fprintf causing commas in Matlab - matlab

I am trying to output table data to a .dat file where I separate the rows by newlines and the column data by commas. I have this written for the first few rows:
fileID = fopen(strcat(filename,'.dat'), 'wt');
fprintf(fileID, '"","","","","","","",""\n');
fprintf(fileID, '"TIMESTAMP","RECORD","MuxAddress","Averages"\n');
This should generate this text in the file:
Unfortunately, the code actually generates this text:
Which you can see has commas at the end of each line. This issue breaks a viewer program that I am using, and I can see no way to fix it. I have not found anyone else saying they have this issue either.
I have done some testing, and if I do a fprintf by itself with a newline, it does not put a comma, but as soon as I put a second fprintf, it creates commas at the end of both lines.

So it turns out that it all came down to file permissions. In the specific case with overwriting the file instead of appending it, the code would add the commas. I never discovered WHY the commas were being added, but I did find that if I appended the file instead of overwriting they went away.


Trouble rendering CSV data as an interactive table in GitHub

When viewed, any .csv file committed to a GitHub repository automatically renders as an interactive table, complete with headers and row numbering. By default, the first row is your header row. The tables were supposed to look nice as below:
However, there's an error happening in my tabular data, and despite indicating the error, I can't fix it:
I'm using a .csv file with a semicolon separator. Does anyone have an idea of what's happening?
According to the docs, Github can only do its lay-out thing with .csv (comma-separated) and .tsv (tab-separated) files.
Using a semicolon as a separator isn't supported, at least not officially, and a spurious comma in a semicolon-separated file could well throw the algorithm off.
You could try replacing all semicolons with tabs and see how you fare.
If that doesn't work, try using commas as separators and enclose all text table cell data with quotes, like:
"Liver fibrosis, sclerosis, and cirrhosis","c370800","102922","Cystic fibrosis related cirrhosis","Diagnosis of liver fibrosis, sclerosis, and cirrhosis"
Note: no spaces after the commas. Also, if you have quotes in the text fields, you will have to escape those to "" (two quotes), or the algorithm will get confused.
You may get away with using quotes only for the offending text data, but that could well be more difficult to generate than just putting the quotes around all fields.

Identify hidden control character and ignore when scanning csv file

I am trying to use textscan in MATLAB to read in mixed format data from a .csv file. I am currently running into a problem that there are a number of nonvisible characters which are getting read in as a string when I am not expecting them. I believe if I set this character as a delimiter or whitespace it will solve my text scanning issue.
My main problem at the moment is that I don't know what character it is to be able to identify it. I have used isstrprop to determine that it is a control character. I guessed that it was the NUL character, so I tried adding \0 to the delimiter set for textscan. Unfortunately MATLAB does not recognize that as a valid \ constant.
Below is one line of the data file, copied from Notepad. The characters preceding each of the commas are the ones in question. The following line is the command I used in MATLAB to read it.
1 ,T,171215,173201,21.982413N,159.342881W,150 ,0 ,0 ,3D,SPS ,2.7 ,2.5 ,1.0 ,
C = textscan(fid,'%d%s%d%d%s%s%d%d%d%s%s%f%f%f%s','delimiter',',','headerlines',1,'MultipleDelimsAsOne',1)
Also, for what it's worth, using deblank on the string of characters that is read in does remove them. However, I only know how to apply this after the textscan, so the characters still throw off the parsing.
How can I identify this character and set it to be ignored by textscan?

Matlab dataimport

My matlab code for dataimport is giving me different results for what appear to be similar text files as input. Input1 gives me a normal cell with all lines from the text file as entries in the cell which i can reference using {i}.
Input2 gives me a scalar data structure where all numeric entries in my text file are converted to the input.data structure. I want all files to be converted to regular cell entries and I do not understand why for some files they are converted to scalar data structures.
Code: input = importdata(strcat(direct,'\',filename));
Input1 example: Correctly working dataimport, with text file on the right
File link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aHK4xivqEqJEmaA8Dv8Y0uW5giG-Bbip
Input2 example: Incorrectly working data import, with text file on the right FIle link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nzUj_wR1bNXFcGaSLGva6uVsxrk-R5vA
I'm guessing you are using GNU Octave although you are writing "Matlab" as topic of your question.
In importdata.m around line 178, the code tries to automatically detect the delimiter for your data:
delim = regexpi (row, '[-+\d.e*ij ]+([^-+\de.ij])[-+\de*.ij ]','tokens', 'once');
If you run this against W40A0060; you get A as delimiter because there is basically a number before and after it.
If you run this against W39E0016; you get {} as delimiter(empty) because the E could be part of a number in scientific notation and is therefore excluded.
you really should add the correct delimiter to the importdata call and not trust that it's magically detected.
And if you just want the lines in a cell, use
strsplit (fileread ("W39E0016_Input2.txt"), "\n")
This looks indeed strange!
EDIT: The cause for this strange looking behaviour has been deciphered by #Andy (See his solution).
When you use all outputs of importdata() function you can see what happens when reading the data:
For your first file it recognizes 69 header riws and no delimiter:
del1 = []
headerrows1 = 69
while in your second file only two header rows and a comma , delimiter is recognized
del2 = ','
headerrows2 = 2
I can not find an obvious reason in your files causing this different interpretation of data.
Your data format is rather complex. It is not a simple table like produced from excel. It has multiple lines with a different number of fields per line and varying data types. importdata() is not designed for this type of data. I suggest to write a specific import function for this kind of file. Have a look at textread() for a first guess. You can use it to read the lines of the files as text and later interpret it with sscanf() or use strsplit() to split the line contents into fields.

Printing data to text file

I am using the fprintf command to store the contents of a .mat file to a .txt. The .mat file contains strings. My code prints the data in the same column.
fid = fopen('exp.txt','wt');
for i=1:275
fprintf (fid,classes{i}{1})
When I use the \n and the '\r\n' options, they doesn't print anything to the file. I'd appreciate the help!
Some text editors will show those new line characters and some wont. This happens because of different standards followed by different softwares and operating systems for eg:
end of line sequences
Windows end of line sequence: \r\n
Unix end of line sequence: \n
Mac end of line sequence: \r
So if you really want good human readable formats, either fix your operation system/software and use characters friendly for that system, or if you want uniformity in the reports, better write files in standard HTML formats :)
adding a "br" tag and naming file .html is as simple as writing out '\n' and naming it .txt!

fprintf not printing new line

I am trying to send an array that is [2 x N] doubles large to a text file using the fprintf() command. I am having problems in that fprintf() is not recognizing the new line command (\n) or the carriage return command (\r). The code I am using is
fid = fopen([Image.Dir,'CtlPts_',Image.Files{k},'.txt'],'w');
where the data I am trying to print is in the cell control_points{k}.
The tab gets printed fine, but everything in the text file gets printed on one line, so this is why I am assuming that it is ignoring my new line character.
Is there something wrong with my syntax that I am not seeing?
I know that on many systems, \n is not enough to create what you're asking for (and so, maybe you have to do \r\n)
An alternative solution is to open the file in text mode, that way MATLAB automatically inserts a carriage return \r before any newline \n character in the output on Windows systems:
fid = fopen('file.txt', 'wt');
fprintf(fid, '%f\t%f\n', rand(10,2));
Note that this is somewhat unnecessary, since most editors (with the exception of Microsoft Notepad) recognize Unix/Mac/Windows line endings.