Avoid duplicated computation in guards - scala

Here is the code:
import java.util.{Calendar, Date, GregorianCalendar}
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.conversions.scala._
case class Quota(date: Date, used: Int)
object MongoDateDemo extends App {
val client = InsertUsers.getClient
val db = client("github")
val quota = db("quota")
val rand = scala.util.Random
// quota.drop()
// (1 to 100).foreach { _ =>
// quota += DBObject("date" -> new Date(), "used" -> rand.nextInt(10))
// Thread.sleep(1000)
// }
val minuteInMilliseconds = 60 * 1000
def thresholdDate(minute: Int) = new Date(new Date() .getTime - minuteInMilliseconds * minute) // since a minute ago
val fields = DBObject("_id" -> 0, "used" -> 1)
val x = quota.find("date" $gte thresholdDate(28), fields).collect {
case x if x.getAs[Int]("used").isDefined => x.getAs[Int]("used").get
// val y = x.map {
// case dbo: DBObject => Quota(dbo.getAs[Date]("date").getOrElse(new Date(0)), dbo.getAs[Int]("used").getOrElse(0))
// }
It's reading documents from a collection and filter out those that don't have "used" defined, then summing up the numbers.
The x.getAs[Int]("used") part is duplicated computation, how can I avoid it?

Not much of a Scala programmer, but isn't that what flatMap is for?
.find("date" $gte thresholdDate(38), fields)

Since this is not possible to avoid, I had to do it in two steps, map into Options then collect. I used view method so that the collection is not traversed twice:
import java.util.{Calendar, Date, GregorianCalendar}
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.conversions.scala._
case class Quota(date: Date, used: Int)
object MongoDateDemo extends App {
val client = InsertUsers.getClient
val db = client("github")
val quota = db("quota")
val rand = scala.util.Random
// quota.drop()
// (1 to 100).foreach { _ =>
// quota += DBObject("date" -> new Date(), "used" -> rand.nextInt(10))
// Thread.sleep(1000)
// }
val minuteInMilliseconds = 60 * 1000
def thresholdDate(minute: Int) = new Date(new Date() .getTime - minuteInMilliseconds * minute) // since a minute ago
val fields = DBObject("_id" -> 0, "used" -> 1)
val usedNumbers = quota.find("date" $gte thresholdDate(38), fields).toList.view.map {
}.collect {
case Some(i) => i
// val y = x.map {
// case dbo: DBObject => Quota(dbo.getAs[Date]("date").getOrElse(new Date(0)), dbo.getAs[Int]("used").getOrElse(0))
// }

Assuming getAs returns an Option, this should do what you want:
val x = quota.find("date" $gte thresholdDate(28), fields).flatMap { _.getAs[Int]("used") }
This is similar to doing this:
scala> List(Some(1), Some(2), None, Some(4)).flatMap(x => x)
res: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 4)
Or this:
scala> (1 to 20).flatMap(x => if(x%2 == 0) Some(x) else None)
res: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] = Vector(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20)


optimizing shuffle spark outer join dataset

I am using Spark 2.1 with DataFrames API to do :
import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders
import java.security.MessageDigest
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import spark.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Dataset, Encoders, SaveMode, SparkSession}
case class C(id_1: String, id_2: String, a: Option[Int], b: String)
val schema = Encoders.product[C]
val data1 = Seq(
("d1_r0", "d1_t0", 1, "yyy"),
("d1_r1", "d1_t1", 2, "xxx"),
("d2_r2", "d2_t2", 3, "ppp"),
("d1_r3", "d1_t3", 4, "iii")
val df1 = data1.toDF("id_1", "id_2", "a", "b")
val ds1: Dataset[C] = df1.as(schema)
val data2 = Seq(
("d2_r0", "d2_t0", 1, "lll"),
("d1_r1", "d1_t1", 2, "mmm"),
("d2_r2", "d2_t2", 3, "ppp"),
("d2_r3", "d2_t3", 4, "nnn")
val df2 = data2.toDF("id_1", "id_2", "a", "b")
val ds2: Dataset[C] = df2.as(schema)
def getMD5Hash(x: C): String = {
val str = (x.id_1 + x.id_2 + x.a + x.b)
val msgDigest: MessageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5")
val MD5Hash = msgDigest
.map(0xff & _)
.map { "%02x".format(_) }
.foldLeft("") { _ + _ }
def u(newV: C, oldV: C): Seq[C] = {
Seq(C(oldV.id_1, oldV.id_2, oldV.a, newV.b))
def uOrI(b: String)(row: (C, C)): Seq[C] = {
row match {
case (newV, null) => Seq(newV)
case (null, oldV) => Seq(C(oldV.id_1, oldV.id_2, oldV.a, b))
case (newV, oldV) => {
if (getMD5Hash(newV) == getMD5Hash(oldV)) Seq(oldV)
else u(newV, oldV)
val df3 = ds1
$"_1.id_1" === $"_2.id_1" && $"_1.id_2" === $"_2.id_2","full_outer"
the program wroks and produce what I expectde , but in real dataset (over than 1 milion rows for df1 and df2) the solution is very slow , 30 min to complete in a cluster yarn with 10 nodes (16 cpu 128G ram each).
there is another solution/idea to do that for optimize shuffle and time ?

