Don't know how to use collider in Unity3D - unity3d

I'm having a weird problem. I just downloaded an object model from the internet which is a garbage can, and I inserted it into Unity.
It seems to ave no collider! I also added Box Collider but again it does not work too, and I can go through the object!
Here's the image of project and the object with its components. Can you please tell me what's going on?

The cube collider is useless.
Your mesh collider don't work because there is no mesh on your object.
The mesh must be on a child of this element.
Sorry for my bad english i'm french.


Unity prefabs importing without a colliders

In my project, I have imported around 15 assets, but none of them have a collider, which would allow me to walk through the prefab (the whole house).
walking through the house
Would someone be able to assist me in fixing this? Is there anything I am doing wrong, or what am I doing wrong?
It was very difficult for me to find any prefabs with normal colliders, but I was able to find some fence prefabs.
You can add a mesh collider to whatever objects have a mesh renderer component attached, and it should automatically generate it.

How do box collider collisions work mathematically?

I want to know how the Box Collider works in Unity. I have read all of the Unity documentation and PhysX documentation but there are not any detailed explanations as to exactly how they work (possibly because it's confidential IP).
How does a box collider know when it is intersecting/overlapping another box collider?
What metric is actually measured to know when a collision has taken place? Does it look to see if there is a point or vertex in the box collider is inside the volume of another collider? If so how does it know that a vertex is within the volume of another collider?
What are box colliders made from? Is it lots of small objects put together or is it one big object?
Thanks for your help in advance

Unity with Bullet Physics : Mesh Collision

I am trying to use Mesh Collision with a cube with hole model that created from Blender and export it to .fdx then import to my Unity project
Following this doc.
I am using bConvexHull for this object.
I drag the mesh into the field and press Build Mess. No error.
And set BRigitBody to make it stay still.
After that i create a small red cube on top of the first object. And set BRigitBody to make it fall down to the first object.
After hit Play button, The red cube should fall down into the hole of the first object.
But it just stay on top like this
What i have missed or did it wrong?
Please give me some explanation.
A convex collider, by its definition, cannot have holes.
Use btBvhTriangleMeshShape instead.

Will a raycast or collider detect an unrendered mesh in Unity3D?

I have a 3d object (a capsule) that I'm using in lieu of a character model because the project is going to be from a first person perspective. You can choose in the inspector whether to render the object's mesh or not. Since this object is meant to be invisible and only a hitbox, I want to know if raycasts and colliders will still detect it. I'm assuming yes because the object seems to behave normally with the physics, but I want to avoid complications in the future.
The only thing that matters for physics is the colliders and rigidbodies, It doesn't care about meshrenderers

Unity3d - How can I assign a full body mesh collider to a character with many meshes

I downloaded the free Zombies asset pack off the unity store, and have set up all the animations and everything. When I shoot it nothing happens obviously because there is no collider attached to it.
The problem I face is that there are around 20 different meshes for each part of the zombies body, and no complete mesh for the whole body. I have tried assigning each mesh to a part of the zombies body in the hierarchy but the mesh doesn't follow the movement nor is it in the correct position. This also seems like it would be resource heavy.
What I want to know is how can I get a mesh collider that will follow the animations of this zombie? If I have to compile all these parts and export as a mesh or what have you.. I am really not sure.