Expected parameter scala.Option<Timestamp> vs. Actual argument Timestamp - scala

This is probably a very silly question, but I have a case class which takes as a parameter Option[Timestamp]. The reason this is necessary is because sometimes the timestamp isn't included. However, for testing purposes I'm making an object where I pass in
Timestamp.valueOf("2016-01-27 22:27:32.596150")
But, it seems I can't do this as this is an actual Timestamp, and it's expecting an Option.
How do I convert to Option[Timestamp] from Timestamp. Further, why does this cause a problem to begin with? Isn't the whole benefit of Option that it could be there or not?
Thanks in advance,

Option indicates the possibility of a missing value, but you still need to construct an Option[Timestamp] value. There are two subtypes for Option - None when there is no value, and Some[T] which contains a value of type T.
You can create one directly using Some:
Some(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-01-27 22:27:32.596150"))
or Option.apply:
Option(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-01-27 22:27:32.596150"))


How do I change how keys are serialized in Scalding?

I am grouping by a custom type in my scalding job:
In my output, the keys show up as the toString output, which is not useful. How can I make scalding use a custom serializer for these keys?
My current workaround is to call toTypedPipe and explicitly call my serialization function in the mappers, but this seems wasteful.
The sink is a TypedTsv[(Key, Value)], where Key is the type of the field that I would like to serialize differently.
Well, Tsv is a text format, so, in the end of the day, everything becomes a string.
The simplest way would be to just override .toString on your Key type, or wrap it into another object with .toString overridden. Or, just replace it with a String as a final step (I think, that's what you are already doing anyway). I am not sure what you mean when you say it is "wasteful". It does not add an extra step to the flow if that's your concern, and the conversion to string would have to happen in any case, so that cost is fixed.
.groupBy(x => beautifulString(x.nonPrimitiveField))

scala quasiquotes: comparing types

As an overview, I am trying to dynamically create a constructor for a case class from a Cassandra Java Row using reflection to find the primary constructor for the case class, and then trying to extract the values from the Cassandra Row.
Specifically, I want to support an Option in a case class as being an optional field in the Row, such that
case class Person(name: String, age: Option[Int])
will successfully populate if the Row has a name and an age, or just the name (and fill in a None for age).
To this end, I followed this very helpful blog post that achieves a similar objective between Case Classes and Maps.
However, I seem to be stuck trying to consolidate the dynamic nature of reflectively extracting types from the Case Class and the compile-time nature of quasiquotes. As an example:
I have a type fieldType which could be a native type or an Option of a native type. If it is an Option, I want to pass returnType.typeArgs.head to my quasiquote construction, so that it can extract the parameterized type from the Row, and if it is not an Option, I will just pass returnType.
if (fieldType <:< typeOf[Option[_]])
(assuming r is a Cassandra Row and as and getAs exist for this Row)
When I try to compile this, I get an error saying that it does not know how to deal with doing r.as[Option[String]]. This makes conceptual sense to me because there is no way the compiler would know which way the runtime comparison will resolve and so needs to check both cases.
So how might I go about making this type check? If I could maybe compare the types fieldType and typeOf[Option[_]] within the quasiquote, it might stop complaining, but I can't figure out how to compare types in a quasiquote, and I'm not sure it's even possible. If I could extract the parameterized type of the Option within the quasiquote, it might stop complaining, but I could not figure that out either.
Sorry, I am very new to Scala and this stuff is, at the moment, very confusing and esoteric to me. If you want to look more closely at what I am doing, I have a repo: https://github.com/thurstonsand/scala-cass/blob/master/src/main/scala/com/weather/scalacass/ScalaCass.scala
where the interesting part is ScalaCass.CaseClassRealizer, and I am testing it in CaseClassUnitTests.
I found help from #liff on the gitter scala/scala page.
Apparently, I was finding my fieldType incorrectly.
I was doing: val fieldType = tpe.decl(encodedName).typeSignature where I should have been doing val fieldType = field.infoIn(tpe). Will update once I know what this difference means.

Pass null to a method expects Long

I have a Scala method that takes 2 parameters:
def test(x:Long,y:Int){}
On some occasion I need to pass null instead of long ... something like that:
The result:
scala> test(null,2) :7: error: type mismatch; found :
Null(null) required: Long
Why do I need to pass null?
Actually ,for some reason,I can't pass any default values.
Thus, I need such a null.
*Note:*I know that the solution would be making it Option.
However let's say I have no control over this method signature,can I do any work around?
Any ideas!
Null is a subtype of types which inherit from AnyRef, not from value types which inherit from AnyVal. This is why you are not able to pass null in. This corresponds to how, in java, you cant have a null of type long. (ignoring the boxed Long type).
However, this is an indication that the signature of the method should be changed to:
def test(x: Option[Long], y: Int)
which indicates that sometimes it goes no value for x. Since we have this nice Option class to deal with just this instance, there is little if any valid reasons to use null values, where you are relying on developers remembering to check for null values. Instead, with Option, the compiler will force you to take care of the fact that the value might not be there.
Since you can't change the signature, consider the mistake of Thinking Option[Foo] is the only/most natural way to express a missing function argument.
If the param to your function is a lower bound, then Long.MinValue might be a natural default.
If by "for some reason,I can't pass any default values" (whatever that could possibly mean) you mean you can't add defaults to the signature, and you're going the route suggested in another answer of adapting the method, you might as well change f(a,b) to g(b, a=Long.MinValue) or whatever before forwarding.
Instead of making clients of your adaptor method call g(b, None), let them call g(b). You're not passing the Option to the underlying f(a,b) anyway.
The way to convert scala primitives to Java wrapper classes, is to use the static valueOf members on the Java Primitive wrappers. I had this issue where I needed to convert an Option[Double] to a java.lang.Double or null. This is what I did:
val value: Option[Double]
val orNull = value.map(java.lang.Double.valueOf(_)).orNull
Just passing literal null should work if you are calling a method that accepts java.lang.Long/Double/Integer

Under what conditions is inferring Nothing desirable?

In my own code, and on numerous mailing list postings, I've noticed confusion due to Nothing being inferred as the least upper bound of two other types.
The answer may be obvious to you*, but I'm lazy, so I'm asking you*:
Under what conditions is inferring Nothing in this way the most desirable outcome?
Would it make sense to have the compiler throw an error in these cases, or a warning unless overridden by some kind of annotation?
* Plural
Nothing is the subtype of everything, so it is in a certain sense the counter part of Any, which is the super-type of everything. Nothing can't be instantiated, you'll never hold a Nothing object. There are two situations (I'm aware of) where Nothing is actually useful:
A function that never returns (in contrast to a function that returns no useful value, which would use Unit instead), which happens for infinite loops, infinite blocking, throwing always an exception or exiting the application
As a way to specify the type of empty Containers, e.g. Nil or None. In Java, you can't have a single Nil object for an generic immutable lists without casting or other tricks: If you want to create a List of Dates, even the empty element needs to have the right type, which must be a subtype of Date. As Date and e.g. Integer don't share a common subtype in Java, you can't create such a Nil instance without tricks, despite the fact that your Nil doesn't even hold any value. Now Scala has this common subtype for all objects, so you can define Nil as object Nil extends List[Nothing], and you can use it to start any List you like.
To your second question: Yes, that would be useful. I'd guess there is already a compiler switch for turning on these warnings, but I'm not sure.
It's impossible to infer Nothing as the least upper bound of two types unless those two types are also both Nothing. When you infer the least upper bound of two types, and those two types have nothing in common, you'll get Any (In most such cases, you'll get AnyRef though, because you'll only get Any when a value type like Int or Long is involved.)

Optional attribute values in MappedField

I'm new to Scala and Lift, coming from a slightly odd background in PLT Scheme. I've done a quick search on this topic and found lots of questions but no answers. I'm probably looking in the wrong place.
I've been working my way through tutorials on using Mapper to create database-backed objects, and I've hit a stumbling block: what types should be used to stored optional attribute values.
For example, a simple ToDo object might comprise a title and an optional deadline (e.g. http://rememberthemilk.com). The former would be a MappedString, but the latter could not be a MappedDateTime since the type constraints on the field require, say, defaultValue to return a Date (rather than a Date or null/false/???).
Is an underlying NULL handled by the MappedField subclasses? Or are there optional equivalents to things like MappedInt, MappedString, MappedDateTime that allow the value to be NULL in the database? Or am I approaching this in the wrong way?
The best place to have Lift questions answered is the Lift group. They aren't into Stack Overflow, but if you do go to their mailing list, they are very receptive and helpful.
David Pollak replied with:
Mapper handles nulls for non-JVM
primitives (e.g., String, Date, but
not Int, Long, Boolean). You'll get a
"null" from the MappedDateTime.is
... which is spot on.