Evaluating multiple filters in a single pass

I have below rdd created and I need to perform a series of filters on the same dataset to derive different counters and aggregates.
Is there a way I can apply these filters and compute aggregates in a single pass, avoiding spark to go over the same dataset multiple times?
val res = df.rdd.map(row => {
// ............... Generate data here for each row.......
val all = res.count()
val stats1 = res.filter(row => row.getInt(1) > 0)
val stats1Count = stats1.count()
val stats1Agg = stats1.map(r => r.getInt(1)).mean()
val stats2 = res.filter(row => row.getInt(2) > 0)
val stats2Count = stats2.count()
val stats2Agg = stats2.map(r => r.getInt(2)).mean()
You can use aggregate:
case class Stats(count: Int = 0, sum: Int = 0) {
def mean = sum/count
def +(s: Stats): Stats = Stats(count + s.count, sum + s.sum)
def <- (n: Int) = if(n > 0) copy(count + 1, sum + n) else this
val (stats1, stats2) = res.aggregate(Stats() -> Stats()) (
{ (s, row) => (s._1 <- row.getInt(1), s._2 <- row.getInt(2)) },
{ _ + _ }
val (stat1Count, stats1Agg, stats2Count, stats2Agg) = (stats1.count, stats1.mean, stats2.count, stats2.mean)

Generating recommendation model for a large dataset using spark

I'm trying out to generate a simple ALS model using the spark documentation here.
My first file(ratings.csv) has 20million UserID,MovID,Rat and can be downloaded here
So I have the testing data which is a subset of ratings.csv. That test dataset can be downloaded here:
The test file has just the UserID, Movie ID column.
So to create training data we will have to filter ratings.csv.
The following code is working fine for a smaller case of 100,000 UserID,MovID rating. I am not able to generate the model for the big case.
Please help with a pointer.
* Created by echoesofconc on 3/8/17.
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.ALS
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.MatrixFactorizationModel
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.Rating
import java.io._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
object Prateek_Agrawal_task1 {
def dropheader(data: RDD[String]): RDD[String] = {
data.mapPartitionsWithIndex((idx, lines) => {
if (idx == 0) {
def create_training(ratings_split: RDD[Array[String]], ratings_testing: Array[Array[String]]) = {
ratings_split.filter(x => {
ratings_testing.exists(y =>
(x(0) == y(0) && x(1) == y(1))
) == false
def create_testing(ratings_split: RDD[Array[String]], ratings_testing: Array[Array[String]]) = {
ratings_split.filter(x => {
ratings_testing.exists(y =>
(x(0) == y(0) && x(1) == y(1))
) == true
def create_model(ratings_train:RDD[Array[String]],rank:Int,numIterations:Int ):org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.MatrixFactorizationModel={
val ratings = ratings_train.map(_ match { case Array(user,item,rate,temp) =>
Rating(user.toInt, item.toInt, rate.toDouble)
val model = ALS.train(ratings, rank, numIterations, 0.01)
return model
def print_results(final_predictions_adjusted:RDD[((Int, Int), Double)])={
val rating_range=final_predictions_adjusted.map(x=>(x._2.toInt,1)).reduceByKey(_+_).sortByKey()
val rating_range_till_4=rating_range.map{x=>
var temp=x
if (x._1==5){temp=(4,x._2)}
rating_range_till_4.sortByKey().foreach { x =>
printf(">=0 and <1: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=1 and <2: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=2 and <3: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=3 and <4: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=4 " + x._2+"\n")
printf("=5 " + x._2+"\n")
case class User_mov_rat(UserID: Int, MovieID:Int, Pred_rating: Double)
def print_outputfile(final_predictions_adjusted:RDD[((Int, Int), Double)])={
val writer = new FileWriter(new File("./output.txt" ))
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Prateek_Agrawal_task1").setMaster("local[2]")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val file = "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/ml-20m/ratings.csv"
val test = "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/Prateek_Agrawal_hw3/testing_20m.csv"
val data = sc.textFile(file, 2).cache()
val data_test = sc.textFile(test, 2).cache()
// Drop Header
val data_wo_header=dropheader(data).persist()
val data_test_wo_header=dropheader(data_test).persist()
// Create Training and testing data of the format (User ID, MovID, Rating, Time)
val ratings_split = data_wo_header.map(line => line.split(",")).persist()
val ratings_testing = data_test_wo_header.map(line => line.split(",")).collect()
val ratings_train = create_training(ratings_split, ratings_testing).persist()
val ratings_test=create_testing(ratings_split, ratings_testing)
// Create the model using rating_train the training data
val rank = 1
val numIterations = 10
val model=create_model(ratings_train,rank,numIterations)
// Average user,Rating from training this is for cases which are there in test but not rated by any user in training
val user_avgrat=ratings_test.map(_ match { case Array(user, mov, rate, temp) =>(user.toInt, (rate.toDouble,1.0))}).reduceByKey((x,y)=>(x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2)).mapValues{ case (sum, count) => (1.0 * sum) / count }
// Predict user_mov ratings
val user_mov = data_test_wo_header.map(_.split(',') match { case Array(user, mov) =>
val predictions =
model.predict(user_mov).map { case Rating(user, mov, rate) =>
