FileChooserButton Gtk - gtk

Can someone tell me what type of signal for FileChooserButton I have to use, to get file path by clicking on the actual file in FileChooserDialog that was brought up by FileChooserButton? I've used both file_set and file_activated signals but nothing has happened.
I've used an example from Vala language documentation. And I'm not sure whether there should be Open\Cancel buttons in that dialog(See the screenshot below)?
Here is the code, that I've used:
Gtk.FileChooserButton file_chooser = new Gtk.FileChooserButton(
"Select a file",
Gtk.FileFilter filter = new Gtk.FileFilter();
file_chooser.file_set.connect(() => {
string uri = file_chooser.get_uri();
stdout.printf("Uri: %s", uri);
Thanks in advance!

Solved it! The problem was in missing buttons Ok\Cancel, this occurs only in Elementary OS, I believe.
gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings overrides "{'Gtk/DialogsUseHeader':<0>}" did it's job!
Thanks for the replies.


trying to access Thunderbird-tabmail does not work

I want to open a new tab with a gloda conversation from inside calendar code.
I receive an error from error console:
window not defined (or document not defined), depending on which of the two I use to Access tabmail:
let tabmail = window.document.getElementById("tabmail");
let tabmail = document.getElementById("tabmail");
The code works fine if the js file is included in an overlay xul-file.
But I want to use it outside of xul in my code.
Somewhere in my calendar code (in my 'addevent'), the same code throws the error.
This code is originally called from a rightclick on an email, but several layers deep into calendar code.
In MDN, I read that window is global? So what do I Need to do to add an tab?
This part works if tabmail is properly referenced:
tabmail.openTab("glodaList", {
collection: queryCollection,
message: aCollection.items[0],
title: tabTitle,
background: false
So how do I get a reference for tabmail?
Any help is appreciated.
after trying and looking through code for really some time before posting, it took only ca. 20 minutes to accidentally find the solution after submitting the question..
While browsing mailutils on mxr for something else, I found the solution in some function:
mail3PaneWindow = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("mail:3pane");
if (mail3PaneWindow) var tabmail = mail3PaneWindow.document.getElementById("tabmail");

sahi onScriptFailure doesn't seem to work

I am new to Sahi and I am just trying to take a screenshot on script errors.
I have tried to used their demo and the script the website provides for the task, but the onScriptFailure doesn't seem to trigger. I added the alert box and changed the log in name to trigger a failure. Sorry if i'm missing something obvious.
function onScriptError($e){
_alert("test me");
onScriptFailure = onScriptError;
_setValue(_textbox("user"), "test");
_setValue(_password("password"), "secret");
I was using Sahi Pro. I actually got the answer from their support department. This is what he had me do:
var onScriptError = function ($e) {
_alert("test me");
onScriptFailure = onScriptError;
_setValue(_textbox("user"), "test");
_setValue(_password("password"), "secret");
HI You can use the GlobalInclude.sah file which has the code for the error handling.
you can edit this file to make the script behave according to your needs

Protractor + ionicPopup

Has anyone succeeded in using Protractor to detect an ionicPopup alert?
I've tried all the workarounds suggested here but no luck.
I need Protractor to detect the alert and check the text in the alert.
Here's the class I wrote to test that the popup exists and to ensure the text is correct in the header and body:
var TestUtilities = function(){
this.popup = element(by.css(''));
//Tests to see if $ionicPopup.alert exists
this.popupShouldExist = function() {
//Tests to see if $ionicPopup.alert contains the text provided in the argument exists in the header
this.popupContainsHeaderText = function (text) {
//Tests to see if $ionicPopup.alert contains the text provided in the argument exists in the body
this.popupContainsText = function (text) {
Also check out this site for more on testing Ionic in protractor it talks about how to check to see if the popup exists:
I've tested Ionic popups successfully by setting the popup variable as follows:
var popup = element(by.css(''));
And in the test:
Ionic Popups are just made of DOM elements, so you should be able to use normal locators to find/test them. Because they're not made of alerts, the workarounds in the issue you linked to are probably not useful.
I got it - I saw a lot of issues out there trying to do it in very complex ways, but in the end I tried this and it turns out to be this simple.
Inspect your element and find its ng-repeat value, then
var button = element(by.repeater('button in buttons')).getText()
You also need to have the browser sit out somehow for a couple seconds so it doesn't resolve to the tests while the ionic popup isn't actually there.
For that, browser.sleep(3000);
That's it! However, getting the other button in there is proving to be a little problem. var button = element(by.repeater('button in buttons')).get(0) or .get(1) return undefined is not a function.
Please accept the answer if you like it! If I figure out how to get the other button, I'll post it here.

