IObservable output emitted before input? - system.reactive

The program below attempts to print out words with their respective lengths. It erroneously reports that cat has 6 letters. As I examine the log, it looks like the length of a specific word is emitted BEFORE the word it is based upon is emitted. How is this possible? The length observable is defined as>i.Length) so I don't see how it could produce a result before the word arrives. At first I thought this might be a bug in my logging code, but the behavior of Observable.WithLatestFrom reinforces my belief that something weird is going on here.
Log results:
0001report.OnNext({ Word = cat, Length = 6 })
The program:
static void Main(string[] args) {
ILogger logger = new DelegateLogger(Console.WriteLine);
Subject<string> word = new Subject<string>();
IObservable<int> length = word.Select(i => i.Length);
var report = Observable
length.Log(logger, "first"),
word.Log(logger, "second"),
(l, w) => new { Word = w, Length = l })
public interface ILogger
void Log(string input);
public class DelegateLogger : ILogger
Action<string> _printer;
public DelegateLogger(Action<string> printer) {
_printer = printer;
public void Log(string input) => _printer(input);
public static class ObservableLoggingExtensions
private static int _index = 0;
public static IObservable<T> Log<T>(this IObservable<T> source, ILogger logger, string name) {
return Observable.Create<T>(o => {
var index = Interlocked.Increment(ref _index);
var label = $"{index:0000}{name}";
var disposed = Disposable.Create(() => logger.Log($"{label}.Dispose()"));
var subscription = source
x => logger.Log($"{label}.OnNext({x?.ToString() ?? "null"})"),
ex => logger.Log($"{label}.OnError({ex})"),
() => logger.Log($"{label}.OnCompleted()")
return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, disposed);

I think I know what is going on. There are two subscriptions on word (1. length 2. WithLatestFrom), and one subscription on length (1. WithLatestFrom)
When a word is emitted, a synchronous callback process starts that passes it to the first subscriber (length), which calculates a value, that is passed to its subscriber, WithLatestFrom. Next, WithLatestFrom receives the word that generated the calculated length. So WithLatestFrom receives the length BEFORE the word, not the other way around. That's why the report isn't giving me the results I expected.


How to buffer items when another observable emits true, and release them on false

I have a source stream and usually want to emit items as they arrive. But there is another observable - let's call it the "gate". When the gate is closed, the source items should buffer and be released only when the gate is opened.
I've been able to write a function to do this but it seems more complicated than it needs to be. I had to use the Observable.Create method. I assume there is a way to accomplish my goal using just a few lines of more functional code using the Delay or Buffer methods but I can't figure out how. Delay seems especially promising but I can't figure out how to sometimes delay and sometimes allow everything through immediately (a zero delay). Likewise I thought I could use Buffer followed by SelectMany; when the gate is open I'd have buffers of length 1 and when the gate is closed I'd have longer ones, but again I couldn't figure out how to make it work.
Here is what I've built that works with all my tests:
/// <summary>
/// Returns every item in <paramref name="source"/> in the order it was emitted, but starts
/// caching/buffering items when <paramref name="delay"/> emits true, and releases them when
/// <paramref name="delay"/> emits false.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="delay">
/// Functions as "gate" to start and stop the emitting of items. The gate is opened when true
/// and closed when false. The gate is open by default.
/// </param>
public static IObservable<T> DelayWhile<T>(this IObservable<T> source, IObservable<bool> delay) =>
Observable.Create<T>(obs =>
ImmutableList<T> buffer = ImmutableList<T>.Empty;
bool isDelayed = false;
var conditionSubscription =
.Subscribe(i =>
isDelayed = i;
if (isDelayed == false)
foreach (var j in buffer)
buffer = ImmutableList<T>.Empty;
var sourceSubscription =
.Subscribe(i =>
if (isDelayed)
buffer = buffer.Add(i);
return new CompositeDisposable(sourceSubscription, conditionSubscription);
Here is another option that passes the tests. It is pretty concise but does not use the Delay or Buffer methods; I need to do the delaying/buffering manually.
public static IObservable<T> DelayWhile<T>(this IObservable<T> source, IObservable<bool> delay) =>
.CombineLatest(source, (d, i) => new { IsDelayed = d, Item = i })
seed: new { Items = ImmutableList<T>.Empty, IsDelayed = false },
accumulator: (sum, next) => new
Items = (next.IsDelayed != sum.IsDelayed) ?
