calling a variable in select -expandproperty - powershell

I'm trying to make a report that lists a server name, vm name, and notes section from the vm but I cannot seem to get this code to run, it always gives me this error:
Select-Object : Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type
'System.String' required by parameter 'ExpandProperty'. not supported.
At C:\Cooper\Jobs\Get-VmNotes - Copy.ps1:32 char:48 + get-vm -server
FA0150 | Select -expandproperty $server, Name, Notes +
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument:
(:) [Select-Object], ParameterBindingException +
FullyQualifiedErrorId :
I can get the vmname and notes to output together but I just want to have a column that lists the vcenter server it is associated with.

Expand property is like the same as saying (Get-VM -Server FA0150).Name. It expands the property name you are selecting. You were trying to expand 3 properties (System.Object[]), but it is looking for just a string name of the property you want to expand. Use -Property instead.
get-vm -server FA0150 | Select-Object -Property Name,Notes
get-vm -server FA0150 | Select-Object -Property Name,Notes | Format-Table -Autosize
To also include the server name I made it into a script form since it can no longer be a one-liner:
Param ( $Server )
$VMs = Get-VM -Server $Server
$VMs | Select-Object -Properties #(
#{ Label = 'Server';Expression = { $Server } }

I found a solution to my problem using New-ViProperty. The only problem is now it creates four separate csv files and I want to combine them all into one based on the filename, keeping the same format, and delete the four others based on their filename. Is there an easy way to do this?


ConvertTo-EnhancedHTML : Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters

The code:
$Bios = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_BIOS | Select-Object -Property PSComputerName,Manufacturer,BIOSVersion | ConvertTo-EnhancedHTMLFragment -As List
$Bios2 = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_BIOS | Select-Object -Property PSComputerName,Manufacturer,BIOSVersion | ConvertTo-EnhancedHTMLFragment -As Table
ConvertTo-EnhancedHTML -HTMLFragments $Bios,$Bios2 | Out-File AsExample.html
The error:
ConvertTo-EnhancedHTML : Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters.
At line:1 char:1
+ ConvertTo-EnhancedHTML -HTMLFragments $Bios,$Bios2 | Out-File AsExamp ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [ConvertTo-EnhancedHTML], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : AmbiguousParameterSet,ConvertTo-EnhancedHTML
I don't understand why I am receiving the error. I've examined the help, and what I'm doing seems like it ought to be fair game:
-HTMLFragments <String[]>
One or more HTML fragments, as produced by ConvertTo-EnhancedHTMLFragment.
-HTMLFragments $part1,$part2,$part3
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
I have resolved the error by specifying an additional parameter:
ConvertTo-EnhancedHTML -HTMLFragments $Bios,$Bios2 -CSSStyleSheet syles.css | Out-File AsExample.html
While reviewing the 2 available parameter sets for ConvertTo-EnhancedHTML, I noticed that there was only 1 parameter required in each one -- -HTMLFragments. The error was telling me it didn't know which parameter set I wanted to use. So what I ended up having to do was specify the -CSSStylesheet parameter, as that parameter and its opposing -CSSUri parameter are the only parameters unique to their respective sets. In other words, the command wouldn't execute because I had to specify one of the CSS parameters so powershell knew which parameter set to use DESPITE THE FACT THAT neither of the CSS parameters are actually required parameters. Wow!

Issue for import-csv and foreach

I want to import a csv, then delete from AD several objects
$ImportComputer = "C:\Users\deng\Desktop\ComputerLastlogondateformatBis.csv"
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
foreach ($Computer in(Import-Csv -Path C:\Users\deng\Desktop\ComputerLastlogondateformatBis.csv))
Remove-ADObject -Identity $Computer.'Computer'
these two object exist in AD, but I cannot seem to find out why it is not working.
see below error message:
Remove-ADObject : Cannot find an object with identity: 'fr-borr-mac' under: 'DC=PII,DC=net'.
At C:\Users\deng\OneDrive - Aptus Health\Script\Export.ps1:7 char:1
+ Remove-ADObject -Identity $Computer.'Computer'
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (fr-borr-mac:ADObject) [Remove-ADObject], ADIdentityNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ActiveDirectoryCmdlet:Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADIdentityNotFoundException,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.RemoveADObject
Remove-ADObject : Cannot find an object with identity: 'jlinmacfr' under: 'DC=PII,DC=net'.
At C:\Users\deng\OneDrive - Aptus Health\Script\Export.ps1:7 char:1
+ Remove-ADObject -Identity $Computer.'Computer'
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Content of the CSV below:
Could anyone give input on this?
The -Identity parameter on the *-ADObject commands expect either a DistinguishedName or Guid value. If you are wanting to work with SamAccountName or some other attribute, you should consider using the *-ADComputer or using -Filter to find your objects.
# Using Remove-ADObject
Remove-ADObject -Filter "SamAccountName -eq '$($Computer.Computer)'"
# Using Remove-ADComputer
Remove-ADComputer -Identity $Computer.Computer
Alternatively, you can use Get-ADComputer or Get-ADObject to retrieve your object first and then pipe that into Remove-ADObject.
Get-ADObject -Filter "SamAccountName -eq '$($Computer.Computer)'" | Remove-ADObject
See the Remove-ADObject documentation for the following excerpt regarding explicitly binding to -Identity:
Specifies an Active Directory object by providing one of the following
property values. The identifier in parentheses is the Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) display name for the attribute. The
acceptable values for this parameter are:
A distinguished name
A GUID (objectGUID)
For piping an object into Remove-ADObject, the following excerpt applies, which is why you can use a Get-AD* command and pipe the result into the Remove-ADObject:
This parameter can also get this object through the pipeline or you
can set this parameter to an object instance.
Derived types, such as the following, are also accepted:

How do I fix this script?

I am trying to get this short script to work and I don't understand why, PowerShell gives somewhat garbled and useless error messages!
$us = Read-Host 'Enter Your User Group Name:' |Get-ADGroup -Filter {name -like "*$us*"} -Properties Description,info | Select Name | Sort Name
Get-ADGroup : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the
command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input
and its properties do not match any of the parameters that take pipeline input.
At line:1 char:42
+ ... ser Name:' |Get-ADGroup -Filter {name -like "*$us*"} -Properties Desc ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (River:PSObject) [Get-ADGroup], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InputObjectNotBound,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.GetADGroup
You can't pipe your string definition to the filtered commandlet in that manner. Declare the variable first.
Once you;ve done that, filter as required then select the properties you need (Description property is needed as it isn't returned by default by the commandlet whilst the Name property is).
$us = Read-Host 'Enter Your User Group Name:'
Get-ADGroup -filter "Name -like '*$us*'" -Properties Description | Select-Object Name , Description | Sort-Object Name
The problem is $US is not set until the end of the pipeline, and therefore is empty.
$us = Read-Host 'Enter Your User Group Name:' | # get the name
%{"*$($_)*"} | # Add the asterisk wildcard.
%{Get-ADGroup -filter {name -like $_}} | # read from AD
Select Name |
Sort Name
This will ask you for the group name, and then save the results to the pipeline (not to $us). The pipeline value is used to then add your asterisks and then again output the value to the pipeline, before the pipeline is then used for the Get-Adgroups commmand.
Once the results of the lookup is returned, it is cleaned up, and reduced to just name, then sorted to give you a list of names in sorted order.
The "-Properties Description,info" isn't needed because all you want is the name, so why requested description or info fields?
I just tested this, and despite what Ansgar Wiechers said, this does work. If this answer helps you, please vote it up.

getting property value in powershell when running convertto-html

I'm still new to powershell, and recently i came to know about get-member properties. However when i pipe the command to convertto-html the value disappear.
i have a data which is called link.csv and below is the content of the file
Target Node Address Status
------ ---- ------- ------
server01 0:2:3 20230002AC0153AF Up
server01 0:2:4 20240002AC0153AF Up
server01 1:2:3 21230002AC0153AF Up
server01 1:2:4 21240002AC0153AF Up
I'm able to get the property value as per below.
PS C:\Report\script\Temp> $a= Import-Csv .\link.csv | select Target,Node,Address,Status
PS C:\Report\script\Temp> $a.Node[1]
PS C:\Report\script\Temp> $a.Status[1]
PS C:\Report\script\Temp> $a.Target[1]
However when i output it to Convertto-Html
PS C:\Report\script\Temp> $a= Import-Csv .\link.csv | select Target,Node,Address,Status | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment -PreContent "<font color=`"Black`"><H4>Remote Copy Group - $b</H4></font> "
PS C:\Report\script\Temp> $a.Target[1]
Cannot index into a null array.
At line:1 char:1
+ $a.Target[1]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NullArray
How can i get the property value while running convertto-html command.
Hope you can help me with the issue.
Thank You in advance.
If you want to capture intermediate results in the pipeline, use the -OutVariable / -ov common parameter with a variable name in order to store these results in that variable:
$html = Import-Csv .\link.csv |
Select-Object Target, Node, Address, Status -OutVariable a |
ConvertTo-Html -Fragment -PreContent "<font color=`"Black`"><H4>Remote Copy Group - $b</H4></font> "
Note how the pipeline overall returns HTML (as an array of lines), whereas the intermediate custom objects filtered from the CSV input are stored in variable $a via -OutVariable, for later use - note how you must pass just the variable name to -OutVariable, without the $ sigil, i.e., just a rather than $a.

Use modified property of object as parameter in Powershell for Set-MailPublicFolder

When we create a public folder and mail enable in Exchange Online, the default email address is
Our folder names are "NNNNN_Folder name" where NNNNN is a 5 digit number.
I would like to set the primary email address of the public folder to
I have tried many variations of this:
Get-PublicFolder -Recurse -Identity "\X\Y\Z"|
Sort-Object Identity –Descending|
Select-Object -first 4|
Set-MailPublicFolder -PrimarySmtpAddress {$,5)+""}
and receive errors about interpreting the resulting email address:
Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'PrimarySmtpAddress'. Cannot convert value
"$,5)+""" to type "Microsoft.Exchange.Data.SmtpAddress". Error: "The email
address "$,5)+""" isn't correct. Please use this format: user name, the # sign,
followed by the domain name. For example, or"
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Set-MailPublicFolder], ParameterBindin...mationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentTransformationError,Set-MailPublicFolder
+ PSComputerName :
I also tried setting the EmailAddress of the PublicFolder to in the same operation.
-EmailAddresses #{$,5)+""}
It doesn't seem to be evaluating the argument or I'm missing something else?
If I change Set-MailPublicFolder ... with
% {$,5) + ""}
I do see the email addresses I am expecting.
See this version.
From Microsoft command documentation, the identity parameter is required (see this)
I am also not sure it can take the array and process each individual without specifying a foreach.
See this modified versions.
$PublicFolders = Get-PublicFolder -Recurse -Identity "\X\Y\Z"| Sort-Object Identity –Descending | Select-Object -first 4
$PublicFolders | foreach {
$NewEmail = "$($,5))"
Write-Host "Settings MailPublicFolder with name $($_.Identity) to $NewEmail" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Set-MailPublicFolder -Identity $_.Identity -PrimarySmtpAddress $NewEmail