install mongodb_river plugin then face this ERROR: Could not find plugin descriptor '' in plugin zip - mongodb

C:\elasticsearch-2.1.2\bin>plugin.bat install richardwilly98/elasticsearch-river-mongodb/2.0.6
-> Installing richardwilly98/elasticsearch-river-mongodb/2.0.6...
Trying //[][1] ...
Trying //[][1] ...
Trying //[][1] ...
Trying //[][1] ...
Trying //[][1] ...
Downloading ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................DONE
****Verifying checksums if available ...**
NOTE: Unable to verify checksum for downloaded plugin (unable to find .sha1 or .md5 file to verify)**
ERROR: Could not find plugin descriptor '' in plugin zip


colcon build error on Ros2 Foxy Unity-Robotics-Hub example

I am following ROS–Unity Integration tutorial for ROS2. I coppied unity_robotics_demo and unity_robotics_demo_msgs to my src folder from here. When building unity_robotics_demo_msgs gives me an error. I did source install/setup.bash and colcon build. Error:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:7 (find_package):
By not providing "Findrosidl_default_generators.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH
this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided
by "rosidl_default_generators", but CMake did not find one.
Could not find a package configuration file provided by
"rosidl_default_generators" with any of the following names:
Add the installation prefix of "rosidl_default_generators" to
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "rosidl_default_generators_DIR" to a directory
containing one of the above files. If "rosidl_default_generators" provides
a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed.
I am not sure how to add the installation prefix. In foxy/share there is rosidl_default_generators:

capacitor plugin filesystem is not complete when using bundledWebRuntime:true

I'm trying to use the Filesystem plugin of capacitor v3 with bundledWebRuntime as I'm not using Ionic.
However Directory or Encoding can not be found as the structure of the plugin variable is wrong:
//but it should be

When I try to upload my package to PyPI why do I get an upload failed?

The upload failed and I see there is a warning that does not exist and standard file not found: should have one of README, README.txt, README.rst.
Can someone please help? I'm not sure if I need to create the manifest template and standard readme files or if there's something wrong with the code I'm using:
C:\Users\Sean\Desktop\Projects\Head_First_Python\nester>python sdist upload
running sdist
running check
warning: sdist: manifest template '' does not exist (using default file list)
warning: sdist: standard file not found: should have one of README, README.txt, README.rst
writing manifest file 'MANIFEST'
creating nester-1.0.0
making hard links in nester-1.0.0...
hard linking -> nester-1.0.0
hard linking -> nester-1.0.0
Creating tar archive
removing 'nester-1.0.0' (and everything under it)
running upload
Submitting dist\nester-1.0.0.tar.gz to
Upload failed (403): Invalid or non-existent authentication information. See for details
error: Upload failed (403): Invalid or non-existent authentication information. See for details

Error error: Couldn't load configuration file, skipping BinDiff plugin

I have downloaded the file and unpacked it in a directory with plug-ins. After loading of IDA 6.9 I have noticed
error: Couldn't load configuration file, skipping BinDiff plugin.
What have I missed?
download Extract the contents to a file named BinDiff.xml and place this file in the same plugin folder.

How to use the plugin sfTCPDFPlugin?

I work with symfony 1.4, and I want to use the plugin sf sfTCPDFPlugin.
I followed step by step all the instructions, I read the question “How to generate PDF using sfTCPDFPlugin in symfony 1.4?” and answers, but when I try to generate a PDF file, I get the following error:
The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error".
In detail, I have done the following:
I installed PEAR - PHP Extension, and run OK.
I installed
successfully the plugin sfTCPDFPlugin
I downloaded and installed
the "TCPDF library"
$ symfony plugin:publish-assets
$ symfony cc
Copy the /plugins/sfTCPDFPlugin/config/pdf_configs.yml into the config folder of your application
Now I try to test the plugin, but when I want to run the function "test" that is included in the plugin, I get the following error:
The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error":
PHP Fatal error: Class 'TCPDF' not found in D:\proyectos\conflictosnew\plugins\sfTCPDFPlugin\lib\sfTCPDF.class.php on line 14
I use Wampsever under Windows XP
Any idea what could be happening?
I have found an error! The link contained in: "Download the TCPDF library" at:, is incorrect, because download fonts only, not the complete library
In the following link you can find the complete library TCPDF: