How to get the url for admin page (including the key) in magento 2x custom module controller - magento2

I need the page url in Magento 2x including key in my custom module controller.
here something similar but this is for magento 1x. i need for magento 2x.
for magento 1x : Mage::helper('adminhtml')->getUrl('adminhtml/framexport/index') but i need similar for magento 2x.

The right way is, inject the UrlInterface in you model block or whatever class constructor
Then call the getUrl() function
class SomeClass extends \Some\Other\Class
protected $_backendUrl;
public function __construct(
\Magento\Backend\Model\UrlInterface $backendUrl,
) {
$this->_backendUrl = $backendUrl;
public function someFunction()
$params = array('some'=>'url_parameters');
$url = $this->_backendUrl->getUrl("the/url/path", $params);

You can easily get Admin url By calling
Please not that "Context" type of object is loaded in the $this object

You can get admin url as follows:
public function __construct(\Magento\Backend\Helper\Data $HelperBackend
) {
$this->HelperBackend = $HelperBackend;
* #param \Magento\Framework\Event\Observer $observer
* #return void
public function getAdminUrl()
echo $this->HelperBackend->getHomePageUrl();

Somehow adminhtml/module creates an extra admin slug which does not work.
My solution is:
// $this->urlBuilder is defined in __constructor() \Magento\Framework\UrlInterface $urlBuilder
$query = [
'method' => 'confirm',
'id' => $order->getEntityId()
$url = $this->urlBuilder->getUrl('module', $query);
It works well for secure URLs (with keys) and non-default /admin URLs, such as /backend.


TYPO3 Extension - Redirect to another page in show action if no record is set or not available

How can I redirect to another page when someone access the detail page but without a record or if record is not available?
I have detail records like
When somone enters
... I get:
Uncaught TYPO3 Exception
#1298012500: Required argument "record" is not set for Vendor\Extension\Controller\ActionController->show. (More information)
TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\Exception\RequiredArgumentMissingException thrown in file
/is/htdocs/www/typo3_src-8.7.11/typo3/sysext/extbase/Classes/Mvc/Controller/AbstractController.php in line 425.
... in this case I want it to redirect to:
... I also need it if a specific record is not available.
... how to do so?
* action show
* #param \Action $record
* #return void
public function showAction(Action $record) {
$this->view->assign('record', $record);
Here are some examples TYPO3 Extbase - redirect to pid ... but not sure how to implement it
Edit: What works is ...
* action show
* #param \Action $record
* #return void
public function showAction(Action $record=null) {
if ($record === null) {
$pageUid = 75;
$uriBuilder = $this->uriBuilder;
$uri = $uriBuilder
$this->redirectToUri($uri, 0, 404);
} else {
$this->view->assign('record', $record);
The redirect method needs an action and controller parameter. So your redirect code is wrong.
$this->redirect($actionName, $controllerName = NULL, $extensionName = NULL, array $arguments = NULL, $pageUid = NULL, $delay = 0, $statusCode = 303);
To redirect to an PageUID you need to use the uriBuilder and the redirectToUri method. See here for an example.
This should do the trick:
public function showAction(Action $record=null) {
if ($record === null) {
$this->redirect(/* add parameters as needed */);
} else {
// other code
Alternative Solution (from Simon Oberländer)
public function intializeShowAction() {
if (!$this->request->hasArgument('record')) {
$this->redirect(/* add parameters as needed */); // stops further execution
Your question suggests that there should be an other action without arguments, probably a listAction, that is the DEFAULT action. The default action gets called when no action is specified. It is the first action enlisted in the ExtensionUtility::configurePlugin() call.
'Vendor.' . $_EXTKEY,
'Domainobject' => 'list, show',
// non-cacheable actions
'Domainobject' => 'list, show',
Regarding > The identity property "TTTT" is no UID
You have to distinguish between no parameter and an invalid parameter. For the latter you can add #ignorevalidation to the showAction comments and do your validation testing within the action - or you can leave it to extbase that displays the error message you have seen.
Where would you get a link like from anyhow? Unless the link is expired.
BTW: in a production system you would disable the display of exceptions, thus the display of the website would work.
This could be a solution:
* Show a booking object
* #return void
* #throws \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Exception\NoSuchArgumentException
public function showAction()
$bookingObject = null;
$bookingObjectUid = 0;
if ($this->request->hasArgument('bookingObject')) {
$bookingObjectUid = (int)$this->request->getArgument('bookingObject');
if ($bookingObjectUid > 0) {
$bookingObject = $this->bookingObjectRepository->findByIdentifier($bookingObjectUid);
if (!($bookingObject instanceof BookingObject)) {
$messageBody = 'Booking object can\'t be displayed.';
$messageTitle = 'Error';
$this->addFlashMessage($messageBody, $messageTitle, AbstractMessage::ERROR);
$this->view->assign('bookingObject', $bookingObject);