(next.IsDelayed ? sum.Items.Clear() : sum.Items) :
(sum.IsDelayed ? sum.Items.Add(next.Item) : sum.Items.Clear().Add(next.Item)),
IsDelayed = next.IsDelayed
.Where(i => !i.IsDelayed)
.SelectMany(i => i.Items);
These are my tests:
[DataRow("3-a 6-b 9-c", "1-f", "3-a 6-b 9-c", DisplayName = "Start with explicit no_delay, emit all future items")]
[DataRow("3-a 6-b 9-c", "1-f 2-f", "3-a 6-b 9-c", DisplayName = "Start with explicit no_delay+no_delay, emit all future items")]
[DataRow("3-a 6-b 9-c", "1-t", "", DisplayName = "Start with explicit delay, emit nothing")]
[DataRow("3-a 6-b 9-c", "1-t 2-t", "", DisplayName = "Start with explicit delay+delay, emit nothing")]
[DataRow("3-a 6-b 9-c", "5-t 10-f", "3-a 10-b 10-c", DisplayName = "When delay is removed, all cached items are emitted in order")]
[DataRow("3-a 6-b 9-c 12-d", "5-t 10-f", "3-a 10-b 10-c 12-d", DisplayName = "When delay is removed, all cached items are emitted in order")]
public void DelayWhile(string source, string isDelayed, string expectedOutput)
(long time, string value) ParseEvent(string e)
var parts = e.Split('-');
long time = long.Parse(parts[0]);
string val = parts[1];
return (time, val);
IEnumerable<(long time, string value)> ParseEvents(string s) => s.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(ParseEvent);
var scheduler = new TestScheduler();
var sourceEvents = ParseEvents(source).Select(i => OnNext(i.time, i.value)).ToArray();
var sourceStream = scheduler.CreateHotObservable(sourceEvents);
var isDelayedEvents = ParseEvents(isDelayed).Select(i => OnNext(i.time, i.value == "t")).ToArray();
var isDelayedStream = scheduler.CreateHotObservable(isDelayedEvents);
var expected = ParseEvents(expectedOutput).Select(i => OnNext(i.time, i.value)).ToArray();
var obs = scheduler.CreateObserver<string>();
var result = sourceStream.DelayWhile(isDelayedStream);
ReactiveAssert.AreElementsEqual(expected, obs.Messages);
public void DelayWhile_SubscribeToSourceObservablesOnlyOnce()
var scheduler = new TestScheduler();
var source = scheduler.CreateHotObservable<int>();
var delay = scheduler.CreateHotObservable<bool>();
// No subscriptions until subscribe
var result = source.DelayWhile(delay);
Assert.AreEqual(0, source.ActiveSubscriptions());
Assert.AreEqual(0, delay.ActiveSubscriptions());
// Subscribe once to each
var obs = scheduler.CreateObserver<int>();
var sub = result.Subscribe(obs);
Assert.AreEqual(1, source.ActiveSubscriptions());
Assert.AreEqual(1, delay.ActiveSubscriptions());
// Dispose subscriptions when subscription is disposed
Assert.AreEqual(0, source.ActiveSubscriptions());
Assert.AreEqual(0, delay.ActiveSubscriptions());
public void DelayWhile_WhenSubscribeWithNoDelay_EmitCurrentValue()
var source = new BehaviorSubject<int>(1);
var emittedValues = new List<int>();
source.DelayWhile(Observable.Return(false)).Subscribe(i => emittedValues.Add(i));
Assert.AreEqual(1, emittedValues.Single());
// Subscription timing issue?
public void DelayWhile_WhenSubscribeWithDelay_EmitNothing()
var source = new BehaviorSubject<int>(1);
var emittedValues = new List<int>();
source.DelayWhile(Observable.Return(true)).Subscribe(i => emittedValues.Add(i));
Assert.AreEqual(0, emittedValues.Count);
public void DelayWhile_CoreScenario()
var source = new BehaviorSubject<int>(1);
var delay = new BehaviorSubject<bool>(false);
var emittedValues = new List<int>();
// Since no delay when subscribing, emit value
source.DelayWhile(delay).Subscribe(i => emittedValues.Add(i));
Assert.AreEqual(1, emittedValues.Single());
// Turn on delay and buffer up a few; nothing emitted
Assert.AreEqual(1, emittedValues.Single());
// Turn off delay; should release the buffered items
Assert.IsTrue(emittedValues.SequenceEqual(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }));
EDIT: I forgot about the problems you'll run into with Join and Join-based operators (like WithLatestFrom) when having two cold observables. Needless to say, that criticism mentioned below about lack of transactions is more apparent than ever.
I would recommend this, which is more like my original solution but using the Delay overload. It passes all tests except DelayWhile_WhenSubscribeWithDelay_EmitNothing. To get around that, I would create an overload that would accept a starting default value:
public static IObservable<T> DelayWhile<T>(this IObservable<T> source, IObservable<bool> delay, bool isGateClosedToStart)
return source.Publish(_source => delay
.Publish(_delay => _delay
.Select(isGateClosed => isGateClosed
? _source.TakeUntil(_delay).Delay(_ => _delay)
: _source.TakeUntil(_delay)
public static IObservable<T> DelayWhile<T>(this IObservable<T> source, IObservable<bool> delay)
return DelayWhile(source, delay, false);
Old answer:
I read a book recently criticizing Rx for not supporting transactions, and my first try at solving this would be a great example why:
public static IObservable<T> DelayWhile<T>(this IObservable<T> source, IObservable<bool> delay)
return source.Publish(_source => delay
.Publish(_delay => _delay
.Select(isGateClosed => isGateClosed
? _source.Buffer(_delay).SelectMany(l => l)
: _source)
That should work, except there's too many things relying on the delay observable, and the subscription order matters: In this case the Switch switches before the Buffer ends, so nothing ends up coming out when the delay gate is closed.
This can be fixed as follows:
public static IObservable<T> DelayWhile<T>(this IObservable<T> source, IObservable<bool> delay)
return source.Publish(_source => delay
.Publish(_delay => _delay
.Select(isGateClosed => isGateClosed
? _source.TakeUntil(_delay).Buffer(_delay).SelectMany(l => l)
: _source.TakeUntil(_delay)
My next try passed all your tests, and uses your desired Observable.Delay overload as well:
public static IObservable<T> DelayWhile<T>(this IObservable<T> source, IObservable<bool> delay)
return delay
.Publish(_delay => source
s => Observable.Empty<Unit>(),
d => _delay,
(item, isGateClosed) => isGateClosed
? Observable.Return(item).Delay(, _ => _delay)
: Observable.Return(item)
The Join could be reduced to a WithLatestFrom like this:
public static IObservable<T> DelayWhile<T>(this IObservable<T> source, IObservable<bool> delay)
return delay
.Publish(_delay => source
(item, isGateClosed) => isGateClosed
? Observable.Return(item).Delay(_ => _delay)
: Observable.Return(item)
A proposed concise answer. It looks like it should work but it doesn't pass all the tests.
public static IObservable<T> DelayWhile<T>(this IObservable<T> source, IObservable<bool> delay)
source = source.Publish().RefCount();
delay = delay.Publish().RefCount();
var delayRemoved = delay.Where(i => i == false);
var sourceWhenNoDelay = source.WithLatestFrom(delay.StartWith(false), (s, d) => d).Where(i => !i);
.Buffer(bufferClosingSelector: () => delayRemoved.Merge(sourceWhenNoDelay))
.SelectMany(i => i);

Most proper way to throw exception as validation for reactive stream

I have a reactive stream that I would like one step of which to apply a validation check, that if failed, will throw an exception. Is there a commonly accepted style to do that with? From what I can tell I have three options (using Mono) in then(), filter(), and map().
filter() is closest to the flow I want, in that I'm not actually trying to change the type of data in the stream or switch to another stream. But, filter is supposed to return true/false to filter out items, so it's a little goofy to always return TRUE.
then() lets me specifically choose error/success emissions, but sometimes for this type of validation I am not able to easily split it off into it's own private method and the boilerplate makes the stream declaration messier to read.
map() is pretty much the same as using filter(), except you always return in the input instead of TRUE.
