MATLAB script runs slowly: Solving System of Equations - matlab

EDIT: I used the profiler as suggested, and it looks like Matlab was spending a significant amount of time dealing with symbols and solving the system of equations. So, I will change my question slightly: is there a faster way to implement this system of equations, perhaps one that does not involve declaring symbols?
function [As_rad, Ae_rad] = pos_to_angle(x_pos, y_pos)
% Converts given x and y coordinates into angles (using link lengths)
Ls = 0.4064; % in meters
Le = 0.51435; % in meters
x_offset = 0.0;
y_offset = -0.65; % from computer running the robot
syms angle_s angle_e
x = x_pos + x_offset; % Account for offset of origins
y = y_pos + y_offset; % between motor and workspace
eqn1 = x == Ls*cos(angle_s) + Le*cos(angle_e); % Actual conversion
eqn2 = y == Ls*sin(angle_s) + Le*sin(angle_e);
sol1 = solve([eqn1, eqn2], [angle_s, angle_e]);
As_rad_mat = sol1.angle_s;
Ae_rad_mat = sol1.angle_e;
if As_rad_mat(1) > Ae_rad_mat(1);
As_rad = As_rad_mat(1);
Ae_rad = Ae_rad_mat(1);
As_rad = As_rad_mat(2);
Ae_rad = Ae_rad_mat(2);
To be more specific, it looked like a function mupadmex (which I believe is associated with symbols) took up about 80% of the computing time. The above is just an example of how I solved systems of equations throughout the script.

Thanks everyone for the responses! I ended up using profiler and found that the computation time was coming from solving the system of equations every time the program went through the loop. So I used a separate script to solve for the equation symbolically, so the script only has to do algebra. It is running MUCH quicker now.


MATLAB how to make nlinfit() not quit out of loop and how to test distribution of results

Given some data (from the function 1/x), I solved for powers of a model function made of the sum of exponentials. I did this for several different samples of data and I want to plot the powers that I find and test to see what type of distribution they have.
My main problems are:
My loops are quitting when the nlinfit() function says the function gives -Inf values. I've tried playing around with initial conditions but can't see how to fix it. I know that I am working with the function 1/x, so there may not be a way around this problem. Is there at least a way to force the loop to keep going after getting this error? It only happens for some iterations. If I manually regenerate my sample data and run it again it works. So if I could force the loop to keep going it would be ideal. I have tried switching the for loop to a while loop and putting a try catch statement inside but this just seems to run endlessly.
I have code set to test how if the distribution of the resulting power is close to the exponential distribution. Is this the correct way to do this? When I add in the Monte Carlo tolerance ('MCTol') it has a drastic effect on p in some cases (going from 0.5 to 0.9). Do I have it set up correctly? Is there a way to also see empirically how far the curve is from the exponential distribution?
Are there better ways to fit this curve or do any of the above? I'm just learning so any suggestions are appreciated.
Here is my current code :
%Function that I use to fit curve and get error for each iteration
function[beta,error] = Fit_and_Calc_Error(T,X,modelfun, beta0)
opts = statset('nlinfit');
opts.RobustWgtFun = 'bisquare';
beta = nlinfit(T,X,modelfun,beta0,opts);
error = immse(X,modelfun(beta,T));
%Starting actual loop stuff
tracking_a = zeros();
tracking_error = zeros();
modelfun = #(a,x)(exp(-a(1)*x)+exp(-a(2)*x));
for i = 1:60
%make new random data
x = 20*rand(300,1)+1; %between 1 and 21 (Avoiding x=0)
X = sort(x);
Y = 1./(X);
%fit random data
beta0 = [max(X(:,1))/10;max(X(:,1))/10];
[beta,error]= Fit_and_Calc_Error(X,Y,modelfun, beta0);
%storing data found
tracking_a(i,1:length(beta)) = beta;
tracking_error(i) = error;
%Testing if first power found has exponential dist
pdN = fitdist(tracking_a(:,1),'Exponential');
hold on
x_values2 = 0:0.001:5;
y2 = pdf(pdN,x_values2);
hold off
[h,p] = lillietest(tracking_a(:,1),'Distribution','exponential','MCTol',1e-4)
%Testing if second power found has exponential dist
pdN2 = fitdist(tracking_a(:,2),'Exponential');
hold on
y3 = pdf(pdN2,x_values2);
hold off
[h2,p2] = lillietest(tracking_a(:,2),'Distribution','exponential','MCTol',1e-4)