((user, mov), rate)
// Combine Predictions and unpredicted user,Movies due to them being individual. Going forward we need to improve the accuracy for these predictions
val user_mov_rat=user_mov.map(x=>(x,0.0))
val predictions_unpredicted_combined= predictions.union(user_mov_rat).reduceByKey(_+_).map(x=>(x._1._1,(x._1._2,x._2)))
// Combine average rating and predictions+unpredicted values
val avg_rating_predictions_unpredicted_combined=predictions_unpredicted_combined.join(user_avgrat)
// Generate final predictions RDD
val final_predictions=avg_rating_predictions_unpredicted_combined.map{x=>
var temp=((x._1,x._2._1._1),x._2._2)
// Adjust for ratings above 5.0 and below 0.0
val final_predictions_adjusted=final_predictions.map{x=>
var temp=x
if (x._2>5.0){temp=(x._1,5.0)}
if (x._2<0.0){temp=(x._1,0.0)}
val ratesAndPreds = ratings_test.map(_ match { case Array(user, mov, rate, temp) => ((user.toInt,mov.toInt),rate.toDouble)}).join(final_predictions_adjusted)
val MSE = ratesAndPreds.map { case ((user, product), (r1, r2)) =>
val err = (r1 - r2)
err * err
val RMSE=math.sqrt(MSE)
// Print output.txt
// Print the predictionresults
In case someone thinks I should be doing a regex match I have tried that approach. BUt that dosen't seem to be a bottleneck.
I only need to complete the create model part on which I am stuck for the big dataset. Can somebody help.
Another approach I tried which is much faster by using broadcast variables. But it's been running for 12 hrs with no signs of progress. On spark UI somehow the whole of the RDD(ratings.csv ~500MB) is not cached. Only around 64MB with 2.5 Million lines is being processed initially. I am using --executor-memory -8g. I have modified the create_training create_testing functions:
* Created by echoesofconc on 3/8/17.
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.ALS
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.Rating
import java.io._
object Prateek_Agrawal_task2 {
def dropheader(data: RDD[String]): RDD[String] = {
data.mapPartitionsWithIndex((idx, lines) => {
if (idx == 0) {
def create_training(data_wo_header: RDD[String], data_test_wo_header: RDD[String],sc:SparkContext): RDD[String] = {
val rdd2array = sc.broadcast(data_test_wo_header.collect())
val training_set = data_wo_header.filter{
case(x) => rdd2array.value.filter(y => x.indexOf(y.toString())==0).length == 0
return training_set
def create_test(data_wo_header: RDD[String], data_test_wo_header: RDD[String],sc:SparkContext): RDD[String] = {
val rdd2array = sc.broadcast(data_test_wo_header.collect())
val training_set = data_wo_header.filter{
case(x) => rdd2array.value.filter(y => x.indexOf(y.toString())==0).length != 0
return training_set
def create_model(ratings_train:RDD[String],rank:Int,numIterations:Int ):org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.MatrixFactorizationModel={
val ratings = ratings_train.map(_.split(',') match { case Array(user, item, rate, timestamp) =>
Rating(user.toInt, item.toInt, rate.toDouble)
val model = ALS.train(ratings, rank, numIterations, 0.01)
return model
def print_results(final_predictions_adjusted:RDD[((Int, Int), Double)])={
val rating_range=final_predictions_adjusted.map(x=>(x._2.toInt,1)).reduceByKey(_+_).sortByKey()
val rating_range_till_4=rating_range.map{x=>
var temp=x
if (x._1==5){temp=(4,x._2)}
rating_range_till_4.sortByKey().foreach { x =>
printf(">=0 and <1: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=1 and <2: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=2 and <3: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=3 and <4: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=4 " + x._2+"\n")
printf("=5 " + x._2+"\n")
case class User_mov_rat(UserID: Int, MovieID:Int, Pred_rating: Double)
def print_outputfile(final_predictions_adjusted:RDD[((Int, Int), Double)])={
val writer = new FileWriter(new File("./output.txt" ))
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Prateek_Agrawal_task1").setMaster("local[2]")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val file = "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/ml-latest-small/ratings.csv"
val test = "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/Prateek_Agrawal_hw3/testing_small.csv"
