UI5 - OData (Response) Object Normalization - sapui5

I'm looking for a method in the library to convert an OData response object into a normalized js object that can be sent into another ODataModel.create function. An OData "object" would be an OData REST response containing 'd', the '__meta', the 'results', etc.
I have a working solution with custom methods in a Utilities module but I'm not too sure about its resilience to all possible OData rules.

It isn't necessary to have the d, __meta and results section in a valid OData body:
The d potion is optional. You may also just form your body as a regular object such as:
Id: 12345,
Name: 'This is a valid OData body'
The __metadata section is optional as well and may be left out.
The results section is something you will receive when you query an Entity Set. If you query a single Entity (by providing its key), this section is left out as there will only be one result. You can't use the results section when you want to submit entities to the OData service, as every submission is supposed to happen in a separate operations.
With that, your normalisation/processing code could be very simple and look like:
jQuery.each(odata.results, function(idx, value) {
var body = value.d ? value.d : value;
delete body.__metadata;
// Do something with the body, e.g.:
ODataModel.create("/AwesomeEntity", body);
I hope this makes life easier? Full OData v2 JSON specs are available here:


OData V4: Is it possible to only select fields from a parent entity (i.e. navigation property)?

In OData V3, I can select just fields from parent/ancestor entities like this:
That query returns only CategoryName, it does not include any fields from Order_Details or Product. This behavior is very important to our application for performance reasons. Selecting all fields when we don't need them can have a significant impact on query performance.
There does not seem to be a way to accomplish the same in OData V4. The equivalent query returns all fields from Order_Details and Product
The closest I can get is to just select one field from each level, introduces a lot of complexity into our code, and it has been difficult to ensure that all queries (future and existing) adhere to this rule.
The closest I can get is to just select one field from each level,
introduces a lot of complexity into our code, and it has been
difficult to ensure that all queries (future and existing) adhere to
this rule.
Looks something like this:
There is certainly a bit of added complexity here, but this was acceptable in my case.
The syntax for this is:
results in:
"#odata.context": "https://services.odata.org/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/$metadata#Categories(CategoryName)/$entity",
"CategoryName": "Dairy Products"
The key OData v4 concept here is that the path, that is everything before the ? defines the resource that is being served, and by that the shape of the resulting graph. The output of $select and $expand (projections) is constrained to match the requested resource.
So in v3 with $select you could return a more arbitrary structure but in v4 the $select and $expand can only mask the graph by returning what is essentially a subset of $select=*&$expand=*.
To get around this but still allow similar query scenarios in v4 we can compose an entity path expression to *any resource within the parent path.
So we move the resource selector path from the v3 $select Product/Cateogry' and append it the path of our resource ~/Order_Details(OrderID=10248,ProductID=11)`
NOTE: There is a strong caveat to this, whilst the OData specification describes this behaviour, not all implementations support deep resource selections like this. The specification is a guidance document on the standard protocol, not all implemenations are 100% compliant.
A simplification of this is to try selecting just the Product from the same query, notice here we do not use any query parameters at all:
"#odata.context": "https://services.odata.org/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/$metadata#Products/$entity",
"ProductID": 11,
"ProductName": "Queso Cabrales",
"SupplierID": 5,
"CategoryID": 4,
"QuantityPerUnit": "1 kg pkg.",
"UnitPrice": 21.0000,
"UnitsInStock": 22,
"UnitsOnOrder": 30,
"ReorderLevel": 30,
"Discontinued": false
You can see in this response that the context or the resource that is being returned is a $metadata#Products/$entity and not an Order_Details/$entity
Once your resource is selected, normal v4 $select and $expand logic is evaluated. This is documented in the specification under 4.3 Addressing Entities
These rules are recursive, so it is possible to address a single entity via another single entity, a collection via a single entity and even a collection via a collection; examples include, but are not limited to:
By following a navigation from a single entity to another related entity (see rule: entityNavigationProperty)
Example 14:
I've substantially edited this post from my original answer, at the time i misinterpreted OP's request and the structure they were expecting, but this is still relevant information in 2022 and none of the answers directly produces the desired behaviour.
The simplest solutions would be to create View with required schema on your db server and try to fetch data from this datasource with filters and column name(s) instead.
Especially when facing issues with performance.
The best way would be to register this class to your IoC as singleton
public class InternalODataEdmModelBuilder
private readonly ODataConventionModelBuilder _oDataConventionModelBuilder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
private IEdmModel _edmModel;
public InternalODataEdmModelBuilder()
// cache
public IEdmModel GetEdmModel()
return _edmModel ?? (_edmModel = _oDataConventionModelBuilder.GetEdmModel());
internal static class ODataEntitySetsConfigInternal
public static void Register(ODataConventionModelBuilder oDataModelBuilder)
if (oDataModelBuilder == null)
throw new Exception("'ODataConventionModelBuilderWebApi' cannot be null");
oDataModelBuilder.EntitySet<YourView>("YourView").EntityType.HasKey(x => x.YourKey);
And then inject this registered object in your API controller and build your query from URL like this:
ODataQueryContext queryContext = new ODataQueryContext(_oDataConventionModel, typeof(YourViewEFType), null);
var option = new ODataQueryOptions(queryContext, Request);
var data = option.ApplyTo(data, new ODataQuerySettings { EnsureStableOrdering = false });
And then map data into your POCO (API EDM model shown to the public world).
Hope this helps.