Simple Harmonic Motion - Verlet - External force - Matlab

I ran through the algebra which I had previously done for the Verlet method without the force - this lead to the same code as you see below, but the "+(2*F/D)" term was missing when I ignored the external force. The algorithm worked accurately, as expected, however for the following parameters:
m = 7 ; k = 8 ; b = 0.1 ;
params = [m,k,b];
(and step size h = 0.001)
a force far above something like 0.00001 is much too big. I suspect I've missed a trick with the algebra.
My question is whether someone can spot the flaw in my addition of a force term in my Verlet method
% verlet.m
% uses the verlet step algorithm to integrate the simple harmonic
% oscillator.
% stepsize h, for a second-order ODE
function vout = verlet(vinverletx,h,params,F)
% vin is the particle vector (xn,yn)
x0 = vinverletx(1);
x1 = vinverletx(2);
% find the verlet coefficients
D = (2*params(1))+(params(3)*h);
A = (2/D)*((2*params(1))-(params(2)*h^2));
x2 = (A*x1)+(B*x0)+(2*F/D);
vout = x2;
% vout is the particle vector (xn+1,yn+1)
As written in the answer to the previous question, the moment friction enters the equation, the system is no longer conservative and the name "Verlet" does no longer apply. It is still a valid discretization of
m*x''+b*x'+k*x = F
(with some slight error with large consequences).
The discretization employs the central difference quotients of first and second order
x'[k] = (x[k+1]-x[k-1])/(2*h) + O(h^2)
x''[k] = (x[k+1]-2*x[k]+x[k-1])/(h^2) + O(h^2)
resulting in
(2*m+b*h)*x[k+1] - 2*(2*m+h^2*k) * x[k] + (2*m-b*h)*x[k-1] = 2*h^2 * F[k] + O(h^4)
Error: As you can see, you are missing a factor h^2 in the term with F.

Solving for Fisher Kolmagorov Partial Differential Equation

I have been trying to solve the non dimensional Fisher Kolmagorov equation in Matlab. I am getting a graph which doesn't look at all like it should. Also, I'm getting the equation independent of value of s (the source term in the pdepe solver). No matter what value of s I put in the graph remains the same.
function FK
m = 0;
x = linspace(0,1,100);
t = linspace(0,1,100);
u = pdepe(m,#FKpde,#FKic,#FKbc,x,t);
[X,T] = meshgrid(x,t);
% a=(sqrt(2))-1;
% q=2;
% s=2/q;
% b= q /((2*(q+2))^0.5);
% c= (q+4)/((2*(q+2))^0.5);
% zeta= X-c*T;
%y = 1/((1+(a*(exp(b*zeta))))^s);
%r=(y(:,:)-u(:,:))./y(:,:); % relative error in numerical and analytical value
title('Numerical Solutions at different times');
xlabel('Distance x');
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [c,f,s] = FKpde(x,t,u,DuDx)
c = 1;
f = DuDx;
s =u*(1-u);
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
function u0 = FKic(x)
u0 = 10^(-4);
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [pl,ql,pr,qr] = FKbc(xl,ul,xr,ur,t)
pl = ul-1;
ql = 0;
pr = ur;
qr = 0;
Should maybe be a comment, but putting it as an answer for better formatting. Your analytic solution, which I assume you're using to compare with the numerical answer to say that the graph does not look as it should, does not appear to respect the initial conditions or boundary conditions you are feeding pdepe, so I'd start there if trying to figure out why u does not look like y
The initial and boundary conditions you are setting are:
u(0, t) = 1
u(1, t) = 0
u(x, 0) = 1e-4
Setting aside that the boundary and initial conditions are in conflict, the analytic solution you suggest in the code has
u(0, t) = 1/((1+exp(-b*ct)))
u(1, t) = 1/((1+exp(b*(1-ct)))
u(x, 0) = 1/((1+exp(b*x))
So it seems to me the numerical and analytic solutions should be expected to be different, and the differences you observe are probably due to the IC/BC setup. I suspect that pdepe is probably solving the equation you are giving it.
On increasing the length scale and time scale, I get the answers I want. The problem was to solve for different times, and see the wave propogate. For small lenghts, I could only see part of that wave.

MATLAB: Saving parameters inside ode45 using 'assignin'

