plot data in real time using tcpip connection with matlab - matlab

I connect my iPhone and matlab with the tcpip function.
I need to plot the data in real time (and before make some calculations with the data).
I used real_time_data_stream_plotting.m which I found in internet.
%% Real Time Data Stream Plotting Example
function real_time_data_stream_plotting
% This example demonstrates how to automatically read a set number of data bytes as and
% when they are available. This MATLAB(R) script also generates a real time plot of streaming
% data collected from the TCPIP server.
% The script may be updated to use any instrument/device/TCPIP server
% to collect real time data. You may need to update the IP address and
% port.
% To generate a report of this entire script, you may use the PUBLISH
% command at the MATLAB(R) command line as follows:
% publish(real_time_data_plot);
% Author: Ankit Desai
% Copyright 2010 - The MathWorks, Inc.
%% Create the interface object
% Create a TCPIP object listening to port 19 (Character Generator).
% *Note* : To enable character generator service at port 19 on a Windows platform, enable:
% Control Panel > Add Remove Programs > Add/Remove Windows Component > Networking Services
interfaceObject = tcpip('',52928);
% Setup a figure window and define a callback function for close operation
figureHandle = figure('NumberTitle','off',...
'Name','Live Data Stream Plot',...
'Color',[0 0 0],...
% Setup the axes
axesHandle = axes('Parent',figureHandle,...
'YColor',[0.9725 0.9725 0.9725],...
'XColor',[0.9725 0.9725 0.9725],...
'Color',[0 0 0]);
xlabel(axesHandle,'Number of Samples');
% Initialize the plot and hold the settings on
hold on;
plotHandle = plot(axesHandle,4,'-y','LineWidth',1);
%% Setup interface object to read chunks of data
% Set the number of bytes to read at a time
bytesToRead = 500;
% Define a callback function to be executed when desired number of bytes
% are available in the input buffer
interfaceObject.BytesAvailableFcn = {#localReadAndPlot,plotHandle,bytesToRead};
interfaceObject.BytesAvailableFcnMode = 'byte';
interfaceObject.BytesAvailableFcnCount = bytesToRead;
% Open the interface object
%% Implement the bytes available callback
function localReadAndPlot(interfaceObject,~,figureHandle,bytesToRead)
% Read the desired number of data bytes
data = fread(interfaceObject,bytesToRead);
% Update the plot
%% Implement the close figure callback
function localCloseFigure(figureHandle,~,interfaceObject)
% Clean up the interface object
clear interfaceObject;
% Close the figure window
My problem is that I have a plot in real time but I have no idea which data I am plotting. I know that the data that arrived from the iPhone are a matrix with 62 column (if I export the data from the iPhone directly I get a .csv file of 62 columns).
How can I choose with column I plot ?
Thank you very much!

Here would be my take on indexing the data only for the required column:
function real_time_data_stream_plotting()
% These can be very well arguments for the function
FRAME_SIZE = 62; % This many columns (each columns is one byte)
FRAME_COUNT = 500; % This much data to plot at once
DATA_COLUMN = 3 % Position of the plotted column
% Create connection
conn = tcpip('', 52928);
% Set-up graphics
hf = figure( ...
'NumberTitle', 'off', ...
'Name', 'Live Data Stream Plot', ...
'Color', [0 0 0], ...
'CloseRequestFcn', {#localCloseFigure,conn} ...
ha = axes( ...
'Parent', hf,...
'YGrid', 'on', ...
'YColor', [0.9725 0.9725 0.9725], ...
'XGrid', 'on', ...
'XColor', [0.9725 0.9725 0.9725], ...
'Color', [0 0 0] ...
hold(ha, 'on');
xlabel(ha,'Number of Samples');
hl = plot(ha, 4, '-r', 'LineWidth', 1);
% Set-up connection callback
conn.BytesAvailableFcn = {#update_plot, hl, FRAME_SIZE, FRAME_COUNT, DATA_COLUMN};
conn.BytesAvailableFcnMode = 'byte';
conn.BytesAvailableFcnCount = FRAME_SIZE * FRAME_COUNT;
% Open connection and exit
% -------- Local Functions --------
function update_plot(conn, ~, hl, frame_size, frame_count, data_column)
data = fread(conn, frame_count*frame_size);
data = data(data_column + frame_size*(0:frame_count-1));
set(hl, 'YData', data);
function clean_up_on_close(hf, ~, conn)
clear conn;
However, I don't feel comfortable posting code based on on copyrighted work...


