Kubernetes mount volume with noatime - kubernetes

Is there a way to mount a volume with the noatime flag in Kubernetes? I am using Google container engine. The volumes are for the data directories of a Riak database and it is more performant with noatime.


Monut Volume from sidecar with longhorn on k3s

i am using k3s on prem with longhron as central storage. i am using multilpe deployments of joomla. I have to mount a nfs container as sidecar to upload data to the containers persistent volume. The problem ist, that the longshorn storae is a block storage and can only be mounted from one pod. Is there a possibility to use a sidecar container with ftp service to acces the jommla pods filesystem with the mounted volume? Or is there an other way to do this?

Deploying Openstack Magnum on bare metal

When speaking about Openstack Magnum deployment of Kubernetes cluster (on bare metal nodes), is it somehow possible to leverage local disks on those nodes to act as persistent storage for containers?
In advance, thanks a lot.
Openstack Magnum uses Cinder to provision storage for kubernetes cluster. As you can read here:
In some use cases, data read/written by a container needs to persist
so that it can be accessed later. To persist the data, a Cinder volume
with a filesystem on it can be mounted on a host and be made available
to the container, then be unmounted when the container exits.
Kubernetes allows a previously created Cinder block to be mounted to a
pod and this is done by specifying the block ID in the pod YAML file.
When the pod is scheduled on a node, Kubernetes will interface with
Cinder to request the volume to be mounted on this node, then
Kubernetes will launch the Docker container with the proper options to
make the filesystem on the Cinder volume accessible to the container
in the pod. When the pod exits, Kubernetes will again send a request
to Cinder to unmount the volume’s filesystem, making it available to
be mounted on other nodes.
Its usage is described in this section of the documentation.
If setting up Cinder seems like too much overhead, you can use local volume type which allows to use local storage device such as a disk, partition or directory already mounted on a worker node's filesystem.

Google Cloud Storage as volume for Kubernetes Stateful Set

Is it possible to mount a GCP Storage bucket into a kubernetes Pod? I am aware about other volume options such as Persistent Volume Claims backed by GCP's Standard Persistent Disks which are the Disks used in GCP's Compute Engines. However, when a Standard Persistent Disk is attached to a Compute Engine, it can not be shared with a Pod.
My use case requires being able for external applications to write on some kind of Storage and at the same time have that storage mounted into a kubernetes Pod.
You need some PV with ReadWriteMany access mode, according to this table there are no such options in GCP out-of-box. A solution would be to provision your own NFS server for that e.g. as descirbed here

backup and restore Logical volumes for glusterfs and kubernetes

I am working with kubernetes and i tried to dynamically provision volumes on top of gluster cluster and heketi through k8s pvc.
it can happen that my data will be corrupted or maybe lost so i need to know THE BEST WAY to backup and restore logical volumes (lv) for a running gluster cluster on top of kubernetes
The best approach of doing glusterfs backup is by using geo-replication.

Can I mount a GCS bucket inside Kubernetes Pod?

I know that Kubernetes does not support mounting GCS buckets inside a Pod. But If I use GoogleFuse to mount a GCS bucket on the Node and then expose it to a Pod as a host path will that work?
It should work. For Host Path volumes, kube doesn't enforce any policy. But if your FUSE daemon restarts, the mount will become inaccessible. AFAIK, kube does not support mount propagation for volumes.