How to create offline apps with Service Worker and srcset? - progressive-web-apps

I would like my app (a static web site) to run offline using a Service Worker. I can't see a way to do this without caching all the images from the srcset attribute. I can see how client hints would solve the problem but that apart is there a solution that would work without involving the server doing anything but serve requested files?
I can see perhaps how a Service Worker could calculate the image to request given the information in the img tag and a naming convention for images...
Has anyone tackled this problem, or thought about it at all?

For full srcset functionality you would have to cache all resolutions indeed.
While the screen density may seem to be a fixed property of a device, it actually is dynamic, e.g. a smartphone can cast/airplay to a TV screen. On desktops with multiple displays (e.g. Retina MacBook with an external display) screen resolution may change when the browser window is moved around. All these changes may happen offline long after you've done caching, so you can't know for sure which resolutions will be picked.
A simple solution is to always use 2x images for everything. Higher DPI makes image distortions less noticeable, so you can compress them more heavily to offset the cost of higher resolution.
Another solution is to catch loading errors on images and replace srcset with image URL that you know is cached. BTW: you may need to add onerror="…" in the markup, because the error may fire before any other scripts had chance to run on the page yet, or before adding error handlers programmatically check all image elements for img.complete && !img.naturalWidth to detect missed error events.


How to fetch an image in the Live Activity (ActivityKit) - SwiftUI

Is it possible to load an image from remote in the Live Activity using ActivityKit? I tried various different methods, but none of them are working including:
Pre-fetching the image in the App and passing that image to Activity as a Data through the context when starting the activity and converting Data back to the Image
I assume you hit the 4KB size limit the docs warn us about.
We are not allowed to make network requests from inside Live Activity widgets, thus the only viable option you have is downloading the image in the App.
Depending on the type of image you use, I advise you find some way to reduce their size by either downscaling, using vectors etc.
Good luck!
I managed to share images from my main app to the Live Activity or Dynamic Island via Core Data.
However for some reason it works fine on Simulator but it doesn't work at all on real device.
The Live activity starts without error, but it doesn't appear on Lock Screen as well as the Dynamic Island.
Sharing an Array of Data containing images, looks like resulting in an error while starting the Activity.
So I really have no clue at this point.

Where Video Player keeps network files and can you keep multiple ones

I've been working with video_player package from Flutter. I'm mostly testing videos taken from the url. My code is very similar to the ones from the examples.
Everywhere I read about it, I can see that this library does not support caching of the videos. But what this exactly means? What exactly is happening behind the scenes and how the behaviour would change if the caching would actually be implemented? How this is different from buffering? Are the video files simply downloaded to our device?
If yes, then were those files are kept?
One additional question is, how can I check the network consumption caused by using such connection? I've tried using Dev Tools but the network tab is always empty.
One last thing is, is it possible to pre-initialize next videos, so when we would like to switch between them, they are already partially pre-loaded?
U can use a package that helps you manage caching futter_cache_manager
U can use this in combination with video_player. However, u would have to download the whole file first to be then be able to retrieve it for video_player to consume it.
An idea would be to stream the video and also download a copy locally. This however would consume more data than just downloading and caching the video first, then playing it locally.
As for how to check for network consumption, i am not sure.
Starting with the theory:
1.Cache is a high-speed storage area while a buffer is a normal storage area on ram for temporary storage.
2.Cache is made from static ram which is faster than the slower dynamic ram used for a buffer.
3.The buffer is mostly used for input/output processes while the cache is used during reading and writing processes from the disk.
4.Cache can also be a section of the disk while a buffer is only a section of the ram.
5.A buffer can be used in keyboards to edit typing mistakes while the cache cannot.
When it comes to video buffering just look at youtube app. You can see the buffer being made when grey line grows bigger before the red line. Mostly information stored this way cannot be accessible at all as Android uses combination of RAM allocation for both caching and buffering as it sees fit for current active process.
Technically you could try pre-loading different videos by starting and pausing all of them at once but I cannot imagine how much tampering with system memory control it would take, even youtube doesn't work like that.

