MapBox studio, style in edit mode does not display the map image - mapbox

I want to create a map starting from the basic template but when I open the template in the editor I do not see the map.Even in preview mode the map does not appear
In red is where it should appear the map or am I doing something wrong?
I downloaded json file from mapbox has more than 800 lines of code, it seems that is not empty.
I created a new map from street template and still not showing nothing in edit mode

I would recommend deleting that style and creating a new one based on the style Basic. I just attempted what you described and it works fine.
To create a new Style in Mapbox Studio. You can also follow the Get started with Mapbox Studio docs.
Login into Studio
Home > New Style
Pick a template, I would recommend starting with Streets
To verify, you created a new style based on Basic and not on the Style Empty, correct? The screen capture you have above looks like Empty. You can download your Style to compare.
This is what an Empty style looks like. Empty will have no map, giving you the power to build your own map literally from the ground up.
"version": 8,
"name": "Empty",
"metadata": {
"mapbox:autocomposite": true,
"mapbox:type": "template"
"sources": {
"glyphs": "mapbox://fonts/mapbox/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf",
"layers": [
"id": "background",
"type": "background",
"interactive": true,
"paint": {
"background-color": "rgba(0,0,0,0)"

I was able to resolve this issue by changing out my video card. (I worked with Mapbox support for a while but they were unable to help.) On a whim I swapped out my BFGE Tech GeForce GTS 250 for a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 and it started working.
I suspected a hardware issue as the problem persisted after upgrading to Windows 10.


Touch control not changing for REMOTECONTROL in Google Home

I'm using the touch control device type REMOTECONTROL for Google's Smart Home Device. In google Home the touch device gui only displays the "ONOFF" button at the center of the screen. Need help in identifying possible errors I have made. Here is the code fragment of the OnSync reply:
agentUserId: USER_ID,
"devices": [
"id": "123",
"type": "action.devices.types.REMOTECONTROL",
"traits": [
"name": { .....
Here are some of the facts:
All the traits are working that I've tried,
The one touch control showing, the onoff button, on the control does work,
The project started using the "LAMP" control to test,
Tried other touch devices, just to see if the GUI didn't,
name can change as well as other fields and they all seem to be recognized,
Utterances seems to work fine, at least on the Google mini,
This touch control is supposed to be supported according to the page (so please don't send me there),
Tried syncing several times by unlinking control on the phone and relinking,
Tried to find the rev number of the "Home" app but couldn't find it.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
You're only seeing the OnOff touch controls because that is currently the only trait in your list supported for the Home app.
If you test your Action on a smart display, you should see the touch controls for Volume and Channel, as those are supported.
The traits should all function as expected with vocal commands.

Flutter: Load FontAwesome icon based on api

Getting api response like this
"id": 1,
"icon": "fa-ambulance",
for static icon i used
icon: FaIcon(FontAwesomeIcons.gamepad),
How to load icon based on the json response
This is not supported by Font Awesome Flutter.
There is another package to help you with that: Icons Helper
However, if you try right now, you will see that Icons Helper refers to an adobe icon that does not exist anymore. It has been removed from the package in the master on Git but not yet on PubDev.
You could also just integrate icons_helper.dart in your project and maintain the map you need in your app.

update my map with uploaded mbtiles tilesets Mapbox API

I want to update a custom map on Mapbox with my uploaded tilesets by the Mapbox API. The MBtiles were uploaded by using the mapbox-Python-SDK and stored as tilesets.
I need to get these Tilesets to a custom map by a script (The Files are Georeferenced pictures from a Drone, which I want to get displayed automatically on my map). Some kind of Livemapping. It works easy in the Mapbox Studio with the "Add tileset to style" - button, but I need to do it by the API.
I have no clue what's the best way to do it. Any Suggestions ?
You can add the source at runtime with map.addLayer, or map.addSource and then map.addLayer as in this example (although in your case it sounds like your source would be of type: 'raster').
map.addSource("drone", {
"type": "raster",
"url": "mapbox://username.sourceid"
"id": "drone-layer",
"type": "raster",
"source": "drone"

Adding URL images to mapbox GL JS Layers

I have a layer on mapbox as follows;
"id": "places-drink",
"type": "symbol",
"source": "places",
"filter": ["all", ["==","Venues","TRUE"],['==','Type','drink']],
"layout": {
"icon-image": "bar-15",
"icon-allow-overlap": true,
"icon-size": 1.3
and i want to instead of using the mapbox icons, use a local image. How do I go about doing that?
The icon-image property of symbol layers uses the style's sprite sheet to store icons.
There are a few you can modify the sprite sheet for your map style to include custom images. If you want to use local files, you'll need to use a tool like spritezero to assemble a sprite sheet from your images and then set the sprite url of your style to the location of the sprite sheet directory you created.
You can also upload your custom images to a style using Style Editor. Here is a guide on how to do that:
Disclaimer - I work at Mapbox

Changing the theme with jstree 3.0.0

I'm trying to change the theme as follows:
I copied the contents of the default folder and copied them into a folder called david
I used replace all in style.css to change instances of .jstree-default with .jstree-david in my editor
I linked to the david stylesheet
I added this code to the core object of the jstree config object
"themes": {
"name": "david",
"dots": true,
"icons": true
The tree renders with none of the usual dots and icons and click does not expand the root nodes.
How do you create a theme for this new jstree? The style.css file and associated sprites are different from the version 1 themes I used to work with.
Are there any themes available already created for jstree 3.0.0?
So used to getting my information from StackOverflow, I was delighted to get help on this issue directly from jstree's author in a very timely manner.
Do your remember include your css file successfully?
I use the following code to change the theme to dark. Hope to help you.
'core' : {
"themes": {
"name": "default-dark",
"dots": true,
"icons": true
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/media/images/jstree_themes/default-dark/style.min.css" />