I have a rdd which I need to store in mongoDB.
I tried use rdd.map to write each row of the rdd to mongoDB, using pymongo. But I encountered pickle error as it seems that pickling pymongo object to the workers is not supported.
Hence, I do a rdd.collect() to get the rdd to driver, and write it to mongoDB.
Is it possible to iteratively collect each partition of the rdd instead? This will minimize the changes of out of memory at the driver.
Yes, it is possible. You can use RDD.toLocalIterator(). You should remember though that it doesn't come for free. Each partition will require a separate job so you should consider persisting your data before you use it.
First I read a tweets and parse into a tweet case class through a map into my parsing function parseTweet:
val tweets = sc.textFile("/home/gakuo/Documents/bigdata/NintendoTweets").map(parseTweet)
Then I use a function to pair RDD that results into a pair RDD of the form (hashtags, likes) through a map inside toPairRdd:
val pairedRDD = toPairRdd(tweets).persist()
After reading in my RDD in (one) above, does it help to persist it as what follows in (two)is a transformation? I am thinking, since both as lazy, then persisting is actually a waste of memory.
After computing the pairRDD, I want to compute scores of each hashtag:toScores uses reduceByKey
val scores = toScores(pairedRDD).persist()
I use reduceByKey. Does this pairRDD method result in shuffling? I have read a paper that states:
"a shuffle can occur when the resulting RDD depends on other elements from the same RDD or another RDD.
cogroup, groupWith, join, leftOuterJoin, rightOuterJoin,
groupByKey, reduceByKey, combineByKey, distinct, intersection,
repartition, coalesce resulting in shuffling. To avoid shuffles for these kinds of operations make sure the transformation follows the same partition as the original RDD"
The same paper also states that reduceByKey follows the same partition as the original RDD.
It's matter to use persist ( on mem/ disk/both) when you have many actions which always do the number of the same transformations again. And if it takes too long to recompute again & again.
In your case there is no persist or caching required as it is a one-pass process. You need to know that Stages are genned putting as many transformations together before shuffling. You would have 2 here.
If you were to process some other data requirements using the pairedRDD, then persist would be advisable.
The actions are more relevant in any event.
If you have multiple actions using the same rdd then it’s advisable to persist. I don’t see any action till now in your code. So I don’t see any reason to cache the rdd. Persist/cache also lazily evaluated.
Persist/cache - it is not guaranteed that data will be stayed during life time of execution as persisting follows LRU least recently used algorithm which may flush the data on basis of least used rdd if the memory is full. All the things need to keep in mind while using persist.
Reducebykey - it’s a wide transformation as shuffle may happen. But first of all it does combine the data w.r.t a key inside the partition first then do a reduce operation after that. So it’s less costly. Always avoid groupbykey where it shuffles the data directly without combining the the data w.r.t a key in a partition. Please avoid groupbykey while coding.
I've been trying to understand how the mongo-spark connector works under the hood, but I'm still not getting the whole work logic behind it.
I'm trying to use Mongo-Spark to run a spark job to which perform mainly text search against a MongoDB collection.
Spark and MongoDB run on two different clusters
So I created the following Spark-mongo Data frame:
entity_df = sqlContext.read.format("com.mongodb.spark.sql.DefaultSource") \
.option("spark.mongodb.input.database", "WikiData") \
.option("spark.mongodb.input.collection", "entities_slim") \
df = entity_df.filter(entity_df['id'] == "Q2834810").show()
Does the first instruction mean that the entities_slim collection is being copied from the MongoDB cluster to the spark cluster and represented as a Spark DataFrame?
If yes, does this mean that the connector is just a tool that only read/write data between MongoDB and Spark?
