c# using Enterprise-Library - enterprise-library

How we can pass data table to stored procedure in c# using Enterprise library ?
I am using command
cmd.AddInParameter(objDbCommand, DBAccessDetails.dataTablePrm, SqlDbType.Structured, curatedListprm);
then coming issue as :
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'ZAQ' to data type int.
The data for table-valued parameter "#data" doesn't conform to the table type of the parameter. SQL Server error is: 245, state: 1
Plz tell me what I do and what is issue ?

First you need to have created your user defined table type
CREATE TYPE [schema].[tableName] AS TABLE(
table columns and types )
then you need to create your stored proc to take the table valued parameted
create procedure procName
#tvp dbo.tableNamereadonly
then you need to pass your datatable in via .Net with something like this
var param = new SqlParameter("#tvp" Sqldbtype.Structured);
param.Value = {your data table}


xmlcast is returing null value in Db2

I am always getting a null value from using XMLCAST function in Db2. But when using a normal function call it is returning value in xml format... as below query proper xml data is coming. function Getdatavalue is returning xml datatype. using Linux 8.2 and db2 11.5
db2 "select sample.Getdatavalue(1,4504)) from sysibm.sysdummy1"
in the above result we have some double quotes in output xml.
but once we have used xmlcast function as below, it is returning the hexa value of null. i am using MD5 hashing mechanism.
db2 "select HEX(HASH(xmlcast(sample.Getdatavalue(1,4504) as varchar(32672)),0)) as hash_val from sysibm.sysdummy1";
even once i tried without Hash it was returning null result for below query. it looks xmlcast is not working.
db2 "select xmlcast(sample.Getdatavalue(1,4504) as varchar(32672)) as hash_val from sysibm.sysdummy1";
is there any way to convert xml datatype to clob or varchar.
body of Getdatavalue as:
CREATE FUNCTION sample.Getdatavalue (v1 smallint, v2 integer)
DECLARE v_Data xml;
set v_Data = (SELECT XMLELEMENT( NAME "rt_ky_cmpnnt",
XMLAGG(XMLELEMENT(NAME "rt", XMLAttributes(rt.rt_field_add_val AS
rt.rt_name AS
rt.rt_name AS
rt.rt_val1 AS "rt_val1",
rt_lim AS "rt_lim",
rt.rt_val2 AS "rt__val2",
rt.rt_whole_val AS "rt_whole_val" ))order by
rf.rt_num asc)OPTION null ON NULL)
FROM sample.cmpnnt_val rt inner join sample.field_val rf
on rf.abc=rt.abc
and rf.pqr=rt.pqr
and rt.xyz=rf.xyz
where rt.abc = v1
AND rt.bcd = v2 );
RETURN v_Data;
can anyone please explain how to handle xmlcast.
To retrieve a string from an XML value, use the function XMLSERIALIZE.
The XMLSERIALIZE function returns a serialized XML value of the specified data type generated from the XML-expression argument.

Azure Data Factory: For each item() value does not exist for a particular attribute

I have a for each activity which has a stored procedure (SP) wherein I am inputing values using item() evidently.
Now suppose SP's input values are item().a, item().b and item().c
Question: For some of the iteration of foreach, item().b does not exist which is expected. So how should i deal with it in the Stored procedure? Because at this point of time it is giving me an error when it executed SP by saying:
"The template language expression 'item().b' cannot be evaluated because property 'b' doesn't
exist, available properties are 'a, c'
or how should I overcome this failure in the data factory?
Apparently, data factory has the check for empty() but it does not have the check for exist().
You could use “?”. I.e., item()?.b
Please reference question mark and a related post.
I don't think you can solve this in the Data Factory. You could use the String(Item()) to convert it to a Json string in the format:
Then you can handle that in your stored procedure with some creative SQL:
DECLARE #jsonParams NVARCHAR(255) = '
"a":"a value",
"c":"b value"
DECLARE #paramA VARCHAR(10) = (SELECT JSON_VALUE(#jsonParams,'$.a'))
DECLARE #paramB VARCHAR(10) = (SELECT JSON_VALUE(#jsonParams,'$.b'))
DECLARE #paramC VARCHAR(10) = (SELECT JSON_VALUE(#jsonParams,'$.c'))

Conversion failure varchar to int on a column cast as int

I've created a view called vReceivedEmail which includes a varchar column called RowPrimaryKeyValue. This column usually stores primary key id values, such as 567781, but every now and then has the descriptive text 'Ad hoc message'.
I've set the view up so that it only shows records that would hold the primary key values and then CAST the column as int.
SELECT CAST(Email.RowPrimaryKeyValue as int) as DetailID
FROM MessageStore.dbo.Email Email
WHERE ISNUMERIC(Email.RowPrimaryKeyValue) = 1
When I test the view, I only get records with the primary key values I expected, and when I look at the column listing for the view in the object explorer, the column is saved at the int data type.
I've then tried to apply the following WHERE clause in a separate query, referencing my saved view:
SELECT PotAcc.DetailID
FROM PotentialAccounts PotAcc
WHERE PotAcc.DetailID NOT IN (
SELECT RecEmail.DetailID
FROM vReceivedEmail RecEmail
...but I'm returning the following error:
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'Ad hoc message'
to data type int.
'Ad hoc message' is data from the column I filtered and converted to int, but I don't know how it's managing to trip up on this since the view explcitly filters this out and converts the column to int.
Since you are on SQL Server 2012, how about using try_convert(int,RowPrimaryKeyValue) is not null instead of isnumeric()?
Your view would look like so:
select try_convert(int, RowPrimaryKeyValue) as DetailID
from MessageStore.dbo.Email Email
where try_convert(int, RowPrimaryKeyValue) is not null
In SQL Server 2012 and up: each of these will return null when the conversion fails instead of an error.
try_cast(val as datatype)
try_parse(val as datatype [using culture])
Why doesn’t isnumeric() work correctly? (SQL Spackle)
Isnumeric() can be deceiving... however I'm betting this is due to SQL Server optimization. Though your view works, that doesn't mean the outer query guarantees that only INT is returned. Instead of using a view... use a CTE and try it. And since you are on 2012, this can all be avoided how SqlZim explained above.
SELECT CAST(Email.RowPrimaryKeyValue as int) as DetailID
FROM MessageStore.dbo.Email Email
WHERE ISNUMERIC(Email.RowPrimaryKeyValue) = 1)
SELECT PotAcc.DetailID
FROM PotentialAccounts PotAcc
WHERE PotAcc.DetailID NOT IN (
SELECT RecEmail.DetailID

