Doxygen-produced PDF - change url color? - doxygen

I’m using Doxygen 1.8.10 (on Windows) to generate LaTeX files, and MiKTex 2.9 to generate a PDF. The PDF is functional, but not very pretty. I’ve figured out how to customize the title page (I added graphics and non-default text) and how to get the images into the PDF.
But... how do I change the styling for things such as the color of URLs (which are just text in the Doxygen comments, and then Doxygen turns them into \href items)?
**** I believe I need to change something in the hyperref package’s config or what Doxygen writes to the .tex files, but I’m not sure which approach is right, nor how to do either one...
I’ve created a custom_doxygen.sty file, and assigned it to the LATEX_EXTRA_STYLESHEET. I assume that it’s being picked up by Doxygen because Doxygen is successfully picking up my custom LATEX_HEADER file, which is in the same directory as the custom_doxygen.sty file. But what I don’t know is what to put into the custom_doxygen.sty file?
If I run everything as default (that is, no LATEX_EXTRA_STYLESHEET), the following code gets written to the refman.tex file:
% Hyperlinks (required, but should be loaded last)
And what I need is for the “urlcolor” to also be blue (its default in the hyperref package is magenta—an odd choice for sure).
I tried just basically copying what was in the refman.tex file to the custom_doxygen.sty file (and making sure that the custom_doxygen.sty file is assigned to the LATEX_EXTRA_STYLESHEET setting in my Doxyfile) and adding a “urlcolor=blue,%” to the setup section, but there’s no change in the output.
If I manually edit the refman.tex file (that is, I add "citecolor=blue,%" to the \hypersetup) after it's output from Doxygen, and then use the edited file as input to MiKTeX, I get the desired output.
So a workaround could be to just script the desired change and run the script every time. But it would be certainly be better to get Doxygen to write the necessary configuration. Plus, there are other things I want to customize (such as the font of explicit html hrefs), so I'd like to learn how to do things properly.


How do I configure mplayer to use a default edl file name?

I want to configure mplayer to look for an edl when playing a video. Specifically, I want it to use "show.edl" when playing "show.mp4", assuming both are in the same directory. Very similar to how it looks for subtitles.
I can add a default edl in the config file by adding the following:
And this will look for the file "default.edl" IN THE CURRENT DIRECTORY, rather than in the directory where the media file is. And it isn't named after the media file either, and thus even if it did look in the right place, I'd have one single edl file for every media file in that directory.
Not really what I wanted.
So, is there a way, in the "~/.mplayer/config" file, to specify the edl relative to the input file name?
Mplayer's config file format doesn't seem to support any sort of replacement syntax. So there's no way to do this?
MPlayer does not have a native method to specify strings in the config file relative to the input file name. So there's no native way to deal with this.
There's a variety of approaches you could use to get around that. Writing a wrapper around mplayer to parse out the input file and add an "-edl=" parameter is fairly general, but will fail on playlists, and I'm sure lots of other edge cases. The most general solution would of course be to add the functionality to mplayer's config parser (m_parse.c, iirc.)
The simplest, though, is to (ab)use media-specific configuration files.
Doesn't require recompiling mplayer!
Well defined and limited failure modes. I.E. the ways it fails and when it fails are easily understood, and there aren't hidden "oops, didn't expect that" behaviors hidden anywhere.
Construction and updating of the edl files is easily automated.
Fails if you move the media around, as the config files need to full path to the edl file to function correctly.
Requires you have a ".conf" file as well as an EDL file, which adds clutter to the file system.
Malicious config files in the media directory may be a security issue. (Though if you're allowing general upload of media files, you probably have bigger problems. mplayer is not at all a security-hardened codebase, nor generally are the codecs it uses.)
To make this work:
Add "use-filedir-conf=yes" to "/etc/mplayer.conf" or "~/.mplayer/config". This is required, as looking in the media directory for config files is turned off by default,
For each file "clip.mp4" which has an edl "clip.edl" in the same directory, create a file "clip.mp4.conf" which contains the single line "edl=/path/to/clip.edl". The complete path is required.
Automatic creation and updating of the media-specific .conf files is left as an exercise for the student.

