spring data jpa for multiple joined table - spring-data-jpa

I have two tables: ProductUsage and Learner. ProductUsage have field Learner, Learner has fields id and guid. now I need to create a query to pull out all productUsage whose learner guid is in specified user ids:
select * from product_usage
inner join learner
on product_usage.learner_id = learner.id
learner.guid in ("1234", "2345")
domain class:
#Table(name = "core_product_usage_increments")
public class ProductUsage {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Integer id;
#JoinColumn(name = "learner_id", nullable = false)
private Learner learner;
#JoinColumn(name = "learning_language_id", nullable = false)
private Language language;
#Table(name = "learners")
public class Learner {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Integer id;
#Column(name = "user_guid", nullable = false, unique = true)
private String guid;
#Column(name = "first_name")
private String firstName;
#Column(name = "last_name")
private String lastName;
and repository class:
public interface ProductUsageRepository extends CrudRepository<ProductUsage, Integer> {
#Query("SELECT p FROM ProductUsage p WHERE p.learnerGuid = :learnerGuid")
List<ProductUsage> findByLearnerGuid(String learnerGuid);
client class that call the repository
public class MyClient {
private ProductUsageRepository repository;
public MyClient(ProductUsageRepository repository) {
this.repository = repository;
public List<ProductUsage> getProductUageByLeanrerGuid(String learnerGuid) {
return repository.findByLearnerGuid(learnerGuid);
and my test:
public void testClient() throws Exception {
MyClient client = new MyClient(repository);
List<ProductUsage> results = client.getProductUageByLeanrerGuid("1234");
and it failed:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: learnerGuid of: com.acme.domain.spectrum.ProductUsage [SELECT p FROM com.acme.domain.spectrum.ProductUsage p WHERE p.learnerGuid = :learnerGuid]
at org.hibernate.ejb.AbstractEntityManagerImpl.convert(AbstractEntityManagerImpl.java:1364)
at org.hibernate.ejb.AbstractEntityManagerImpl.convert(AbstractEntityManagerImpl.java:1300)
at org.hibernate.ejb.AbstractEntityManagerImpl.createQuery(AbstractEntityManagerImpl.java:294)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606)
it cannot recognize the 'learnerGuid' field in ProductUsage, but that's actually defined in Learner class. how can I perform the query that join multiple tables?

ProductUsage has no learnerGuid property, only learner. Try
#Query("SELECT p FROM ProductUsage p WHERE p.learner.guid = :learnerGuid")
If that doesn't work, I have another tip:
#Query("SELECT p FROM ProductUsage p join p.Learner l WHERE l.guid = :learnerGuid")

You do not have use a #query like you did
#Query("SELECT p FROM ProductUsage p WHERE p.learnerGuid = :learnerGuid")
List<ProductUsage> findByLearnerGuid(String learnerGuid);
Spring JPA framework can build the query by method name itself. Try this
List<ProductUsage> findByLearnerGuid(String learnerGuid);
List<ProductUsage> findByLearner_guid(String learnerGuid);
as you have a relation to Learner from ProductUsage the findBy method can traverse through the related tables and their fields. "_" gives the framework a clear indication that query by joining the Learner table where guid =?
Otherwise the framework tries below two combinations:
where learnerGuid=?
join learner where guid=?