How do i request user input to pop out in my data for the matlab code provided?

%%%%%% Loop through data 3 ms at a time (Live)
t_window = 3e-3;
ind_3_raw = t_window*fs; %%% Number of samples for 3 ms in raw data
ind_3_spec = ceil(t_window/(T(2)-T(1))); %%%% Number of samples for 3 ms in spectrogram
counter = 0; %%%% number of 3 ms windows from start of file
stay_in = 1; %%% change to zero when its time to break;
while stay_in
%%%% Make time series and spectrogram plot
if (((counter+1)*ind_3_raw)<length(t)) %%%% if last point is outside of data
% plot(t(counter*ind_3_raw+1:(counter+1)*ind_3_raw),data((counter*ind_3_raw+1:(counter+1)*ind_3_raw)),'k')
xlabel('Time [ms]')
% xlim([0 t(end)])
% imagesc(T(counter*ind_3_spec+1:(counter+1)*ind_3_spec),F/1000,S_dB(:,counter*ind_3_spec+1:(counter+1)*ind_3_spec));
% imagesc(T(counter*ind_3_spec+1:(counter+1)*ind_3_spec),F/1000,Sf_dB(:,counter*ind_3_spec+1:(counter+1)*ind_3_spec));
axis xy;
xlabel('Time [ms]')
ylabel('Frequency [kHz]')
% colorbar
caxis([30 60])
% caxis([40 80]) %%% caxis limits, might need to change this manually when needed
% xlim([0 T(end)])
colormap jet
counter = counter + 1; %%% increment counter
%%%% Get user input
stay_in = 1;
I want a pop up dialog box for user to input a 1 every time a sferic in data appears?

bin2mat running slow need a faster solution

I am using bin2mat function from matlab file exchange, for some reason it runs very slow. Is it possible to make it run faster or is there an alternative? I am trying: zC = bin2mat(s.X,s.Y,s.Z,xC,yC); I am not sure where it gets bogged down. I need to do this on point cloud data to calculate volume and such.
Here is the code:
function ZG = bin2mat(x,y,z,XI,YI,varargin)
% BIN2MAT - create a matrix from scattered data without interpolation
% ZG = BIN2MAT(X,Y,Z,XI,YI) - creates a grid from the data
% in the (usually) nonuniformily-spaced vectors (x,y,z)
% using grid-cell averaging (no interpolation). The grid
% dimensions are specified by the uniformily spaced vectors
% XI and YI (as produced by meshgrid).
% ZG = BIN2MAT(...,#FUN) - evaluates the function FUN for each
% cell in the specified grid (rather than using the default
% function, mean). If the function FUN returns non-scalar output,
% the output ZG will be a cell array.
% ZG = BIN2MAT(...,#FUN,ARG1,ARG2,...) provides aditional
% arguments which are passed to the function FUN.
% %generate some scattered data
% [x,y,z]=peaks(150);
% ind=(rand(size(x))>0.9);
% xs=x(ind); ys=y(ind); zs=z(ind);
% %create a grid, use lower resolution if
% %no gaps are desired
% xi=min(xs):0.25:max(xs);
% yi=min(ys):0.25:max(ys);
% [XI,YI]=meshgrid(xi,yi);
% %calculate the mean and standard deviation
% %for each grid-cell using bin2mat
% Zm=bin2mat(xs,ys,zs,XI,YI); %mean
% Zs=bin2mat(xs,ys,zs,XI,YI,#std); %std
% %plot the results
% figure
% subplot(1,3,1);
% scatter(xs,ys,10,zs,'filled')
% axis image
% title('Scatter Data')
% subplot(1,3,2);
% pcolor(XI,YI,Zm)
% shading flat
% axis image
% title('Grid-cell Average')
% subplot(1,3,3);
% pcolor(XI,YI,Zs)
% shading flat
% axis image
% title('Grid-cell Std. Dev.')
% A. Stevens 3/10/2009
%check inputs
%make sure the vectors are column vectors
x = x(:);
y = y(:);
z = z(:);
if all(any(diff(cellfun(#length,{x,y,z}))));
error('Inputs x, y, and z must be the same size');
%process optional input
if ~isempty(varargin)
if ~isa(fun,'function_handle');
%test the function for non-scalar output
test = feval(fun,rand(5,1),varargin{2:end});
%grid nodes
%limit values to those within the specified grid
gind =(x>=xmin & x<=xmax & ...
y>=ymin & y<=ymax);
%find the indices for each x and y in the grid
[junk,xind] = histc(x(gind),xi);
[junk,yind] = histc(y(gind),yi);
%break the data into a cell for each grid node
blc_ind=accumarray([yind xind],z(gind),[m n],#(x){x},{NaN});
%evaluate the data in each grid using FUN
if numel(test)>1
It is slower on these two steps for one run it took:
ZG=cellfun(#(x)(feval(fun,x,varargin{2:end})),blc_ind); took 33 secs
blc_ind=accumarray([yind xind],z(gind),[m n],#(x){x},{NaN}); took 10 secs
You can change blc_ind = ... to
ZG=accumarray([yind xind],z(gind),[m n],#mean,NaN);
and delete other codes form here so the is no need to if numel(test)>1....

