How to write Ext.Loader.setPath()? - plugins

I create one sencha touch project using sencha cmd. I have one plugin call ux.plugin.MyPlug and I put 'ux' under the same directory of 'touch'. In app.js, I add Ext.Loader.setPath('ux', 'ux'). When I run ' sencha app build testing', I get error 'c2008 requirement had no matching files ..ux.plugin.Myplug..', how to inlcude ux",thanks

No need SetPath for thing like plugin, adding to requres is enough.


How to run Inferno JSX on server?

I am trying to use Inferno to render on the server. The documentation inferno-server and server-side-rendering does not say show to set-up babel & run the sever.
All I could find is InfernoJS Babel Plugin but noting about running it on Node.
Any help would be appreciated.
Could you explain what you mean by "Running on node"?
Inferno Babel plugin converts the JSX code into a regular JS code, which runs without problems on node (the server uses renderToString). While you are not using browser elements (document and other tools), everything should be fine.
Then you need to make a separate component for the client, which when requested will be given as a bundle along with the html page, and then using hydrate function to "cling" into webpage and bind items.
you can check my repository (although this is for TypeScript):

Creating moodle plugin to accept REST calls and create activities/notice/files

Im quite new to moodle development. Im trying to post activity/notice to a selected course. I could not find any webservice for creating activities within a course. Is there any way i could create a plug-in where i could make a REST call to the plug so that it would create a notice?. An example would help allot.
To create local plugin you can follow following folder structure according to Moodle documentation (
Meanwhile, creating local plugin does not always really solve all problems as there are limitation depending what you really want to achieve.
what worked for me was editing //moodle_dir/course/modedit.php file, and i was able to make REST Call to add scorm activity to any course i want.

Using MEAN.IO how will my package's assets get aggregated?

I'm not an experienced Javascript application developer, however, I've recently been learning some MEAN using!/ as my scaffolding.
I can see that the out of the box assets are listed in:
and when the app is running the referenced assets get combined into client side files:
When I create a package using MEAN.IO's CLI:
mean package myPackage;
and start including css or scripts in this package, presumably it is bad practice to then put the packages assets into the application's assets.json as these packages are supposed to be reusable modules that could be added to someone else's MEAN application.
What's the right place to reference the new package's assets so that they are added into the aggregration process?
you want to add css or js files into your packages.
If so, it's easy. As the doc says in "Assets and Aggregation"
you should use
//Adding another library - global by default is false
MyPackage.aggregateAsset('js','jquery.min.js', {global:true});
//Adding some css to the mean project

can there be two js files in main dir of mozilla addon? and can they both communicate with each other?

I have created two separate add ons. One for getting input from the user and storing in simple-storage. In the other one the actual add on function. Both work fine. But when i merge these both main add on code in to a single main code they didn't work. So i wonder whether there can be two js files in "main" add on directory and is communication possible between them?I need one of the js in main directory to be able to access the simple-storage of the other js in the same main directory.
I'm really not sure what your overall goal is, please provide an example for a more specific answer. If you're using the Add-on SDK, only code in main.js will be run, but you can use commonJS modules to implement various features and use require to import them into main.js.
Please see the docs for more information on how the Add-on SDK works:

how to integrate ASIHTTPRequest to iphone project

I am trying to add ASIHTTPRequest library to my iphone project
i followed these lines
Integrating ASIHTTPRequest
ASIHTTPRequest is a powerful open source library written by Ben Copsey from All-Seeing Interactive (and he’s a fellow cocos2d developer too!) It makes it easy to post data and files, and has tons of other great features too like cache support, easy access to HTTP headers, cookie support, and much more.
So let’s add ASIHTTPRequest to our project. Take the following steps:
1. Download the latest version of ASIHTTPRequest.
2. Back in FBFun, right click FBFun under “Groups & Files”, click “Add\New Group”, and name the group “ASIHTTPRequest”.
3. Drag all of the files from the “pokeb-asi-http-request-xxx\Classes” to your new group. Make sure “Copy items into destination group’s folder (if needed)” is checked, and click “Add”.
4. Repeat the above for the 2 files in “pokeb-asi-http-request-xxx\External\Reachability”.
5. Right click the Frameworks folder, and click “Add\Exisitng Frameworks…”. Choose CFNetwork from the list, and click Add.
6. Repeat the above for SystemConfiguration.framework, MobileCoreServices.framework, CoreGraphics.framework and libz.1.2.3.dylib (at the bottom of the list).
7. Compile your project. If it works, you’re integrated!
We’ll explain about how ASIHTTPRequest works when we start to use it. But first, let’s integrate the JSON Framework while we’re at it.
but it not worked for me .while building it showing errors
/Classes/Tests/GHUnitTestMain.m:32:26: error: GHUnit/GHUnit.h: No such file or directory
can anybody help me in this issue
*Edit :
I fixed my problem by following these steps ,
If any one want to integrate ASIHTTPRequest just follow those steps :)*
You will need to add the XML library (it's missing in the instructions), and also make reference to it in the project header search paths with the following: