clean way to detect if current_query() is a prepared statement? - postgresql

Does anyone know a good way to detect if the result from current_query()is a prepared statement or not?
I seems that I can't simply use a string function because this would be an exampe for a prepared statement:
UPDATE table SET "x" = $1 WHERE "y" = $2 AND "z" = $3
But this would not:
UPDATE table SET "x" = '$1 + $2 = $3' WHERE "y"='$1' AND "z" = 1
Is there maybe another function I can use together with / instead of current_query() or do you have any other ideas?

You may be able to detect if current_query() is a prepared statement by looking for \$[[:digit:]] after stripping the text of all strings. The following query would do, however it may fail in cases of intricate quote nesting:
queries(curr_query) as (
values ($$UPDATE table SET "x" = '$1||''a'' + $2 = $3' WHERE "y"='$1' AND "z" = 1$$),
($$UPDATE table SET "x" = $r1$a$r1$||$1 WHERE "y" = $2 AND "z" = $3||$r1$b$r1$ $$),
($$UPDATE table SET "x" = $1 WHERE "y" = $2 AND "z" = $3$$)
stripped as (
select *,
regexp_replace(curr_query, '(["'']).*?\1', '', 'g'),
'\$([[:alpha:]]*?)\$.*?\$\1\$', '', 'g'),
'\$([[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]*?)\$.*?\$\1\$', '', 'g') as stripped_query
from queries
select *, stripped_query ~ '\$[[:digit:]]' AS is_prepared
from stripped


DB2 SQL Query Filtering rows based on multiple fields

I need to write a query based on the following conditions:
Within one table, the following condition must be met:
table name: DLS_RBM_RBI
columns within the table
RBM_3_CD must be blank
If RBM_3_CD is blank, then RBM_2_CD must be 1
If RBM_3_CD is blank and RBM_2_CD is blank, then RBM_1_CD must be 1
How would these conditions be coded in a SQL statement? In an IF within a where clause or case in a select?
I tried using a where clause with these conditions.
AND (D.RBM_3_CD = '')
OR (D.RBM_3_CD = '' AND D.RBM_2_CD = '1')
OR (D.RBM_3_CD = '' AND RBM_2_CD = '' AND RBM_1_CD = '1')
The first statement
AND (D.RBM_3_CD = ' ')
negates the need for the second and third. There's no way for the first statement to false while the second or third are true.
try this instead
where D.RBM_3_CD = ' '
and ( (D.RBM_3_CD = '' AND D.RBM_2_CD = '1')
or (D.RBM_3_CD = '' AND RBM_2_CD = '' AND RBM_1_CD = '1')

UPDATE SET with different value for each row

I have python dict with relationship between elements and their values. For example:
db_rows_values = {
<element_uuid_1>: 12,
<element_uuid_2>: "abc",
<element_uuid_3>: [123, 124, 125],
And I need to update it in one query. I made it in python through the query generation loop with CASE:
sql_query_elements_values_part = " ".join([f"WHEN '{element_row['element_id']}' "
f"THEN '{ujson.dumps(element_row['value'])}'::JSONB "
for element_row in db_row_values])
query_part_elements_values_update = f"""
elements_value_update AS (
UPDATE m2m_entries_n_elements
SET value =
CASE element_id
WHERE element_id = ANY(%(elements_ids)s::UUID[])
AND entry_id = ANY(%(entries_ids)s::UUID[])
RETURNING element_id, entry_id, value
But now I need to rewrite it in plpgsql. I can pass db_rows_values as array of ROWTYPE or as json but how can I make something like WHEN THEN part?
Ok, I can pass dict as JSON, convert it to rows with json_to_recordset and change WHEN THEN to SET value = (SELECT.. WHERE)
WITH input_rows AS (
FROM json_to_recordset(
{"element_id": 2, "value":"new_value_1"},
{"element_id": 4, "value": "new_value_2"}
) AS x("element_id" int, "value" text)
UPDATE table1
SET value = (SELECT value FROM input_rows WHERE input_rows.element_id = table1.element_id)
WHERE element_id IN (SELECT element_id FROM input_rows);

How to fix an expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'BEGIN'.?

Hey I have this query
IF (select kmkood from or_arved_read where kmkood = '1' or kmkood = '14' or kmkood = '15' or kmkood = '6' )
SET #stat_vat = 21
IF (select kmkood from or_arved_read where kmkood = '2' or kmkood = '7' )
SET #stat_vat = 12
But it returns An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'BEGIN'.
how can i fix it?
Firstly, your IF doesn't have a boolean expression. The subquery returns a value (or more accurately for this scenario will return many and cause a different error) for the column kmkood, but then you don't do anything with that value. What value does that column need? The format should be something like this:
IF (SELECT SomeColumn FROM dbo.SomeTable WHERE... ) = 'SomeValue'
Also, if you have a BEGIN you need an END afterwards, which you don't have:
IF (SELECT SomeColumn FROM dbo.SomeTable WHERE... ) = 'SomeValue'
{Do several statements}
As, however, you are just doing a SET statement then you don't actually need the BEGIN and END statements.
I suspect what you are really after here, however, in an EXISTS:
IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM dbo.or_arved_read WHERE kmkood IN (1,14,15,6))
SET #stat_vat = 21;
IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM dbo.or_arved_read WHERE kmkood IN (2,7))
SET #stat_vat = 12;
You don't need all those ORs either, an IN works fine, and numbers shouldn't be in single quotes, so that makes things a bit shorter.

OrientDB Removing one result set from another using the difference() function

We are using version v.1.7-rc2 of OrientDB, embedded in our application, and I'm struggling to figure out a query for removing one set of results from another set of results.
For a simplified example, we have a class of type "A" which is organized in a directional hierarchy. The class has a "name" attribute defined as a string (referring to areas, regions, counties, cities, etc), and a "parent" edge defining a relationship from the child instances to the parent instances.
I was able to find the intersection of the result sets from the two sub-queries of my hierarchy using the instance() function:
select expand( $1 ) LET $2 = ( select from (traverse in('parent') from (select from A where name = 'Eastern')) where $depth > 0 and name like '%a%' ), $3 = ( select from (traverse in('parent') from (select from A where name = 'Eastern')) where $depth > 0 and name like '%o%' ), $1 = intersect( $2, $3 )
I thought I could accomplish the opposite effect if I used the difference() function:
select expand( $1 ) LET $2 = ( select from (traverse in('parent') from (select from A where name = 'Eastern')) where $depth > 0 and name like '%a%' ), $3 = ( select from (traverse in('parent') from (select from A where name = 'Eastern')) where $depth > 0 and name like '%o%' ), $1 = difference( $2, $3 )
but it returns zero records, when the sub queries for $2 and $3 run separately return record sets that overlap. What am I failing to understand? I've searched the forums and documentation, but haven't figured it out.
In the end, I want to take vertices found in one result set, and remove from it any vertices found in a second result set. I essentially want the analogous behavior of the SQL EXCEPT operator (
Any ideas or directions would be extremely helpful!

Using IndexOf and/Or Substring to parse data into separate columns

I am working on migrating data from one database to another for a hospital. In the old database, the doctor's specialty IDs are all in one column (swvar_specialties), each separated by commas. In the new database, each specialty ID will have it's own column (example: Specialty1_PrimaryID, Specialty2_PrimaryID, Specialty3_PrimaryID, etc). I am trying to export the data out of the old database and separate these into these separate columns. I know I can use indexof and substring to do this - I just need help with the syntax.
So this query:
Select swvar_specialties as Specialty1_PrimaryID
From PhysDirectory
might return results similar to 39,52,16. I need this query to display Specialty1_PrimaryID = 39, Specialty2_PrimaryID = 52, and Specialty3_PrimaryID = 16 in the results. Below is my query so far. I will eventually have a join to pull the specialty names from the specialties table. I just need to get this worked out first.
Select pd.ref as PrimaryID, pd.swvar_name_first as FirstName, pd.swvar_name_middle as MiddleName,
pd.swvar_name_last as LastName, pd.swvar_name_suffix + ' ' + pd.swvar_name_degree as NameSuffix,
pd.swvar_birthdate as DateOfBirth,pd.swvar_notes as AdditionalInformation, 'images/' + '' + pd.swvar_photo as ImageURL,
pd.swvar_philosophy as PhilosophyOfCare, pd.swvar_gender as Gender, pd.swvar_specialties as Specialty1_PrimaryID, pd.swvar_languages as Language1_Name
From PhysDirectory as pd
The article Split function equivalent in T-SQL? provides some details on how to use a split function to split a comma-delimited string.
By modifying the table-valued function in presented in this article to provide an identity column we can target a specific row such as Specialty1_PrimaryID:
Splits string into parts delimitered with specified character.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[SDF_SplitString]
#sString nvarchar(2048),
#cDelimiter nchar(1)
RETURNS #tParts TABLE (id bigint IDENTITY, part nvarchar(2048) )
if #sString is null return
declare #iStart int,
#iPos int
if substring( #sString, 1, 1 ) = #cDelimiter
set #iStart = 2
insert into #tParts
values( null )
set #iStart = 1
while 1=1
set #iPos = charindex( #cDelimiter, #sString, #iStart )
if #iPos = 0
set #iPos = len( #sString )+1
if #iPos - #iStart > 0
insert into #tParts
values ( substring( #sString, #iStart, #iPos-#iStart ))
insert into #tParts
values( null )
set #iStart = #iPos+1
if #iStart > len( #sString )
Your query can the utilise this split function as follows:
pd.ref as PrimaryID,
pd.swvar_name_first as FirstName,
pd.swvar_name_middle as MiddleName,
pd.swvar_name_last as LastName,
pd.swvar_name_suffix + ' ' + pd.swvar_name_degree as LastName,
pd.swvar_birthdate as DateOfBirth,pd.swvar_notes as AdditionalInformation,
'images/' + '' + pd.swvar_photo as ImageURL,
pd.swvar_philosophy as PhilosophyOfCare, pd.swvar_gender as Gender,
(Select part from SDF_SplitString(pd.swvar_specialties, ',') where id=1) as Specialty1_PrimaryID,
(Select part from SDF_SplitString(pd.swvar_specialties, ',') where id=2) as Specialty2_PrimaryID,
pd.swvar_languages as Language1_Name
From PhysDirectory as pd