Why axes handle deleted in Matlab loop?

Code which tries to mimic the real dynamic condition
clear all; close all;
hFig2=figure('Units','inches', 'Name', 'Time');
movegui(hFig2, 'southeast');
while (index < 7);
plot(hax2, u); % Give columns 1xXYZ to Matlab
hold on;
axis(hax2, 'xy');
axis(hax2, [0 (size(u,2)/1 - 0) min(u) max(u)]); % to maximise size
axis(hax2, 'off'); % no ticks
hold off;
Logs 1 hax2 in more dynamic condition,
Logs 2 hax2 mostly in Code
%% Logs 1 in dynamic condition with failure output
% Failure in more dynamic conditions because axes get deleted for some reason
% hax2
% hax2 =
% handle to deleted Axes
%% Logs 2 mostly in Code condition and correct because
% hax2 =
% Axes with properties:
% XLim: [0 201]
% YLim: [0 2]
% XScale: 'linear'
% YScale: 'linear'
% GridLineStyle: '-'
% Position: [0.1300 0.1100 0.7750 0.8150]
% Units: 'normalized'
Error if failure in hax2 i.e. handle to deleted axes for some reason
%% Failure message
% Show all properties
% Warning: MATLAB has disabled some advanced graphics rendering features by switching to software OpenGL. For more information, click
% here.
% Error using plot
% Invalid handle.
% Error in test_invalid_handle (line 12)
% plot(hax2, u);
Some tentative proposals of solutions
Save the axes handle at the end of each loop; possible related thread Save axes handle when plotting In MATLAB
OS: Debian 8.5 64 bit
Matlab: 2016a
Hardware: Asus Zenbook UX303UA
Linux kernel: 4.6 of backports
When calling axes, the first input should be a parameter/value pair that specifies the parent. If you pass it a single handle graphics input it assumes that input is a handle to an axes
% Error using axes
% Invalid axes handle
Or as you have it written
hax2 = axes(hFig2);
% Error using axes
% Too many output arguments.
Because you are passing an invalid axes handle to it, it doesn't properly assign the handle to a new axes to hax2. It is likely that your deleted hax2 that you're seeing is from a previous run of the script.
Instead, you'll want to use parameter/value pairs to specify the Parent property of the axes.
hax2 = axes('Parent', hFig2);
Also, I would remove the extraneous call to figure every time through the loop since you explicitly specify the parent object of each plot object

