vue karma, how to write unit test - karma-runner

Is there any example how to write test case in vue? The click event not working.
The template in App.vue
<div class="main">
<textarea v-model="input" id="input" rows="3" placeholder="Please entry colors, eg: '#000','#fff' or ['#000', '#fff']"></textarea>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary parse" #click="parse">Go!</button>
<li v-for="color in colors">
<span v-bind:style="{ background: color}"></span>
karma test
describe('App.vue', () => {
it('should render correct color', () => {
const vm = new Vue({
template: "<div><app></app></div>",
components: {
vm.input = '#333, #444'
expect(vm.$el.querySelector('ul li:eq(0) span').style.background).toBe('#333')
And I have output the vm.$el, it shows like below, missing the v-model and #click

Does it give you any error? Are you using PhantomJS as browser?
I don't think click is supported on PhantomJS
See here PhantomJS; click an element


How to debug the javascript inside a handlebars template in vscode?

I have some client-side javascript inside a handlebars template as follows :
<h1> Form to view Upcoming loans for a customer </h1>
<div id="submitviewcustomerloansID">
<form action="/customerloans">
<label for="CustomerIdLoansForStyling"> Customer ID </label>
<input type="text" id="CustomerIdLoansForStyling" name="customerIDLoans">
<button type="submit"> Submit </button>
<div id="responseviewcustomerloansID"> </div>
.addEventListener('submit', evt => {
const form =
const body = JSON.stringify({
custID: form.elements.customerIDLoans.value
The browser is invoked from a node.js app
How can I put a breakpoint inside the javascript in VSCode ?
I have tried the instructions here but this does not seem to work for handlebars:

trigger events on ejs template?

I have an EJS script running a forEach generating html cards.My console.log event works on the first instance of my ejs template, but not the proceeding ones. How do I get event listener working on the proceeding ones??
EJS code snippet:
<form id="likesForm">
<button type="submit" class="dislike btn" id="dislikebtn" style="height: 24px;" value ="<%=i._id%>"><img src="/images\votedwn.png"></button>
<button type="submit" class="like btn" id="likebtn" style="height: 24px;" value ="<%=i._id%>"><img src="/images\voteup.png"></button>
const likesForm = document.getElementById("likesForm");
likesForm.addEventListener("submit", () => {
The reason you are not selecting one and only one is because the ID's need to be unique, and they can not be unique since they are being repeated. You will have to have your event listener in a parent element like a div and work with that instead.
<div id="grabThis">
<form id="likesForm">
<button type="submit" class="dislike btn" id="dislikebtn" style="height: 24px;" value ="<%=i._id%>"><img src="/images\votedwn.png"></button>
<button type="submit" class="like btn" id="likebtn" style="height: 24px;" value ="<%=i._id%>"><img src="/images\voteup.png"></button>
change your ejs to this:
const likesForm = document.getElementById("grabThis");
likesForm.addEventListener("submit", () => {

Template not reactive in meteor on adding new data?

This are the event listeners for my two templates,specified in events.js
// event listeners on the addSiteForm template{
// this runs when they click the add button... you need to compete it
'click .js-add-comment':function(event){
var comment_text = $('#comment_input').val();// get the form value using jquery...
var user = 'anonymous person';
// the 'this' variable contains
// the data that this template is displaying
// which is the Website item
var site = this;
if (Meteor.user()){
user = Meteor.user().emails[0].address
var comment = {"text":comment_text,
"createdOn":new Date(),
"createdBy":user};// create a simple object to insert to the collectoin
console.log("events start");
console.log("totla coomets are "+Comments.find({}).count()+"\n");
console.log("commenst in site "+Comments.find({siteId:site._id}).count()+"\n");
console.log("site id is "+site._id);
console.log("events end");
return false;
// event listeners on the addSiteForm template{
// this runs when they click the add button... you need to compete it
'click .js-add-site':function(event){
var url = $('#url_input').val();// get the form value using jquery...
var user = 'anonymous person';
if (Meteor.user()){
user = Meteor.user().emails[0].address
var site = {"url":url,
"createdOn":new Date(),
"createdBy":user};// create a simple object to insert to the collectoin
return false;
The router function is specified in router.js
layoutTemplate: 'ApplicationLayout'
// the main route. showing the list of sites.
Router.route('/', function () {
// this route is for the discussion page for a site
Router.route('/discussSite/:_id', function () {
var siteId = this.params._id;
site = Websites.findOne({_id:siteId});
this.render('discussSite', {data:site});
the main.js contain the collections
// shared code
Websites = new Mongo.Collection("websites");
Comments = new Mongo.Collection("comments");
helpers is
// this helper gets the data from the collection for the site-list Template
return Websites.find({});
if (email.indexOf('#')!=-1){// we have an email
return email.split('#')[0];
else{// probably anonymouse.
return email;
//console.log("helper comments ";
// complete the code here so that it reruns
return Comments.find({siteId:siteId});
// all the comments with a siteId equal to siteId.
the html file is in it first displays the websites available in the webpage.On clicking this the user is routed to a new page.Here the user can add comments for the website
<!-- this is the template that iron:router renders every time -->
<template name="ApplicationLayout">
<div class="container">
<h1>SiteAce - discuss your favourite websites</h1>
<!-- iron router will select what to render in place of yield-->
{{> yield }}
<template name="discussSite">
<h3>Discussing: {{url}} </h3>
{{> addCommentForm}}
<!-- write some code here that iterates through the comments and displays
the comment text and the author -->
<!-- clue - you have already written the 'comments' helper function -->
{{#each comments}}
<li>{{text}} (added by {{safer_email createdBy}})
<template name="addCommentForm">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-6">
<div class="input-group">
<input type="text" id="comment_input" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter your comment">
<input type="hidden" id="site_id" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter your comment">
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button class="btn btn-default js-add-comment" type="submit">Add!</button>
</div><!-- /input-group -->
</div><!-- /.col-lg-6 -->
<template name="siteList">
Fill in the form and click submit to add a site:
<h3>Sites you have added:</h3>
{{#each all_websites}}
<li>{{url}} (added by {{safer_email createdBy}})
<br/>visit site
<template name="addSiteForm">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-6">
<div class="input-group">
<input type="text" id="url_input" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter website URL...">
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button class="btn btn-default js-add-site" type="submit">Add!</button>
</div><!-- /input-group -->
</div><!-- /.col-lg-6 -->
The starup.js contains the start up code run by the server
if (!Websites.findOne()){// nothing in the database yet
var site = {"url":"",
"createdOn":new Date(),
"createdBy":"Michael"};// create a simple object to insert to the collectoin
site = {"url":"",
"createdOn":new Date(),
"createdBy":"Janet"};// create a simple object to insert to the collectoin
site = {"url":"",
"createdOn":new Date(),
"createdBy":"Jose"};// create a simple object to insert to the collectoin
This is what your template should be: (I removed safer_email. It was erroring. Not sure if it was something else you were working on.)
<template name="discussSite">
<h3>Discussing: {{url}} </h3>
{{> addCommentForm}}
<!-- write some code here that iterates through the comments and displays
the comment text and the author -->
<!-- clue - you have already written the 'comments' helper function -->
{{#each comments}}
<li>{{text}} (added by {{createdBy}})</li>
your helper function is designed to take in siteId as an input, yet you are not passing one to it.
this._id or Router.current().params._id will get you the siteId that you are looking for. You'd used which used to error out as was not valid.You can further see what the this object contains by doing a console.log(this). That would have helped you sort this out faster.
console.log("site id in helper is ",this._id); // or Router.current().params._id;
return Comments.find({siteId:this._id});

