Powershell script runs but throws error "cannot find file specified" - powershell

it runs the script up until the if clause (for running url) I cannot include the other url here but the script is
"welcome, want to go to site?"
$goyn=read-host -prompt "enter y or n"
if($goyn -eq 'y'){
start-process -Filepath chrome.exe -ArgumentList www.google.ca
else{"continue on your journey of awesomeness"}
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName localhost |
Select-Object -Property CSName,#{n="Last Booted";
for the start-process it throws the error "cannot find file specified followed by the path for $profile. wanted a quicker way of of getting to my work service page.

Specify full path to chrome.exe and other used items. E.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Application\chrome.exe. Adjust %PATH% otherwise. But I'd better specify full path.

So figured it out. it did not like start-process not one bit no matter how outrageously obvious I made the path. So I used the start cmdlet instead and put site in single quotes. Code looks like this:
"welcome, want to go to site?"
$goyn=read-host -prompt "enter y or n"
if($goyn -eq 'y'){
start 'www.google.ca'
else{"continue on your journey of awesomeness"}
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName localhost |
Select-Object -Property CSName,#{n="Last Booted";


Installing Program remotely through Remote PowerShell

I am trying to install ActivClient remotely onto some machines, I copy the file to the Public Downloads separately.
I am running into an issue where when I try to run this script, it runs locally on my machine. I need to run that Deploy-Application.PS1 file for this.
I also can't figure out how to Unblock the entire folder, there is a few sub folders and files I would like to unblock.
I can't remote into the computer through RDP because I need ActivClient installed to remote in. Remote PowerShell is the only method I can find to run this.
If I am missing information or need to provide more, please let me know.
$mypath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$Path = Split-Path $mypath -Parent
$title = 'Computer Name'
$msg = 'Enter the Computer Name you need to reinstall ActivClient on:'
$CName = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox($msg, $title)
if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $CName -Count 1){
Write-Host "Entering Remote Powershell Session"
$PSSession = New-PSSession -Name $CName
Invoke-Command -Session $PSSession -ScriptBlock{
Get-ChildItem "C:\Users\Public\Downloads\SDC NIPR - ActivClient v7.2.x - 210811_18NOV" | Unblock-File
cd "C:\Users\Public\Downloads\SDC NIPR - ActivClient v7.2.x - 210811_18NOV"
.\Deploy-Application.ps1 Install 'NonInteractive'
Use New-PSSession -ComputerName $CName, not New-PSSession -Name $CName.
-Name only gives the session being created a friendly name, it is unrelated to which computer you target. In the absence of a -ComputerName argument, the local machine is (somewhat uselessly) targeted, which is why the script ran on your local machine.
Note that if you're only calling Invoke-Command remotely once per remote computer, you needn't create a session explicitly and can instead use -ComputerName $CName directly with Invoke-Command:
# No need for New-PSSession.
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $CName -ScriptBlock { ... }
Add -Recurse -File to your Get-ChildItem call in order to unblock all files in the target folder recursively (all files in the target folder's subtree).

Powershell Get-Childitem in ISE

please can you help me.
I'm missing some information.
Why when I execute the code:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName domainpc -ScriptBlock {Get-ChildItem -path C:\Users -Filter "username1"}
the result is: username1
And when I execute this script:
$user = Read-Host "Please enter username"
Invoke-Command -ComputerName domainpc -ScriptBlock {Get-ChildItem -path C:\Users -Filter "$user"}
the result is a list of folder contained in C:\Users
I don't understand why executing script get different results than execute code without variable.
Seems that the problem is the variable.
Please can you explain this?
You are hitting scope "problems".
The variable $user inside your script block -ScriptBlock is not known.
Take a look here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_remote_variables?view=powershell-7.1#using-local-variables
Use $Using:user to get around.

