Invoking Chrome browser to render landing page after ad clicked in app using Android webview - android-webview

I am running ads in mobile apps to drive traffic to my site. Much of that traffic is being rendered in Android Webview. I want to force the mobile app to open the Chrome browser to render my site after my ad is clicked in the app even if webview is being used at the time the ad is clicked. Is there a way to do this?


Using SSO in a third party controlled web view in Flutter Web

I'm using various SSO options such as Google for my Flutter Web app which generally work fine. If opened in a web browser the sign in dialog is opened either in a popup (desktop) or a new tab (mobile).
However, when the link to my app is shared in e.g. Facebook and opened through the Facebook app, a webview inside the Facebook app opens my app. This webview does not allow tabs, therefore the sign in dialog is opened in the current view, overriding my Flutter App. This prevents any SSO from being used when opening the app this way (e.g. through the Facebook app)
I've tried forcing the app to launch in the default browser instead of the Facebook web view but wasn't able to do so.
Is there any way to open the default browser even when the link to my app is opened from within the Facebook app?
Is there any way to provide access to the (e.g. Google) authentication screen without killing my app in the process?

How can I open my PWA app from other native app?

I am implementing a PWA application and a native application on Android. I need to open the native app from PWA app which I know how to do that. Basically I need a URL provided from the native app and open the URL from PWA which will bring the native application. This approach is pretty much like opening google map by clicking its url:,Infinite+Loop,Cupertino,California..
Now I have a requirement to open my PWA from the native app. For example, if I share the PWA url through facebook, I'd like other people open the PWA app when they click on the url in facebook if they have installed the PWA.
How can I achieve that?.
You don't need to implement anything to do that. Android does it for you. For example, if your PWA is hosted on and the user clicks a link with the href, Android first looks through your PWAs and if the URL matches, it opens the PWA. Otherwise Android opens the Chrome browser.
Just verified this on an Android 6 device.

How can I have a link to a facebook page open in the FB app on a mobile device and still open in a browser on desktop

How can I have a link to a facebook page open in the FB app on a mobile device and still open in a browser when the fb app is not installed or on a desktop?
You could use media queries to show/hide a link on different screen sizes. Or you could check the window size in javascript and depending on what that is you could change the href to the mobile or desktop site

Facebook Activity Page on Mobile web page

I'm creating a mobile app using web.
Is there any way to display Facebook Activity page, or share dialog on your Mobile app page? I mean Facebook Activity page displays and stays on the mobile app not outside, or in the browser but on the app I created.
Is there any way to do this?

Persisting cookie for iPhone UIwebview mobile web app

I'm using MVC4 forms auth. My mobile web app runs in full screen UIwebview on iphone. I have a home screen icon for my mobile web app. The app needs to launch external links. Those launch in Safari, which works fine. However returning to the mobile web app by clicking again on the home screen icon, seems to have logged the user out. Ideally I want the user to remain logged into the web app after viewing the external links in Safari. Maybe the cookie got deleted? Can I persist the cookie?
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(username, createPersistentCookie: true);
This fixes the log out issue