If yes, Is there a way to create spark jobs that run MongoDB quires by the MongoDB engine? something like:
import pymongo
from pyspark import SparkContext
spark_rdd.map(lamda x: entities.find_one( {'id': best} ))
Note that executing statement entity_df.filter(entity_df['id'] == "Q2834810").show() runs much slower than directly querying MongoDB using pymongo
If yes, does this mean that the connector is just a tool that only read/write data between MongoDB and Spark?
To some extent, but it doesn't mean that
the entities_slim collection is being copied from the MongoDB cluster.
Selections (filters) are converted to aggregation pipelines:
When using filters with DataFrames or Spark SQL, the underlying Mongo Connector code constructs an aggregation pipeline to filter the data in MongoDB before sending it to Spark
This type of behavior is in general common for data source API - where projections and selections are pushed down to the source if possible.
So going back to your concern:
Note that executing statement entity_df.filter(entity_df['id'] == "Q2834810").show() runs much slower than directly querying MongoDB using pymongo
This is to be expected. Neither Apache Spark nor MongoDB aggregations pipelines are designed for low latency, single item queries. Both are intended for large scale, batch processing. If you need fast single item access don't use Apache Spark in the first place - this is what you have databases for.
Finally if run
job to which perform mainly text search against a MongoDB collection.
built-in MongoDB text search capabilities (as imperfect as they are) might be a better choice.
Using mongodb and spark connector you can load MongoDB data into spark to leverage sparks range of API's(Spark SQL, Spark streaming, machine learning, and graph APIs) to perform rich aggregations to your mongodb data
This enables you to leverage the spark's capabilities to analyze your data offloading to Spark
This is two-way connector, you can load mongodb data into spark and spark RDD's back to MongoDB
Does the first instruction mean that the entities_slim collection is
being copied from the MongoDB cluster to the spark cluster and
represented as a Spark DataFrame?
If yes, does this mean that the connector is just a tool that only
read/write data between MongoDB and Spark?
If yes, Is there a way to create spark jobs that run MongoDB quires by
the MongoDB engine?
You may need to query data from mongodb in mongodb itself? You can process your data into spark and store it back to mongodb
We are facing poor performance using Spark.
I have 2 specific questions:
When debugging we noticed that a few of the groupby operations done on Rdd are taking more time
Also a few of the stages are appearing twice, some finishing very quickly, some taking more time
Here is a screenshot of .
Currently running locally, having shuffle partitions set to 2 and number of partitions set to 5, data is around 1,00,000 records.
Speaking of groupby operation, we are grouping a dataframe (which is a result of several joins) based on two columns, and then applying a function to get some result.
val groupedRows = rows.rdd.groupBy(row => (
val rdd = groupedRows.values.map(Criteria)
Where Criteria is some function acted on the grouped resultant rows. Can we optimize this group by in any way?
Here is a screenshot of the .
I would suggest you not to convert the existing dataframe to rdd and do the complex process you are performing.
If you want to perform Criteria function on two columns (Column1 and Column2), you can do this directly on dataframe. Moreover, if your Criteria can be reduced to combination of inbuilt functions then it would be great. But you can always use udf functions for custom rules.
What I would suggest you to do is groupBy on the dataframe and apply aggregation functions
rows.groupBy("Column1", "Column2").agg(Criteria function)
You can use Window functions if you want multiple rows from the grouped dataframe. more info here
.groupBy is known to be not the most efficient approach:
Note: This operation may be very expensive. If you are grouping in
order to perform an aggregation (such as a sum or average) over each
key, using PairRDDFunctions.aggregateByKey or
PairRDDFunctions.reduceByKey will provide much better performance.
Sometimes it is better to use .reduceByKey or .aggregateByKey, as explained here:
While both of these functions will produce the correct answer, the
reduceByKey example works much better on a large dataset. That's
because Spark knows it can combine output with a common key on each
partition before shuffling the data.
Why .reduceByKey, .aggregateByKey work faster than .groupBy? Because part of the aggregation happens during map phase and less data is shuffled around worker nodes during reduce phase. Here is a good explanation on how does aggregateByKey work.