PowerShell Invoke-Command Speed (win32_product)

I wrote a short script to uninstall a program on multiple computers (from a text doc of hostnames). The script is working as expected but is taking about 2-3 minutes per host. Is there a way to perform this on all the machines simultaneously?
Here's my script.
$computers = Get-Content C:\Computernames.txt
foreach($Computer in $computers){
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Computer -ScriptBlock{
$application = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Filter "Name LIKE '%Appname%'"
#uninstall the app if it exists
Write-Output "Application uninstalled successfully.."
Write-Output "Application not found.."
Can I do Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Computers and do all machines simultaneously to avoid looping through?
As suggested, using $Computers worked successfully. I was able to get rid of my loop and speed the script up tremendously.
Here's the updated script - thanks for letting me know it supports arrays.
#list of computers
$computers = Get-Content C:\Computernames.txt
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computers -ScriptBlock{
$application = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Filter "Name LIKE '%appname%'"
Write-Output "Successful uninstall on $env:COMPUTERNAME "
Write-Output "Application not found on $env:COMPUTERNAME"
The win32_product class is notoriously slow, because it verifies every msi whenever it's used. I assume appname is replaced with a specific name. You can use the little known get-package and uninstall-package in powershell 5.1, but only with msi providers:
get-package appname | uninstall-package

Flushdns and registerdns on multiple machine by powershell

Simple question but not able to find answer on google at the moment. My powershell version is 2. I want to flush and registerdns on multiple machines.
ipconfig /flushDns
ipconfig /registerdns
I can't use invoke command and psremoting is not enabled on machines.
Any advise how to flushdns & registerdns.
It's pretty easy with Invoke-wmimethod
Create a list of your computers in a file named servers.txt, then create a script like this :
$listofservers = Get-Content .\servers.txt
foreach ($servers in $listofservers) {
Invoke-WmiMethod -class Win32_process -name Create -ArgumentList ("cmd.exe /c ipconfig /flushdns") -ComputerName $servers
Invoke-WmiMethod -class Win32_process -name Create -ArgumentList ("cmd.exe /c ipconfig /registerdns") -ComputerName $servers
By default you'll not get the output of the command, but you'll only get information if the command sucessfully ran on remote computer through this value :
If this value equal to 0 that means the command was sucessfully executed on the remote server.
If you want to get the command output, you can achieve it but adding output redirection to txt file :
$listofservers = Get-Content .\servers.txt
foreach ($servers in $listofservers) {
Invoke-WmiMethod -class Win32_process -name Create -ArgumentList ("cmd.exe /c ipconfig /flushdns > c:\flushdnsresult.txt") -ComputerName $servers
Invoke-WmiMethod -class Win32_process -name Create -ArgumentList ("cmd.exe /c ipconfig /registerdns > c:\registerdnsresult.txt") -ComputerName $servers
Then you'll find a txt file on your remote server containing the result output of cmd command.
If you upgrade your powershell version from 2 (highly recommended - I have a powershell & dotnet update script to do this also) you can use:
# Get Windows servers on Domain
$serversraw=Get-ADComputer -Filter {(OperatingSystem -like "*windows*")}
# Filter responsive
$serversup = $serversraw.name | where {Test-Connection $_ -quiet -count 1}
# Flush DNS & reregister
Clear-DnsClientCache -cimsession $serversup
Register-DnsClientCache -cimsession $serversup

powershell variable won't be used in second part of script

I'm learning power shell and I have problem with this code. when I parse it, it all works, but not together. what could be the problem? Thank you for answer.
$hotfix = read-host "Enter hotfixID"
Start-Process firefox.exe (get-hotfix |
Where-Object -filter {$_.hotfixID -eq $hotfix} |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Caption)
Your script works correctly here. Note that I don't have Firefox installed, but it works fine with iexplore. What issue are you experiencing?
Also, as #Colyn1337 stated, you do not need to use Where-Object; you can simplify this script as follows:
$Hotfix = Read-Host "Enter Hotfix ID"
Start-Process firefox.exe
Get-HotFix -Id "$Hotfix" |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Caption
EDIT: As discussed in the below comments, the issue was that the arguments do not work when called via powershell.exe -command scriptname. The solution would be to pass the arguments implicitly via ArgumentList:
$Hotfix = Read-Host "Enter Hotfix ID"
Start-Process firefox.exe -ArgumentList `
Get-HotFix -Id "$Hotfix" |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Caption
To get a specific hotfix, you'd want to try something lik this:
$hotFix = Read-Host "Enter hotfixID"
Get-Hotfix -Id $hotFix
If I understand what you're trying to do, creating a browser process is not necessary.