// val file = "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/ml-20m/ratings.csv"
// val test = "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/Prateek_Agrawal_hw3/testing_20m.csv"
val data = sc.textFile(file, 2).persist()
val data_test = sc.textFile(test, 2).persist()
// Drop Header
val data_wo_header=dropheader(data)
val data_test_wo_header=dropheader(data_test)
// Create Traing and testing data of the format (User ID, MovID, Rating, Time)
val ratings_train=create_training(data_wo_header,data_test_wo_header,sc).persist()
val ratings_test=create_test(data_wo_header,data_test_wo_header,sc)
// val ratings_test=create_test(data_wo_header,data_test_wo_header,sc)
// data_test_wo_header.unpersist()
// data_test.unpersist()
//// data.unpersist()
//// data_test.unpersist()
// Create the model using rating_train the training data
val rank = 1
val numIterations = 10
val model=create_model(ratings_train,rank,numIterations)
// ratings_train.unpersist()
// model.save(sc, "target/tmp/myCollaborativeFilter")
// val Model = MatrixFactorizationModel.load(sc, "/Users/echoesofconc/myCollaborativeFilter")
// Average user,Rating from training
val user_avgrat=ratings_test.map(_.split(",") match { case Array(user, mov, rate, temp) =>(user.toInt, (rate.toDouble,1.0))}).reduceByKey((x,y)=>(x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2)).mapValues{ case (sum, count) => (1.0 * sum) / count }
// Predict user_mov ratings
val user_mov = data_test_wo_header.map(_.split(',') match { case Array(user, mov) =>
val predictions =
model.predict(user_mov).map { case Rating(user, mov, rate) =>
((user, mov), rate)
// Combine Predictions and unpredicted user,Movies due to them being individual. Going forward we need to improve the accuracy for these predictions
val user_mov_rat=user_mov.map(x=>(x,0.0))
val predictions_unpredicted_combined= predictions.union(user_mov_rat).reduceByKey(_+_).map(x=>(x._1._1,(x._1._2,x._2)))
// Combine average rating and predictions+unpredicted values
val avg_rating_predictions_unpredicted_combined=predictions_unpredicted_combined.join(user_avgrat)
// Generate final predictions RDD
val final_predictions=avg_rating_predictions_unpredicted_combined.map{x=>
var temp=((x._1,x._2._1._1),x._2._2)
// Adjust for ratings above 5.0 and below 0.0
val final_predictions_adjusted=final_predictions.map{x=>
var temp=x
if (x._2>5.0){temp=(x._1,5.0)}
if (x._2<0.0){temp=(x._1,0.0)}
val ratesAndPreds = ratings_test.map(_.split(",") match { case Array(user, mov, rate, temp) => ((user.toInt,mov.toInt),rate.toDouble)}).join(final_predictions_adjusted)
val MSE = ratesAndPreds.map { case ((user, product), (r1, r2)) =>
val err = (r1 - r2)
err * err
val RMSE=math.sqrt(MSE)
// Print output.txt
// Print the predictionresults
This worked out to be fine. It's using join to create testng training data
* Created by echoesofconc on 3/8/17.
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.ALS
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.Rating
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.MatrixFactorizationModel
import java.io._
object Prateek_Agrawal_task1 {
def dropheader(data: RDD[String]): RDD[String] = {
data.mapPartitionsWithIndex((idx, lines) => {
if (idx == 0) {
def create_training(ratings_split: RDD[Array[String]], ratings_testing: Array[Array[String]]) = {
ratings_split.filter(x => {
ratings_testing.exists(y =>
(x(0) == y(0) && x(1) == y(1))
) == false
def create_testing(ratings_split: RDD[Array[String]], ratings_testing: Array[Array[String]]) = {
ratings_split.filter(x => {
ratings_testing.exists(y =>
(x(0) == y(0) && x(1) == y(1))
) == true
def create_model(ratings_train:RDD[((String, String), (String, String))],rank:Int,numIterations:Int ):org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.MatrixFactorizationModel={
val ratings = ratings_train.map(_ match { case ((user,item),(rate,temp)) =>
Rating(user.toInt, item.toInt, rate.toDouble)
val model = ALS.train(ratings, rank, numIterations, 0.01)
return model
def print_results(final_predictions_adjusted:RDD[((Int, Int), Double)])={
val rating_range=final_predictions_adjusted.map(x=>(x._2.toInt,1)).reduceByKey(_+_).sortByKey()
val rating_range_till_4=rating_range.map{x=>
var temp=x
if (x._1==5){temp=(4,x._2)}