I'm currently developing a Spark Application that uses dataframes to compute and aggregates specific columns from a hive table.
Aside from using count() function in dataframes/rdd. Is there a more optimal approach to get the number of records processed or number of count of records of a dataframe ?
I just need to know if there's something needed to override a specific function or so.
Any replies would be appreciated. I'm currently using Apache spark 1.6.
Thank you.
Aside from using count() function in dataframes/rdd, is there a more optimal
approach to get the number of records processed or number of count of records
of a dataframe?
Nope. Since an RDD may have an arbitrarily complex execution plan, involving JDBC table queries, file scans, etc., there's no apriori way to determine its size short of counting.
I'm writing a graph-related program in Scala with Spark. The dataset have 4 million nodes and 4 million edges(you can treat this as a tree), but for each time(an Iteration), I only edit a portion of it, namely a sub-tree rooted by a given node, and the nodes in a path between that given node and root.
The Iteration has dependency, which means i+1 Iteration needs the result coming from i. So I need store the result of each Iteration for next step.
I'm trying to find an efficient way to update RDD, but have no clue so far.I find that PairRDD have a lookup function which could reduce the computation time from O(N), to O(M), N denote the total number of objects in RDD and M denote the number of elements in each partition.
So I'm thinking is there anyway that I could update an object in the RDD with O(M)? Or more ideally, O(1)?(I see an email in Spark's mail list saying that the lookup can be modified to achieve O(1))
Another thing is, if I could achieve O(M) for updating the RDD, could I increase the partition to some number larger than the number of cores I have and achieve a better performance?
As functional data structures, RDDs are immutable and an operation on an RDD generates a new RDD.
Immutability of the structure does not necessarily mean full replication. Persistant data structures are a common functional pattern where operations on immutable structures yield a new structure but previous versions are maintained and often reused.
GraphX (a 'module' on top of Spark) is a graph API on top of Spark that uses such concept: From the docs:
Changes to the values or structure of the graph are accomplished by
producing a new graph with the desired changes. Note that substantial
parts of the original graph (i.e., unaffected structure, attributes,
and indicies) are reused in the new graph reducing the cost of this
inherently functional data-structure.
It might be a solution for the problem at hand: http://spark.apache.org/docs/1.0.0/graphx-programming-guide.html
An RDD is a distributed data set, a partition is the unit for RDD storage, and the unit to process and RDD is an element.
For example, you read a large file from HDFS as an RDD, then the element of this RDD is String(lines in that file), and spark stores this RDD across the cluster by partition. For you, as a spark user, you only need to care about how to deal with the lines of that files, just like you are writing a normal program, and you read a file from local file system line by line. That's the power of spark:)
Anyway, you have no idea which elements will be stored in a certain partition, so it doesn't make sense to update a certain partition.
The MapReduce programming model (and FP) doesn't really support updates of single values. Rather one is supposed to define a sequence of transformations.
Now when you have interdependent values, i.e. you cannot perform your transformation with a simple map but need to aggregate multiple values and update based on that value, then what you need to do is think of a way of grouping those values together then transforming each group - or define a monoidal operation so that the operation can be distributed and chopped up into substeps.
Group By Approach
Now I'll try to be a little more specific for your particular case. You say you have subtrees, is it possible to first map each node to an key that indicates the corresponding subtree? If so you could do something like this:
nodes.map(n => (getSubTreeKey(n), n)).grouByKey().map ...
(strictly speaking you want a commutative monoid) Best you read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monoid#Commutative_monoid
For example + is a monoidal operation because when one wishes to compute the sum of, say, an RDD of Ints then the underlying framework can chop up the data into chunks, perform the sum on each chunk, then sum up the resulting sums (possibly in more than just 2 steps too). If you can find a monoid that will ultimately produce the same results you require from single updates, then you have a way to distribute your processing. E.g.
nodes.reduce(_ myMonoid _)