Eclipse - An error has occured. See the log file null - eclipse

I know this issue was posted like a thousand time. However, non of them seem to solve my issue.
When trying to open Eclipse, whether by clicking the on .exe or thru cmd with -clean command, I receive "An error has occured. See the log file null.".
So as mentioned in the other post, I deleted the .snap file or the workbench folder or the whole .metadata folder and yet, the error pops up. So I deleted Eclipse and downlaoded the Eclipse Installer .. and surprise .. same error.
Since I deleted Eclipse I do not have any log I'd know of.
Hope one of you, have a guidance for me, that would be great. :)

Well I was facing the same problem probably because I had multiple JVM versions installed in my machine. I fixed the problem by specifying the exact JVM I wanted eclipse to use in the eclipse.ini file.
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_11\bin

So I was using Eclipse Mars 2 32-bit at C:\Program Files\eclpise\ on Windows 7 with Java 1.8.0_91 32-bit as well. Don't know why, but I ended up deleting Java and reinstalling it and it worked.
#E-Riz, thanks for you're help anyway :)

In my circumstance, I ask my friend about java version (java -version in windows terminal). All you need is reinstall Java as his recommendation.
(My java: java 1.8.0_161 Java SE and my Eclipse is Java EE 64 bit)


eclipse.exe stop working in windows 10

I recently update my Windows7 to Windows10 by free Microsoft reservation and upgradation.
Before upgradation eclipse started normally and didn't has any problem but since I upgrade my windows I can't run it , when I try to open it I get the "eclipse.exe stop working" error.
I too got the same error. I tried following steps.
Reinstalled JDK (JDK 1.8 update 60 - 64 bit)
Installed fresh copy of eclipse (latest version - Eclipse 4.5 Mars)
Installed 32 bit version of JDK
None of these worked for me.
Finally I opened the eclipse by right clicking and Run As Administrator option - found this option in another forum. This worked for me.
Try to open eclipse via the commandline. (Open cmd, go to the eclipse folder, run eclipse.exe). You might get more information about the crash there and we can try to resolve the error.
I'm also facing this issue between Windows 10 and Eclipse Luna 4.4.2.
It was working just fine for several weeks and one day it begins.
I try to upgrade my JDK to 1.8.66 without success; try older JDK 1.7.80 and same problem.
I was able to run eclipse after adding JAVA_HOME environment variable and launching eclipse ide as administrator, as #Shyamkumar suggested above.
Another really ANNOYING thing is how the moderators of StackOverflow evaluate some questions posted here. Please Do Not downgrade questions if the answers may help other people. It is not about you, but the others !
In eclipse.ini file at VM, if it looks like:
-vm C:/Users/Nitin/.p2/pool/plugins/org.eclipse.justj.openjdk.hotspot.jre.full.win32.x86_64_14.0.2.v20200815-0932/jre/bin
try replacing it with the following:
-vm C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-15.0.1\bin\javaw.exe
Note: The folder depends on the JDK version you have installed.
Try this. It worked for me.

Eclipse JRE or JDK missing

I am trying to use Eclipse on a friends computer but we keep getting this when we run Eclipse
We have the environmental variable set as well.
it was working before he installed the black berry plug in.
The variable JAVA_HOME is not required by Eclipse. If your Java installation does not put the Java executables in the PATH, you should add those manually.
A faster way to have your Eclipse up and running consists in modifying the eclipse.ini and using the -vm option.
I had the same problem. For me, I needed the JDK. So I had to install the JDK. It should match the build platform that is, 64bit vs. 32bit windows. After that, I removed, the -vm line from the eclipse.ini file (the suggested fix). It was giving me the "Can't create virtual machine" error. The current release of JDK is version, 7 whereas the Android Developers Toolkit version of eclipse is currently based on JDK 6. But it seems to work. Eclipse came up and is functional. Haven't actually written a program yet.
Go to eclipse folder (where eclipse is installed) and open eclipse.ini file in your editor and add the following code after openFile tag.
-vm C:\Program Files\JDK6\bin\javaw.exe
That's all.
I had a similar problem, since our Java and JDK is consistently updated by our service desk, including uninstalling old JDKs. They take care of the PATH for us, but then the JRE that Eclipse was used to "seeing" was gone. So, the thing that has worked best for me is to modify the shortcut's "target" from:
"C:\Program Files\Eclipse\Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers\eclipse.exe"
"C:\Program Files\Eclipse\Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers\eclipse.exe" -vm "C:\Program Files\Java\<jdkver>\jre\bin\javaw.exe"
That will point Eclipse toward to the JRE in the JDK you want it to use, and then you can update that shortcut when your JDK updates.
This is on Windows 64bit, obviously.
It can also happen on mismatch of JAVA and Eclipse bit version.
for eg:
If in your System java is 32 bit and you are trying to install Eclipse of 64 bit then the same situation might occur.
Because Eclipse will look Java in Program Files while at the same time Java may be present in Program Files (x86).
So in this case eclipse will not get java and throw the same error.
While installing eclipse, Jre missing :
I solved my error as follows:-
This error may comes if you have 2 program files folder in your system.
"Program files" &
"Program files x86".
Please install JDK&JRE in the "Program files" folder.
Hope your jre missing error get solved.
this works for me:
open eclipse.ini file in your editor and add the line: -vm C:\Program Files\JDK11\bin\javaw.exe
update system PATH with correct JDK path.

