What am I doing wrong downloading data from parse? - swift

I am trying to download some data from parse but I get an error message saying "Value of type 'PFObject' has no member 'name' What am I doing wrong?
here is my parse dashboard screenshot
here is my code to upload the data to parse:
var coordinates = PFGeoPoint (latitude: (newCoordinate2.latitude), longitude:(newCoordinate2.longitude))
var aboutSpot = PFObject(className: "spotdetail")
aboutSpot ["PFGeoPoint"] = coordinates
aboutSpot["name"] = "name"
aboutSpot.saveInBackgroundWithBlock { (succes, error) -> Void in
print("separate name and geopoint have been saved")
and here is my code to download my data:
var query = PFObject.query()
query!.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock ({ (objects, error) in
if let places1 = objects {
for object in places1 {
if let spotdetail = object as? PFObject {
also not that on the line that says
if let spotdetail = object as? PFObject {
I get a warning saying "conditional cast from 'PFObject' to 'PFObject' always succeeds
I can probably solve this pretty easily but I wanted to mention it in case it could help solve the issue


Parse Error Code 151

I have the following PFObject saved locally:
<Local: 0x6180000a4080, objectId: SAMPLEID, localId: (null)> {
ACL = "<PFACL: 0x60800002f0a0>";
image = "<PFFile: 0x60800005e7b0>";
name = Anonymous;
I'm trying to run the following code to retrieve the image:
let query = PFQuery(className: "Local")
query.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock { (objects: [PFObject]?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if let objects: [PFObject] = objects {
for object in objects {
let imageFile = object["image"] as! PFFile
imageFile.getDataInBackgroundWithBlock {
(imageData: NSData?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if error == nil {
if let imageData = imageData {
let image = NSImage(data:imageData)
Parse is giving me the following error:
Can't download a file that doesn't exist on the server or locally. (Code: 151, Version: 1.11.0)
I had the same issue trying to load a file I had loaded dozens of times before. I hadn't change the file, but I did save the same image multiple times. It seemed like there was a glitch with parse saving for some reason. I changed nothing, but just re-saved the same image once again and it worked fine.
I found the same workaround. Just pinInBackground and saveInBackground in the next line and it'll work... It'll cost you one request though which I was trying to avoid.

Cannot Subscript A PFObject Error

I've attempted to solve this error, but I've had no luck in doing so. I'm getting the error: Cannot subscript a value of type '[PFObject]' with an index of type 'String' On this line of code: self.postDates.append(posts["createdAt"] as! String).
This is the portion of code I'm having trouble with:
var posts : [Post] = []
var postDates = [String]()
func loadData() {
var query = PFQuery(className: "Post")
query.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock {(posts: [PFObject]?, error: NSError?)-> Void in
if error == nil {
if let posts = posts {
for post in posts {
self.postDates.append(posts["createdAt"] as! String)
} else {
// is an error
I'm trying to get the date and then display it every time the user create a new post utilizing Parse. Can anyone explain what is going on?
This is the tutorial I'm following along with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3VQ0TE_fjU
Because posts is an array of PFObject, how can you get an element inside from String? It's supposed to be an Int. It's just your typo, you already knew what you are doing. post is the PFObject you want.
for post in posts {
self.postDates.append(post["createdAt"] as! String)
You are trying to get (and add) the created at date of the PFObject,
instead you are getting the date of and array of PFObject (Which Posts is).
You should try to get the elements in the array, and get the date from the element instead of the array.
for post in posts{
postDates.append(post["createdAt"] as! String)

Retrieve Data in Parse

I have searched through a number of similar topics but have not found a solution as of yet. I am using Parse social and using the login files.
I get the following error:
"AnyObject?" is not convertible to 'String'
I am very new to Swift & Parse - I believe this is the correct method of retrieving data, so please correct me if I am wrong.
var userObjectID = PFUser.currentUser()!.objectId!
var query = PFQuery(className:"User")
query.getObjectInBackgroundWithId("\(userObjectID)") {
(userInfo: PFObject?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if error == nil && userInfo != nil {
let userScore = userInfo["level"] as! String
} else {
Below is the database on Parse
I think you need to unwrap the PFObject you receive:
let userScore = userInfo!["level"] as! String

What is the best way to do a fetch request in CoreData?

I'm trying to find the most efficient way to do a fetch request against CoreData. Previously I have first checked if an error existed, and if it did not I have checked the array of the returned entity. Is there a quicker way to do this. Is something like this an accepted way to do the request?
let personsRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "Person")
var fetchError : NSError?
//Is it okay to do the fetch request like this? What is more efficient?
if let personResult = managedObjectContext.executeFetchRequest(personRequest, error: &fetchError) as? [Person] {
println("Persons found: \(personResult.count)")
else {
println("Request returned no persons.")
if let error = fetchError {
println("Reason: \(error.localizedDescription)")
Kind Regards,
Checking the return value of executeFetchRequest() first is correct.
The return value is nil if the fetch failed, in that case the error
variable will be set, so there is no need to check if let error = fetchError.
Note that the request does not fail if no (matching) object exist.
In that case an empty array is returned.
let personRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "Person")
var fetchError : NSError?
if let personResult = managedObjectContext.executeFetchRequest(personRequest, error: &fetchError) as? [Person] {
if personResult.count == 0 {
println("No person found")
} else {
println("Persons found: \(personResult.count)")
} else {
println("fetch failed: \(fetchError!.localizedDescription)")

Extra argument in Call for Parse in Swift

All I am trying to get multiple objects out of a parse database.
Here is some of my code :
So this does the query :
var MainPicture = PFQuery(className: "Staff")
MainPicture.whereKey("Position", equalTo: "Sales Manager")
MainPicture.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock ({(objects:[AnyObject]!, error: NSError!) in
if(error == nil){
self.getMainImageData(objects as [PFObject])
println("Error in retrieving \(error)")
Then I want to get a few rows out of the query :
func getMainImageData(objects: [PFObject]) {
for object in objects {
let MainPic = object["StaffPic"] as PFFile
let MainData = object["FirstName","SecondName","Position"] as PFFile
MainPic let works, but when I try and do multiple ones like MainData , I get an error : "Extra argument in call" .. I thought this would have worked.
I suspect you cannot subscript PFObject with multiple items. It is like calling
dictionary["key1", "key2"]
That will also result in too many arguments.
It is confusing that your variables are Capitalized. They look like class names.