How to replace value in txt file with powershell from GitHub

I want to build a simple script that may be useful for others as well, but I have only very basic programming knowledge and can't do it myself without learning how to write powershell scripts from scratch.
What this script is supposed to do is, open an INI file (really just a txt), look for a variable with an assigned value and replace that value from a txt hosted on GitHub, save and then run a program.
This is for the tracker list of qBittorrent, since that feature still hasn't been implemented and the only other script that I could find that does this is for linux and mac, there seem to be none for windows.
The basic idea is this:
get-content "c:\users\[user]\appdata\roaming\qbittorrent\qbittorrent.ini"
# This is where pseudo code starts
get file from "[github-link.txt]"
save file to cache # keeping it is useless as it gets updated daily
find variable "Session\AdditionalTrackers=" in qbittorrent.ini
replace value of variable with content of cached file # this is what I struggle with most when looking for example code. Everything I could find specified the exact string that needed replacing, which in this case is quite long and may change with every update of the file.
overwrite original file
launch program qbittorrent.exe
end script
Conveniently or most likely deliberately all (most) of the tracker lists on GitHub are already formatted in a way that they can be directly pasted into the file without having to worry about formatting. Example.
I can totally understand if nobody wants to do the work, but I would greatly appreciate it and possibly others that are looking for a stopgap for the lacking feature.
If this already exists, go ahead and call me an idiot and while you're at it drop a link ;)
I just found a little tool called Power Automate and it pretty much does what I was looking for. It's not quite as elegant as a single click script but it does the job. Sadly I can't share the "flow" I built because, well, there is no option for it - thanks Microsoft. So, I'll try my best to write it out.
Not quite a "solution" but pretty to close to it.
Here is the "flow":
get file from web // from github for example
read text from file // read downloaded .txt file
read text from file // read qBittorrent.ini
crop text // crop between flags in qBittorrent.ini use "Session\AdditionalTrackers=" as start and "Session\GlobalMaxRatio=" as end and save to cropVar2
crop text // crop before flag use "Session\AdditionalTrackers=" as flag and save to cropVar1
crop text // crop after flag use cropVar2 as flag and save to cropVar3
replace text // replace cropVar2 with content of downloaded file and save to cropVar2
write text to file // write cropVar1,cropVar2,cropVar3
end flow
Keep in mind that any changes to the qBittorrent.ini may change the order of the entries. Which means you have to check if it's still correct after every update and after every change you make in the options. This is a massive cludge after all...
You can input fail saves so that you won't break anything if the order changed.

How can I find out what file mode VSCode is using for an open file?

I was trying to get yapf configured for a Python project, and so I created a .style.yapf file, which VSCode did not recognize by its extension. I thought it was in TOML format, but when I changed the file association for .style.yapf to TOML, the parser shows an error (because values aren't quoted). So I tried changing the name of the file (not really a solution, because the tool is looking for a file with that name), and found that if I change it to a name ending in .cfg, VSCode seems to parse and highlight it appropriately. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be anything in the list of file associations corresponding to this file mode.
I expected to find a cfg mode in the file associations list, but there wasn't an entry with that name, nor was there an entry that used the same gear icon displayed next to the open file name in its tab (which I have been assuming is an indicator of the mode that VSCode is using to display and format the file).
Is there any way for me to get VSCode to tell me what the current file mode is for an open file? Or give me a list of the default associations?
I'm more interested in understanding the tools in general than solving the one minor annoyance that sparked the question, but I'll settle for a solution to that problem, too.
Edit: Here's the content of the .style.yapf file in question:
based_on_style = google
If I rename the file to .yapf.cfg (or any other name ending in .cfg, I believe), it gets handled properly, but all of the file associations I've tried (including ini, Properties, and TOML) indicate an error because there are no quotes around google.