Adding values to a newly inserted column in an existing table in PostgreSQL 9.3

created a table named "collegetable":
create table collegetable (stid integer primary key not null,stname
varchar(50),department varchar(10),dateofjoin date);
provided values for each column:collegetable data
inserted a new column in it named "cgpa" and tried to add values for this column in one shot using the code:
WITH col(stid, cgpa) as
( VALUES((1121,8.01),
UPDATE collegetable as colldata
SET cgpa = col.cgpa
FROM col
WHERE colldata.stid = col.stid;
and got error :
ERROR:operator does not exist:integer=record
LINE9:where colldata.stid=col.stid;
HINT:No operator matches the given name and arguement type.you might need to add explicit type casts.
pls help in solving.thanks in advance.
The with clause only defines the names of the columns, not the data types:
with col (stid, cgpa) as (
update ...;
For details see the tutorial and the full reference

Universal function module to retrieve SAP table data

What is the best way to access table data from a SAP system?
I tried it with it RFC_READ_TABLE, but this RFC returns the data in concatenated form within a single column and has a size restriction for row data.
Is there a better way to access SAP data in generic form without creating custom RFCs into the system?
I am searching for a standard RFC solution, not a custom script.
If I understand your question right, you want to read a table, but at time of programming, you don't know which table.
With Select * from (tablename)you can read with a dynamic table name.
The target field can be defined dynamic with create data.
An example (untested, currently I have no access to an SAP-system):
DATA: lv_tablename TYPE string,
ev_filelength TYPE i.
lv_tablename = 'mara'. "e.g. a parameter
DATA dref TYPE REF TO data.
CREATE DATA dref TYPE TABLE OF (lv_tablename).
ASSIGN dref->* to <wa>.
SELECT * FROM (lv_tablename) INTO TABLE <wa>. "Attention for test, may be large result
"<wa> is like a variable with type table mara
*include structure bseg.
bukrs LIKE bseg-bukrs,
belnr LIKE bseg-belnr,
gjahr LIKE bseg-gjahr,
buzei LIKE bseg-buzei,
mwskz LIKE bseg-mwskz, "Tax code
umsks LIKE bseg-umsks, "Special G/L transaction type
prctr LIKE bseg-prctr, "Profit Centre
hkont LIKE bseg-hkont, "G/L account
xauto LIKE bseg-xauto,
koart LIKE bseg-koart,
dmbtr LIKE bseg-dmbtr,
mwart LIKE bseg-mwart,
hwbas LIKE bseg-hwbas,
aufnr LIKE bseg-aufnr,
projk LIKE bseg-projk,
shkzg LIKE bseg-shkzg,
kokrs LIKE bseg-kokrs,
END OF t_bseg.
wa_bseg TYPE t_bseg.
*Select all fields of a SAP database table into in itab
FROM ekko
INTO TABLE it_ekko.
Try this snippet of RFC_READ_TABLE to get data in structured form:
DATA: oref TYPE REF TO cx_root,
text TYPE string,
obj_data TYPE REF TO data.
lt_options TYPE TABLE OF rfc_db_opt,
ls_option TYPE rfc_db_opt,
lt_fields TYPE TABLE OF rfc_db_fld,
ls_field TYPE rfc_db_fld,
lt_entries TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tab512.
ls_option-text = `some query`.
APPEND ls_option TO lt_options.
ls_field-fieldname = 'PARTNER'.
APPEND ls_field TO lt_fields.
ls_field-fieldname = 'TYPE'.
APPEND ls_field TO lt_fields.
ls_field-fieldname = 'BU_GROUP'.
APPEND ls_field TO lt_fields.
ls_field-fieldname = 'BU_SORT1'.
APPEND ls_field TO lt_fields.
ls_field-fieldname = 'TITLE'.
APPEND ls_field TO lt_fields.
query_table = 'BUT000'
options = lt_options
fields = lt_fields
data = lt_entries.
CATCH cx_root INTO oref.
text = oref->get_text( ).
IF lt_entries IS NOT INITIAL.
CREATE DATA obj_data TYPE TABLE OF but000.
ASSIGN obj_data->* TO <fs_tab>.
CREATE DATA obj_data TYPE but000.
ASSIGN obj_data->* TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<fs_line>).
LOOP AT lt_entries ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<wa_data>).
ASSIGN COMPONENT <fs_fld>-fieldname OF STRUCTURE <fs_line> TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_field>).
IF <lv_field> IS ASSIGNED AND sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
<lv_field> = <wa_data>-wa+<fs_fld>-offset(<fs_fld>-length).
APPEND <fs_line> TO <fs_tab>.