How to trigger E2E tests when repositories are changed or pull requests added? - github

The only similar question I found is the following: Trigger travis ci builds if another git repository updates
Keep in mind that our E2E tests are full stack: we have a live server running, and our tests are run against the UI which hits the server. Nothing is stubbed or mocked.
Now, I can trigger in that way a travis rebuild, however problem arises when I have interdependency between branch and a different repository branch.
So let's say I have 3 repositories: backend, frontend and e2etests. If I create the new branch frontend/foo which requires also the backend/foo, there is no way e2e tests will ever pass because they will run one time with frontend/foo and backend/master and another time with frontend/master and backend/foo.
Did anyone face this problem previously? How did you deal with it?

After a lot of digging it was clear that there is no solution and everyone has their own built-in.
What worked for us is a git pre-push hook, environment variables pointing to our repositories and when you push it asks if you want to use a different branch for the UI project (if you are on the UI, asks if you want to use a different branch for the server project) and by default it uses the current branch for the project you are on. So it's quite fast on push, usually you'll just press ENTER an additional time, the two branches are basically the required dependencies and a travis build will be triggered with an API endpoint.
Works fine so far.


How to set up a github pull request build in a Jenkinsfile?

So, I've been using Jenkins for quite a while. I have set up numerous projects with the Github Pull Request Builder plugin to run tests whenever someone opens a pull request, and then trigger some other job (build, push, deploy, etc) whenever the pull request actually gets merged to master.
So, is there any way to set this up with a Jenkinsfile, or the organization folders, or the multibranch build deal?
The github-organization-folder plugin in combination with the multi-branch plugin plugin offers exactly this awesome feature: It scans a whole organization (optionally restricted to certain patterns in repo/branch names) for Jenkinsfiles and automatically adds jobs. This also happens for Pull Requests.
Once the PR is closed, it automatically removes the job.
To avoid arbitrary code execution, an organization member has to trigger building the job (same as for the GPRB plugin). The phrase can be configured in the Jenkins System settings.
EDIT: Under the Advanced section in Jenkins, you find options about what types of PR you want to build. If you build fork PRs, then there's afaik no way to prevent running code without prior inspecting it.
An example, how this looks like:

Build triggering from 3rd party repository

Say I have a project, that depends on and build with the latest commit from a repository, managed by someone else, is there a generic way to get build triggering? I am not talking about for a project that you own where you have access to the Webhooks settings but where the project is someone else's.
An example I have for this is Docker images. Where I dockerise an application, I want to have a CI system rebuild that image whenever the application's source repository is updated. I don't have control over the webhooks of the application vendor's git so cannot add a webhook, but would like a trigger when it is updated. A short delay is reasonable (it does not need to be instant).
For argument's sake, we can assume that the repo is hosted on GitHub and that the CI supports web hooks.
Is there a tool/service that does this? I don't think that there is a way provided by GitHub or any of the other large Git hosts (GitLab or BitBucket) for doing this, but if I am mistaken please let me know. All I can think is to poll the repo in some schedules job and trigger the build from that. I suspect there may be a plugin for Jenkins to do this but would like something generic and if polling can be avoided in favour of the publish/subscribe model that would be perfect.

TeamCity Running Too Many Builds

I have created a build configuration in TeamCity (v8.0.1) to automatically build my Github pull requests by setting my VCS branch specification to +:refs/pull/(*/merge) (I followed this blog post).
TeamCity is picking up new pull requests and changes to existing pull requests just fine, however it is kicking off multiple builds per change when I would expect it to only perform a single build.
For example, I pushed up two commits to an existing pull request which resulted in 8 builds being executed by TeamCity. When I look at the changes for each of the builds the change graph is identical except for the commit hash of the pull request's build (at least I think that is what it is), e.g.
I have confirmed that Per-checkin Triggering is disabled in the Build Trigger configuration. I have also confirmed that we are not using any of Github's TeamCity hooks.
Any ideas what the problem might be?
I'm not sure what could cause this, but have you tried to turn on "Quiet Period"

How to stop TeamCity from building a pull request when it is viewed or commented?

Currently, my team is using TeamCity to automatically build pull requests from GitHub.
We have a configuration to build all the pull requests. In the version control settings of the config, our branch specification is
In the "Build Triggers" configuration setting, we have only one trigger with the following trigger rule:
+:root=Pull Requests on our Repository:\***/*\*
"Pull Requests on our Repository" is our VCS root name.
The issues:
When someone views a pull request on GitHub website without doing anything else, a build would be triggered in the TeamCity build agent. This is quite annoying, because from time to time, we have multiple build agents building the same pull requests (when multiple people view it).
When someone comments on a pull request, a build would also be triggered.
From my perspective, the only time I want TeamCity to start a build is when new commits are pushed to the pull requests.
Is there a way to do it?
Github's refs/pull/*/merge branches are updated every time mergeability of the branch is recalculated, i.e. on every commit to destination (most likely master) branch. They are also updated when pull request is closed and then reopened. Github's support says these branches are not intended for end users use. The only workaround at the moment is to run builds on refs/pull/*/head branches automatically and on refs/pull/*/merge branches manually.
Do you have TeamCity configured as per this blog post? I then activate the TeamCity service hook in GitHub which takes care of triggering a build in TeamCity whenever there is a push. This seems to do the right thing for me. Or am I missing something?
I know this is old but I wanted to post what we've found as alternatives:
Stop using VCS roots altogether as a mechanism for triggering pull requests. Instead, configure a GitHub webhook to notify a web app of yours whenever there is an update to a PR and only then trigger a build via the TeamCity REST API.
In your build config, add a step that checks what changed in the PR. If nothing changed (i.e. no new commits were added), or if the PR is closed, cancel the build. The problem with this is that the build queue will still be populated with builds that will then be cancelled. Also, you'd have to store somewhere the last commit that was built in order to do the check.
According to their TeamCity's issue tracker, the issue of the TeamCity.GitHub plugin causing an infinite loop of builds was fixed in v9.0

