OTRS WebService SOAP TicketCreate not returning - perl

I'm fairly new to OTRS and perl and i'm working with it for about 2 weeks.
I have been creating and modifying webservice operations in perl and testing them with SoapUI. The version of OTRS being used is 3.3.
Right now i'm facing a problem which i can't understand. When i make a SOAP request to call TicketCreate operation i don't always get a response on SoapUI. I found out that this issue seems to be connected with the values that are passed on the soap request.
If i use a certain QueueID, ServiceID and SLAID i get a response that tells me the ticket id, ticket number and article id from the created ticket. If use other QueueID, ServiceID and SLAID i get nothing, not even an error.
I have been putting outputs through TicketCreate.pm to see if the execution stalls and where. But the only thing i got to see is that everything runs and that until the last return on the code that everything is fine.


How to convert soap message in Oracle OSB

I'm just starting with Oracle Service Bus 12C.
I created a proxy service that takes in a couple of parameters. A pipeline that moves those parameters to the request-headers. A business service that calls my PHP. So far, the PHP receives the parameters correctly.
Next, I am returning a response from PHP. As a first step, I did a simple echo "Hello, World";
Two things are happening at this point.
Firstly, when debugging the app, JDeveloper shows that $body in Response Action is blank. However, in a log action, I added $body. That shows:
<soapenv:Body xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">Hello, World</soapenv:Body>
No idea why JDeveloper doesn't want to show this.
So, how do I get the string part from this so I can use a Insert Action to build the XML response that the proxy service would understand?
I tried these in the log action, but all of them give blank outputs:
Edit: According to https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E13171_01/alsb/docs25/consolehelp/context.html $body/* should extract the payload without the soap-env:Body wrapper.
Got it:
I noticed that the tag is soap-env in the request and soapenv in the response. The $body/* works for the request to remove the wrapper in the request only.

Why am I getting request method GET not supported?

I am using PostMan as a REST client to test this API method Cisco ACL Analysis API. specifically POST /acl/trace or getAClTracksStd (first go to Policy Analysis)
Here is my PostMan HTTP test call
Does anyone who is familiar with PostMan understand why I am getting this "Request method 'GET' is not supported" error from the server? I am making a POST HTTP request, not GET.(Selected from Drop down menu) It make more sense for me to get a input invalid parameter error or something.
Just to show that the endpoint url works, heres a HTTP test request that works
(same link, host->host API -> GET /host/{startIndex}/{recordsToReturn}
There's two issues that I'm seeing with your REST call. First, the error you're seeing is because the call needs to be preceded by "https://". Second, remove the interface IDs parameter and values. You should get a response with data after making these changes.
Your json looks erronuous (comma after the destIp) - and the server probably always responds with a default confusing error message in this case. (Postman is very well tested and it sends POST).

How to get Error message from REST service and show it at proper form field in java EE?

I made a Dynamic web project using Eclipse IDE. I made a simple web app for learning.
I also made a REST service (jersey implementation) which i am using for insert,update,delete and for listing records from mysql database.
Now i want that i've a registration form which has some fields. I want that before inserting the data into database using my REST service, the service should validate form data.
I searched a lot google. I understand how to validate data in my service. But i am not getting that how to show the error message to individual form field to client.
Is there any complete example of this which does not use maven and show me the whole working from submitting form to show the error messages.
Thanks in advance..please help me guys..
You should change your approach slightly to solve this problem and implement it in the following way:
First of all You should add validation mechanisms on the client side and send registration request only when this validation will be successful.
You will find form validation tutorial for AngularJS here:
and for jQuery here:
Server should respond with propper HTTP statuses (with optional message). For example:
200 OK (or 201 Created) - when registration finished successfully;
400 Bad Request - when registration cannot be finished successfully;
So in Your actual use case:
User fills HTML form inputs;
Inserted data are validated on the client side;
When data are invalid, error message is shown in the propper place (individual form field);
When data are correct request is sent to the serwer;
Server application tries to insert supplied data to database;
If operation is finished properly, server will answer with 200 (or 201) status code. Registration is finished.
If operation is not finished properly, server will answer with 400. Client (AngularJS, jQuery, JS) will show error message.
Hopefully, my answer will help You. Ask if You need more explanation.

use pingdom to monitor soap service

I'm sending a SOAP request to my server via Pingdom -- just put the XML content in the POST data field.
When clicking "Test Check", the button greys out for a few seconds and then comes back.
I've tried with SoapUI and Postman respectively, it works there -- is this possible with Pingdom at all?
OK, found the answer myself -- Pingdom can do this without a problem, I only needed to remove line breaks from the SOAP message.

RESTful services with AXL

I am trying to create a few restful webservices that will add a bit functionality to the company cisco phones. The basic idea is simple, the users get a small client on which they need to enter login and password. When they have done so, their phone/phones are 'registered' to my restful service and they get added functions on their phone. When they log out, they get unregistered. To provide the extra functions (like adjusted caller information etc etc) I need the Cisco AXL API. This is a SOAP based API. I have generated the java classes using the wsdl already. When I make a testclient using the generated classes, all works fine.
But here comes the problem: When I try to run a soap request while my application is deployed on my Tomcat 7 container, it doesn't work anymore.
The problem seems to be the AXLAPIService, which hangs when executing the following piece of code:
#WebEndpoint(name = "AXLPort")
public AXLPort getAXLPort() {
return super.getPort(new QName("http://www.cisco.com/AXLAPIService/", "AXLPort"), AXLPort.class);
In other words, i am not getting a port for the soap request and it makes the tomcat crash i f you wait long enough.
I went googling. Somebody on some forum once had a problem because of an out of date stax version. I adjusted the stax version in my POM and tried again, to no help.
I also read somewhere that the underlaying javax.xml.ws.Service actually has an enumeration of ports, and when you do getPort(), you will get the most appropiate port. I then looked up the default port for SOAP and that would be 80, just like the port used for RESTful services. Could it be that the soap service would be wanting port 80, but that it can't have it because it is already in use?
So, to summarize my question:
can it be that my restful services consume the same port that my soap
request would want to use?
if not, what could be the problem then and how should I fix it?
As additional information, this is how the axl wsdl defines the service:
<service name="AXLAPIService">
<port binding="s0:AXLAPIBinding" name="AXLPort">
<soap:address location="https://CCMSERVERNAME:8443/axl/"/>
I was thinking about changing the soap port myself. Some googling tells me I should do that in the wsdl but I wouldn't really know how. There is post already here but I fail to see how binding another portname could help me out....
As with so many things involving Cisco Telephony and their Administrative XmL (AXL), I found a workaround instead of an actual answer. Since a problem never really leaves my mind, I spent the rest of yesterday trying to find a solution for getting information out of that AXL thing.
Any actual answers to the above questions are still welcome though.
The workaround I found is this: Since SOAP can be seen as a special http POST request, it should be possible to do a SOAP call using a REST framework such as Jersey. You just need some extra code to make it work. I used the 'SoapProvider' from the link and for those who are also wrestling with this, I'll add my code:
public void doSoapRequest() throws SOAPException, JAXBException{
ClientConfig config = new DefaultClientConfig();
Client c = Client.create(config);
c.addFilter(new LoggingFilter());
c.addFilter(new HTTPBasicAuthFilter("user", "password"));
MessageFactory messageFactory = MessageFactory.newInstance();
SOAPMessage message = messageFactory.createMessage();
SOAPPart soapPart = message.getSOAPPart();
SOAPEnvelope envelope = soapPart.getEnvelope();
SOAPBody body = envelope.getBody();
SOAPElement bodyElement = body.addChildElement(envelope.createName("getCCMVersion", "", "http://www.cisco.com/AXL/API/8.5"));
WebResource service = c.resource("https://youraxlmachine:8443/axl/");
// POST the request
ClientResponse cr = service.type(MediaType.TEXT_XML).header("SOAPAction", "\"https://youraxlmachine:8443/axl/getCCMVersion\"").post(ClientResponse.class, message);
message = cr.getEntity(SOAPMessage.class);
JAXBContext ctx = JAXBContext.newInstance(GetCCMVersionRes.class);
Unmarshaller um = ctx.createUnmarshaller();
GetCCMVersionRes response = (um.unmarshal(message.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope().getBody().extractContentAsDocument(), GetCCMVersionRes.class)).getValue();
System.out.println("HERE COMES THE VERSION!");
I have left as many things unchanged as I could, except for the company specific details. This code works for getting the CCM version.
WARNING: Depending on how you perform the request, you might get a different result for the same request. I'll explain:
I have implemented other AXL methods as well, such as getUser. Before I even coding the Jersey soap service, I tried everything with SOAPUI. So I setup the SOAPUI so I could do RESTful requests to the AXL server. Using my restful setup in SOAPUI, I get the same results as I when would do the standard SOAP calls using both SOAPUI and my first implementation of a soapclient in java.
But when I use the jersey client to do the same getUser request, some important fields are missing from the result. I have no clue what could have caused this. For the request getPhone, I dont even get a valid response. So be warned.