JPA Repository Query on additional table #ManytoMany

I want to do select like this in my jpa spring repository
SELECT sicknes_id, count(symptomp_id) as ilosc FROM symptomp_sicknes where symptomp_id IN (1,2) group by sicknes_id Order by ilosc DESC;
My enitity
#Table(name = "symptomp")
public class Symptomp {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "symptomp_id")
private Long symptomp_id;
#Column(name = "name")
private String name;
#Column(name = "description")
private String description;
#ManyToMany(cascade = {CascadeType.DETACH,CascadeType.MERGE,CascadeType.PERSIST,CascadeType.REFRESH}, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinTable(name = "symptomp_sicknes",joinColumns = #JoinColumn(name = "symptomp_id"),inverseJoinColumns = #JoinColumn(name = "sicknes_id"))
private Set<Sicknes> sicknes = new HashSet<>();
#Table(name = "sicknes")
public class Sicknes {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "sicknes_id")
private Long sicknes_id;
#Column(name = "name")
private String name;
#Column(name = "description")
private String description;
#ManyToOne(cascade = {CascadeType.DETACH,CascadeType.MERGE,CascadeType.PERSIST,CascadeType.REFRESH}, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "speciesId")
private Species species;
My Symptomp repository:
public interface SymptompRepository extends JpaRepository<Symptomp, Long> {
#Query("select p from Symptomp p where name like ?1%")
public List<Symptomp> findAllBySymptompName(String symptomp);
public Symptomp findByName(String symptomp);
public List<Symptomp> findByNameIn(List<String> list);
Integer countDistinctSymptompByName(String id);
How I can create this select in my JPA repository?
I try get value like in select but i got error mapping bean.
You can get query result as List<Object[]> using nativeQuery=true parameter
#Query("SELECT sicknes_id, count(symptomp_id) as ilosc FROM symptomp_sicknes where symptomp_id IN (1,2) group by sicknes_id Order by ilosc DESC", nativeQuery=true)
List<Object[]> getQueryResult();
Other option is to create dto class with appropriate constructor
public class QueryResultDto {
Long sicknesId;
Long count;
public QueryResultDto(Long sicknesId, Long count) {
this.sicknesId = sicknesId;
this.count = count;
Then using JPQL
#Query("select new yourproject.dtopath.QueryResultDto(...")
List<QueryResultDto> getQueryResult(#Param("symptompIds") List<Long> symptompIds);
If you want to avoid a native Query the best way is to create an Entity for that JoinTable. Then you can query it easily. Additional benefit if this is that if in future a requirement will pop up that you have to store additional attributes in that relation you will have the Entity already there to do that easily.

Named Query with List of object as input using JPA named query

Getting below QueryExecutionRequestException when I try to excecute update Named query using JPA repository.
org.hibernate.hql.internal.QueryExecutionRequestException: Not supported for DML operations [update com.company.farmer.entity.FarmProducts p set p.isDeleted=:isDeleted where p.productId IN (:productIdsList_0, :productIdsList_1)]; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: org.hibernate.hql.internal.QueryExecutionRequestException: Not supported for DML operations [update com.company.farmer.entity.FarmProducts p set p.isDeleted=:isDeleted where p.productId IN (:productIdsList_0, :productIdsList_1)]
public interface FarmProductRepository extends JpaRepository<FarmProducts, Long> {
void deleteProduct(#Param("isDeleted") String isDeleted, #Param("productIdsList") List<Long> productIdsList);
public String deleteProductAndCategory(long categoryId, FarmProductIdsDTO farmProductIds) {
farmProductRepository.deleteProduct(FarmerProductCategoryConstants.DELETE_YES_FLAG, farmProductIds.getFarmProductIds());
return FarmerProductCategoryConstants.SUCCESS;
#ToString(exclude= "productCategory")
#NamedQueries({#NamedQuery(name="FarmProducts.deleteProduct", query="update FarmProducts p set p.isDeleted=:isDeleted where p.productId IN (:productIdsList)") })
public class FarmProducts extends BaseModel {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "FARM_PRODUCT_GENERATOR")
#SequenceGenerator(name = "FARM_PRODUCT_GENERATOR", sequenceName = "FARM_PRODUCT_GENERATOR_SEQ", allocationSize = 1)
#Column(name = "farm_product_id")
public Long productId;
#JoinColumn(name = "farm_product_category_id")
public ProductCategory productCategory;
#Column(name = "product_name")
public String product;
#Column(name = "is_deleted")
public String isDeleted;
I am trying to pass a list of productId to make the isDeleted as "N". But update functionality fails because of the QueryExecutionRequestException.
By default Spring Data treats all queries as SELECT statements. If you have an UPDATE (or DELETE) statement you have you have to apply de #Modifying annotation on the query.
See https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/jpa/docs/current/reference/html/#jpa.modifying-queries

