Forwarding HTTP requests in Play for Scala - scala

This is the scenario I'm trying to achieve in Play 2.5.x for Scala (all the requests and responses are Json):
Browser sends HTTP Request to URL1.
URL1 enriches the Json it receives with some data, and forwards the entire request to URL2.
URL2 responds to browser.
In the last point, I'm not sure if URL2 can send it back to the browser or has to do it through URL1 (I believe it's the latter).
This is the request in URL1 (URL2 is a simple request/response):
val request: WSRequest = ws.url("/url2")
val request2: WSRequest = request.withHeaders("Accept" -> "application/json")
val data = Json.obj(
"aaa" -> some_data1,
"bbb" -> some_data2
val futureResponse: Future[JsValue] = {
response => response.json
When I send the future I get this exception:
Execution exception[[NullPointerException: scheme]]
How to fix this?

The clue is in the function name - it's ws.url, not ws.uri. You need to specify a complete path. You can use ws.url("http://localhost:9000/url2"), with customised elements if necessary such as the scheme and the port based on your configuration.


Stub a Http4s 0.20.x Client for testing

I'd like to test that a Http4s Client is being called from my class ClassUnderTest (to make a HTTP request) and that the request made contains the headers I expect.
In 0.18.x, I did something like below. Using a side effect to store the value of the headers so that I can make an assertion after the call. In the example below, f.execute(...) is expected to make a PUT with the client instance and I'm trying to record all request handling and storing the headers.
"Request has headers" >> {
var headers = List[String]()
val client = Client[IO](new Kleisli[IO, Request[IO], DisposableResponse[IO]](request => {
headers =
Ok().map(DisposableResponse(_, IO.pure(())))
}), IO.pure(()))
val f = ClassUnderTest(client)
headers must_== List(
The real code is here if you're interested.
ClassUnderTest took a Client[IO] so I could get the above working.
class ClassUnderTest(client: http4s.Client[IO])
In Http4s 0.20.12, I had to change the signature to:
class ClassUnderTest(client: Resource[IO, http4s.Client[IO]])
...and now I can't figure out how to stub out the client for tests. I experimented with JavaNetClientBuilder but that doesn't help because I can get an instance of Client (after .create) and now I need a Resource[IO, http4s.Client[IO]].
How can I use a test double to stand in for the Client / Resource[F, Client[F]] so that I can test the requests it makes?
The testing page on the docs doesn't really help me. I want a test double, not to test all the functionality of the Service (I don't want to startup a server).

Setting Cookies using Http4s Client

I am using Http4s library to make HTTP calls to a REST web service. the rest web service requires me to set an authentication cookie.
I have written the following code to set this cookie.
val client = PooledHttp1Client()
val uri = Uri.uri("http://localhost/restService")
val req = Request(GET, uri)
val cookie = org.http4s.Cookie("foo_session", getLoginSessionId, domain = Some("localhost"), path=Some("/"))
val task = client.expect[Response](req)
val list =
When I run this code I get a 401 error, meaning that the web service does not recognize that the cookie was set.
Now If I write the same code using apache http client. then everything works fine. The code below is doing exactly the same thing as above.
val get = new HttpGet(s"http://localhost/restService")
get.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json")
val client = new DefaultHttpClient()
val respHandler = new BasicResponseHandler
val cookieStore = new BasicCookieStore()
val cookie1 = new BasicClientCookie("foo_session", getLoginSessionId)
val localContext = new BasicHttpContext()
localContext.setAttribute(HttpClientContext.COOKIE_STORE, cookieStore)
val responseString = client.execute(get, respHandler, cookieContext)
val list = parse(responseString).extract[Response]
It seems that your cookie is not used into response.
Did you try to use the following approach :
val cookie = org.http4s.ResponseCookie("token", su.token.getOrElse("No token"), httpOnly = true, secure = true)
if you want to attach the cookie server sent to your client, you can try Cookie Jar.
Http4s strictly check the cookie from server so chance are that some cookie entries are not replied. if it is the case, you may try this one:

Send POST request with a body using scala and play framework

I`m trying to send post request to external url using play framework and scala. I want to add some parameters to the body also.
I want to send a post request to "" with parameters TransactionNo='T10000' and reqtype='T'
how could i do it?
here is my Action
def test(para:String) = Action {
val url: Option[String] = Some("")
url match {
case Some(url) => Redirect(url)
case None => NotFound("This URL leads nowhere. :(")
You can use the Play WS API.
As you can see in the documentation, it is that simple:
"TransactionNo" -> Seq("T10000"),
"reqtype" -> Seq("T")))
Don't forget to add ws to your library dependencies.