I'm running a set of ODEs with ode45 in MATLAB and I need to save one of the variables (that's not the derivative) for later use. I'm using the function 'assignin' to assign a temporary variable in the base workspace and updating it at each step. This seems to work, however, the size of the array does not match the size of the solution vector acquired from ode45. For example, I have the following nested function:
function [Z,Y] = droplet_momentum(theta,K,G,P,zspan,Y0)
options = odeset('RelTol',1e-7,'AbsTol',1e-7);
[Z,Y] = ode45(#momentum,zspan,Y0,options);
function DY = momentum(z,y)
DY = zeros(4,1);
%Entrained Total Velocity
Ve = sin(theta)*(y(4));
%Total Relative Velocity
Urs = sqrt((y(1) - y(4))^2 + (y(2) - Ve*cos(theta))^2 + (y(3))^2);
PSI = K*Urs/y(1);
PHI = P*Urs/y(1);
%Liquid Axial Velocity
DY(1) = PSI*sign(y(1) - y(4))*(1 + (1/6)*(abs(y(1) - y(4))*G)^(2/3));
%Liquid Radial Velocity
DY(2) = PSI*sign(y(2) - Ve*cos(theta))*(1 + (1/6)*(abs(y(2) - ...
%Liquid Tangential Velocity
DY(3) = PSI*sign(y(3))*(1 + (1/6)*(abs(y(3))*G)^(2/3));
%Gaseous Axial Velocity
DY(4) = (1/z/y(4))*((PHI/z)*sign(y(1) - y(4))*(1 + ...
(1/6)*(abs(y(1) - y(4))*G)^(2/3)) + Ve*Ve - y(4)*y(4));
evalin('base','Ve_out(end+1) = Ve_step');
In the above code, theta (radians), K (negative value), P, & G are constants and for the sake of this example can be taken as any value. Zspan is just the integration time step for the ODE solver and Y0 is the initial conditions vector (4x1). Again, for the sake of this example these can take any reasonable value. Now in the main file, the function is called with the following:
Ve_out = 0;
[Z,Y] = droplet_momentum(theta,K,G,P,zspan,Y0);
Ve_out = Ve_out(2:end);
This method works without complaint from MATLAB, but the problem is that the size of Ve_out is not the same as the size of Z or Y. The reason for this is because MATLAB calls the ODE function multiple times for its algorithm, so the solution is going to be slightly smaller than Ve_out. As am304 suggested, I could just simply calculated DY by giving the ode function a Z and Y vector such as DY = momentum(Z,Y), however, I need to get this working with 'assignin' (or similar method) because another version of this problem has an implicit dependence between DY and Ve and it would be too computationally expensive to calculate DY at every iteration (I will be running this problem for many iterations).
Ok, so let's start off with a quick example of an SSCCE:
function [Z,Y] = khan
options = odeset('RelTol',1e-7,'AbsTol',1e-7);
[Z,Y] = ode45(#momentum,[0 12],[0 0],options);
function Dy = momentum(z,y)
Dy = [0 0]';
Dy(1) = 3*y(1) + 2* y(2) - 2;
Dy(2) = y(1) - y(2);
Ve = Dy(1)+ y(2);
evalin('base','Ve_out(end+1) = Ve_step;');
evalin('base','T_out(end+1) = T_step;');
By running [Z,Y] = khan as the command line, I get a complete functional code that demonstrates your problem, without all the headaches associated. My patience for this has been exhausted: live and learn.
This seems to work, however, the size of the array does not match the
size of the solution vector acquired from ode45
Note that I added two lines to your code which extracts time variable. From the command prompt, one simply has to run the following to understand what's going on:
Ve_out = [];
T_out = [];
[Z,Y] = khan;
size (Z)
size (T_out)
size (Ve_out)
plot (diff(T_out))
ans =
109 1
ans =
1 163
ans =
1 163
Basically ode45 is an iterative algorithm, which means it will regularly course correct (that's why you regularly see diff(T) = 0). You can't force the algorithm to do what you want, you have to live with it.
So your options are
1. Use a fixed step algorithm
2. Have a function call that reproduces what you want after the ode45 algorithm has done its dirty work. (am304's solution)
3. Collects the data with the time function, then have an algorithm parse through everything to removes the extra data.
Can you not do something like that? Obviously check the sizes of the matrices/vectors are correct and amend the code accordingly.
[Z,Y] = droplet_momentum2(theta,K,G,P,zspan,Y0);
DY = momentum(Z,Y);
Ve = sin(theta)*(0.5*z*DY(4) + y(4));
i.e. once the ODE is solved, computed the derivative DY as a function of Z and Y (which have just been solved by the ODE) and finally Ve.

Matlab: Optimizing speed of function call and cosine sign-finding in a loop

The code in question is here:
function k = whileloop(odefun,args)
while (sign(costheta) == originalsign)
y=y(:) + odefun(0,y(:),vars,param)*(dt); % Line 4
costheta = dot(y-normpt,normvec);
k = k + 1;
and to clarify, odefun is F1.m, an m-file of mine. I pass it into the function that contains this while-loop. It's something like whileloop(#F1,args). Line 4 in the code-block above is the Euler method.
The reason I'm using a while-loop is because I want to trigger upon the vector "y" crossing a plane defined by a point, "normpt", and the vector normal to the plane, "normvec".
Is there an easy change to this code that will speed it up dramatically? Should I attempt learning how to make mex files instead (for a speed increase)?
Here is a rushed attempt at an example of what one could try to test with. I have not debugged this. It is to give you an idea:
%Save the following 3 lines in an m-file named "F1.m"
function ydot = F1(placeholder1,y,placeholder2,placeholder3)
ydot = y/10;
%Run the following:
dt = 1.5e-12 %I do not know about this. You will have to experiment.
y0 = [.1,.1,.1];
normpt = [3,3,3];
normvec = [1,1,1];
originalsign = sign(dot(y0-normpt,normvec));
costheta = originalsign;
y = y0;
k = 0;
while (sign(costheta) == originalsign)
y=y(:) + F1(0,y(:),0,0)*(dt); % Line 4
costheta = dot(y-normpt,normvec);
k = k + 1;
dt should be sufficiently small that it takes hundreds of thousands of iterations to trigger.
Assume I must use the Euler method. I have a stochastic differential equation with state-dependent noise if you are curious as to why I tell you to take such an assumption.
I would focus on your actual ODE integration. The fewer steps you have to take, the faster the loop will run. I would only worry about the speed of the sign check after you've optimized the actual integration method.
It looks like you're using the first-order explicit Euler method. Have you tried a higher-order integrator or an implicit method? Often you can increase the time step significantly.