Does JSONModel have $top and $skip like OData?

In my app I'm reading data from a JSON file and creating a model from it like this
var myModel = new sap.ui.model.JSONMOdel("pathToJson");
I have 300 values but I only want to read 50, is there a way to do that. I know I can use $top and $skip to select a specific set of values using OData. The API provides the function myModel.loadData() which contains a parameter oParameters but I don't know what I can pass in. Does anyone know if this possible?
The JSON model is a client-side model. This means that all the data is loaded at once with a single request. In the standard implementation, it has no methods for reading paged JSON contents (with top / skip or any other name you might give them).
You have said that you have a JSON file that you are loading. So such a paging does not even make sense from a technical point of view. This is because you cannot (easily) load a portion of a static file with client-only code (especially JSON, which is not valid if you are reading a fragment of it).
If you actually just want to store a segment of the file in the model, you can simply read the whole file with jQuery.ajax and then slice the array.
If you actually have a RESTful web service, then the paging mechanism should be part of this service (e..g it should have some path or query parameters for specifying the paging parameters). This service should return a valid JSON document for each call. On the client side, you can use such a service with the help of some functions (e.g. in the controller):
onInit: function () {
this.setModel(new JSONModel([])); // initially an emty array
//call this method when you want to read a page
onReadDataPage: function (iTop, iSkip) {
// use jQuery.ajax or jQuery.get to read a "page" of data; e.g.
url: "your service path",
data: {
top: iTop,
skip: iSkip || 0
success: this.onDataReceived.bind(this)
onDataReceived: function (aData) {
var oModel = this.getModel();
If you want to use this in combination with a List with the growing feature, then you will need to create a new type of model - which is not trivial.

HATEOAS client with AngularJS

I was wondering if there were any features hidden in Angular or exposed by some 3rd-party libraries to easily create HATEOAS-compliant Restful clients.
On backend side, I am using Spring Data/REST to produce an HATEOAS JSON API.
Consuming it, though, is quite another story.
For instance, I've got those 3 entities:
Company {name, address}
Employee {firstName, lastName, employer[Company]}
Activity {rate, day, employee[Employee], client[Company]}
and requesting an activity (the most complex entity of the model) produces something like this:
links: [],
content: [{
rate: 456,
day: 1366754400000,
links: [{
rel: "self",
href: "http://localhost:8080/api/activities/1"
rel: "activities.activity.client",
href: "http://localhost:8080/api/activities/1/client"
rel: "activities.activity.employee",
href: "http://localhost:8080/api/activities/1/employee"
My API talks in terms of REST (resources identified by links).
An Activity has an Employee for instance. What I really want to use is : {rate: 456, day: 1366754400000, employee: {firstName:"xxx", lastName:"xxx" ...}}.
However, as you can see in the first output, my Activity only contains a link to the employee, not its data. Is there anything in Angular or in a 3rd-party library to resolve those links and embed the resulting data instead?
Any input on this?
Thanks in advance!
Checkout angular-hateoas. ITs an AngularJS module for using $resource with a HATEOAS-enabled REST API.
You could write a Response Transformation that would inspect your returned object, check for links, and resolve them before returning the response. See the section "Transforming Requests and Responses" in the $http service documentation.
Something like this:
transformResponse: function(rawData) {
var json = JSON.parse( rawData );
forEach( json.content.links, function(link) {
// resolve link...
return json;
Since the "resolve link" step is itself an $http call, sub-references would also be resolved. HOWEVER, since these are asynchronous, you would likely return a promise instead of the real value; I don't know if the transform function is allowed to do this.
As #charlietfl pointed out, however, please note that this will result in several HTTP calls to return a single entity. Even though I like the concept of HATEOAS, this will likely result in sluggishness if too many calls are made. I'd suggest that your server return the data, or some of it, directly, PLUS the link for details.
Based on your comment about wanting to work with data as against links on the client, I think Restangular would be a good fit.
I've been using angular-hal for one of my projects. It was a Spring HATEOAS backend. And I didn't run into any issues. It handles parametrized resources. I suspect it only supports HAL so since you're using Spring Data Rest you probably have to configure it to generate HAL compliant responses.
I think the confusion may be that you are asking for an Angular solution, when what you really want to do is have Spring Data send a more complete JSON response. I.e, you really just want the server to return the employee data as part of the response JSON, rather than having the client perform extra steps to look it up. I don't know what data store you are using in Spring Data, but the general solution would be to add public getEmployee() method to your Activity class and then annotate the method with #RelatedTo and #Fetch (this would be the setup for Neo4J -- may be different annotations for your flavor of Spring Data). This should cause Spring HATEOAS to include the Employee record within the response for /activity. Hope this helps.