Composite key query in JPQL not generated correctly

I use spring data jpa and I use composite key
public class Samples extends BaseEntity {
private String sampleLetter;
private TestSamples testSamples;
#JoinColumn(name = "sampling_id", referencedColumnName = "id"),
#JoinColumn(name = "sampling_year", referencedColumnName = "year")})
private Samplings sampling;
//get set
public class SamplesPK implements Serializable {
private SamplingsPK sampling;
private String sampleLetter;
public SamplesPK(SamplingsPK sampling, String sampleLetter) {
this.sampling = sampling;
this.sampleLetter = sampleLetter;
//get set
#Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
public class Samplings {
private Integer year;
private Integer id;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "sampling", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private List<Samples> samples = new ArrayList<>();
//get set
public class SamplingsPK implements Serializable {
private int year;
private Integer id;
public SamplingsPK(int year, Integer id) {
this.id = id;
this.year = year;
I try to do search sample with composite key
#Query(value = "select s from Samples s Join fetch s.sampling sp Join fetch sp.product p Join fetch p.productType Join Fetch s.testSamples.compressionTest where s.id=:id and s.year=:year and s.sampleLetter=:sampleLetter and sp.id=:id and sp.year=:year")
public Samples findSamplesWithFullProductAndTest(#Param("id") Integer id, #Param("year") Integer year, #Param("sampleLetter") String sampleLetter);
I get this error
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter value [2] did not match
expected type [com.lcm.model.SamplesPK (n/a)]
I modified query to
select s from Samples s Join fetch s.sampling sp Join fetch sp.product p Join fetch p.productType Join Fetch s.testSamples.compressionTest where s.sampling.id=:id and s.sampling.year=:year and s.sampleLetter=:sampleLetter and sp.id=:id and sp.year=:year
but I get this error
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: operator does not exist:
record = integer Indice : No operator matches the given name and
argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
Generated query is
samples0_.sample_letter as sample_l1_20_0_,
samples0_.sampling_id as sampling0_20_0_,
samplings1_.id as id2_21_1_,
samplings1_.year as year3_21_1_,
products2_.id as id2_15_2_,
producttyp3_.id as id1_16_3_,
compressio4_.id as id1_3_4_,
samples0_.sampling_id as samplin27_20_0_,
samples0_.sampling_year as samplin28_20_0_,
samples0_.compression as compres18_20_0_,
samples0_.compression_number as compres19_20_0_,
samples0_.compression_test_id as compres29_20_0_,
samplings1_.available_for_test as availabl4_21_1_,
samplings1_.dtype as dtype1_21_1_,
products2_.created_at as created_3_15_2_,
products2_.updated_at as updated_4_15_2_,
products2_.name_en as name_en5_15_2_,
products2_.dtype as dtype1_15_2_,
producttyp3_.created_at as created_2_16_3_,
producttyp3_.updated_at as updated_3_16_3_,
producttyp3_.name_en as name_en4_16_3_,
compressio4_.created_at as created_2_3_4_,
compressio4_.updated_at as updated_3_3_4_
permacon.samples samples0_
inner join
permacon.samplings samplings1_
on samples0_.sampling_id=samplings1_.id
and samples0_.sampling_year=samplings1_.year
inner join
permacon.products products2_
on samplings1_.product_id=products2_.id
inner join
permacon.product_types producttyp3_
on products2_.product_type_id=producttyp3_.id
inner join
permacon.compressions compressio4_
on samples0_.compression_test_id=compressio4_.id
samples0_.sampling_id, samples0_.sampling_year
and samplings1_.year=?
and samples0_.sample_letter=?
and samplings1_.id=?
and samplings1_.year=?
Edit 2
public abstract class BaseEntity {
private LocalDateTime createdAt;
private LocalDateTime updatedAt;
//get set...
Inheritance is used because I have two table who extends Samplings
you year field is a int put int instead of Integer in your

spring data error when trying to sort by a field of joined entity inside a crudrepository