As a very contrived example, consider a service that has a list of 0 or more letters to send to a person:
public interface Person {
UUID getId();
List<String> getKnownLanguages();
public interface Letter {
String getLanguage();
public class LetterService {
private Letter findOneLetterForPerson(final UUID id) { /* ... */ }
private void removeLetter(final Letter letter) { /* ... */ }
What is the better option for creating a method that looks like this:
public Mono<Optional<Letter>> getNextValidLetterForPerson(final Person person) {
return Mono.just(person)
// OR
// OR
// If the letter was invalid for the person, remove the letter from the
// the system as a side effect, and retry retrieving a letter to send
// Map the result to an appropriate Optional
The supporting methods used in the example above are:
public static class LetterInvalidException extends RuntimeException {
private Letter mLetter;
public LetterInvalidException(final Letter letter) { mLetter = letter; }
public Letter getLetter() { return mLetter; }
/** Gets the next letter for a person, as a reactive stream */
private Mono<Letter> getNextLetterForPerson(final Person person) {
return Mono.create(emitter -> {
final Letter letter = mLetterService.findOneLetterForPerson(person.getId());
if (letter != null) {
else {
/** Used to check whether the cause of an error was due to an invalid letter */
private boolean ifLetterValidationFailed(final Throwable e) {
return e instanceof LetterInvalidException;
/** Used to remove an invalid letter from the system */
private void removeInvalidLetter(final Throwable e) {
if (ifLetterValidationFailed(e)) {
private boolean validatePersonCanReadLetter1(final Tuple2<Person, Letter> tuple) {
final Person person = tuple.getT1();
final Letter letter = tuple.getT2();
if (!person.getKnownLanguages().contains(letter.getLanguage())) {
throw new LetterInvalidException(letter);
return true;
private Mono<Letter> validatePersonCanReadLetter2(final Tuple2<Person, Letter> tuple) {
return Mono.create(emitter -> {
final Person person = tuple.getT1();
final Letter letter = tuple.getT2();
if (!person.getKnownLanguages().contains(letter.getLanguage())) {
emitter.error(new LetterInvalidException(letter));
else {
private Letter validatePersonCanReadLetter3(final Tuple2<Person, Letter> tuple) {
final Person person = tuple.getT1();
final Letter letter = tuple.getT2();
if (!person.getKnownLanguages().contains(letter.getLanguage())) {
throw new LetterInvalidException(letter);
return letter;
Ideally I would loved a method such as Mono<T> validate(..) that would allow testing the stream item and either returning or throwing an exception (if returned, the framework would treat that as an error), but I'm rather new to reactive programming and didn't see anything that worked like that.
Maybe handle is a better solution it can serve as a combination of map and filter:
Mono.just(p).and(test::getNextLetterForPerson).handle((tuple, sink) -> {
final Person person = tuple.getT1();
final Letter letter = tuple.getT2();
if (!person.getKnownLanguages().contains(letter.getLanguage())) {
sink.error(new LetterInvalidException(letter));
}).subscribe(value -> System.out.println(((Letter) value).getLanguage()),
t -> System.out.println(t.getMessage()));
As you can see it's almost like your validatePersonCanReadLetter3

Create observables using straight methods

I need to recollect some data calling to a method is connecting to a webservice.
problem: Imagine I need to update the content text of a label control according to this remote gathered information. Until all this data is recollected I'm not going to be able to show the label.
desired: I'd like to first show the label with a default text, and as I'm receiving this information I want to update the label content (please, don't take this description as a sucked code, I'm trying to brief my real situation).
I'd like to create an observable sequence of these methods. Nevertheless, these method have not the same signature. For example:
int GetInt() {
return service.GetInt();
string GetString() {
return service.GetString();
string GetString2 {
return service.GetString2();
These methods are not async.
Is it possible to create an observable sequence of these methods?
How could I create it?
Nevertheless, which's the best alternative to achieve my goal?
Creating custom observable sequences can be achieved with the Observable.Create. An example using your requirements is shown below:
private int GetInt()
return 1;
private string GetString()
return "Hello";
private string GetString2()
return "World!";
private IObservable<string> RetrieveContent()
return Observable.Create<string>(
observer =>
observer.OnNext("Default Text");
int value = GetInt();
observer.OnNext($"Got value {value}. Getting string...");
string string1 = GetString();
observer.OnNext($"Got string {string1}. Getting second string...");
string string2 = GetString2();
return Disposable.Empty;
Note how I have emulated network delay by introducing a Thread.Sleep call into each of the GetXXX methods. In order to ensure your UI doesn't hang when subscribing to this observable, you should subscribe as follows:
IDisposable subscription = RetrieveContent()
.Subscribe(text => Label = text);
This code uses the .SubscribeOn(TaskPoolScheduler.Default) extension method to use a TaskPool thread to start the observable sequence and will be blocked by the calls the Thread.Sleep but, as this is not the UI thread, your UI will remain responsive. Then, to ensure we update the UI on the UI thread, we use the ".ObserveOn(DispatcherScheduler.Current)" to invoke the updates onto the UI thread before setting the (data bound) Label property.