ServiceStack Routing with ravendb ids

I've an entity with an ID of
public string ID {get;set;}
(which comes from RavenDB).
I'm registering the following routes in my ServiceStack AppHost
I'm using a backbone app to POST and PUT to my REST Service.
What happens out-of-the-box:
id property is serialized into the json as "activities/1"
id property is encoded into route as "activities%2F1"
ServiceStack gives precedence to the URL based id property, so my string gets the encoded value which is no use to RavenDb directly.
The options I'm aware of:
Change backbone to post to "/activities" and let the JSON Serialiser kick in
Change RavenDb ID generation to use hyphens rather than slashes
Make my Id property parse for the encoded %2F on set and convert to a slash
Both have disadvantages in that I either lose RESTfulness in my API, which is undesirable, or I don't follow RavenDb conventions, which are usually sensible out-of-the-fox. Also, I've a personal preference for having slashes.
So I'm wondering if there are any other options in servicestack that I could use to sort this issue that involve less compromise? Either Serialiser customisation or wildcard routing are in my head....
I have the same problem with ASP.Net WebAPI, so I don't think this is so much a ServiceStack issue, but just a general concern with dealing with Raven style id's on a REST URL.
For example, let's say I query GET: /api/users and return a result like:
Now I want to get a specific user. If I follow pure REST approach, the Id would be gathered from this document, and then I would pass it in the id part of the url. The problem here is that this ends up looking like GET: /api/users/users/1 which is not just confusing, but the slash gets in the way of how WebAPI (and ServiceStack) route url parameters to action methods.
The compromise I made was to treat the id as an integer from the URL's perspective only. So the client calls GET: /api/users/1, and I define my method as public User Get(int id).
The cool part is that Raven's session.Load(id) has overloads that take either the full string form, or the integer form, so you don't have to translate most of the time.
If you DO find yourself needing to translate the id, you can use this extension method:
public static string GetStringIdFor<T>(this IDocumentSession session, int id)
var c = session.Advanced.DocumentStore.Conventions;
return c.FindFullDocumentKeyFromNonStringIdentifier(id, typeof (T), false);
Calling it is simple as session.GetStringIdFor<User>(id). I usually only have to translate manually if I'm doing something with the id other than immediately loading a document.
I understand that by translating the ids like this, that I'm breaking some REST purist conventions, but I think this is reasonable given the circumstances. I'd be interested in any alternative approaches anyone comes up with.
I had this problem when trying out Durandal JS with RavenDB.
My workaround was to change the URL very slightly to get it to work. So in your example:
GET /api/users/users/1
GET /api/users/?id=users/1
From jQuery, this becomes:
var vm = {};
vm.users = [];
$.get("/api/users/?" + $.param( { id: "users/1" })
.done(function(data) {
vm.users = data;

