How to set a field value only when document modified? - mongodb

I'm updating many documents using a bulk operation, but I only want to bump the timestamp of documents that are changed by the new values.
Currently my bulk operation looks something like this:
var updates = db.collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
// ...
updates.find( someQuery ).update( {
$set: someValues,
$currentDate: { modified:true }
} );
Even if someValues doesn't modify any fields, the modified field gets set. Is there a way to provide a list of additional updates to be performed only when the original update results in a change?
I'm running MongoDB 2.6
I want to avoid negating all the object values in the query one by one.


how can I make the "updated" of mongodb stop when updating a field of a nested array?

I have a database like this:
And with this code, I update the field where name: wolverine:
"universe": "comics"
$set: {
"saga.$[outer].characters.$[inner].character": "lobezno",
"saga.$[outer].characters.$[inner].picture": "618035022354.png"
"saga.characters": 1
"arrayFilters": [
"": "x-men"
"inner.character": "wolverine"
I want to just update the first object where there is a match, and stop it.
For example, if I have an array of 100,000 elements and the object where the match is, is in the tenth position, he will update that record, but he will continue going through the entire array and this seems ineffective to me even though he already did the update.
Note: if I did the update using an _id inside of universe.saga.characters instead of doing the update using the name, it would still loop through the rest of the elements.
How can I do it?
Update using arrayFilters conditions
I don't think it will find and update through loop, and It does not matter if collection have 100,000 sub documents, because here is nice explanation in $[<identifier>] and has mentioned:
The $[<identifier>] to define an identifier to update only those array elements that match the corresponding filter document in the arrayFilters
In the update document, use the $[<identifier>] filtered positional operator to define an identifier, which you then reference in the array filter documents. But make sure you cannot have an array filter document for an identifier if the identifier is not included in the update document.
Update using _id
Your point,
Note: if I did the update using an _id inside of universe.saga.characters instead of doing the update using the name, it would still loop through the rest of the elements.
MongoDB will certainly use the _id index. Here is the nice answer on question MongoDB Update Query Performance, from this you will get an better idea on above point
Update using indexed fields
You can create index according to your query section of update command, Here MongoDB Indexes and Indexing Strategies has explained why index is important,
In your example, lets see with examples:
Example 1: If document have 2 sub documents and when you update and check with explain("executionStats"), assume it will take 1 second to update,
quick use Mongo Playground (this platform will not support update query)
Example 2: If document have 1000 sub documents and when you update and check with explain("executionStats"), might be it will take more then 1 second,
If provide index on fields (universe, saga.characters.character and saga.characters.picture) then definitely it will take less time then usual without index, main benefit of index it will direct point to indexed fields.
quick use Mongo Playground (this platform will not support update query)
Create Index for your fields
"universe": 1,
"saga.characters.character": 1,
"saga.characters.picture": 1
For more experiment use above 2 examples data with index and without index and check executionStats you will get more clarity.

MongoDb: Insert Document in collection only if collection has no newer document since point in time

I want to depict the following use case using MongoDb:
I want to read from a collection and memorize that particular point in time.
When writing the next time to that collection, I want to not be able to write a new document, if another document has been added to that collection in between.
Using a timestamp property on the documents would be ok.
Is this possible?
One trick is use findAndModify
Assume at the time of reading, your most recent timestamp on a document is oldTimestamp:
query: {timestamp: {$gt: oldTimestamp}},
new: true, // Return modified / inserted document
upsert: true, // Update if match found, insert otherwise
update: {
$setOnInsert: {..your document...}
This will not insert your document if another document is inserted between your read and write operation.
However, this won't let you know that the document is inserted or not directly.
You should compare returned document with your proposed document to find that out.
In case using nodejs driver, the correct pattern should be:
collection.findAndModify(criteria[, sort[, update[, options]]], callback)
According to the example, our query should be:
{timestamp: {$gt: oldTimestamp}}, // query, timestamp is a property of your document, often set as the created time
[['timestamp','desc']], // sort order
{$setOnInsert: {..your document..}}, // replacement, replaces only the field "hi"
new: true,
upsert: true
}, // options
function(err, object) {
if (err){
console.warn(err.message); // returns error if no matching object found
This can be achieved, using a timestamp property in every document. You can take a look at the Mongoose Pre Save path validation hook . Using this hook, you can write something like this.
YourSchema.path('timestamp').validate(function(value, done) {
this.model(YourSchemaModelName).count({ timestamp: {$gt : value} }, function(err, count) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
// if count exists and not zero hence document is found with greater timestamp value
}, 'Greater timestamp already exists');
Sounds like you'll need to do some sort of optimistic locking at the collection level. I understand you are writing new documents but never updating existing ones in this collection?
You could add an index on the timestamp field, and your application would need to track the latest version of this value. Then, before attempting a new write you could lookup the latest value from the collection with a query like
db.collection.find({}, {timestamp: 1, _id:0}).sort({timestamp:-1}).limit(1)
which would project just the maximum timestamp value using a covered query which is pretty efficient.
From that point on, it's up to your application logic to handle the 'conflict'.