PlayFramework Testing: Uploading File in Fake Request Errors

I want to test my method, which requires uploading a file. It is initialized like this:
val tempFile = TemporaryFile(new"/home/ophelia/Desktop/students"))
val part = FilePart[TemporaryFile](
key = "students",
filename = "students",
contentType = Some("text/plain"),
ref = tempFile)
val files = Seq[FilePart[TemporaryFile]](part)
val formData = MultipartFormData(
dataParts = Map(),
files = Seq(part),
badParts = Seq(),
missingFileParts = Seq())
I pass it into the FakeRequest:
val result = route(
FakeRequest(POST, "/api/courses/"+"4f3c4ec9-46bf-4a05-a0b2-886c2040f2f6"+"/import" )
.withHeaders("Authorization" -> ("Session " +
But when I run the test I get the following error:
Cannot write an instance of play.api.mvc.AnyContentAsMultipartFormData to HTTP response. Try to define a Writeable[play.api.mvc.AnyContentAsMultipartFormData]
What am I doing wrong and how to fix it? I looked on the internet, I didnt find any useful way to understand and resolve this problem.
It's important to remember that http requests are entirely text. route() takes an implicit Writeable to convert the body type of the provided request into text. Without the right Writeable, there is no way to know how to turn MultipartFormData into a request body.
There doesn't seem to be a Writeable for MultipartFormData, but you can provide your own. jroper has a great Writeable you could use for reference. (EDIT: That code is buggy, here's a working Writeable for AnyContentAsMultipartFormData)
Once you have your Writeable, you will need to make it accessible to your call to route(). Bear in mind, you currently have a FakeRequest[AnyContentAsMultipartFormData], not a FakeRequest[MultipartFormData]. You can either convert your request first:
val request = FakeRequest(POST,
"/api/courses/"+"4f3c4ec9-46bf-4a05-a0b2-886c2040f2f6"+"/import" )
.withHeaders("Authorization" -> ("Session "))
or make your Writeable a Writeable[AnyContentAsMultipartFormData].
route for a given Request[T] requires an implicit parameter of type Writeable[T] that knows how to serialize the request body, because it will actually call the controller action just like an actual web request would, by pushing bytes onto it.
The problem is that there is no Writeable[MultipartFormData] predefined (you can see which are in play.api.test.Writeables).
This means you basically have two options:
write your own Writeable that serializes a MultipartFormData into bytes
Skip the routing part and call the action directly instead, like in the accepted answer in Play Framework Testing using MultipartFormData in a FakeRequest. This way of testing actions takes a shortcut and does not actually serialize and deserialize the request.
IMHO the first option is way too much pain for the gain, but if you go down that road, maybe contribute it to play when you succeed.
One of the possible solutions is to use wsUrl. For example
"File uploading action" should {
"upload sent file and result in ID" in {
val file = Paths.get(getClass.getResource("/1.txt").toURI)
val action = wsUrl("/upload").post(Source.single(FilePart("file", "hello.txt", Option("text/plain"), FileIO.fromPath(file))))
val res = Await.result(action, timeout)
res.status mustBe OK
res.body contains "123"

Sending a custom POST https request in dispatch (+cookies, + headers)

There is some documentation about sending post request in dispatch but yet it's not clear. What are myRequest and myPost there?
I want to send a https post request + add some cookies manually via headers + add some customs headers like form data, etc, and then read the response by reading the headers and cookies.
I only know how to prepare url for sending post request:
val url = host(myUrl + "?check=1&val1=123").secure
What do I do next?
Dispatch is built on top of Async Http Client. Therefore, myRequest in the example:
val myRequest = url("")
is com.ning.http.client.RequestBuilder.
Calling the POST method on RequestBuilder turns the request into a POST request. That's what's happening in the myPost example:
def myPost = myRequest.POST
I often find the Dispatch documentation difficult to follow. For a quick overview of the all the various Dispatch operators, see: Periodic Table of Dispatch Operators
If you're asking how to build a POST request and add custom form parameters, you probably want to use the <<(values) operator like this:
val params = Map("param1" -> "val1", "param2" -> "val2")
val req = url("" <<(params)
Likewise if you want to add some custom headers you can use the <:<(map) operator like this:
val headers = Map("x-custom1" -> "val1", "x-custom2" -> "val2")
val req = url("" <<(params) <:<(headers)
Update: Actually, there is no POST method on RequestBuilder. The call to POST is part of Dispatch and calls setMethod on the underlying RequestBuilder. See dispatch.MethodVerbs for more details.