1024 X 768 X 32 VGA ,how to fill the whole screen? - operating-system

I'm developing a hobby OS ,I want to draw something in vga mode when OS is in protected mode. I'm using the multiboot2 to guide my OS to step in and I setup the VGA as 1024 X 768 X 32 ,then I paint the whole screen like this :
memset ((void *) 0xA0000,0x0F,1024 * 768 * 4);
but encounted an exception,I found that VGA buffer address starts at 0xA00000 but ends at 0xB0000 ,totally 64K, the whole 1024 * 768 * 32 screen need rather than the 64K buffer.
So,How to fill the whole screent ? Any help would be appreciated ...


How to force my section in the very end of flash?

I have my linker script with such memory layout
ram : ORIGIN = 0x0, LENGTH = 0x1000 /* 4KB of RAM starting at address 0x0 */
flash : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 0xC000 /* 48KB of flash starting at address 0x20000000 */
and I want to add two section in the very end of my flash(let's say .section1 and .section2)
but I don't know the length of my section unless I compile it
In my expectation, my flash layout will look like this:
start address
0x20000000+.text size
0x20000000+.text size + .data size
0x20000000+.text size + .data size + .mdata
(empty flash)
0x2000C000-.section2 size - section1 size
0x2000C000-.section2 size
How should I do in my linker script?
I don't know how to wrote it for now I just force my address like this. but its not what I want.
.section1 :{
} >flash :AT (0x2000A000)
.section2 :{
} >flash :AT (0x2000B000)

matlab : out of memory with convenable confi of pc

I block on my problem that I will wrote in details below. During 3 days I tried a lot of differents things, none worked..
If anyone have an idea of what to do !
Here is my message error :
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds
Out of memory. Type "help memory" for your options.
Error in ft_preproc_dftfilter (line 187)
tmp = exp(2*1i*pi*freqs(:)*time); % complex sin and cos
Error in ft_preproc_dftfilter (line 144)
filt = ft_preproc_dftfilter(filt, Fs, Fl(i), 'dftreplace', dftreplace, 'dftbandwidth',
dftbandwidth(i), 'dftneighbourwidth', dftneighbourwidth(i)); % enumerate all options
Error in preproc (line 464)
dat = ft_preproc_dftfilter(dat, fsample, cfg.dftfreq, optarg{:});
Error in ft_preprocessing (line 375)
[dataout.trial{i}, dataout.label, dataout.time{i}, cfg] = preproc(data.trial{i}, data.label,
data.time{i}, cfg, begpadding, endpadding);
Error in EEG_Prosocial_script (line 101)
data_intpl = ft_preprocessing(cfg, allData_preprosses);
187 tmp = exp(2*1i*pi*freqs(:)*time); % complex sin and cos
There is some informations from matlab about my computer and about the caracteristics of the calcul
Maximum possible array: 7406 MB (7.766e+09 bytes)*
Memory available for all arrays: 7406 MB (7.766e+09 bytes) *
Memory used by MATLAB: 4195 MB (4.398e+09 bytes)
Physical Memory (RAM): 12206 MB (1.280e+10 bytes)
Limited by System Memory (physical + swap file) available.
K>> whos Name
Size Bytes Class Attributes
freqs 7753x1 62024 double
li 1x1 16 double complex
time 1x1984512 15876096 double
So there the config of the computer which failed to run the script (Alienware aurora R4) :
Ram : 4gb free / 12 # 1,6Ghz --> 2x (4Gb 1600Mhz) - 2x (2Gb 1600 MHz)
Intel core i7-3820 4 core 8 threads 3,7 GHz 1 CPU
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 690 2gb
RAM : Kingston KVT8FP HYC
Hard disk : SSD kingston 250Go SATA 3"
This code work on this computer (Dell inspiron 14-500) : config
Ram 4 Go of memory DDR4 2 666 MHz (4 Go x 1)
Intel® Core™ i5-8265U 8e generatio, (6 Mo memory, 3,9 GHz)
Intel® UHD Graphics 620
Hard disk SATA 2,5" 500 Go 5 400 tr/min
Thank you
Kind regards,
by doing freqs(:)*time you are trying to create a 7753*1984512 size array, and you dont have memory for that... (you will need ~123 gigabytes for that, or 1.2309e+11 bytes, where your computer has ~7e+09)
see for example the case for :
ans =
7 19
what you want do to is probably a for loop per time element etc.

Cortex-M3 heap-stack organization using keil

Trying to run blinky sample for Atmel sam3s and inspecting the stack pointer...
SP has the value 0x20000238 at the start of main function which is equal too Ram base + RW + ZI for this sample.
The base RAM address for this chip is : 0x20000000
Total ram size is: 0x10000
I expected the sp to be initialized on 0x20010000 and coming down.
Can anyone explain if I am wrong or not?
As Pait said (he/she should have answered the question so I could accept it, I think),
I was wrong to think the stack will be placed at the end of RAM by default. But I think it is wise to make it be placed there.
This is how I do it for my SAM3S micro, by changing the scatter file
LR_IROM1 0x00400000 0x00080000 { ; load region size_region
ER_IROM1 0x00400000 0x00080000 { ; load address = execution address
*.o (RESET, +First)
.ANY (+RO)
RW_IRAM1 0x20000000 0x00010000 { ; RW data
.ANY (+RW +ZI)
RW_STACK 0x2000C000 UNINIT 0x4000 { ; STACK data
*.o (STACK)
RAM base = 0x20000000
Total RAM = 64 kb
Intended stack size = 16 kb

How to divide or cut a YUV file?

I have a YUV file with 150 frames, I want to divide it into 2 files of 75 frames each. How to go bu doing this ? Are there any software's to do this ?
No specific SW is needed. All you need to do is read/write the number of bytes that corresponds to a frame into a new file. "Normally" the YCbCr format used is subsampled according to 4:2:0, i.e. the chroma samples are reduced by a factor of 2 both horizontally and vertically; meaning that 1 frame in YCbCr 4:2:0 corresponds to
1 frame = width x height x 3 / 2 bytes
If you are on a linux based system, you can use the dd utility to extract the first n-frames into a new file like this:
dd if=input.yuv bs=1 count=$((width*height*3/2*num_frames)) of=output.yuv
for the first 10 frames of a 1080p clip, the above would be:
dd if=input.yuv bs=1 count=$((1920*1080*3/2*10)) of=output.yuv
dd if=input.yuv bs=1 count=3110400 of=output.yuv
or use your favorite programming/scripting language to do this.
For example, the following python-scripts writes the first 10 frames to a new file (one frame at a time), tweek it to your needs:
#!/usr/bin/env python
f_in = 'BQMall_832x480_60.yuv'
f_out = 'BQMall_first_10_frames.yuv'
f_size = 832*480*3/2
with open(f_in, 'rb') as fd_in, open(f_out, 'wb') as fd_out:
for i in range(10):
data = fd_in.read(f_size)
I suggest that "do not use bs = 1"
dd if=176x144.yuv bs= $((176 * 144 * 3 / 2)) count=$FrameNo of=output.yuv

What information is stored in EFIX/JPEG photos taken on the iPhone with geotagging enabled?