Using OAuth2 and ZF3-MVC to protect REST API

I'm trying to get working with my ZF3-MVC Application (ok, one solution could be to wait Apigility update).
I have successfully implemented the oauth2-server-php (, its zf-oauth2 module support ( and adapted zf-oauth2 client for ZF3 (
However, I'm totaly stuck now trying to protect my API y following zf-oauth2 module's recommandation:
You can protect your API using the following code (for instance, at the top of a controller):
if (!$this->server->verifyResourceRequest(OAuth2Request::createFromGlobals()))
// Not authorized return 401 error
where $this->server is an instance of OAuth2\Server (see the AuthController.php).
I've read this post (Using ZF2 Oauth2) but it's not compliant with ZF3. I guess there's a more efficient way rather than copying/pasting zf-oauth2 module's controller and factory to instantiate the server from scratch.
Would anyone have a clue on how to implement the instance of OAuth2\Server in my API controller?
I finally did it by my own. As I spent a significant amount time on this and saw that others where also looking for a solution, here is how I did it.
At first, I suggest you read if you're not familiar with Dependency Injection and Factories (this was my case).
// In module/YourModule/config/module.config.php:
namespace YourAppNamespace;
use Zend\ServiceManager\Factory\InvokableFactory;
return [
'controllers' => [
'factories' => [
Controller\YourController::class => Factory\YourControllerFactory::class,
'service_manager' => [ /** Your Service Manager Config **/ ]
'router' => [ /** Your Router Config */ ]
'view_manager' => [ /** Your ViewManager Config */ ],
// In module/YourModule/src/Controller/YourControllerFactory.php:
namespace YourAppNamespace\Factory;
use YourAppNamespace\Controller\YourController;
use Interop\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\Factory\FactoryInterface;
class YourControllerFactory implements FactoryInterface
* #param ContainerInterface $container
* #param string $requestedName
* #param null|array $options
* #return YourController
public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container, $requestedName, array $options = null)
$controllerPluginManager = $container;
$serviceManager = $controllerPluginManager->get('ServiceManager');
// Requires zf-campus/zf-oauth2
$server = $serviceManager->get('ZF\OAuth2\Service\OAuth2Server');
$provider = $serviceManager->get('ZF\OAuth2\Provider\UserId');
return new YourController($server, $provider);
// In module/YourModule/src/Controller/YourController.php:
namespace YourAppNamespace\Controller;
use ZF\OAuth2\Controller\AuthController;
use OAuth2\Request as OAuth2Request;
use ZF\OAuth2\Provider\UserId\UserIdProviderInterface;
class YourController extends AuthController
public function __construct($serverFactory, UserIdProviderInterface $userIdProvider)
parent::__construct($serverFactory, $userIdProvider);
public function indexAction()
$server = call_user_func($this->serverFactory, "oauth");
if (!$server->verifyResourceRequest(OAuth2Request::createFromGlobals())) {
// Failure
$response = $server->getResponse();
return $this->getApiProblemResponse($response);
// Success
echo json_encode(array('success' => true, 'message' => 'It works!'));
Hope it helps!

