Converting coordinate ETRS89/LCC to WGS84 Lat Long - coordinates

I need to convert a massive amount of coordinates in the ETRS89 format to WGS84 Lat Long.
As far as I know ETRS89 and WGS84 are nearly the same, but they have totally different values.
I need the WGS84 coordinates for bing maps.
Would be great if theres a simple solution in c# for this problem.
Thank you a lot :)

First choice for such transformation is the Proj4 project. There are several ports available, e.g. to Java (Java Proj.4), JavaScript (Proj4js), .NET (Proj4Net), etc.
Command-line tool cs2cs.exe is used to transform coordinates, the command would be like this:
cs2cs +init=epsg:3034 +to +init=epsg:4326 {name of your text-file containing massive amount of coordinates}
which is equivalent to
cs2cs +proj=lcc +lat_1=35 +lat_2=65 +lat_0=52 +lon_0=10 +x_0=4000000 +y_0=2800000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs
+to +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs {name of your text-file containing massive amount of coordinates}
In case you prefer C# my personal favorites are DotSpatial.Projections and ProjApi (file
Example for DotSpatial:
double[] xy = new double[2];
xy[0] = 12345;
xy[1] = 67890;
double[] z = new double[1];
z[0] = 1;
ProjectionInfo pStart = KnownCoordinateSystems.Projected.Europe.ETRS1989LCC;
ProjectionInfo pEnd = KnownCoordinateSystems.Geographic.World.WGS1984;
Reproject.ReprojectPoints(xy, z, pStart, pEnd, 0, 1);
Example with Proj-API:
var src = new Projection(#"+proj=lcc +lat_1=35 +lat_2=65 +lat_0=52 +lon_0=10 +x_0=4000000 +y_0=2800000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs"),
var dst = new Projection(#"+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"))
double[] x = { -116, -117, -118, -119, -120, -121 };
double[] y = { 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 };
double[] z = { 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 };
Projection.Transform(src, dst, x, y);


Blender 2.77: How to I create a path for an object to follow with latitude, longitude, & altitude (in feet) coordinates in csv format?

I have a csv of lat., long., and altitude data from flight 24.
I want to make a path for an object to follow in blender, but the path has to be generated from the above data.
I also want to import a 3D-model of the place where the aircraft flew over.
The problem is I need to use blender 2.77 because the another add-on I want to use only supports v. 2.77. Add-ons like blender-osm and blender-gis only supports the most up to date version of blender.
Lets say you have x y z coordinates for each point of a path then you can easily able to create a path curve using bpy. Here is an example:
import bpy
def create_curve(coords_list):
crv ='crv', 'CURVE')
crv.dimensions = '3D'
spline ='NURBS')
spline.points.add(len(coords_list) - 1)
for p, new_co in zip(spline.points, coords_list): = (new_co + [1.0])
obj ='object_name', crv)[0]
cords_list = [
[1, 0, 1],
[2, 0, -1],
[0, 0, 2]

Find pixel coordinate of world/geographic coordinate in tile

I'm trying to use Mapbox Terrain RGB to get elevation for specific points in space. I used mercantile.tile to get the coordinates of the tile containing my point at zoom level 15, which for -43º, -22º (for simplicity sake) is 12454, 18527, then mercantile.xy to get the corresponding world coordinates: -4806237.7150042495, -2621281.2257876047.
Shouldn't the integer part of -4806237.7150042495 / 256 (tile size) equal the x coordinate of the tile containing the point, that is, 12454? If this calculation checked out I'd figure that I'm looking for the pixel column (x axis) corresponding to the decimal part of the result, like column 127(256 * 0,5) for 12454,5. However, the division results in -18774.366, (which is curiously close to the tile y coordinate, but it looks like a coincidence). What am I missing here?
As an alternative, I thought of using mercantile.bounds, assigning the first and last pixel columns to the westmost and eastmost longitudes, and finding my position with interpolation, but I wanted to check if I'm doing this the right/recommended way. I'm interested in point elevations, so everything said here goes for the Y axis as well.
Here's what I got so far:
def correct_altitude_mode(kml):
with open(kml, "r+") as f:
txt =
if"(?<=<altitudeMode>)relative(?=<\/altitudeMode>)", txt):
lat = round(float(find_with_re("latitude", txt)), 5)
lng = round(float(find_with_re("longitude", txt)), 5)
alt = round(float(find_with_re("altitude", txt)), 5)
z = 15
tile = mercantile.tile(lng, lat, z)
westmost, southmost, eastmost, northmost = mercantile.bounds(tile)
pixel_column = np.interp(lng, [westmost, eastmost], [0,256])
pixel_row = np.interp(lat, [southmost, northmost], [256, 0])
response = requests.get(f"{z}/{tile.x}/{tile.y}.pngraw?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoibWFydGltcGFzc29zIiwiYSI6ImNra3pmN2QxajBiYWUycW55N3E1dG1tcTEifQ.JFKSI85oP7M2gbeUTaUfQQ")
buffer = BytesIO(response.content)
tile_img = png.read_png_int(buffer)
_,R,G,B = (tile_img[int(pixel_row), int(pixel_column)])
print(tile_img[int(pixel_row), int(pixel_column)])
height = -10000 + ((R * 256 * 256 + G * 256 + B) * 0.1)
plt.hlines(pixel_row, 0.0, 256.0, colors="r")
plt.vlines(pixel_column, 0.0, 256.0, colors="r")