Flash game simple performance tricks

I'm trying to make some simple flash games but before I start purring mega bytes of data into the game it's better to seek wisdom from pro coders since I;m totally new to AS3.
1st Question is: what's the best way to load the game faster?
since bandwidth is limited like hell for me and loading a flash game takes some time I'm trying to make the game start as fast as possible and load the rest of materials in the gaming process.I saw this on lots of facebook games.
2nd: how to keep the RAM usage low?
do you advise to remove the loaded image/movie clip from the stage as soon as its out of the frame? does this lower the RAM usage? and if I load the removed object again does it use the loaded one or it start to download it from the source folder again?
3rd: whats the trick to load the materials into client PC?
I saw many facebook games that take some time to load for the first time but next day it loads like its data is stored on the Hard disk. do I have to do something or flash player does it automatically?
4th:Is there a way to load the images/movie clips into flash player while playing? I mean if the level of games are movie clips and player is playing first level the game continue to load next level and on then ad them to the stage as demanded by code.
Lead me with your experience please.
These tricks are not as simple, but yes, all of this is possible.
The "best" way to load the game faster is a fiction, you will anyway need at least the main game code to be loaded in order to play the game. If your levels are pretty huge, yes, you can load levels after actually loading the game. You can also load music the same way. For this, you will need a separate SWF or a set of URLs to get these from, and after your game fully loads (without sounds, levels or whatever you were capable of placing aside) you initiate an asynchronous load request (use Loader class for this) and after it completes, you'll be able to play either one sound, or one level, or total set of sounds or levels, depending on how do you organize your external asset storage.
The short answer is "reduce, reuse, recycle", that is, you'd better store big assets like a bitmap (an instance of BitmapData class) as a single object, and use references to display numerous copies of it throughout the game. You'd better use an object several times, say a bullet that flied once and expired, hit something, missed and left screen, etc, can be told "go back right here, here's your new parameters" and the object will not be wasted. Other tricks are also possible.
This is an automatic action of Flash player, or rather the browser, known as "local cache". If you request something off an URL, the request is passed to the browser, which, after downloading, stores a local copy for future reference. The storage is still limited, and also the copy can "expire" if it was stored for too long, which makes the browser re-download the URL content. Flash player uses browser's URL retrival, thus local caching applies to SWFs or other kind of data.
You can make levels into metadata, that is, you are downloading a set of different data via any means possible, then you parse that set, create the required MovieClip (or a Sprite) via code, stuff all the assets into it at intended positions and go with that. A metadata can be fairly large, and can be placed elsewhere as any other file you can share via Internet and download by an URL. Use Loader class to call for URLs and get data retrieved from the net, devise a way to properly store the metadata and a generator+parser to manage those levels as you design the game.
Hope this helps.

performance concerns in using Java Advanced Imaging APIs

In our project we use JAI for showing parts of an image, rotating an image and basic zooming in an applet. We now observe that the applet takes a lot of time to load - around 20 seconds for the first time. But subsequently, it takes only 3 seconds (which is also quite high).
JAI development seems to have frozen since 2007.Atleast I could not find any download post 2007 on the Java website.
Has anyone encountered loading issues and solved them in the context of JAI ?
Is there a performant alternative to JAI ?
The images we are using are in TIFF format and they can have multiple images in one physical file.
Any pointers greatly appreciated.
The first application startup (cold startup) could require lot of time, as you need to load tons of libraries including JAI. The second and next application startups (warm startup) are faster as runtime classes are cached in classes.jsa.
Then, the image processing will require the CPU and in order to paint it, the graphics card. With modern computers image processing (basic operations!) and handling (zoom, pan) is trivial and fast with JAI.
We have developed and image reviewing application with JAI + Image I/O and zoom and panning is extremely fast since we finished it in 2007 (1Mp images). After the image is loaded, the processing and handling is very fast, so we load the image in background threads to improve user experience.
The problem with JAI is it current state: frozen and/or dead, but it is mature, quite stable and other products like Apache Log4J have the same issue, no new developments since years, but people continue using it as there is no alternative (well, Logback!).
The are plenty of alternatives to JAI, like ImageMagick, but I didn't test them.
We careful when loading and processing images, like convert to 8bit/channel if possible, perform the operations in background before painting...