Hope this is what you were looking for, but leave a comment if not and I'll try to help further.
I would look at creating a wrapper class for your service to expose the values as separate observables.
So, start with a service interface:
public interface IService
int GetInt();
string GetString();
string GetString2();
...and then you write ServiceWrapper:
public class ServiceWrapper : IService
private IService service;
private Subject<int> subjectGetInt = new Subject<int>();
private Subject<string> subjectGetString = new Subject<string>();
private Subject<string> subjectGetString2 = new Subject<string>();
public ServiceWrapper(IService service)
this.service = service;
public int GetInt()
var value = service.GetInt();
return value;
public IObservable<int> GetInts()
return this.subjectGetInt.AsObservable();
public string GetString()
var value = service.GetString();
return value;
public IObservable<string> GetStrings()
return this.subjectGetString.AsObservable();
public string GetString2()
var value = service.GetString2();
return value;
public IObservable<string> GetString2s()
return this.subjectGetString2.AsObservable();
Now, assuming that you current service is called Service, you would write this code to set things up:
IService service = new Service();
ServiceWrapper wrapped = new ServiceWrapper(service); // Still an `IService`
var subscription =
wrapped.GetInts().Select(x => x.ToString()),
.Subscribe(x => label.Text = x);
IService wrappedService = wrapped;
Now pass wrappedService instead of service to your code. It's still calling the underlying service code so no need for a re-write, yet you still are getting the observables that you want.
This is effectively a gang of four decorator pattern.

Dialog interaction requests using IObservable

I'm using reactive programming to build an MVVM app and am trying to figure out how my view model can raise a question and wait for a dialog to prompt the user for an answer.
For example, when the user clicks a Rename button I want a dialog to pop up that allows the user to change the text. My approach is for the view model to expose an IObservable<string> property. Code-behind in the View listens for emitted values and might display a UWP ContentDialog. If the user changes the text and clicks OK, code in that dialog would call ReportResult(string newText) on view model. I've got some code below to show how it works. Two questions:
Is this a reasonable approach for collecting information from the user?
Also, I've got two subtly different approaches for building this and don't know which is better.
interface IServiceRequest<TSource, TResult> : ISubject<TResult, TSource> { }
// Requests for information are just 'passed through' to listeners, if any.
class ServiceRequestA<TSource, TResult> : IServiceRequest<TSource, TResult>
IObservable<TSource> _requests;
Subject<TResult> _results = new Subject<TResult>();
public ServiceRequestA(IObservable<TSource> requests)
_requests = requests;
public IObservable<TResult> Results => _results;
public void OnCompleted() => _results.OnCompleted();
public void OnError(Exception error) => _results.OnError(error);
public void OnNext(TResult value) => _results.OnNext(value);
public IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver<TSource> observer) => _requests.Subscribe(observer);
// Requests for information are 'parked' inside the class even if there are no listeners
// This happens when InitiateRequest is called. Alternately, this class could implement
// IObserver<TSource>.
class ServiceRequestB<TSource, TResult> : IServiceRequest<TSource, TResult>
Subject<TSource> _requests = new Subject<TSource>();
Subject<TResult> _results = new Subject<TResult>();
public void InitiateRequest(TSource request) => _requests.OnNext(request);
public IObservable<TResult> Results => _results;
public void OnCompleted() => _results.OnCompleted();
public void OnError(Exception error) => _results.OnError(error);
public void OnNext(TResult value) => _results.OnNext(value);
public IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver<TSource> observer) => _requests.Subscribe(observer);
class MyViewModel
ServiceRequestA<string, int> _serviceA;
ServiceRequestB<string, int> _serviceB;
public MyViewModel()
IObservable<string> _words = new string[] { "apple", "banana" }.ToObservable();
_serviceA = new ServiceRequestA<string, int>(_words);
.Subscribe(i => Console.WriteLine($"The word is {i} characters long."));
WordSizeServiceRequest = _serviceA;
// Alternate approach using the other service implementation
_serviceB = new ServiceRequestB<string, int>();
IDisposable sub = _words.Subscribe(i => _serviceB.InitiateRequest(i)); // should dispose later
.Subscribe(i => Console.WriteLine($"The word is {i} characters long."));
WordSizeServiceRequest = _serviceB;
public IServiceRequest<string, int> WordSizeServiceRequest { get; set; }
// Code outside the view model, probably in the View code-behind, would do this:
// WordSizeServiceRequest.Select(w => w.Length).Subscribe(WordSizeServiceRequest);
Based on comments from Lee Campbell, here is a different approach. Maybe he'll like it better? I'm actually not sure how to build the IRenameDialog. Before it was just a bit of code-behind in the View.
