Can I generate Scala bindings for Objective-C and C++ with scala-bindgen? - scala

I've recently found scala-bindgen from a Gitter room on Scala Native. Seems like (at the present point in time) they are developing a tool for generating Scala bindings for C header files.
Are there plans for generating Scala bindings for Objective-C and C++ too?

The initial plan consists only on Scala bindings for C language. Bindings for Objective-C is something planned for future. Bindings for C++ are pretty unlikely to happen, due to the complexity involved in such task.
For more information:


GraalVM: How to implement compiler optimizations?

I want to develop a tool that performs certain optimizations in a program based on the program structure. For example, let's say I want to identify if-else within a loop, and my tool shall rewrite it into two loops.
I want the tool to be able to rewrite programs from a wide range of languages, example Java, C++, Python, Javascript, etc.
I am exploring if GraalVM can be used for this purpose, to act as the common platform in which I can implement the same optimizations for various languages.
Does GraalVM have a common intermediate representation (something like the LLVM IR)? I looked at the documentation but I am not sure where to get started. Any pointers?
Note: I am not looking for inter-operability between languages. You can assume that the programs I want to rewrite are written in one single language; the language may be different for different programs.
GraalVM has two components that are relevant for this:
compiler, which compiles Java bytecode to native code
truffle, which is a framework for implementing other programming languages on top of GraalVM.
Languages implemented with the Truffle framework get partially evaluated to Java bytecode, which is then compiled by the Graal compiler. This article/talk gives more details including the IR used by Graal compiler: Depending on your concrete use case you may want to hook into Truffle, Truffle partial evaluator or Graal compiler.

scala native vs. JNI

I'm lifting a native API to Scala. There appear to be two paths: use JNI or use Scala Native.
JNI usage creates the methods you want in Java and then shadows them in C where you write C code to access your API. Pro: you can use the native API's data structures directly. Con: your Scala code now also has to provide its own native wrapper library increasing chances of portability complications, and now you wrapped the library twice, once in JNI C to get it into the JVM and then in the Java/Scala module. A lot of work, many places for bugs. I used this path many times, I figured it was the way the world was.
Then along comes Scala native which does the reverse and shadows the C functions in Scala. Pro: you don't write in C so no new native library and no double wrapper. Con: it seems you can only lift Scala native primitives so complex native data structures can't be accessed. That makes the native library useless if it can't use its data structures.
Neither is terribly portable, as expected, but is there some functionality I'm over looking that fixes the cons of one or both of these approaches? Or some other reason to pick on Scala native over JNI?
Scala Native does not "shadow" C functions in JVM-based Scala. Scala Native is the direct equivalent of bare-metal/native C language but with Scala syntax instead of C syntax and Scala semantics (without any JVM-based semantics) instead of C semantics. If you were to chose JNI, then you would conceivably have 2 choices in the scope of your question of which language to utilize to invoke the JNI injections into the JVM from outside the JVM: either C or Scala Native. If you were to choose Scala Native to write UI code on a JVM-based infrastructure (e.g., Android) then you would be effectively choosing JNI as well by having Scala Native invoke JNI (instead of C invoking JNI). (All mentioning of C here applies to C++ as well.) All that said, utilizing Scala Native invoking JNI to perform UI function invocation from outside the JVM is highly unorthodox (and utilized widely only in the Xamarin-based world).

Compilation / Code Generation of External Scala DSL

My understanding is that it is quite simple to create & parse an external DSL in Scala (e.g. representing rules). Is my assumption correct that the DSL can only be interpreted during runtime but does not support code generation (like ANTLR) for archiving better performance ?
EDIT: To be more precise, my question is if I could achieve this (create an external domain specific language and generate java/scala code) with built-in Scala tools/libraries (e.g. Not writing a whole parser / code generator completely by yourself in scala. It's also clear that you can achieve this with third-party tools but you have to learn additional stuff and have additional dependencies. I'm new in the area of implementing DSLs, so I have no gutfeeling so far when to use external tools like ANTLR and what you can (with a reasonable effort) do with Scala on-board stuff.
Is my assumption correct that the DSL can only be interpreted during runtime but does not support code generation (like ANTLR) for archiving better performance ?
No, this is wrong. It is possible to write a compiler in Scala, after all, Scala is Turing-complete (i.e. you can write anything), and you don't even need Turing-completeness for a compiler.
Some examples of compilers written in Scala include
the Scala compiler itself (in all its variations, Scala-JVM, Scala.js, Scala-native, Scala-virtualized, Typelevel Scala, the abandoned Scala.NET, …)
the Dotty compiler
… and many others …

What would be a good approach to generate native code from an interpreter written with scala parser combinators?

I already have an interpreter for my language.
It is implemented with:
parser -> scala parser combinators;
AST -> scala case classes;
evaluator -> scala pattern matching.
Now I want to compile AST to native code and hopefully Java bytecode.
I am thinking of two main options to accomplish at least one of these two tasks:
generate LLVM IR code;
generate C code and/or Java code;
obs.: GCJ and SLEM seem to be unusable (GCJ works with simple code, as I could test)
Short Answer
I'd go with Java Bytecode.
Long Answer
The thing is, the higher-level the language you compile to,
The slower and more cumbersome the compilation process is
The more flexibility you get
For instance, if you compile to C, you can then get a lot of possible backends for C compilers - you can generate Java Bytecode, LLVM IR, asm for many architectures, etc., but you basically compile twice. If you choose LLVM IR you're already halfway to compiling to asm (parsing LLVM IR is far faster than parsing a language such as C), but you'll have a very hard time getting Java Bytecode from that. Both intermediate languages can compile to native, though.
I think compiling to some intermediate representation is preferable to compiling to a general-purpose programming language. Between LLVM IR and Java Bytecode I'd go with Java Bytecode - even though I personally like LLVM IR better - because you wrote that you basically want both, and while you can sort of convert Java Bytecode to LLVM IR, the other direction is very difficult.
The only remaining difficulty is translating your language to Java Bytecode. This related question about tools that can make it easier might help.
Finally, another advantage of Java Bytecode is that it'll play well with your interpreter, effectively allowing you to easily generate a hotspot-like JITter (or even a trace compiler).
I agree with #Oak about the choice of ByteCode as the most simple target. A possible Scala library to generate ByteCode is CafeBabe by #psuter.
You cannot do everything with it, but for small project it could be sufficient. The syntax is also very clear. Please see the project Wiki for more information.

Convert Scala AST to source code

Given a Scala AST, is there a way to generate Scala source code?
I'm looking into ways to autogenerate Scala source by parsing/analyzing other Scala source. Any tips would be appreciated!
I have been successfully using Scala-Refactoring by Mirko Stocker for this task.
For synthetically constructing ASTs, it relies strongly on the existing Tree DSL of Scala's NSC.
Although the code is a bit messy, you can find an example usage in my project ScalaCollider-UGens.
I have also come across a very useful class by Johannes Rudolph.
See our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit.
DMS provides a complete ecosystem for parsing/analyzing/optimizing/transforming source code in many languages. It achieves this by provide generic machinery for these tasks as its core capabilities, and specializing those according to explicitly supplied language definitions ("front ends"). DMS has front ends for many languages (C, C++, C#, Java, COBOL, ...) that have been used in anger, and a process for defining others very quickly.
We work on expanding the language set more or less continuously. DMS already has parts of a Scala front end implemented, and we know how to finish it based on the other 30+ front ends we have built, with special emphasis on knowledge of Java.