Advice on using sandbox vs. caching for UITableView async image download

Apple just released some sample code on lazy loading images in a UITableView a week ago. I checked it out and implemented it into my own UITableView (which is a drawRect one for fast scrolling), to see if there was a difference from what I was already doing.
After implementing I am not sure what is best; the new code or what I already had. I am not seeing much of a speed improvement on my 3GS.
"Sandbox" method: Load images lazily, then save to local tmp folder in the sandbox. Each time the cell is displayed it looks for whether an image with that filename is already located in the sandbox folder. If it is, it retrieves the image and displays it, if not it continues with the download, saves it locally and then displays it. The benefit with this is that the images won't be blank the second time you open the app. They will already be downloaded and ready for displaying.
Caching method: This also loads the images lazily, however, now I include a UIImage on each object in the array that's displayed in the tableview. Instead of saving the image locally, I now download the image and put it into the array for the object. Now, instead of checking for the filename every single time, it jut check whether the UIImage != nil and uses the cached image (or downloads if nil).
A small difference is also that the caching code resizes the image before caching it to the exact size of what is displayed in the cell, whereas the image used in the sandbox code example is actually a bit larger than what it needs to display, which means it has to resize on the fly when scrolling as well. I read months ago that this could be a bit expensive to do, and I am also not sure whether it makes much of a difference in terms of then using a cached image instead of the sandbox-stored image and therefore more CPU intensive anyway (compared to what you save from caching with the caching code above).
I guess my question would be whether I should even bother with the caching code? Again, the new code won't immediately load images on a new launch, whereas the old code actually does because it's already in the sandbox. Since I am not reusing images, I have a lot of images to load (from the sandbox or cache) so I am not noticing a huge difference in speed. In fact, on my 3GS it's almost impossible to tell, in my opinion. The scrolling is not silky smooth, and I assume this is due to the large amount of images that I cannot reuse (different image for each cell). I am also wondering whether the sandbox method would get slower once there's 1000+ images in the folder, for example, eventually having it look through many more images than just 100 or so.
I hope I am making sense. I wanted to be pretty thorough with the details, and I am happy to give more details if needed.
If you have code that already works, and there's not a pressing problem, then don't change it.
If your scrolling actually is too slow, then perhaps you could use a mixture of ideas, and try to get the UIImage, and if it's not there, load it from the sandbox, and if it's not there, then download it.
The only good way to tell if there is any discernible difference in performance is to use profiling tools like Instruments (for measuring things like display framerate for the two techniques) or Shark (to determine hotspots in your code). There could be small differences in your exact implementation that could potentially cause significant differences between any general answer we could give and the actual performance you see in your application.
The thing that primarily concerns me with the "sandbox" method is not performance but disk space usage. Users won't appreciate you filling up their iPhone or iPod Touch with unnecessary files, especially if all the images aren't consistently used or if the set of used images changes often. Without knowing more about your application its impossible to guess how often these cached images would be loaded.
If you're testing locally on your own device, you might be on Wifi network. My recommendation would be to turn Wifi off for part of your testing to see how the two approaches perform when you have to fetch all the images over the cellular network. I would also recommend trying to find an older device (iPhone 3G or worse) because the 3GS does in fact hide potential performance issues that could be annoying for users on older devices.
I have personally used the LazyTableImages technique in my apps many times (provided it hasn't changed drastically between WWDC09 and the recent 'release') and find it to be just what I need. Caching images on disk wouldn't be an option in my case, however, and you shouldn't take my anecdote too strongly into account - profile your own code and use the results it shows.
Edit: The obvious answer is that accessing an in-memory cache is going to be faster than accessing the filesystem, but of course the final word on that is left up to profiling. If the images are already in memory, they don't need to be read from flash and parsed by UIImage. The traditional tradeoff comes into play here though - in-memory caching vs. disk space.
While it may be faster for you to store your images in-memory, you need to be very sure that you correctly handle memory warnings in your application (as you should be doing anyway!). Otherwise long period of use will lead to many, many images in your in-memory cache and trigger memory warnings and if your application is not built to handle these, at best your application will be killed by the OS due to lack of memory resources.
There are pros and cons in both approaches that you present - I suggest using elements of both in your app.
It's better to keep your images in memory and save them later (perhaps when your app quits). If you have a lot of images, it might be faster to use Core Data to save them, than as regular files.
It's also better to avoid doing any resizing on the fly, i.e. in your tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: or tableView:willDisplayCell:forRowAtIndexPath: methods or in any method that has to do with drawing your cells' content view. If you can, ask the image provider (content management?) to supply images at the size that your table view displays.