Assigning a 3d polygon based on value in Mapbox Studio

I am pretty new to GIS as a whole. I have a simple flat file in a csv format, as an example:
name, detail, long, lat, value
a, 123, 103, 22, 5000
b, 356, 103, 45, 6000
What I am trying to achieve is to assign a 3d polygon in Mapbox such as in this example. While the settings might be quite straight forward in Mapbox where you assign a height and color value based on a data range, it obviously does not work in my case.
I think I am missing out other files such as mentioned in the blog post, like shapefiles or some other file that is required to assign 3d layouts to the 3d extrusion.
I need to know what I am missing out in configuring a 3d polygon, say a cube in Mapbox based on the val data column in my csv.
So I figured what I was missing was the coordinates that make up the polygons I want to display. This can easily be defined in a geojson file format, if you are interested in the standards, refer here. For the visual I need, I would require:
Points (typically your long and lat coordinates)
Polygon (a square would require 5 vertices, the lines connecting and
defining your polygon)
Features (your data points)
FeatureCollection (a collection of features)
This are all parts of the geojson format, I used Python and its geojson module which comes with everything I need to do the job.
Using a helper function below, I am able to compute square/rectangular boundaries based on a single point. The height and width defines how big the square/rectangle appears.
def create_rec(pnt, width = 0.00005, height = 0.00005):
pt1 = (pnt[0] - width, pnt[1] - height)
pt2 = (pnt[0] - width, pnt[1] + height)
pt3 = (pnt[0] + width, pnt[1] + height)
pt4 = (pnt[0] + width, pnt[1] - height)
pt5 = (pnt[0] - width, pnt[1] - height)
return Polygon([[pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4,pt5]]) #assign to a Polygon class from geojson
From there it is pretty straight forward to append them into list of features, FeatureCollection and output as a geojson file:
with open('path/coordinates.csv', 'r') as f:
headers = next(f)
reader = csv.reader(f)
data = list(reader)
transform = []
for i in data:
#3rd last value is x and 2nd last is the y
point = Point([float(i[-3]), float(i[-2])])
polygon = create_rec(point['coordinates'])
#in my case I used a collection to store both points and polygons
col = GeometryCollection([point, polygon])
properties = {'Name':i[0]}
feature = Feature(geometry = col, properties = properties)
fc = FeatureCollection(transform)
with open('target_doc_u.geojson', 'w') as f:
dump(fc, f)
The output file target_doc_u would contain all the listed items above that allows me to plot my point, as well as continue of the blog post in Mapbox to assign my filled extrusion

How to create Bezier curves from B-Splines in Sympy?