Zend Framework - Router - Creating Aliases

I'm building a Zend Framework 1.11.11 application and would like to make the routes and content database driven.
I've written a FrontController Plugin that retrieves the 'paths' from the database and creates an entry in the Router for each one, with the associated controller and action.
However, I'd like to be able to use 'aliases' - a URL that behaves like a normal URL, but is an alias.
For example, if I create the following:
// Create the Zend Route
$entry = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Static(
$route->getUrl(), // The string/url to match
array('controller' => $route->getControllers()->getName(),
'action' => $route->getActions()->getName())
// Add the route to the router
$router->addRoute($route->getUrl(), $entry);
Then a route for /about/ for example can goto the staticController, indexAction.
However, what's the best way for me to create an alias of this route? So if I went to /abt/ it would render the same Controller and Action?
To me it doesn't make sense to recreate the same route as I'll be using the route as the page 'identifier' to then load content from the database for the page...
you can extend static router:
class My_Route_ArrayStatic extends Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Static
protected $_routes = array();
* Prepares the array of routes for mapping
* first route in array will become primary, all others
* aliases
* #param array $routes array of routes
* #param array $defaults
public function __construct(array $routes, $defaults = array())
$this->_routes = $routes;
$route = reset($routes);
parent::__construct($route, $defaults);
* Matches a user submitted path with a previously specified array of routes
* #param string $path
* #param boolean $partial
* #return array|false
public function match($path, $partial = false)
$return = false;
foreach ($this->_routes as $route) {
$success = parent::match($path, $partial);
if (false !== $success) {
$return = $success;
return $return;
public function setRoute($route)
$this->_route = trim($route, '/');
and add new router this way:
$r = My_Route_ArrayStatic(array('about', 'abt'), $defaults);

Zend Framework HTTPS URL

Is there any more or less standard way to specify a route that would create URL's with explicitly specified scheme?
I've tried the solution specified here but it's not excellent for me for several reasons:
It doesn't support base url request property. Actually rewrite router ignores it when URL scheme is specified explicitly.
It's needed to specify separate static route for each scheme-dependent URL (it's not possible to chain module route with hostname route because of base url is ignored).
It's needed to determine HTTP_HOST manually upon router initialization in bootstrap as long as request object is not present within FrontController yet.
Use a combination of the ServerUrl and Url view helpers to construct your URLs, eg (view context)
<?php $this->getHelper('ServerUrl')->setScheme('https') ?>
<a href="<?php echo $this->serverUrl($this->url(array(
'url' => 'params'), 'route', $reset, $encode)) ?>">My Link</a>
You can write your own custom View helper for composing an URL. Take a look at the
class Pro_View_Helper_LinksUrl
extends Zend_View_Helper_Abstract
* Returns link category URL
* #param string $https
* #param string $module
* #param string $controller
* #param string $action
* #return string Url-FQDN
public function linksUrl($https = false, $module = 'www',
$controller = 'links', $action = 'index')
$router = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRouter();
$urlParts = $router->assemble(array(
'module' => $module,
'controller' => $controller,
'action' => $action,
), 'www-index');
$FQDN = (($https) ? "https://" : "http://") . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $urlParts;
return $FQDN;

is it different 'default ' and 'Default' in zend default session namespace?

I am using sessions in zend framework.
the question is i need to know is there a difference between
new Zend_Session_Namespace("default");
new Zend_Session_Namespace("Default");
in my application, I have used both, it seems the code is not working correctly,
if there is a difference, what is the correct one to use.
here is my code
class Admin_DashboardController extends Zend_Controller_Action
function init()
* Add hotelId to default session
* redirect to admin/hotels if hotelId is not avialble
public function indexAction()
$params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
$hotelid = NULL;
$config_session = new Zend_Session_Namespace("default");
$config_session->hotelid = $params['id'];
if(isset($params['id']) && !empty($params['id'])){
//redirect user to select hotels page
$redirector = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
$url = array(
'action' => 'admin/hotels/index'
All Zend_Session_Namespace does internally is create a named array inside the $_SESSION superglobal. As array keys in PHP are case sensitive, "Default" and "default" will be treated as separate namespaces.
You can use whichever one you want, just be consistent if you expect to use the same data.