I know that some of this data is viewable in iPhoto, such as latitude, longitude, and altitude, but is there more than this available? More specifically I am wanting to get the direction of the image as well, which is part of the EXIF format. Or does something other than geotagging need to be enabled (something to do with the compass)?
I suggest installing the command line tool exif. You can get it through Mac Ports by executing port install exif as root.
Here's an example of the exif info stored in a photo I took on an iPod Touch:
bash:$ exif Oct\ 9\,\ 2010/IMG_0038.JPG
EXIF tags in 'Oct 9, 2010/IMG_0018.JPG' ('Motorola' byte order):
Tag |Value
Manufacturer |Apple
Model |iPod touch
Orientation |right - top
x-Resolution |72.00
y-Resolution |72.00
Resolution Unit |Inch
Software |4.1
Date and Time |2010:10:06 17:43:43
YCbCr Positioning |centered
Compression |JPEG compression
x-Resolution |72.00
y-Resolution |72.00
Resolution Unit |Inch
Exposure Time |1/120 sec.
FNumber |f/2.4
Exposure Program |Normal program
ISO Speed Ratings |320
Exif Version |Exif Version 2.21
Date and Time (origi|2010:10:06 17:43:43
Date and Time (digit|2010:10:06 17:43:43
Components Configura|Y Cb Cr -
Shutter speed |6.91 EV (1/120 sec.)
Aperture |2.53 EV (f/2.4)
Metering Mode |Average
Flash |No flash function
Focal Length |3.9 mm
FlashPixVersion |FlashPix Version 1.0
Color Space |sRGB
PixelXDimension |640
PixelYDimension |480
Sensing Method |One-chip color area sensor
Exposure Mode |Auto exposure
White Balance |Auto white balance
Scene Capture Type |Standard
Sharpness |Normal
North or South Latit|N
Latitude |44.00, 22.12, 0.00
East or West Longitu|W
Longitude |56.00, 23.98, 0.00
GPS time (atomic clo|17:43:41.60
EXIF data contains a thumbnail (10215 bytes).
I don't think the iPod Touch has the same capabilities as an iPhone regarding GPS.
It looks like an iPhone will have the data 'GPSImg Direction' as well, which sounds like what you want. I don't think you have to do anything special to enable it, as I haven't found much info on this through searching.
Okay, good news :). The direction is stored in GPS Img Direction. Here's what I was able to get from a photo taken from an iphone (with location services and compass turned on) using the ExifTool mentioned by #rwong.
ExifTool Version Number : 8.34
File Name : photo.JPG
Directory : C:/Documents and Settings/user/My Document
File Size : 349 kB
File Modification Date/Time : 2010:10:19 14:05:39-06:00
File Permissions : rw-rw-rw-
File Type : JPEG
MIME Type : image/jpeg
JFIF Version : 1.01
Exif Byte Order : Big-endian (Motorola, MM)
Image Description : Back Camera
Make : Apple
Camera Model Name : iPhone
Orientation : Horizontal (normal)
X Resolution : 72
Y Resolution : 72
Resolution Unit : inches
Software : 4.0.1
Modify Date : 2010:10:19 14:00:52
Y Cb Cr Positioning : Centered
Exposure Time : 1/146
F Number : 2.4
Exposure Program : Program AE
ISO : 80
Exif Version : 0221
Date/Time Original : 2010:10:19 14:00:52
Create Date : 2010:10:19 14:00:52
Shutter Speed Value : 1/146
Aperture Value : 2.4
Metering Mode : Average
Flash : Off, Did not fire
Focal Length : 3.9 mm
Subject Area : 1295 967 699 696
Flashpix Version : 0100
Color Space : sRGB
Exif Image Width : 1296
Exif Image Height : 968
Sensing Method : One-chip color area
Exposure Mode : Auto
White Balance : Auto
Scene Capture Type : Standard
Sharpness : Hard
GPS Latitude Ref : North
GPS Longitude Ref : West
GPS Time Stamp : 14:00:46.81
GPS Img Direction Ref : True North
GPS Img Direction : 32.52336904
Image Width : 1296
Image Height : 968
Encoding Process : Baseline DCT, Huffman coding
Bits Per Sample : 8
Color Components : 3
Y Cb Cr Sub Sampling : YCbCr4:2:0 (2 2)
Aperture : 2.4
GPS Latitude : 45 deg 14' 58.20" N
GPS Longitude : 121 deg 39' 4.80" W
GPS Position : 45 deg 14' 58.20" N, 121 deg 39' 4.80" W
Image Size : 1296x968
Shutter Speed : 1/146
Focal Length : 3.9 mm
Light Value : 10.0
you don't need an 'external' tool to view all the EXIF-infos, with the iPhone-app iMetaPhoto you can show all metainfos (EXIF, TIFF, IPTC, GPS, AUXiliary EXIF,...) and (the best of all) you can modify the most of them, esp. you can modify GPS ImgDirection.