How to store an ordered set of documents in MongoDB without using a capped collection

What's a good way to store a set of documents in MongoDB where order is important? I need to easily insert documents at an arbitrary position and possibly reorder them later.
I could assign each item an increasing number and sort by that, or I could sort by _id, but I don't know how I could then insert another document in between other documents. Say I want to insert something between an element with a sequence of 5 and an element with a sequence of 6?
My first guess would be to increment the sequence of all of the following elements so that there would be space for the new element using a query something like db.items.update({"sequence":{$gte:6}}, {$inc:{"sequence":1}}). My limited understanding of Database Administration tells me that a query like that would be slow and generally a bad idea, but I'm happy to be corrected.
I guess I could set the new element's sequence to 5.5, but I think that would get messy rather quickly. (Again, correct me if I'm wrong.)
I could use a capped collection, which has a guaranteed order, but then I'd run into issues if I needed to grow the collection. (Yet again, I might be wrong about that one too.)
I could have each document contain a reference to the next document, but that would require a query for each item in the list. (You'd get an item, push it onto the results array, and get another item based on the next field of the current item.) Aside from the obvious performance issues, I would also not be able to pass a sorted mongo cursor to my {#each} spacebars block expression and let it live update as the database changed. (I'm using the Meteor full-stack javascript framework.)
I know that everything has it's advantages and disadvantages, and I might just have to use one of the options listed above, but I'd like to know if there is a better way to do things.
Based on your requirement, one of the approaches could be to design your schema, in such a way that each document has the capability to hold more than one document and in itself act as a capped container.
Each document in the collection will act as a capped container, and the documents will be stored as array in the doc field. The doc field being an array, will maintain the order of insertion.
You can limit the number of documents to n. So the _id field of each container document will be incremental by n, indicating the number of documents a container document can hold.
By doing these you avoid adding extra fields to the document, extra indices, unnecessary sorts.
Inserting the very first record
i.e when the collection is empty.
var record = {"name" : "first"};
Inserting subsequent records
Identify the last container document's _id, and the number of
documents it holds.
If the number of documents it holds is less than n, then update the
container document with the new document, else create a new container
Say, that each container document can hold 5 documents at most,and we want to insert a new document.
var record = {"name" : "newlyAdded"};
// using aggregation, get the _id of the last inserted container, and the
// number of record it currently holds.
db.col.aggregate( [ {
$group : {
"_id" : null,
"max" : {
$max : "$_id"
"lastDocSize" : {
$last : "$doc"
}, {
$project : {
"currentMaxId" : "$max",
"capSize" : {
$size : "$lastDocSize"
"_id" : 0
// once obtained, check if you need to update the last container or
// create a new container and insert the document in it.
} ]).forEach( function(check) {
if (check.capSize < 5) {
db.col.update( {
"_id" : check.currentMaxId
}, {
$push : {
"doc" : record
} else {
db.col.insert( {
"_id" : check.currentMaxId + 5,
"doc" : [ record ]
Note that the aggregation, runs on the server side and is very efficient, also note that the aggregation would return you a document rather than a cursor in versions previous to 2.6. So you would need to modify the above code to just select from a single document rather than iterating a cursor.
Inserting a new document in between documents
Now, if you would like to insert a new document between documents 1 and 2, we know that the document should fall inside the container with _id=0 and should be placed in the second position in the doc array of that container.
so, we make use of the $each and $position operators for inserting into specific positions.
var record = {"name" : "insertInMiddle"};
"_id" : 0
}, {
$push : {
"doc" : {
$each : [record],
$position : 1
Handling Over Flow
Now, we need to take care of documents overflowing in each container, say we insert a new document in between, in container with _id=0. If the container already has 5 documents, we need to move the last document to the next container and do so till all the containers hold documents within their capacity, if required at last we need to create a container to hold the overflowing documents.
This complex operation should be done on the server side. To handle this, we can create a script such as the one below and register it with mongodb. {
"_id" : "handleOverFlow",
"value" : function handleOverFlow(id) {
var currDocArr = db.col.find( {
"_id" : id
var count = currDocArr.length;
var nextColId = id + 5;
// check if the collection size has exceeded
if (count <= 5)
else {
// need to take the last doc and push it to the next capped
// container's array
print("updating collection: " + id);
var record = currDocArr.splice(currDocArr.length - 1, 1);
// update the next collection
db.col.update( {
"_id" : nextColId
}, {
$push : {
"doc" : {
$each : record,
$position : 0
// remove from original collection
db.col.update( {
"_id" : id
}, {
"doc" : currDocArr
// check overflow for the subsequent containers, recursively.
So that after every insertion in between , we can invoke this function by passing the container id, handleOverFlow(containerId).
Fetching all the records in order
Just use the $unwind operator in the aggregate pipeline.
Re-Ordering Documents
You can store each document in a capped container with an "_id" field:
Get hold of the "doc" array of the capped container of which you want
to reorder items.
var docArray = db.col.find({"_id":0})[0];
Update their ids so that after sorting the order of the item will change.
Sort the array based on their _ids.
docArray.sort( function(a, b) {
return a._id - b._id;
update the capped container back, with the new doc array.
But then again, everything boils down to which approach is feasible and suits your requirement best.
Coming to your questions:
What's a good way to store a set of documents in MongoDB where order is important?I need to easily insert documents at an arbitrary
position and possibly reorder them later.
Documents as Arrays.
Say I want to insert something between an element with a sequence of 5 and an element with a sequence of 6?
use the $each and $position operators in the db.collection.update() function as depicted in my answer.
My limited understanding of Database Administration tells me that a
query like that would be slow and generally a bad idea, but I'm happy
to be corrected.
Yes. It would impact the performance, unless the collection has very less data.
I could use a capped collection, which has a guaranteed order, but then I'd run into issues if I needed to grow the collection. (Yet
again, I might be wrong about that one too.)
Yes. With Capped Collections, you may lose data.
An _id field in MongoDB is a unique, indexed key similar to a primary key in relational databases. If there is an inherent order in your documents, ideally you should be able to associate a unique key to each document, with the key value reflecting the order. So while preparing your document for insertion, explicitly add an _id field as this key (if you do not, mongo creates it automatically with a BSON objectid).
As far as retrieving the results are concerned, MongoDB does not guarantee the order of return documents unless you explicitly use .sort() . If you do not use .sort(), the results are usually returned in natural order (order of insertion).Again, there is no guarantee on this behavior.
I'd advise you to override _id with your order while inserting, and use a sort while retrieving. Since _id is a necessary and auto-indexed entity, you will not be wasting any space defining a sort key, and storing the index for it.
For abitrary sorting of any collection, you'll need a field to sort it on. I call mine "sequence".
_id: ObjectID,
sequence: Number,
Here is a link to some general sorting database answers that may be relevant:
I suggest going with Floating point solution - adding a position column:
Use a floating-point number for the position column.
You can then reorder the list changing only the position column in the "moved" row.
If your user wants to position "red" after "blue" but before "yellow" Then you just need to calculate
red.position = ((yellow.position - blue.position) / 2) + blue.position
After a few re-positions in the same place (Cuttin in half every time) - you might reach a wall - it's better that if you reach a certain threshold - to resort the list.
When retrieving it you can simply say col.sort() to get it sorted and no need for any client-side code (Like in the case of a Linked list solution)

