Can I use two schema markup tag in my website for "location" and "product" -

I have already added schema markup for location in my website
But my website is a product so can I add Product Schema Tag also in my website?


TYPO3 v9.5 no URL Segment [slug] field visible in Page Edit

After upgrading from Typo3v9 to v9.5, I still do not see the URL Segment [slug] field .
The field has been added to the "pages" table under the column/field "slug" and also been populated, but the field is not visible in the BE and the links not updated.
Is there documentation/configuration I am missing?
You need to add a Site Configuration for your page tree in the new Sites module of the TYPO3 backend.
Only then the new slug field becomes visible in backend forms and the URL segments get used in the frontend instead of the old default index.php?id=1 links.

Preselect category filter in LIferay Documents and Media Portlet

I want to set a specific category as selected when creating new document in Documents and media portlet. I only have the category Id passed as parameter in the url. Any idea how to do this?
You can do this using parameter assetCategoryIds. In url this parameter might look like _20_assetCategoryIds_22902 and _20_ is a portlet namespace (Documents and Media) and _22902 is your vocabulary id.
Example url:

How to remove database id from url

I am creating categories on my website, but CMS adds ID from phpmyadmin to link. For example, I want to create category with name Art. When I do this system gives me like this link this 2 is my category ID but I don't wont this on my link. I want to be like this
How can I resolve this?

Typical LocalBusiness Website Microdata structure

I have a Website that typically describes an Organization/LocalBusiness/FurnitureStore and what it sells: brands (not owned), product categories, single products (not owned), service categories and single services (owned).
I need help to define the best/correct microdata structure for the whole website.
I would like to help a simple, clear example/tutorial for dummies.
Each WebPage has the following structure:
A. header - FurnitureStore: logo, name, nav.
B. main
C. footer - FurnitureStore: copyrightHolder of Website, vatID, url to "Contact us" WebPage (with address, telephone, email etc.), url to "Privacy policy" WebPage etc.
The website has the following structure:
1. Homepage/main:
1.1. FurnitureStore short description with url to "About us" WebPage.
1.2. FurnitureStore sold products and services categories list with name, image, url to single product/service WebPage.
1.3. FurnitureStore sold brands (Organizations) list with name, logo, url to single Organization WebPage (on this Website).
a. is it better to directly use itemtype="FurnitureStore", or itemtype="LocalBusiness" and additionalType="FurnitureStore", or other solutions (WebSite?)?
b. In lists, is it better to put only the url to the item specific webpage, or also other details, like name, logo/image etc.
c. in products categories list is this code right?
d. In (not owned) brands list, is it correct itemprop="brand"?
2. "About us" WebPage/main:
2.1. FurnitureStore long description.
"Contact us" WebPage/main:
3.1. Google map
3.2. Contacts and address
3.3. "Contact"/"Request quote" Form
e. Both "About us" and "Contact details" WebPage are describing the FurnitureStore. Is it right to apply itemscope itemtype="FurnitureStore" to the body, so that header and footer microdata are applied? Is it right to apply the itemprop="sameAs" to the links from/to Homepage/About us/Contact us.
4. Single “Product Category” WebPage/main:
4.1. name
4.2. description
4.3. images (products gallery)
f. If main describes an Offer/Category or Product Is it right to apply itemscope itemtype="FurnitureStore" to the body, so that header and footer microdata are applied? Or is better to apply itemscope itemtype="Offer" to the body and itemprop="seller" to the header with itemref="footer"? mainEntityOfPage can help? Is there a better solution? What changes?
g. Obvious an Offer/Category and most Customized services have no fixed price: usually you must submit a request for quote. In Google snippets is it possible to show "submit a request for quote", or "starting from n EUR" or similar as price value?
5. Single “Brand” WebPage/main:
5.1. name
5.2. description
5.3. images (products gallery)
5.4. url to the official website of the brand
h. If main describes a brand, is it right to apply itemscope itemtype="FurnitureStore" to the body, so that header and footer microdata are applied? Or is better to apply itemscope itemtype="Brand" or itemscope itemtype="Organization" to the body and another itemprop (seller?) to the header with itemref="footer"? mainEntityOfPage can help? Is there a better solution? What changes?

Sharepoint 2013 Tag profile is empty

When I click on tag in tag clouds web part, I have a tag profile page ( which is empty.
How can I see the data in a tag profile?
UPD: If I click a search tag link, I have query like
SocialTagId:"9e183a42-9603-43ea-8e9c-173e62dbe34c", but no data in result.
I found how to search for tagid, if write in search box query: owstaxIdTaxKeyword:"9e183a42-9603-43ea-8e9c-173e62dbe34c", we have all documents with this tagid.
But how to get result on TagProfile page?
The Tag Cloud in SharePoint leverages social tags, not just any enterprise keyword. Though most tags are pulled from the Managed Metadata Service, social tags are stored alongside the User Profile Service Social Database.
You need to make sure that the library you are tagging documents have social tagging enabled. You do this by going to the Library Settings > Enterprise Metadata and Keywords Settings. Within there, you will be able to enable Save metadata on this list as social tags:
Then, make sure you are using the Tags & Notes board to ensure that your documents are tagged appropriately.
Finally, make sure that you Search Service application is actually crawling. If you have only performed an initial crawl, setup a crawl schedule or switch to using Continuous Crawling.