Guidance on a better way to retain filtering options when using ASP.NET MVC 2

I have an ASP.NET MVC 2 application which in part allows a user to filter data and view that data in a JQGrid.
Currently this consists of a controller which initialises my filter model and configures how I wish my grid to be displayed. This information is used by a view and a partial view to display the filter and the grid shell. I use an editor template to display my filter. The JQGrid makes use of a JsonResult controller action (GET) to retrieve the results of the filter (with the addition of the paging offered by the grid - only a single page of data is returned by the GET request. The Uri used by the grid to request data contains the filter model as a RouteValue - and currently contains a string representation of the current state of the filter. A custom IModelBinder is used to convert this representation back into an instance of the filter model class.
The user can change the filter and press a submit button to get different results - this is then picked up by an (HttpPost) ViewResult action which takes the filter model - reconstituted by a further model binder and causes the grid shell to be updated.
So I have:
Represents the user's desired filtering characteristics
FilterModelEditorTemplateSubmissionBinder : DefaultModelBinder - used to convert the request information supplied from a user changing their filtering characteristics into the appropriate FilterModel instance.
FilterModelStringRepresentationBinder : IModelBinder - used to convert the encoded filter from the JQGrid GET request for data so the correct request is made of the service which is ultimately performing the query and returning the relevant data.
ViewResult Index() - constructs a default filter, configures the grid specification and returns the view to render the filter's editor template, and the grid shell.
[HttpPost]ViewResult Filter(FilterModel filter) - takes the new filter characteristics and returns the same view as Index(). Uses FilterModelEditorTemplateSubmissionBinder to bind the filter model.
JsonResult GetData(FilterModel filter, string sidx, string sord, int page, int rows) - called from the JQGrid in order to retrieve the data. Uses FilterModelStringRepresentationBinder to bind the filter model.
As a complication, my filter model contains a option to select a single value from a collection of items. This collection is retrieved from a service request and I don't want to keep querying for this data everytime I show the filter, currently I get it if the property is null, and then include the options hidden in the editor template and encoding in the string representation. These options are then reconstituted by the relevant model binder.
Although this approach works I can't help but feel that I am having to basically reinvent viewstate in order to maintain my filter and the included options. As I am new to ASP.NET MVC but am very happy with classic ASP and ASP.NET Web Forms I thought I'd throw this out there for comment and guidance as to find a way which more closely fits with the MVC pattern.
It seems to me that the best way in to divide some actions which provide pure data for the jqGrid from other controller action. Such jqGrid-oriented actions can have prototype like:
JsonResult GetData(string filter, string sidx, string sord, int page, int rows)
I personally prefer to implement this part as WCF service and to have this WCF service as a part of the same ASP.NET site. In general it's much more the matter of taste and depends on your other project requirements.
This part of you ASP.NET site could implement users authentication which you need and can be tested with unit tests exactly like other actions of your controllers.
The views of the ASP.NET MVC site can have empty data for jqGrids, and have only correct URLs and probably generate the HTML code depends on the users permission in the site. Every page will fill the data of jqGrids with respect of the corresponds requests to the server (request to the corresponding GetData action).
You can use HTTP GET for the data for the best data caching. The caching of data is the subject of a separate discussion. If you do this, you should use prmNames: { nd:null } in the definition of jqGrid to remove unique nd parameter with the timestamp added per default to every GET request. To have full control of the data caching on the server side you can for example add in HTTP headers of the server responses both "Cache-Control" set to "max-age=0" and "ETag" header with the value calculated based of the data returned in the response. You should test whether the request from the client has "If-None-Match" HTTP header with the value of "ETag" coresponds the data cached on the client. Then you should verify whether the current data on the server (in the database) are changed and, if there are not changed, generate a response with an empty body (set SuppressEntityBody to true) and return "304 Not Modified" status code (HttpStatusCode.NotModified) instead of default "200 OK". A more detail explanation is much more longer.
If you don't want optimize you site for caching of HTTP GET data for jqGrids you can either use HTTP POST or don't use prmNames: { nd:null } parameter.
The code inside of JsonResult GetData(string filter, string sidx, string sord, int page, int rows) is not very short of cause. You should deserialise JSON data from the filter string and then construct the request to the data model depends on the method of the data access which you use (LINQ to SQL, Entity Model or SqlCommand with SqlDataReader). Because you have this part already implemented it has no sense to discuss this part.
Probably the main part of my suggestion is the usage of clear separation of controller actions which provide the data for all your jqGrids and the usage of MVC views with empty data (having only <table id="list"></table><div id="pager"></div>). You should also has no doubt with having a relative long code for analyzing of filters which come from the Advance Searching feature of the jqGrid and generating or the corresponding requests to your data model. Just implement it one time. In my implementation the code in also relatively complex, but it is already written one time, it works and it can be used for all new jqGrids.
I made this once, very simple.
pseudo code:
public ActionResult getList(int? id){
return PartialView("Index", new ListViewModel(id??0))
public class ListViewModel{
//ObjectAmountPerPage is the amount of object you want per page, you can modify this as //parameter so the user
//can choose the amount
public int ObjectAmountPerPage = 20 //you can make this into a variable of any sort, db/configfile/parameter
public List<YourObjectName> ObjectList;
public int CurrentPage;
public ListViewModel(id){
Currentpage = id;
using (MyDataContext db = new MyDataContext()){
ObjectList = db.YourObjectName.OrderBy(object=>object.somefield).getListFromStartIndexToEndIndex(id*ObjectAmountPerPage ,(id*ObjectAmountPerPage) +20).toList();
Now Create A RenderPartial:
<#page inherit="IEnumerable<ListViewMode>">
<%foreach(YourObjectName object in Model.ObjectList){%>
Create a table with your fields
And create a view that implements your Jquery, other components+your partialView
(/controller/getlist/$("#nextpage").val(),function(data){$("#yourlist").html = data});
<div id="yourlist">
<%=Html.RenderPartial("YourPartialView", new ListViewModel())%>
<something id="nextpage" value"<%=Model.CurentPage+1%>">next page</something>
I hope this helps, this is according to the MVC- mv-mv-c principle ;)
Model-View -(modelview) - control