How do I "append" to an immutable dictionary in Swift? - swift

In Scala, the + (k -> v) operator on immutable.Map returns a new immutable.Map with the contents of the original, plus the new key/value pair. Similarly, in C#, ImmutableDictionary.add(k, v) returns a new, updated ImmutableDictionary.
In Swift, however, Dictionary appears only to have the mutating updateValue(v, forKey: k) function and the mutating [k:v] operator.
I thought maybe I could play some trick with flatten(), but no luck:
let updated = [original, [newKey: newValue]].flatten()
gets me
Cannot convert value of type '() -> FlattenCollection<[[String : AnyObject]]>'
to specified type '[String : AnyObject]'
How do I create a new, modified immutable Dictionary from the contents of an existing one?
Update: Based on this answer's note that Swift dictionaries are value types, and this answer's mutable version, I came up with the following extension operator, but I'm not excited about it -- it seems like there must be a cleaner out-of-the-box alternative.
func + <K, V>(left: [K:V], right: [K:V]) -> [K:V] {
var union = left
for (k, v) in right {
union[k] = v
return union
But maybe the fact (if I understand correctly) that the immutability of Swift dictionaries is a compiler check on let rather than a matter of different implementation classes means this is the best that can be done?
Update #2: As noted in Jules's answer, modifying immutable dictionaries that aren't specifically optimized to share state between copies (as Swift dictionaries aren't) presents performance problems. For my current use case (AttributedString attribute dictionaries, which tend to be fairly small) it may still simplify certain things enough to be worth doing, but until and unless Swift implements a shared-state immutable dictionary it's probably not a good idea in the general case -- which is a good reason not to have it as a built-in feature.

Unfortunately, this is a good question because the answer is "you can't". Not yet, anyway--others agree this should be added, because there's a Swift Evolution proposal for this (and some other missing Dictionary features). It's currently "awaiting review", so you may see a merged() method that's basically your + operator in a future version of Swift!
In the meantime, you can use your solution to append entire dictionaries, or for one value at a time:
extension Dictionary {
func appending(_ key: Key, _ value: Value) -> [Key: Value] {
var result = self
result[key] = value
return result

There's no built-in way to do this right now. You could write your own using an extension (below).
But keep in mind that this will likely copy the dictionary, because dictionaries are copy-on-write, and you're doing exactly that (making a copy, then mutating it). You can avoid all this by just using a mutable variable in the first place :-)
extension Dictionary {
func updatingValue(_ value: Value, forKey key: Key) -> [Key: Value] {
var result = self
result[key] = value
return result
let d1 = ["a": 1, "b": 2]
d1 // prints ["b": 2, "a": 1]
let d2 = d1.updatingValue(3, forKey: "c")
d1 // still prints ["b": 2, "a": 1]
d2 // prints ["b": 2, "a": 1, "c": 3]

The most straightforward thing to do is to copy to a variable, modify, then re-assign back to a constant:
var updatable = original
updatable[newKey] = newValue
let updated = updatable
Not pretty, obviously, but it could be wrapped into a function easily enough.
extension Dictionary {
func addingValue(_ value: Value, forKey key: Key) -> Dictionary<Key, Value> {
// Could add a guard here to enforce add not update, if needed
var updatable = self
updatable[key] = value
return updatable
let original = [1 : "One"]
let updated = original.addingValue("Two", forKey: 2)
I don't believe there's a solution other than roll-your-own.
But maybe the fact (if I understand correctly) that the immutability of Swift dictionaries is a compiler check on let
Right, mutability is specified on the storage, that is, the variable, not on the value.

Do not try to update an immutable dictionary unless it has been specifically designed for immutability.
Immutable dictionaries usually use a data structure (such as a red/black tree with immutable nodes than can be shared between instances or similar) that can generate a modified copy without needing to make copies of the entire content, but only a subset (i.e. they have O(log(n)) copy-and-modify operations) but most dictionaries that are designed for a mutable system and then used with an immutable interface do not, so have O(n) copy-and-modify operations. When your dictionary starts to get larger than a few hundred nodes, you'll really notice the performance difference.