rating_range_till_4.sortByKey().foreach { x =>
printf(">=0 and <1: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=1 and <2: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=2 and <3: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=3 and <4: " + x._2+"\n")
printf(">=4 " + x._2+"\n")
printf("=5 " + x._2+"\n")
case class User_mov_rat(UserID: Int, MovieID:Int, Pred_rating: Double)
def print_outputfile(final_predictions_adjusted:RDD[((Int, Int), Double)])={
val writer = new FileWriter(new File("./output.txt" ))
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Prateek_Agrawal_task1").setMaster("local[2]")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
// val file = "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/ml-latest-small/ratings.csv"
// val test = "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/Prateek_Agrawal_hw3/testing_small.csv"
val file = "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/ml-20m/ratings.csv"
val test = "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/Prateek_Agrawal_hw3/testing_20m.csv"
val data = sc.textFile(file, 2).cache()
val data_test = sc.textFile(test, 2).cache()
// Drop Header
// val data_wo_header=dropheader(data).persist()
// val data_test_wo_header=dropheader(data_test).persist()
// Create Traing and testing data of the format (User ID, MovID, Rating, Time)
val data_wo_header=dropheader(data).map(_.split(",")).map(x=>((x(0),x(1)),(x(2),x(3))))
val data_test_wo_header=dropheader(data_test).map(_.split(",")).map(x=>((x(0),x(1)),1))
val ratings_train=data_wo_header.subtractByKey(data_test_wo_header)
val ratings_test=data_wo_header.subtractByKey(ratings_train)
// val ratings_split = data_wo_header.map(line => line.split(",")).persist()
// data_wo_header.unpersist()
// data.unpersist()
// val ratings_testing = data_test_wo_header.map(line => line.split(",")).collect()
// data_test_wo_header.unpersist()
// data_test.unpersist()
// val ratings_train = create_training(ratings_split, ratings_testing).persist()
// val ratings_test=create_testing(ratings_split, ratings_testing)
// ratings_split.unpersist()
// ratings_test.unpersist()
// Create the model using rating_train the training data
val rank = 1
val numIterations = 10
// val model=create_model(ratings_train,rank,numIterations)
// model.save(sc, "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/Prateek_Agrawal_hw3/myCollaborativeFilter")
val model = MatrixFactorizationModel.load(sc, "/Users/echoesofconc/Documents/USC_courses/INF553/Prateek_Agrawal_hw3/myCollaborativeFilter")
// Average user,Rating from training
val user_avgrat=ratings_train.map(_ match { case ((user, mov), (rate, temp)) =>(user.toInt, (rate.toDouble,1.0))}).reduceByKey((x,y)=>(x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2)).mapValues{ case (sum, count) => (1.0 * sum) / count }
// Predict user_mov ratings
val user_mov = data_test_wo_header.map(_ match { case ((user, mov),temp) =>
val predictions =
model.predict(user_mov).map { case Rating(user, mov, rate) =>
((user, mov), rate)
// Combine Predictions and unpredicted user,Movies due to them being individual. Going forward we need to improve the accuracy for these predictions
val user_mov_rat=user_mov.map(x=>(x,0.0))
val predictions_unpredicted_combined= predictions.union(user_mov_rat).reduceByKey(_+_).map(x=>(x._1._1,(x._1._2,x._2)))
// Combine average rating and predictions+unpredicted values
val avg_rating_predictions_unpredicted_combined=predictions_unpredicted_combined.join(user_avgrat)
// Generate final predictions RDD
val final_predictions=avg_rating_predictions_unpredicted_combined.map{x=>
var temp=((x._1,x._2._1._1),x._2._2)
// Adjust for ratings above 5.0 and below 0.0
val final_predictions_adjusted=final_predictions.map{x=>
var temp=x
if (x._2>5.0){temp=(x._1,5.0)}
if (x._2<0.0){temp=(x._1,0.0)}
// final_predictions_adjusted.count()
val ratesAndPreds_map = ratings_test.map(_ match { case ((user, mov), (rate, temp)) => ((user.toInt,mov.toInt),rate.toDouble)})
val ratesAndPreds=ratesAndPreds_map.join(final_predictions_adjusted)
val MSE = ratesAndPreds.map { case ((user, product), (r1, r2)) =>
val err = (r1 - r2)
err * err
val RMSE=math.sqrt(MSE)
// Print output.txt
// Print the predictionresults

