Merge two report template into one report with two excel sheet using jrxml - jasper-reports

I have two jrxml template to create two reports. Is it possible to create a new report with these template as two excel sheet in one report with the help of jrxml template alone?


Jaspersoft - Use subdatasource for a chart in subreport

Main report with json datasource.
Subreport with two chart inside.
I'm able to subdatasource the subreport using a JRDataSourceExpression:
My question is:
Is possible to do the same thing for fill the charts in the subreport?
First chart should use for example:
The second one:
I have tried to right click on the Dataset of the chart in the Outline but the JRDataSourceExpression
is disabled. Probaly because in the Dataset Run I have main dataset..
How or where I can do that?

How may I create a table autofilter on a Jasper .xlsx report output - one autofilter per sheet?

I am creating a Jasper report via Jaspersoft Studio 6
I am using the following property to export my report into two separate Excel sheets (tabs): net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.break.after.row
My report consists of two tables, one table per sheet. So far, I have no issue creating this report.
However, I would also like to implement an excel auto filter on each table header using the following property:
I added the auto filter property to both table headers, with a start and end on both. But when I run the report, the filter only displays on my last table (the one on the second sheet). I imagine this may happen because in Excel, you are only allowed one autofilter per sheet.
How may I put an autofilter on BOTH tables of a jaspersoft .xlsx report output?

Editing the column size inside subreport using jasper API

I have a jrxml file containing six subreports.
I need to programatically hide the columns displayed in these subreports.
I did search for a solution, but could not find a example for modifying the columns in subreports and I am unable to find a way with jasper API to pick the subreport from JasperReport class.
I did check dynamicreports API. But it seems subreport can't already have columns defined in it.

How to collate multiple jrxml jasper reports into a one single HTML output file?

How to export multiple jasper report to single HTML output.
for sinle PDF,its no problem.
I am unable to export multiple jasper report into a single HTML
I have 3 jasper report,and i want to to show in a singgle HTML.
Can any one provide me dummy code ?
I want to generate a single HTML file.

How to add a Pie Chart using another data source from main report data source

I want to add below of my report a pie chart that uses another data source from reports main data. I'm trying to add another source on my dataset but Crystal has a mechanism that linking relational fields, and if i link them rows are repeating on report and if i don't link then no data appearing on report. Any ideas?
In crystal reports, you can add subreport and one dataset with many datatable (main report data and pie chart data).
Right click on main report, insert subreport. Choose another datasource from main report. Clean all report items and add pie chart to this subreport using the datasource.
Its OK.