Interpolation between multiple 2D vector [fields] in a 3D space

I've attempted to look at MatLab documentation here:
and then in the
help interp3
section of MatLab, but I'm having trouble figuring out what I want actually and if interp3 is the thing that I'm looking for. But, I may just not be understanding if I'm able to use interp3 with the way I have things laid out as of now. I've attached a figure that I can create from a MatLab program that I wrote. It's taking NOAA lat/long (x/y), U/V directions for wind vectors, and then a Z value for the 2D levels to this field.
Using the format:
with the "W" component set to 0.
This is a very small section of the field, but what I'm trying to do is to interpolate between these 2D vector fields in order to create a 3D field.
Do I have to group U/X , V/Y, and W/Z into their own vectors in order to use interp3 ? I'm still not sure that the 3D function "V" section is in the interp3 syntax of
Vq = interp3(X,Y,Z,V,Xq,Yq,Zq)
This is a very small section of the field, but what I'm trying to do is to interpolate between these 2D vector fields in order to create a 3D field.
My code:
clear all
% You will have to change the directory to wherever you place the read_grib.r4
% file. In addition, It's necessary to have an external compiler connected
% to MatLab in order to build the mex-file that gives you the power to use
% the read_grib decoding. This is really tricky. On OSX I used Xcode as an
% environment and MatLab virtually worked immediately. On Windows, I have
% 2012(b) and had to use the call system('mxvc <BDS_unpack_mex5.c>') which
% utilized Microsoft's C-compiler that I had SOMEWHERE on my computer
% thankfully (may be pre-intalled). There are tutorials online for
% different compilers. In addition, if you're smart about it you can add
% the mex-file build to the start-up operations so you never have to worry
% about it, but my questionably legal MatLab copies seem to make this a
% little more difficult.
cd /Users/Sargent_PC/Downloads/read_grib.r4/
mex BDS_unpack_mex5.c
% ** Inventory doesn't need to be done every iteration **
% ** Uncomment the line below to get a record inventory **
% Creating a struct named "grib_struct" for each of the records I'm
% extracting out of the grib file. They exist in pairs with 6 records
% separating them. Should we want to extract ALL of the U and V wind
% components I'll iterate with a simple for-loop.
grib_struct=read_grib('NOAAdata.grb', [60,61,66,67]); %,72,73,78,79,84,85,90,91,96,97]);
UwindVec50mb = grib_struct(1).fltarray; %rec60
VwindVec50mb = grib_struct(2).fltarray; %rec61
UwindVec75mb = grib_struct(3).fltarray; %rec66
VwindVec75mb = grib_struct(4).fltarray; %rec67
% UwindVec100mb = grib_struct(5).fltarray; %rec72
% VwindVec100mb = grib_struct(6).fltarray; %rec73
% UwindVec125mb = grib_struct(7).fltarray; %rec78
% VwindVec125mb = grib_struct(8).fltarray; %rec79
% UwindVec150mb = grib_struct(9).fltarray; %rec84
% VwindVec150mb = grib_struct(10).fltarray; %rec85
% UwindVec175mb = grib_struct(11).fltarray; %rec90
% VwindVec175mb = grib_struct(12).fltarray; %rec91
% UwindVec200mb = grib_struct(13).fltarray; %rec96
% VwindVec200mb = grib_struct(14).fltarray; %rec97
%50mb range has records 60 and 61 for U and V respectively.
%75mb range has records 66 and 67 for U and V respectively.
%100mb range has records 72 and 73 for U and V respectively.
%125mb range has records 78 and 79 for U and V respectively.
%150mb range has records 84 and 85 for U and V respectively.
%175mb range has records 90 and 91 for U and V respectively.
%200mb range has records 96 and 97 for U and V respectively.
%These extracted sections of the grib file will read "extracted" on the
