MATLAB TODO: Fill in Description - matlab

I was trying to find something about LegendEntry in MATLAB, so I clicked it to open the help window, and this is what I saw:
If you want to see it yourself run this code:
h = plot(1:10,1:10);
Then you will see at the command window:
ans =
LegendEntry with properties:
IconDisplayStyle: 'on'
LegendEntry is a link to the help file for which pops up the window in the picture above.
Are you familiar with this? Is this some kind of a problem with my installation?
I use MATLAB 2015a.

What's happened here is that a developer has left a TODO note to him or herself in the comments for, and has forgotten to remove it before release.
If you'd noticed this in the most recent release, it would probably be worth bringing it to the notice of MathWorks with a bug report: but in fact I've just tried this on 16a and it looks like it's been removed already.
It's not a problem with your installation.


Where can I find a copy of Erlang/OTP R14B05?

I'm trying to find the source for R14B05.
The reason is that I want to see how Precise Explanation of Typing Errors was implemented. That page provides a link to the source code, but it doens't seem to be version-controlled. So I want to diff against the code is based on in order to see what changed.
The page that links to the paper says that the code is based on R14B05, so now I'd like to try diffing against R14B05.
I look at or git tag -l in the repo, I can only find R14B04, then the R15 series–no R14B05.
I see no R14B05 anywhere, only R14B01-R14B04. and seems to have old files.
doc-5.8.5 is for Erlang/OTP R14B04, and the next one, which is doc-5.9, is for Erlang/OTP R15B. There does not appear to be a R14B05 one, so perhaps it indeed could be a typo. Perhaps they thought 5.8.5 was R14B05?
You could try contacting the authors as well, just in case.

Tiki Net_LDAP2 class loading

I have a problem when I tried to integrate tiki with my LDAP server. In the test_ldap.php I wrote the code to debug according to this website ( This code returned a success. So I know that my LDAP is working fine. I have a problem at
$entry = Net_LDAP2_Entry::createConnected($this->_ldap, $this->_entry);
In the shiftEntry function in Search.php. When I return debug in here, it goes to ClassLoader.php and it go to
register_shutdown_function(function () {
TikiLib::events()->trigger('tiki.process.shutdown', []);});
In my opinion, maybe the problem is the
The spl_autoload_call function called Net_LDAP2 which extends PEAR somewhere before this line in Search.php. This would lead both Net_LDAP2 and PEAR and PEAR_ERROR... Then when it comes to Net_LDAP2_Entry class, it would also load PEAR.... Would this create a fatal error?
I keep having blank screen in my tiki. Tried to cut the code from Search.php to the test_ldap.php to test. It has the same problem.
I am using:
Version 16.2
OS: Clear OS
Thanks for your help. I am blocked now.
I think this may be a good start: If you look in the comments by albertgi he states changing some function names in PEAR.php. I was having LDAP integration problems and this was one of the key problems.

trouble while running for code in Product Market introduction

I 'm new here, and I am encountering a problem. I have taken an already existing code for 2 new products entering the market and I am trying to modify it to support 3 products. I have added all the extra variables and conditions needed but it shows an error on plotting. Could it be the excel or...? I could use some help on this...If any extra info is needed, I 'd be happy to provide you! Thanks for your time in advance!
the error is:
It appears that you added variables and conditions, but did not add an additional plot pen to the plot. You can add the pen by editing the plot itself.

I get errors when typing the #SidedProxy. What happened?

I am making a Minecraft Mod with Eclipse Mars and I got errors when typing the following:
#SidedProxy(clientSide = Reference.CLIENT_PROXY_CLASS, serverSide = Reference.SERVER_PROXY_CLASS)
What did I do wrong? It said "the attribute clientSide/serverSide is undefined for the annotation type SidedProxy" .
I cannot run Minecraft to test my mod without it, so I need to fix this error.
For a definitive answer you need to give us more information.
What version of minecraft forge are you using?
Have you correctly imported SidedProxy?
In eclipse, hold ctrl and click on #SidedProxy to open where it is declared, and check that you are using the correct attribute names (it may have changed between versions, so you may need to put something different)

Matlab editor issue, a bug?

I am having this problem that when I run the below written code in the main screen matlab does'nt give me a problem.
However if i write it in the editor then it complains that it is invalid syntax.
Can you tell me what am i doing wrong or is it a bug?
Ques1 = { #(data) mean(data) #(data) std(data) };
mean = Ques1 {1} (data(:,1)) # runs perfectly on the main compiler screen
On my editor page the compilers complains on the = sign that a possible bracket is missing. However I do not understand why it works on the matlab line by line compiler !!
Those two lines of code are absolutely correct. Somewhere in you code you have forgotten an open left bracket e.g. [ , { , (
EDIT Now I understand what g24l was saying! Yes, that is likely the culprit of your problem.
Not sure what version of matlab you're using but when I run a very simple script:
data = kron(1:25,transpose(1:25)); % very simple 2D matrix of data;
Ques1 = { #(data) mean(data) #(data) std(data) };
mean1 = Ques1 {1} (data(:,1)) % runs perfectly on the main compiler screen
It works perfectly on R2007B and R2009B, are you using an older or newer version? I suspect there is some other issue creeping up in your script. Also, as a matter of following Mathworks recommended programming procedures, I would encourage you not to name a variable or function the same name as another variable or function. In this instance I'm referring to mean = .... It's easy to get this stuff mixed up and then have nasty problems. If you need more help, please feel free to post more of your script. Hope this helps!
I don't have access to Matlab at the moment so I can't test this out, but your syntax doesn't look right to me. Try this:
Ques1 = {#(data)mean, #(data)std};
mean = Ques1{1}(data(:,1))
If you run it your way in your debugger, how many elements does it say are in your cell array?