I am using springboot and springdata with Mysql.
I have 2 entities, Customer & Order:
#Table(name = "customers")
public class Customer {
#GeneratedValue(strategy= GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name="id", nullable = false)
protected long id;
#Column(name = "name")
private String name;
#Table(name = "orders")
public class Order {
#GeneratedValue(strategy= GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name="id", nullable = false)
protected long id;
private long customerId;
I also have a repository:
public interface OrdersRepository extends JpaRepository<Order, Long> {
#Query("select o from Order o, Customer c where o.customerId = c.id")
Page<Order> searchOrders(final Pageable pageable);
The method has some more arguments for searching, but the problem is when I send a PageRequest object with sort that is a property of Customer.
Sort sort = new Sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, "c.name");
ordersRepository.search(new PageRequest(x, y, sort));
However, sorting by a field of Order works well:
Sort sort = new Sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, "id");
ordersRepository.search(new PageRequest(x, y, sort));
The error I get is that c is not a property of Order (but since the query is a join of the entities I would expect it to work).
Caused by: org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property c of Order
Do you have any idea how I can sort by a field of the joined entity?
Thank you
In JPA , the thing that you sort with must be something that is returned in the select statement, you can't sort with a property that is not returned
You got the error because the relationship is not modeled properly. In your case it is a ManyToOne relation. I can recomend the wikibooks to read further.
#Table(name = "orders")
public class Order {
#GeneratedValue(strategy= GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name="id", nullable = false)
protected long id;
#JoinColumn(name="customer_id", referencedColumnName = "id")
private Customer customer;
The query is not needed anymore because the customer will be fetched.
public interface OrdersRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Order, Long> {
Now you can use nested properties.
Sort sort = new Sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, "customer.name");
ordersRepository.findAll(new PageRequest(x, y, sort));

Criteria API query with non-direct relation

Good day!
There is SQL query that finely works:
select oi.nameshort from creditrequest c
join users u on u.id=c.user_id
join peoplemanagers pm on pm.people_id=u.people_id
-- join organiztion o on pm.organization_id=o.id
join organizationinfo oi on oi.organization_id=pm.organization_id
where oi.nameshort like 'Hydro%'
The problem arises when I try to translate SQL to JPA Criteria API. I need like restriction on table organizationinfo, but there is no direct reference from organization to it.
I try
but it fails on .get(PeopleEntity_.id).
How to solve problem on Criteria API?
#Table(name = "creditrequest")
public class CreditRequestEntity {
#JoinColumn(name = "borrower_id")
private BorrowerEntity borrower;
#Table(name = "borrower")
public class BorrowerEntity {
#JoinColumn(name = "organization_id")
private OrganizationEntity organizationId;
#Table(name = "organization")
public class OrganizationEntity { ... }
#Table(name = "organizationinfo")
public class OrganizationInfoEntity { ...
#Column(name = "nameshort")
private String nameShort;
#JoinColumn(name = "organization_id")
private OrganizationEntity organizationId;
Any class has field id as primary key.
if (filter.getOrganization() != null) {
List<Expression<String>> expressions = new ArrayList<>();
Subquery<OrganizationInfoEntity> psq = query.subquery(OrganizationInfoEntity.class);
Root<OrganizationInfoEntity> orgInfoRoot = psq.from(OrganizationInfoEntity.class);
Join<OrganizationEntity, OrganizationInfoEntity> borrowerOrganizationInfoJoin = root.join(CreditRequestEntity_.borrower)
PredicateBuilder pipb = new PredicateBuilder(builder);
pb.add(builder.equal(borrowerOrganizationInfoJoin.get(OrganizationInfoEntity_.isActive), ActiveStatus.ACTIVE));
pipb.like(filter.getOrganization(), expressions.toArray(new Expression[]{}));