SparkContext cannot be launched in the same programe with Streaming SparkContext

I created the following test that fit a simple linear regression model to a dummy streaming data.
I use hyper-parameters optimisation to find good values of stepSize, numiterations and initialWeights of the linear model.
Everything runs fine, except the last lines of the code that are commented out:
// Save the evaluations for further visualization
// val gridEvalsRDD = sc.parallelize(gridEvals)
// gridEvalsRDD.coalesce(1)
// .map(e => "%.3f\t%.3f\t%d\t%.3f".format(e._1, e._2, e._3, e._4))
// .saveAsTextFile("data/mllib/streaming")
The problem is with the SparkContext sc. If I initialize it at the beginning of a test, then the program shown errors. It looks like sc should be defined in some special way in order to avoid conflicts with scc (streaming spark context). Any ideas?
The whole code:
// scalastyle:off
package org.apache.spark.mllib.regression
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Vector, Vectors}
import org.apache.spark.mllib.util.LinearDataGenerator
import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream
import org.apache.spark.streaming.{StreamingContext, TestSuiteBase}
import org.apache.spark.streaming.TestSuiteBase
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter
class StreamingLinearRegressionHypeOpt extends TestSuiteBase with BeforeAndAfter {
// use longer wait time to ensure job completion
override def maxWaitTimeMillis: Int = 20000
var ssc: StreamingContext = _
override def afterFunction() {
if (ssc != null) {
def calculateMSE(output: Seq[Seq[(Double, Double)]], n: Int): Double = {
val mse = output
.map {
case seqOfPairs: Seq[(Double, Double)] =>
val err = seqOfPairs.map(p => math.abs(p._1 - p._2)).sum
}.sum / n
def calculateRMSE(output: Seq[Seq[(Double, Double)]], n: Int): Double = {
val mse = output
.map {
case seqOfPairs: Seq[(Double, Double)] =>
val err = seqOfPairs.map(p => math.abs(p._1 - p._2)).sum
}.sum / n
def dummyStringStreamSplit(datastream: Stream[String]) =
datastream.flatMap(txt => txt.split(" "))
test("Test 1") {
// create model initialized with zero weights
val model = new StreamingLinearRegressionWithSGD()
.setInitialWeights(Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.0))
// generate sequence of simulated data for testing
val numBatches = 10
val nPoints = 100
val inputData = (0 until numBatches).map { i =>
LinearDataGenerator.generateLinearInput(0.0, Array(10.0, 10.0), nPoints, 42 * (i + 1))
// Without hyper-parameters optimization
withStreamingContext(setupStreams(inputData, (inputDStream: DStream[LabeledPoint]) => {
model.predictOnValues(inputDStream.map(x => (x.label, x.features)))
})) { ssc =>
val output: Seq[Seq[(Double, Double)]] = runStreams(ssc, numBatches, numBatches)
val rmse = calculateRMSE(output, nPoints)
println(s"RMSE = $rmse")
// With hyper-parameters optimization
val gridParams = Map(
"initialWeights" -> List(Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.0), Vectors.dense(10.0, 10.0)),
"stepSize" -> List(0.1, 0.2, 0.3),
"numIterations" -> List(25, 50)
val gridEvals = for (initialWeights <- gridParams("initialWeights");
stepSize <- gridParams("stepSize");
numIterations <- gridParams("numIterations")) yield {
val lr = new StreamingLinearRegressionWithSGD()
withStreamingContext(setupStreams(inputData, (inputDStream: DStream[LabeledPoint]) => {
lr.predictOnValues(inputDStream.map(x => (x.label, x.features)))
})) { ssc =>
val output: Seq[Seq[(Double, Double)]] = runStreams(ssc, numBatches, numBatches)
val cvRMSE = calculateRMSE(output, nPoints)
println(s"RMSE = $cvRMSE")
(initialWeights, stepSize, numIterations, cvRMSE)
// Save the evaluations for further visualization
// val gridEvalsRDD = sc.parallelize(gridEvals)
// gridEvalsRDD.coalesce(1)
// .map(e => "%.3f\t%.3f\t%d\t%.3f".format(e._1, e._2, e._3, e._4))
// .saveAsTextFile("data/mllib/streaming")
// scalastyle:on

How to recursively build up a json lens

I'm using json-lenses and trying to recursively search for a branch of a Json object, something akin to:
import spray.json._
import spray.json.lenses.JsonLenses._
import DefaultJsonProtocol._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
def getLens(json: JsValue, lensAcc: Lens = Nil, depth: Int = 0): Lens = {
if (depth > 10) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Recursive search for lens exhausted.")
val thisLens = lensAcc / 'rec / element(0)
json.extract[JsObject](thisLens / 'properties.?) match {
case None => getLens(json, thisLens, depth + 1)
case _ => thisLens
val json = """{"rec": [{"rec": [{"properties": {}}]}]}""".parseJson.asJsObject
val myLens = getLens(json)
which isn't quite right. I'm relatively new to Scala and can't figure out how to fix this.
This should work:
def nextLens = 'rec / element(0)
final def getLens(json: JsObject, lensAcc: Lens[Id] = nextLens, depth: Int = 0): Lens[Id] = {
if (depth > 10) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Recursive search for lens exhausted.")
json.extract[JsObject](lensAcc / 'properties.?) match {
case None => getLens(json, lensAcc / nextLens, depth + 1)
case _ => lensAcc
scala> val json = JsonParser("""{"rec": [{"rec": [{"properties": {}}]}]}""").asJsObject
json: spray.json.JsObject = {"rec":[{"rec":[{"properties":{}}]}]}
scala> getLens(json)
res6: spray.json.lenses.Lens[spray.json.lenses.Id] = spray.json.lenses.JsonLenses$$anon$1#448cd79c
scala> json.extract[JsObject](res6)
res9: spray.json.JsObject = {"properties":{}}
I don't know if there is something like an empty lens...