Web Application Development Process - Version Control, Bug Tracking, Unit Testing, Deployment

Describe the process you use to develop web applications at a not-so-high level, focusing on VC, bug tracking, QA, unit testing, deployment and anything else similar (minus the planning/client communication side of things).
I'm new in this area, so my rough example (read: haven't used this process) is no doubt abit off, so to speak - point out it's flaws so I can learn.
Create project repository on local SVN server.
Create batch/shell scripts for DNS mappings.
Check out project, begin work on local working copy.
Develop features as branches.
Track bugs with Mantis (link commits to bugs through it's SVN integration (no idea if that exists)).
Document as you go.
Do QA on branch.
Merge to trunk when stable.
Unit Testing?
Commit to repository when feature is implemented and stable.
Copy releases to tags in repository. Eg. /project/tags/rel-123/
Use Phing to upload to staging server. (Could someone please clarify exactly what a staging server is used for beyond 'testing'?)
Use Phing to prep live site for update, set up DB/deploy, etc.
Create/checkout HEAD version ("main branch")
Develop code and sync with the main branch -at least- daily
After development is done, write and run unit tests
Go through code review and submit code/changes to the main branch
Let continuous builder run all unit tests and system/integration tests on main branch
When ready, cherry pick revisions and integrate them to the QA branch
Run system and integration tests, fix reported bugs, or rollback as necessary; this repeats steps 4-7
After QA signoff, integrate QA change to release branch
Run unit tests, system/integration tests on release branch
Deploy to production and run sanity tests.
A staging server is a copy of your production environment that is as up-to-date as possible. On my current project, we're able to keep each release independent from each other, so our "staging server" is our production server, just accessed from a different url.
Notes and discreprencies:
All of the steps have some variation depending on the size of your project. The larger your project, the better the benefit from cherry picking and environment separation. In smaller projects, these can just be time sinks and are often ignored or bypassed.
To clarify, there is a Development stack, QA stack, and Staging stack. Depending on your project size, QA might be staging, Production might be staging, or some combination thereof. The separation of the Dev and QA stacks is the most important one.
In the steps above, I'm assuming both code and relevant data is versioned or tracked. Having a release and build process that takes control data into account makes a release very, very easy.
In a small-medium sized project, there may or may not be a release branch; it depends on the frequency of code change. Also, depending on the frequency of code change and size of your project, you may integrate the full QA branch to the Release branch, or cherry pick specific revisions to integrate to the release branch.
FWIW, I've found "migration scripts" to be of little value. They're always a one-off script with little reuse and make rollbacks a pain in the ass. Its much easier, I would argue better, to have the application backwards-compatible. After a few releases (when a rollback is a laughable), data cleanup should be done, if necessary.
Very roughly:
Create repository in SVN
Checking local working copy to developer environment
Update/commit changes frequently
Deploy to stage from SVN trunk using custom deploy script
QA tests on stage, reports bugs in Mantis
Developers fix bugs, mark as resolved
Re-deploy to stage
QA tests bugs, closes if fixed
QA is finished, do regression testing
Deploy to production using custom deploy script
Do a little dance
We also create branches for future versions or features. These eventually get merged into the trunk.
We keep our db structures synchronized with a custom db comparison tool that is executed during the deploys.
Old post, but interesting question !
At my company now :
Create a new Github repo
Configure Jenkins
Clone locally
Start a branch
Develop and add tests (server, client and e2e)
Commit for every step, and fetch + rebase to keep the branch in sync
When ready, push the branch to the server : a pre-commit check lint and tests and block if not ok
Create a pull request for the branch
Here, jenkins automatically runs tests on the branch and flag it as "green" or "broken tests" directly in the pull request
Have at last 2 colleagues review the pull request and fix their findings (back to step 5)
When everything green and 2 colleagues have agreed, the last one merges the pull request
Delete the branch on server
When ready, push a new version
Latest version get immediately deployed on a testing platform
QA validate the corrections and features introduced (back to 5 if problem)
(TODO) deploy to a pre-prod with identical parameters than the production
Deploy to production
Go apologize to users for the bugs introduced ;) and report them in the issue manager
get feature requests and report them in the issue manager
restart cycle at step 2