neo4jphp: Cannot instantiate abstract class Everyman\Neo4j\Transport

maybe a simple question but for me as starter with Neo4j a hurdle. I installed the neo4jphp with composer in the same directory as my application. Vendor-Subfolder has been created and the everyman/neo4j folder below is available. For a first test I used this code snippet from the examples:
spl_autoload_register(function ($className) {
$libPath = 'vendor\\';
$classFile = $className.'.php';
$classPath = $libPath.$classFile;
if (file_exists($classPath)) {
use everyman\Neo4j\Client,
$client = new Client(new Transport('localhost', 7474));
I always stumple upon the error
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate abstract class Everyman\Neo4j\Transport
Googling brought me to a comment from Josh Adell stating
You can't instantiate Everyman\Neo4j\Transport, since it is an abstract class. You must instantiate Everyman\Neo4j\Transport\Curl or Everyman\Neo4j\Transport\Stream depending on your needs
So I thought I just need to alter the use-statements to
use everyman\Neo4j\Client,
but this doesnt work, debugging shows, that the autoloader only get "Transport.php" instead of "everyman\Neo4j\Transport\Curl.php". For "Client.php" its still working ("vendor\everyman\Neo4j\Client.php") so I am guessing that the use-statement is wrong or the code is not able to handle an additional subfolder-structure.
works fine but I read that this is deprecated and should be replaced by composer / autoload.
Anyone has a hint what to change or had the same problem?
Thanks for your time,
Curl is the default transport. You only need to instantiate your own Transport object if you want to use Stream instead of Curl. If you really want to instantiate your own Curl Transport, the easiest change to your existing code is to modify the use statement to be:
use everyman\Neo4j\Client,
everyman\Neo4j\Transport\Curl as Transport;
Also, you don't need to register your own autoload function if you are using the Composer package. vendor/autoload.php does that for you.
Thanks Josh, I was trying but it seems I still stuck somewhere. I am fine with using the default CURL - so I shrinked the code down to
use everyman\Neo4j\Client;
$client = new Everyman\Neo4j\Client('localhost', 7474);
The folder structure is main (here are the files and the composer.json with the content
"require": {
"everyman/Neo4j": "dev-master"
and in the subfolder "vendor" we have the "autoload.php" and the subfolder everyman with the related content. When I run the file I come out with
Fatal error: Class 'Everyman\Neo4j\Client' not found
which does not happen when I have the autoloadfunction. I guess I made a mistake somewehere - can you give me a hint?
Thanks a lot, B
Hmmm... I was just trying around and it seems the Transport CLASS is not needed in the use-statement and the class instantiation. This seems to work:
use everyman\Neo4j\Client;
$client = new Client();
also valid for having a dedicated server/port:
$client = new Everyman\Neo4j\Client('localhost', 7474);
If you have more input I would be happy to learn more - thanks, all input & thoughts are very appreciated.

Zend Framework - ZFDebug - Log - Log Custom Errors

When using ZFDebug, is it possible to add custom messages to the 'Log' tab?
So you could use something like:
$this->log('Error: Couldn't find the user');
Has anyone managed to achieve this?
I have never used ZFDebug before and wasn't aware of it. Your post piqued my interest, so I installed it and have been trying to achieve what you want to do. I will probably add it to my dev toolbox as I use ZF a lot.
You can achieve what you want by using the mark() method of ZFDebug_Controller_Plugin_Debug_Plugin_Log which takes two arguments. The first is the message you want to send and the second is a boolean which, when set to true (default is false), will send your message to the 'log' tab.
The following code worked for me:-
$debug = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()
$logger = $debug->getPlugin('log');
$logger->mark('Logging a message now', true);
Or to use your example (with the syntax error fixed :) )
$logger->mark("Error: Couldn't find the user", true);
As you can see this produced the desired output:-
Not quite as simple as you wanted, I know, but it's close and you could always wrap it in a function.