public interface IRenameDialog
void StartRenameProcess(string original);
IObservable<string> CommitResult { get; }
public class SomeViewModel
ObservableCommand _rename = new ObservableCommand();
BehaviorSubject<string> _name = new BehaviorSubject<string>("");
public SomeViewModel(IRenameDialog renameDialog,string originalName)
_rename = new ObservableCommand();
var whenClickRenameDisplayDialog =
.WithLatestFrom(_name, (_, n) => n)
.Subscribe(n => renameDialog.StartRenameProcess(n));
var whenRenameCompletesPrintIt =
.Subscribe(n =>
Console.WriteLine($"The new name is {n}");
var behaviors = new CompositeDisposable(whenClickRenameDisplayDialog, whenRenameCompletesPrintIt);
public ICommand RenameCommand => _rename;
The first block of code looks like a re-implementation of IObservable<T>, actually I think event worse ISubject<T>, so that raises alarm bells.
Then the MyViewModel class does other things like pass IObservable<string> as a parameter (Why?), create subscriptions (side effects) in the constructor, and expose a Service as a public property. You also metion having code in your view code behind, which is often a code-smell in MVVM too.
I would suggest reading up on MVVM (solved problem for 10yrs) and havnig a look at how other Client applications use Rx/Reactive programming with MVVM (solved problem for ~6yrs)
Lee shamed me into coming up with a better solution. The first and best turned out to be very simple. I pass into the constructor one of these:
public interface IConfirmationDialog
Task<bool> Show(string message);
Inside my view model, I can do something like this...
IConfirmationDialog dialog = null; // provided by constructor
_deleteCommand.Subscribe(async _ =>
var result = await dialog.Show("Want to delete?");
if (result==true)
// delete the file
Building a ConfirmationDialog wasn't hard. I just create one of these in the part of my code that creates view models and assigns them to views.
public class ConfirmationDialogHandler : IConfirmationDialog
public async Task<bool> Show(string message)
var dialog = new ConfirmationDialog(); // Is subclass of ContentDialog
dialog.Message = message;
var result = await dialog.ShowAsync();
return (result == ContentDialogResult.Primary);
So the solution above is pretty clean; dependencies my view model needs are provided in the constructor. Another approach similar to what Prism and ReactiveUI do is one where the ViewModel is constructed without the dependency it needs. Instead there is a bit of code-behind in the view to fill in that dependency. I don't need to have multiple handlers, so I just have this:
public interface IInteractionHandler<TInput, TOutput>
void SetHandler(Func<TInput, TOutput> handler);
void RemoveHandler();
public class InteractionBroker<TInput, TOutput> : IInteractionHandler<TInput, TOutput>
Func<TInput, TOutput> _handler;
public TOutput GetResponse(TInput input)
if (_handler == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("No handler has been defined.");
return _handler(input);
public void RemoveHandler() => _handler = null;
public void SetHandler(Func<TInput, TOutput> handler) => _handler = handler ?? throw new ArgumentNullException();
And then my ViewModel exposes a property like this:
public IInteractionHandler<string,Task<bool>> Delete { get; }
And handles the delete command like this:
_deleteCommand.Subscribe(async _ =>
bool shouldDelete = await _deleteInteractionBroker.GetResponse("some file name");
if (shouldDelete)
// delete the file

How to do I show progress when using Reactive Extensions in C#

Am using reactive extensions in C# to perform some calculations. Here is how my code looks like so far. I have tried to wrap the code around so that I can show progress while to executing a series of tasks within my Calculate method
Here is the observable
IObservable<ResultWithProgress<SampleResult>> Calculate(){
return Observable.Create<ResultWithProgress<SampleResult>>(obs => {
var someTask = DoSomeTask1();
obs.OnNext(new ResultWithProgress(){Progress = 25, ProgressText ="Completed Task1"});
var someOtherTask = DoSomeMoreTask();
obs.OnNext(new ResultWithProgress(){Progress = 50, ProgressText ="Completed Task2"});
var calcResult = DoSomeMoreTask2();