Problems with Eclipse on Windows 7 64bit

I'm using since today Eclipse on Windows 7 64bit. So eclipse is still pretty virgin, i just installed android plugin for it.
And I have many memory problems with it, which I didn't have with a worse computer however on 32-bit-Windows XP.
Did anybody make the same experience and what have you done to fix this out of memory errors?!
I read somewhere, that it's recommended to install beside JRE 64bit also the 32bit-version. Could it be true?
Thanks in advance,
Try to set higher Heap size using following options in your eclipse.ini file:
-Xms512m -Xmx1024m
Here I am setting max heap size as 1024 MB.
eclipse.ini file can be found in eclipse installation directory.
check other VM options here :
I guess, here is the answer:
I can confirm that this is a genuine problem due to an unknown incompatibility between OpenCV libraries and Windows 7 64-bit. I am not going to duplicate a huge amount of explanation why and what I am having trouble with so please follow my question raised in here
If you are running Windows 8 64-bit and you want to run Eclipse, follow these steps:
Unistall Java if you already have it.
Open Internet Explorer and go to the java official website.
Java Official Downloads Page
Click on the 64-bit version of Java to download, and install it.
Download Eclipse 64-bit version from eclipse website.
Eclipse Official Downloads Page
Click on the 64-bit version to download the zip file.
Extract all (you can rename it to simply "Eclipse" for convenience).
Run eclipse.exe inside the "Eclipse" folder and it should run.
Pick your Eclipse workspace and get some coding working. Hope this helps!

Subversive not showing up in eclipse

I am trying to install subversive for eclipse helios on windows 7. I am seeing it as installed in the installation details, but it is not showing up as a perspective and also in windows/preferences/team. Can anyone help me with this.
I fixed that issue by granting my user writing access to the eclipse installation directory (default in "Program Files" is read access).
#squig - +1
changing the directory permissions (I placed it under c:\program files\eclipse in Windows 7) caused the subversive plugin to work, after spending endless hours on trying to figure out the issue.
The lame part from Eclipse side (or Subversive side, dunno) is that no error message was shown, it appeared as if the software was installed properly. Shame.
I had exactly the same problem. But in my case the problem could not be solved be granting write access to the eclipse programm directory.
The reason was that I tried to use two versions (Mars and Neon.2) of eclipse in parallel. When I tried to install both programms into one directory in "C:\Programm Files (x86)\Eclipse" it was not possible to install plugins etc. to the newer version. Therefore I uninstalled the newer version and reinstalled it under "C:\Programm Files (x86)\Eclipse-Neon".
After this everything is fine. Even without write permissions to the programm directory.

Eclipse will not start after uninstalling Java and reinstalling to a new location

I reinstalled the JDK tonight because of the embedded space in Program File... and now Eclipse blows up immediately when starting. Is there a config file that needs updating? I tried eclipse -clean with nu luck.
while eclipse starting it requires java.exe and javaw.exe. so when you installed it at other places. you should specify its location in PATH variable so that it can be used to locate your JVM.
EDIT: and of course remove the old entry.
I know this question has already been solved but i want to share a small detail. if you are using -vm option in eclipse.ini, make sure that it is written before -vmargs option.
in my case below configuration didn't worked
but below configuration worked
What OS are you using? You need to let eclipse know where your jdk lives. On windows at least it is in the exclipse.ini, change it to put to your knew jdk and it will work
for example on windows you will need something like this in your eclipse.ini
You can find your eclipse.ini in the root directory of your eclipse installation (ie: where eclipse.exe is)
You must have fixed this problem by now but I don't see anything in this thread to indicate that.
I just had the same problem. I updated JDK. The next time I tried to start Eclipse it wouldn't. I fixed the problem by removing all older versions of java and setting the new version in my PATH system environment variable. Actually, I also reinstalled my eclipse but I don't think that had anything to do with the solution. By the way, I'm using Eclipse Galileo (Build id: 20090621-0832) and jdk1.6.0_021.
did you eclipse.ini file in the eclipse directory point to a specific -vm? You may need to change it in your eclipse directory.
You can also get this error if you have a 64-bit jre and 32-bit eclipse, so just make sure your jre and eclipse build match up!
Use the eclipse clean command; it will make clean and elipse will start
GOTO_Eclipse_Directory > eclipse -clean
Refer below url :
Pre append the string in system variable PATH: "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_22\jre\bin;"
Then every thing will work fine.
For me Eclipse was not starting because I had two versions of Java 5 & Java 6 installed. I uninstalled 6, and then it started working. So better to see if uninstallation of one version solves the problem.
I got the same problem When i Installed the java update 38....
resolved by uninstalling the update.
Eclipse was able to locate the JRE however it failed to launch because the eclipse that I had downloaded was 32 bit and my jdk version was 64bit. I uninstalled 64bit jdk and installed 32bit. Eclipse launched successfully
You don't have to uninstall anything. Just go to the eclipse folder in the eclipse configuration setting and change the class path to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-9.0.1\bin.