occurrence initially that runs an ADF
pipeline which outputs a folder of files.
Then, I use a List Blobs action to pull one specific file
from the newly made folder and place its path on a queue.
And once a message is placed on that queue, it triggers the run of
another ADF pipeline.
The issue is I have not seen a way to get the output of the first ADF pipeline to put on the queue. I have tried to cheat within the List Blobs action that is sequential to the 1st ADF pipeline by explicitly searching the name of the output folder because it will be the same every time.
However, even after the 1st ADF is ran and produces the folder, within the first instance of this Logic App being ran the List Blobs can't find the folder and says the file path is not found.
Only after I run the Logic App a second time the folder is finally found which is not at all optimal. How can I fix this ? I prefer to keep everything in one logic app. Are there other Azure tools that can help in addition?
I am not having the details of the implementation but i am wondering if the message is written by the first pipeline is only used as a signal the second pipeline ? if thats the case why you cannot you call the second pipeline on completion of the first one ? may be these pipelines are on different ADF's ?
I suggest you to read and see if you can use the Event triggers

Persisting values across re-execution of release pipeline in Azure DeOops

I am configuring a release pipeline in Azure DevOps and I want the variables that get generated along the tasks to persist across re-execution of the same release. I wanted to know if that is possible.
The main goal is to create a pipeline that i can redeploy in case of a failure, if for example I have a release pipeline with 30 tasks, I would want handle skipping the tasks that got completed, but once I reach the relevant task, I need the persisted variable values.
I have looked online and I see it isn't possible to persist variables across phases, but does that also mean it cannot be persisted in the same release pipeline if I redeploy it?
From searching stack exchange and google I got to the following GitHub issue on the subject, I just wasn't sure if it also affects my own situation in the same way.
You have that by default unless I interpret you wrong. When redeploying the same release pipeline variables values you define (in the pipeline) do not change.
Calculated values are not persisted

How do I listen for, load and run user-defined workflows at runtime that have been persisted using SqlWorkflowInstanceStore?

The result of SqlWorkflowInstanceStore.WaitForEvents does not tell me what type of workflow is runnable. The constructor of WorkflowApplication takes a workflow definition, and at a minimum, I need to be able to store a workflow ID in the store and query it, so that I can determine which workflow definition to load for the WorkflowApplication.
I also don't want to create a SqlWorkflowInstanceStore for each custom workflow type, since there may be thousands of different workflows.
I thought about trying to use WorkflowServiceHost, but not every workflow has a Receive activity and I don't think it is feasible to have thousands of WorkflowServiceHosts running, each supporting a different workflow type.
Ideally, I just want to query the database for a runnable workflow, determine its workflow definition ID, load the appropriate XAML from a workflow definition table, instantiate WorkflowApplication with the workflow definition, and call LoadRunnableInstance().
I would like to have a way to correlate which workflow is related to a given HasRunnableWorkflowEvent raised by the SqlWorkflowInstanceStore (along with the custom workflow definition ID), or have an alternate way of supporting potentially thousands of different custom workflow types created at runtime. I must also load balance the execution of workflows across multiple application servers.
There's a free product from Microsoft that does pretty much everything you say there, and then some. Oh, and it's excellent too.
Windows Server AppFabric. No, not Azure.