I need to draw a smooth curve through some points, which I then want to show as an SVG path. So I create a B-Spline with scipy.interpolate, and can access some arrays that I suppose fully define it. Does someone know a reasonably simple way to create Bezier curves from these arrays?
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
x = np.array([-1, 0, 2])
y = np.array([ 0, 2, 0])
x = np.r_[x, x[0]]
y = np.r_[y, y[0]]
tck, u = interpolate.splprep([x, y], s=0, per=True)
cx = tck[1][0]
cy = tck[1][1]
print( 'knots: ', list(tck[0]) )
print( 'coefficients x: ', list(cx) )
print( 'coefficients y: ', list(cy) )
print( 'degree: ', tck[2] )
print( 'parameter: ', list(u) )
The red points are the 3 initial points in x and y. The green points are the 6 coefficients in cx and cy. (Their values repeat after the 3rd, so each green point has two green index numbers.)
Return values tck and u are described scipy.interpolate.splprep documentation
knots: [-1.0, -0.722, -0.372, 0.0, 0.277, 0.627, 1.0, 1.277, 1.627, 2.0]
# 0 1 2 3 4 5
coefficients x: [ 3.719, -2.137, -0.053, 3.719, -2.137, -0.053]
coefficients y: [-0.752, -0.930, 3.336, -0.752, -0.930, 3.336]
degree: 3
parameter: [0.0, 0.277, 0.627, 1.0]
Not sure starting with a B-Spline makes sense: form a catmull-rom curve through the points (with the virtual "before first" and "after last" overlaid on real points) and then convert that to a bezier curve using a relatively trivial transform? E.g. given your points p0, p1, and p2, the first segment would be a catmull-rom curve {p2,p0,p1,p2} for the segment p1--p2, {p0,p1,p2,p0} will yield p2--p0, and {p1, p2, p0, p1} will yield p0--p1. Then you trivially convert those and now you have your SVG path.
As demonstrator, hit up and paste in the following code:
var points = [{x:150, y:100 },{x:50, y:300 },{x:300, y:300 }];
// add virtual points:
points = points.concat(points);
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
tension = createSlider(1, 200, 100);
function draw() {
points.forEach(p => ellipse(p.x, p.y, 4));
for (let n=0; n<3; n++) {
let [c1, c2, c3, c4] = points.slice(n,n+4);
let t = 0.06 * tension.value();
// on-curve start point
c2.x, c2.y,
// control point 1
c2.x + (c3.x - c1.x)/t,
c2.y + (c3.y - c1.y)/t,
// control point 2
c3.x - (c4.x - c2.x)/t,
c3.y - (c4.y - c2.y)/t,
// on-curve end point
c3.x, c3.y
Which will look like this:
Converting that to Python code should be an almost effortless exercise: there is barely any code for us to write =)
And, of course, now you're left with creating the SVG path, but that's hardly an issue: you know all the Bezier points now, so just start building your <path d=...> string while you iterate.
A B-spline curve is just a collection of Bezier curves joined together. Therefore, it is certainly possible to convert it back to multiple Bezier curves without any loss of shape fidelity. The algorithm involved is called "knot insertion" and there are different ways to do this with the two most famous algorithm being Boehm's algorithm and Oslo algorithm. You can refer this link for more details.
Here is an almost direct answer to your question (but for the non-periodic case):
import aggdraw
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as si
from PIL import Image
# from
def scipy_bspline(cv, degree=3):
""" cv: Array of control vertices
degree: Curve degree
count = cv.shape[0]
degree = np.clip(degree, 1, count-1)
kv = np.clip(np.arange(count+degree+1)-degree, 0, count-degree)
max_param = count - (degree * (1-periodic))
spline = si.BSpline(kv, cv, degree)
return spline, max_param
# based on
def bspline_to_bezier(cv):
cv_len = cv.shape[0]
assert cv_len >= 4, "Provide at least 4 control vertices"
spline, max_param = scipy_bspline(cv, degree=3)
for i in range(1, max_param):
spline = si.insert(i, spline, 2)
return spline.c[:3 * max_param + 1]
def draw_bezier(d, bezier):
path = aggdraw.Path()
for i in range(1, len(bezier) - 1, 3):
v1, v2, v = bezier[i:i+3]
path.curveto(*v1, *v2, *v)
d.path(path, aggdraw.Pen("black", 2))
cv = np.array([[ 40., 148.], [ 40., 48.],
[244., 24.], [160., 120.],
[240., 144.], [210., 260.],
[110., 250.]])
im = Image.fromarray(np.ones((400, 400, 3), dtype=np.uint8) * 255)
bezier = bspline_to_bezier(cv)
d = aggdraw.Draw(im)
draw_bezier(d, bezier)
# show/save im
I didn't look much into the periodic case, but hopefully it's not too difficult.

GWT Google Charts - x value is in minutes - how to format x axis labels as hours?

I'm trying to draw a graph where the x value represents number of minutes within a duration.
I want to display number of hours as labels on the x axis, and when I hover the graph (showing the tooltip), I don't want to see some decimal value representing the hour (1.5), but rather a nicely formatted time (1h 30m) or maybe the number of minutes (90m).
I've been reading about annotation columns in the DataTable, but it seems to me that this is not yet supported by the GWT wrapper.
Still, I don't know if this is even possible to achieve, but if it is please let me know how!
Example code:
DataTable dataTable = DataTable.create();
dataTable.addColumn(ColumnType.NUMBER, "Time");
dataTable.addColumn(ColumnType.NUMBER, "Value");
dataTable.setValue(0, 0, 0);
dataTable.setValue(0, 1, 100);
dataTable.setValue(1, 0, 45);
dataTable.setValue(1, 1, 1000);
dataTable.setValue(2, 0, 90);
dataTable.setValue(2, 1, 5000);
Options options = LineChart.createOptions();
AxisOptions hAxisOptions = AxisOptions.create();
hAxisOptions.set("format", "#min");
container.add(new LineChart(dataTable, options));