merging PDFs with Ghostscipt ignoring outline and using pdfmark instead

I am using a Batch script to merge different PDFs in one complete file.
%gsc% -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sPAPERSIZE=letter -dEPSFitPage -o %dsk%%zus%%ext% %mfd% %pth%tmp\pdfmarks
%dsk%%zus%%ext%: Path and name of final (complete) document
%mfd%: Path and name of docs to be merged (c:\test\1.pdf c:\test\2.pdf ...)
%pth%tmp = path to the pdfmarks file
Additionally, I am creating a pdfmark document inside the script which gs uses to create the bookmarks. But unfortunately, some of the docs I am merging, have already their own bookmarks and I did not yet find a solution how to ignore those. GS should only use the bookmarks inside the pdfmarks file.
How can this be done?
Firstly; you are not 'merging' PDF files when you use Ghotscript's pdfwrite device. The process is described in detail here
The important point is that the way the input file(s) are constructed has no bearing on the way the output file is constructed. If any other software you use relies on the file being constructed in a particular fashion it may not work on the output PDF file.
The -dEPSFitPage switch only has any effect when the input is an EPS file. If you want to 'fit' PostScript or PDF files then you need to use -dPDFFitPage, -dPSFitPage or just -dFitPage. However, all of these rely on you first selecting a media size, and then preventing it being altered by setting -dFIXEDMEDIA. For EPS files you would more normally use -dEPSCrop which sets the media size to the EPS declared BoundingBox.
You can prevent the PDF interpreter reading the Outlines tree (which you are calling Bookmarks) and then creating a pdfmark from it to pass to the pdfwrite device by using the -dNO_PDFMARK_OUTLINES switch which oddly isn't documented, presumably an oversight.

Cond statement doxygen does not work

I am trying to separate out internal and external documentation using the doxygen constructs of cond; but i just cant seem to get get it working. I would essentially like to exclude some files completely and not conditionally. Regardless of where i add the tag (before include, before header guards etc) , the files and source both show up.
What i have tried in vain is to take the test file from doxegen repo for
conditional test and add it to the project.
Steps to reproduce [Linux]
create a new directory.
copy paste the above file (had to rename it to .h as .c was passed over?).
generate dummy config via doxygen -g.
Run doxygen.
check html/index.html
This however is still visible in the html documentation it generates for the project. I have set the ENABLED_SECTION variable with other values , but cond_enabled function still shows up. Running the testing directory of the project (doxygen) it passes. So i am lost.
Any suggestions?
Tried with latest version 1.8.14.
Regarding the \cond problems (not an answer directly to the real problem you face, I think, but to long for a comment).
The mentioned file is used in the, limited, testing doxygen can do / does and the first lines contain some instructions on what to do. Furthermore there is a default Doxyfile with the tests in use. It is hard to run a separate test outside the doxygen build tree.
Regarding the remark "Running the testing directory of the project (doxygen) it passes." This is correct, here, at the moment, only testing is done against the XML output and the generated output is compared to a once created version of the XML output. No tests are done, at the moment, in respect to HTML or PDF / LaTeX. Recently the test framework has been slightly extended so in the future this should be possible (compare the xhtml and tex output, but some work has still to be done here).
The version of the parser sees the \cond in the first line (normal C comment) as a doxygen command and skips everything till the first \endcond (your friend in these cases is always doxygen -d preprocessor). I think that removing / modifying the first line will result in an already better result. There is however another hiccup for e.g. HTML output. As the function cond_enabled is not documented and EXPAND_ALL is not set to YES the function will not appear in the documentation. So best is also to add a line of documentation with the function cond_enabled.
Regarding the seen HTML problems I modified the the relevant test in doxygen slightly and pushed a proposed patch to github (pull request 714,
Note: the problem of skipping the \cond in normal C comment is quite a bit harder to implement (seen the logical complexity of the doxygen code in pre.l and commentcnv.l.
EDIT: 2018/06/10: The push request has been integrated in the master version on github.