How to add a field to a document which contains the result of the comparison of two other fields

I would like to speed up an query on my mongoDB which uses $where to compare two fields in the document, which seems to be really slow.
My query look like this:
db.mycollection.find({ $where : "this.lastCheckDate < this.modificationDate})
What I would like to do is add a field to my document, i.e. isCheckDateLowerThenModDate, on which I could execute a probably much faster query:
I quite new to mongoDB an have no idea how to do this. I would appreciate if someone could give me some hints or examples on
How to initialize such a field on an existing collection
How to maintain this field. Which means how to update this field when lastCheckDate or modificationDate changes.
Thanks in advance for your help!
You are thinking in a right way!
1.How to initialize such a field on an existing collection.
Most simple way is to load each document (from your language), calculate this field, update and save.
Or you could perform an update via mongo shell:
db.mycollection.find().forEach(function(doc) {
if(doc.lastCheckDate < doc.modificationDate)
doc.isCheckDateLowerThenModDate = true;
doc.isCheckDateLowerThenModDate = false;
2.How to maintain this field. Which means how to update this field when
lastCheckDate or modificationDate changes.
You have to do it yourself from your client code. Make some wrapper for update, save operations and recalculate this value each time there. To be absolutely sure that this update works -- write unit tests.
The $where clause is slow because it is evaluating each document using the JavaScript interpreter.
There are a few alternatives:
1) Assuming your use case is "look for records that need updating", take advantage of a sparse index:
add a boolean field like needsChecking and $set this whenever the modificationDate is updated
in your "check" procedure, find the documents that have this field set (should be fast due to the sparse index)
after you've done whatever check is needed, $unset the needsChecking field.
2) A new (and faster) feature in MongoDB 2.2 is the Aggregation Framework.
Here is an example of adding a "isUpdated" field based on the date comparison, and then filtering the matching documents:
{ $project: {
_id: 1,
name: 1,
type: 1,
modificationDate: 1,
lastCheckDate: 1,
isUpdated: { $gt:["$modificationDate","$lastCheckDate"] }
{ $match : {
isUpdated : true,
Some current caveats of using the Aggregation Framework are:
you have to specify fields to include aside from _id
the result is limited to the current maximum BSON document size (16Mb in MongoDB 2.2)

mongodb: upserting: only set value if document is being inserted

Considering a simple mongo document structure:
{ _id, firstTime, lastTime }
The client needs to insert a document with a known ID, or update an existing document. The 'lastTime' should always be set to some latest time. For the 'firstTime', if a document is being inserted, then the 'firstTime' should be set to current time. However, if the document is already created, then 'firstTime' remain unchanged. I would like to do it purely with upserts (to avoid look ups).
I've crawled the, but I just don't see how that particular operation can be done.
I don't believe this is something unreasonable, there are $push and $addToSet operations that effectively do that on array fields, just nothing that would do the same on simple fields. It's like there should be something like $setIf operation.
I ran into the exact same problem and there was no simple solution for <2.4 however since 2.4 the $setOnInsert operator let's you do exactly that.
db.collection.update( <query>,
{ $setOnInsert: { "firstTime": <TIMESTAMP> } },
{ upsert: true }
See the 2.4 release notes of setOnInsert for more info.
I ran into a very similar problem when attempting to upsert documents based on existing content--maybe this solution will work for you also:
Try removing the _id attribute from your record and only use it in the query portion of your update (you'll have to translate from pymongo speak...)
myid = doc.get('_id')
del doc['_id']
mycollection.update({'_id':myid}, {'$set':doc}, upsert=True)
If you will trigger the following code 2 subsequent times, it will first set both firstVisit and lastVisit on document insert (and will return upsertedId in the response) and on the second it will only update lastVisit (and will return modifiedCount: 1).
Tested with Mongo 4.0.5 though I believe should be working with older versions.
{_id: 1},
$set: {
$setOnInsert: {
{ upsert: true }
There's no way to do this with just one upsert. You'd have to do it as 2 operations - first try to insert the document, if it already exists the insert will fail due to duplicate key violation on the _id index. Then you do an update operation to set the lastTime to now.