%left-hand side should they be successfully extracted.
load NOAAlatlongdata; % read the data into a matrix
lat_value = NOAAlatlongdata(:,3); % copy first column of NOAAlatlongdata into lat_value
long_value = NOAAlatlongdata(:,4); % and second column of NOAAlatlongdata into long_value
% I was going to add in a pressure to altitude change here, but
% it may be in our best interest to get a list of values for each
% pressure level that correspond to altitude and create our own
% vector of those values in order to simplify the calculations that
% the program has to do.
% z50mb_val = ;
% z75mb_val = ;
% z100mb_val= ;
% z125mb_val= ;
% z150mb_val= ;
% z175mb_val= ;
% z200mb_val= ;
% Creating vectors of the Z-values which are gotten from converting the
% pressure value to altitude. I feel like this is a very bulky way to do
% this, and I've included the tic-toc timing to show that it's ~30seconds
% per vector creation. For each altitude level that we add you'll add
% ~30seconds JUST to the vector creation component of the program.
tic; for i = 1:262792, z50mb_vec=67507*ones(i,1); end; toc;
tic; for i = 1:262792, z75mb_vec=60296*ones(i,1); end; toc;
% tic; for i = 1:262792, z100mb_vec=53084*ones(i,1); end; toc;
% tic; for i = 1:262792, z125mb_vec=48865*ones(i,1); end; toc;
% tic; for i = 1:262792, z150mb_vec=44646*ones(i,1); end; toc;
% tic; for i = 1:262792, z175mb_vec=43763*ones(i,1); end; toc;
% tic; for i = 1:262792, z200mb_vec=38661*ones(i,1); end; toc;
tic; for i = 1:262792, W_zerovec = 0*ones(i,1); end; toc;
% 3D quiver plots format: quiver3(x,y,z,u,v,w) -- Make sure dimensionality
% of all 6 components to that plot match up before plotting.
quiver3((lat_value(1:101)), (long_value(1:25)), ( z50mb_vec(1:25)), (UwindVec50mb(1:25)) ,(VwindVec50mb(1:25)) , W_zerovec(1:25))
hold on
quiver3((lat_value(1:101)), (long_value(1:251)), ( z75mb_vec(1:25)), (UwindVec75mb(1:25)) ,(VwindVec75mb(1:25)) , W_zerovec(1:25))
hold on
% quiver3((lat_value(1:101)), (long_value(1:101)), (z100mb_vec(1:101)), (UwindVec100mb(1:101)),(VwindVec100mb(1:101)), W_zerovec(1:101))
% hold on
% quiver3((lat_value(1:101)), (long_value(1:101)), (z125mb_vec(1:101)), (UwindVec125mb(1:101)),(VwindVec125mb(1:101)), W_zerovec(1:101))
% hold on
% quiver3((lat_value(1:101)), (long_value(1:101)), (z150mb_vec(1:101)), (UwindVec150mb(1:101)),(VwindVec150mb(1:101)), W_zerovec(1:101))
% hold on
% quiver3((lat_value(1:101)), (long_value(1:101)), (z175mb_vec(1:101)), (UwindVec175mb(1:101)),(VwindVec175mb(1:101)), W_zerovec(1:101))
% hold on
% quiver3((lat_value(1:101)), (long_value(1:101)), (z200mb_vec(1:101)), (UwindVec200mb(1:101)),(VwindVec200mb(1:101)), W_zerovec(1:101))
A guy by the name of Failmond is provided me with this, which suitably solves my query! Thanks to all!
zLevels = 5; %number of interpolated points between z50 and z75
nStation = 100; %number of (lat,long) pairs to interpolate
for i = 1:nStation %for nStation different (lat, long) pairs generate interp. values
% generate zQuery points between z50 and z75 for each station
zQuery = ((1:zLevels)/zLevels)*range([z50mb_vec(i) z75mb_vec(i)]) + z75mb_vec(i);
% use interp1 to interpolate about the Z axis for U component
U(i,1:N) = interp1([z50mb_vec(i) z75mb_vec(i)],[UwindVec50mb(i) UwindVec75mb(i)],zQuery);
% and for V component
V(i,1:N) = interp1([z50mb_vec(i) z75mb_vec(i)],[VwindVec50mb(i) VwindVec75mb(i)],zQuery);
% defining some color codes for each zLevel, otherwise the plot is a mess
% of colors
colorcode = ['r' 'g' 'b' 'm' 'c' 'r' 'g' 'b' 'm' 'c' 'r'];
for j = 1:nStation
for i = 1:zLevels
quiver3(lat_value(j), long_value(j), zQuery(i), U(j,i), V(j,i), 0, colorcode(i));
hold on;