protractor by.repeater how to find sibling elements

I want to get the text for all the elements where the icon has error (don't want the one with warning) with class="dropdown-item-icon ctp-img-notification-error"
How can I get that?
In this case I only want the text "unable to load Data", since that is an error
<li ng-repeat="option in options" class="dropdown-item ng-scope">
<a href ng-class="{ selected : isSelected(option)}" ng-click="selectItem(option)">
<div data-ng-if="option.iconCls" class=ng-scope">
<div class="dropdown-item-icon ctp-img-notification-error" data-ng-class="options.iconCls"></div>
<div class="ng-binding">unable to load Data</div>
<a href ng-class="{ selected : isSelected(option)}" ng-click="selectItem(option)">
<div data-ng-if="option.iconCls" class=ng-scope">
<div class="dropdown-item-icon ctp-img-notification-warning" data-ng-class="options.iconCls"></div>
<div class="ng-binding">using cache Data</div>
My first thought looks like this:
var errorMessages = [];
element.all(by.css('.dropdown-item-icon.ctp-img-notification-error .ng-binding')).then(function(items) {
items.forEach(function(item) {
item.getText().then(function(message) {

How to edit data when combining angularjs and mongodb

I'm a beginner in the AngularJs and MongoDb world (i started learning today!!)
Actually i'm trying to do something very basic : Display a list of record, with an add button and a edit link with each record.
I'm using this lib to connect to mongoweb.
Actually my data is displayed, when i try to add a record it works, but the problem is when i try to display the edit form!
Here is my index.html file, in which i display the data with a form to add a record and with the edit links :
<div ng-controller="AppCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="team in teams">
<form ng-submit="addTeam()">
<input type="text" ng-model="" size="30" placeholder="add new team here">
<input type="text" ng-model="team.description" size="30" placeholder="add new team here">
<input class="btn-primary" type="submit" value="add">
And here is my edit.html code, which displays an edit form :
<div ng-controller="EditCtrl">
<form ng-submit="editTeam()">
<input type="text" name="name" ng-model="" size="30" placeholder="edit team here">
<input type="text" name="description" ng-model="team.description" size="30" placeholder="edit team here">
<input class="btn-primary" type="submit" value="validate edit">
And finally my js code:
var app = angular.module('app', ['mongolabResource']);
app.constant('API_KEY', '____________________________');
app.constant('DB_NAME', 'groups');
app.factory('Teams', function ($mongolabResource) {
return $mongolabResource('teams');
app.controller('AppCtrl', function ($scope, Teams) {
$scope.teams = Teams.query();
$scope.addTeam = function() {
varteam = {
name: $,
description: $
$ = '';
$ = '';
app.controller('EditCtrl', function ($scope, Teams) {
My AppCtrl works perfecty, it displays the data w add records perfectly.
Now i want to add the js code for the edit, but i don't even know form where to start ? how do i a get the id parameter in the url ? how do i tell the view to fill out the form fields from the values from the database ? And finally how do i update the databse.
I know that i asked a lot of question but i'm really lost! thank you
There are of course many possible solutions.
One solution is to use angularjs routing. See for a tutorial.
Basically replace your ul list with something like:
<li ng-repeat="team in teams">
Then you can create a route that responde to your url:
function($routeProvider) {
when('/teams', {
templateUrl: 'partials/team-list.html',
controller: 'TeamListCtrl'
when('/teams/:teamId', {
templateUrl: 'partials/team-detail.html',
controller: 'TeamDetailCtrl'
redirectTo: '/teams'
In this way from the detail controller (that will replace your EditCtrl) you can access the id parameter using: $routeParams.teamId
Anyway I suggest to study well all the tutorials for a better overview.