obs.OnNext(new ResultWithProgress(){Progress = 75, ProgressText = "Completed Task3"});
var calcResult = FinalCalc();
obs.OnNext(new ResultWithProgress(){Progress = 100, ProgressText ="Completed Task4", Result = calcResult});
Result Class wrapping progress and result
class ResultWithProgress<T>{
public int Progress {get; set;}
public Result T {get; set;}
public string ProgressText {get; set;}
Result object which contains the final result
class SampleResult{}
Calculate().Subscribe(resultWithProgress => {
if(resultWithProgress.Result == null) //Show progress using resultWithProgress.Progress
else // get the result
I somehow feel that this might not the best way to do it. It feels that creating ResultWithProgress object many times without the Result seems like a code smell, especially if I have more than 10 tasks that I want to do within my Calculate()
I would appreciate it if you can give me any pointers on how to use this or am I approaching this problem wrongly?
This answer uses the same principles Enigmativity's answer discusses.
This version uses the async overload of Create.
It also makes use of the .NET 4.5 IProgress instead of a raw Action<T> to report progress.
struct CalculationProgress
public int Progress { get; private set; }
public string ProgressText { get; private set; }
public CalculationProgress(int progress, string progressText)
: this()
Progress = progress;
ProgressText = progressText;
public IObservable<Result> Calculate(IProgress<CalculationProgress> progress)
return Observable.Create<Result>((observer, cancellationToken) =>
// run the work on a background thread
// so we do not block the subscriber
// and thus the subscriber has a chance
// to unsubscribe (and cancel the work if desired)
return Task.Run(() =>
progress.Report(new CalculationProgress(25, "First task"));
progress.Report(new CalculationProgress(50, "Second task"));
progress.Report(new CalculationProgress(75, "third task"));
var result = DoFinalCalculation();
progress.Report(new CalculationProgress(100, "final task"));
}, cancellationToken);
It took me some time to actually get your code to run. There were numerous syntax errors, but most importantly your Observable.Create did not have a return value.
Observable.Create should create an observable that the obs variable subscribes to and you return that IDisposable. That's so a subscriber can terminate the observable before it has completed.
Your observable directly interacts with the obs and finally calls obs.OnComplete() before the Observable.Create is completed. This means that there is no opportunity for the calling subscriber to terminate the computation because it has completed before the subscription has finished!
What you need is a way to build an observable within the Observable.Create to make it behave properly.
Now, since you are trying to return progress during your computation you are expecting side-effects. So it is easier to inject state at the beginning and just have a pure observable otherwise.
Here's how I might go about doing this.
First I change the signature of Calculate to become:
IObservable<string> Calculate(Action<ResultWithProgress<string>> progress)
Now I am injecting an action that I can use to report on my progress.
Here's how the call to Calculate might look:
Calculate(rwp => Console.WriteLine(rwp)).Subscribe(result => { });
Now here's the full Calculate method:
public IObservable<string> Calculate(Action<ResultWithProgress<string>> progress)
return Observable.Create<string>(obs =>
// This action just removes duplication from the query below
// and has the purpose of safely calling `progress`
Action<int, string, string> report = (pv, r, pt) =>
var p = progress;
if (p != null)
p(new ResultWithProgress<string>()
Progress = pv,
Result = r,
ProgressText = pt,
var query =
from someTask in Observable.Start(() => DoSomeTask1())
.Do(x => report(25, x, "Completed Task1"))
from someOtherTask in Observable.Start(() => DoSomeMoreTask())
.Do(x => report(50, x, "Completed Task2"))
from calcResultX in Observable.Start(() => DoSomeMoreTask2())
.Do(x => report(75, x, "Completed Task3"))
from calcResult in Observable.Start(() => DoSomeTask1())
.Do(x => report(100, x, "Completed Task4"))
select calcResult;
return query.Subscribe(obs);