error in using fftoneside

Hi I'm trying to calculate mfcc for which i'm windowing. I have seen this one post I'm getting error in fftOneSide.
my code is
[y, fs]=wavread(waveFile);
[mag1, phase1, freq1]=fftOneSide(original, fs);
[mag2, phase2, freq2]=fftOneSide(windowed, fs);
subplot(3,2,1); plot(original); grid on; axis([-inf inf -1 1]);
title('Original signal');
subplot(3,2,2); plot(windowed); grid on; axis([-inf inf -1 1]);
subplot(3,2,3); plot(freq1, mag1); grid on;
title('Energy spectrum (linear scale)');
subplot(3,2,4); plot(freq2, mag2); grid on;
title('Energy spectrum (linear scale)');
subplot(3,2,5); plot(freq1, 20*log(mag1)); grid on;
axis([-inf inf -80 120]); title('Energy spectrum (db)');
subplot(3,2,6); plot(freq2, 20*log(mag2)); grid on; axis([-inf inf -80 120]);
title('Energy spectrum (db)');
the error i'm getting is
??? Undefined function or method 'fftOneSide' for input arguments of type 'double'.
any help is appreciated
This is a really old post, it'd be neat if someone still cared. I just provided what I believe to be the answer in the recent post below, which I arrived at after a fair bit of frustration: Undefined function 'fftOneSide' for input arguments of type 'double'.
It should be noted here there's a call to a file, which I'm not sure if the author had originally or not. I suspect all the problems are related to a similarly named file in the sourcecode.
If you look at my discussion in the other post, within the function definition there is a call to a method demo with a file - which isn't present if you just have the function definition, not the original file. Calling [mag1, phase1, freq1]=fftOneSide(original, fs,1), after you comment out the first line if nargin <1... and the demo routine worked fine on my machine with the code which I'll show below. Having the third argument equal to 1 guarantees that the code will run the print routines, which is important.
In case the other thread is closed, I just want to show the output, when the input is manually defined, and I call [mag1, phase1, freq1]=fftOneSide(original, fs,1) on the properly edited method, with the inputs as in the original post shown below (notice the call is to original in the other post it was like this as well.. I believe the call was was meant to be instead for windowed, but I don't have the signals toolbox with hamming anyways):
t=(1:512)'/fs; %'// <-- prevents string markdown
% windowed=original.*hamming(length(t)); % defined in other post
[mag1,phase1,freq1]=fftOneSide(original,fs); % I call fftOneSide(original,fs,1);
The output is as follows (source code below!)
Anyways, here's the source code in case anyone wants to use this function
function [magSpec, phaseSpec, freq, powerSpecInDb]=fftOneSide(signal, fs, plotOpt)
% fftOneSide: One-sided FFT for real signals
% Usage: [magSpec, phaseSpec, freq, powerSpecInDb]=fftOneSide(signal, fs)
% For example:
% [y, fs]=wavread('welcome.wav');
% frameSize=512;
% startIndex=2047;
% signal=y(startIndex:startIndex+frameSize+1);
% signal=signal.*hamming(length(signal));
% plotOpt=1;
% [magSpec, phaseSpec, freq, powerSpecInDb]=fftOneSide(signal, fs, plotOpt);
% Roger Jang, 20060411, 20070506
if nargin<1, selfdemo; return; end %=== (MathBio: Comment this out!)
if nargin<2, fs=1; end
if nargin<3, plotOpt=0; end
N = length(signal); % Signal length
freqStep = fs/N; % Frequency resolution
time = (0:N-1)/fs; % Time vector
z = fft(signal); % Spectrum
freq = freqStep*(0:N/2); % Frequency vector
z = z(1:length(freq)); % One side
z(2:end-1)=2*z(2:end-1); % Assuming N is even, symmetric data is multiplied by 2
magSpec=abs(z); % Magnitude spectrum
phaseSpec=unwrap(angle(z)); % Phase spectrum
powerSpecInDb=20*log(magSpec+realmin); % Power in db
if plotOpt
% ====== Plot time-domain signals
plot(time, signal, '.-');
title(sprintf('Input signals (fs=%d)', fs));
xlabel('Time (seconds)'); ylabel('Amplitude'); axis tight
% ====== Plot spectral power
plot(freq, powerSpecInDb, '.-'); grid on
title('Power spectrum');
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Power (db)'); axis tight
% ====== Plot phase
plot(freq, phaseSpec, '.-'); grid on
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Phase (Radian)'); axis tight
% ====== Self demo (MathBio: Comment all of this out! )
function selfdemo
[y, fs]=wavread('welcome.wav');
[magSpec, phaseSpec, freq, powerSpecInDb]=feval(mfilename, signal, fs, 1);