Forcing an Encoder's UnkeyedEncodingContainer to only contain one type of value

As part of a custom Encoder, I am coding an UnkeyedEncodingContainer. However, the specific format I am making it for asks that all elements of an array be of the same type. Specifically, arrays can contain :
Integers one same size
Floats or Doubles
Other arrays (not necessarily all containing the same kinds of elements)
Here is the type of answer I need : The basis of an UnkeyedEncodingContainer implementation that conforms to the protocol, and enforces that all elements be of one same type among the above specified ones.
As requested, here are examples of things that should or should not be encodable :
var valid1 = []
var valid2 = [3, 3, 5, 9]
var valid3 = ["string", "array"]
var invalid1 = [3, "test"]
var invalid2 = [5, []]
var invalid3 = [[3, 5], {"hello" : 3}]
// These may not all even be valid Swift arrays, they are only
// intended as examples
As an example, here is the best I have come up with, which does not work :
The UnkeyedEncodingContainer contains a function, checkCanEncode, and an instance variable, ElementType :
var elementType : ElementType {
if self.count == 0 {
return .None
} else {
func checkCanEncode(_ value : Any?, compatibleElementTypes : [ElementType]) throws {
guard compatibleElementTypes.contains(self.elementType) || self.elementType == .None else {
let context = EncodingError.Context(
codingPath: self.nestedCodingPath,
debugDescription: "Cannot encode value to an array of \(self.elementType)s"
throw EncodingError.invalidValue(value as Any, context)
// I know the .None is weird and could be replaced by an optional,
// but it is useful as its rawValue is 0. The Encoder has to encode
// the rawValue of the ElementType at some point, so using an optional
// would actually be more complicated
Everything is then encoded as a contained singleValueContainer :
func encode<T>(_ value: T) throws where T : Encodable {
let container = self.nestedSingleValueContainer()
try container.encode(value)
try checkCanEncode(value, compatibleElementTypes: [container.containedType])
// containedType is an instance variable of SingleValueContainer that is set
// when a value is encoded into it
But this causes an issue when it comes to nestedContainer and nestedUnkeyedContainer : (used for stored dictionaries and arrays respectively)
// This violates the protocol, this function should not be able to throw
func nestedContainer<NestedKey>(keyedBy keyType: NestedKey.Type) throws -> KeyedEncodingContainer<NestedKey> where NestedKey : CodingKey {
let container = KeyedContainer<NestedKey>(
codingPath: self.nestedCodingPath,
userInfo: self.userInfo
try checkCanEncode(container, compatibleElementTypes: [.Dictionary])
return KeyedEncodingContainer(container)
As you can see, since I need checkCanEncode to know whether it is even possible to create a NestedContainer in the first place (because if the array already has stuff inside that aren't dictionaries, then adding dictionaries to it is invalid), I have to make the function throw. But this breaks the UnkeyedEncodingContainer protocol which demands non-throwing versions.
But I can't just handle the error inside the function ! If something tries to put an array inside an array of integers, it must fail. Therefore this is an invalid solution.
Additional remarks :
Checking after having encoded the values already feels sketchy, but checking only when producing the final encoded payload is definitely a violation of the "No Zombies" principle (fail as soon as the program enters an invalid state) which I would rather avoid. However if no better solution is possible I may accept it as a last resort.
One other solution I have thought about is encoding the array as a dictionary with numbered keys, since dictionaries in this format may contain mixed types. However this is likely to pose decoding issues, so once again, it is a last resort.
You will be advised not to edit other people’s questions. If you have edits to suggest please do so in the comments, otherwise mind your own business
Unless anyone has a better idea, here is the best I could come up with :
Do not enforce that all elements be of the same type inside the UnkeyedEncodingContainer
If all elements are the same type, encode it as an array
If elements have varying types, encode it as a dictionary with integers as keys
This is completely fine as far as the encoding format goes, has minimal costs and only slightly complicates decoding (check whether keys contain integers) and greatly widens how many different Swift object will be compatible with the format.
Note : Remember that the "real" encoding step where the data is generated is not actually part of the protocol. That is where I am proposing the shenanigans should take place 😈
I don't know whether this helps you but in Swift you can overload functions. This means that you can declare functions with the same signature but with different parameter types or constraints. The compiler will take always the right choice. It's much more efficient than a type check at runtime.
The first method is called if the array conforms to Encodable
func encode<T: Encodable>(object: [T]) throws -> Data {
return try JSONEncoder().encode(object)
Otherwise the second method is called. If the array cannot even be encoded with JSONSerialization you can add custom encoding logic.
func encode<T>(object: [T]) throws -> Data {
do {
return try object)
} catch {
// do custom encoding and return Data
return try myCustomEncoding(object)
This example
let array = [["1":1, "2":2]]
try encode(object: array)
calls the first method.
On the other hand this – even if the actual type is not heterogenous – calls the second method
let array : [[String:Any]] = [["1":1, "2":2]]
try encode(object: array)

Swift semantics regarding dictionary access

I'm currently reading the excellent Advanced Swift book from, and I'm running into something that I don't understand.
If you run the following code in a playground, you will notice that when modifying a struct contained in a dictionary a copy is made by the subscript access, but then it appears that the original value in the dictionary is replaced by the copy. I don't understand why. What exactly is happening ?
Also, is there a way to avoid the copy ? According to the author of the book, there isn't, but I just want to be sure.
import Foundation
class Buffer {
let id = UUID()
var value = 0
func copy() -> Buffer {
let new = Buffer()
new.value = self.value
return new
struct COWStruct {
var buffer = Buffer()
init() { print("Creating \(") }
mutating func change() -> String {
if isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&buffer) {
buffer.value += 1
return "No copy \("
} else {
let newBuffer = buffer.copy()
newBuffer.value += 1
buffer = newBuffer
return "Copy \("
var array = [COWStruct()]
var dict = ["key": COWStruct()]
// If the above `change()` was made on a copy, why has the original value changed ?
// Did the copied & modified struct replace the original struct in the dictionary ?
dict["key"]?.change() // Copy
is semantically equivalent to:
if var value = dict["key"] {
value.change() // Copy
dict["key"] = value
The value is pulled out of the dictionary, unwrapped into a temporary, mutated, and then placed back into the dictionary.
Because there's now two references to the underlying buffer (one from our local temporary value, and one from the COWStruct instance in the dictionary itself) – we're forcing a copy of the underlying Buffer instance, as it's no longer uniquely referenced.
So, why doesn't
array[0].change() // No Copy
do the same thing? Surely the element should be pulled out of the array, mutated and then stuck back in, replacing the previous value?
The difference is that unlike Dictionary's subscript which comprises of a getter and setter, Array's subscript comprises of a getter and a special accessor called mutableAddressWithPinnedNativeOwner.
What this special accessor does is return a pointer to the element in the array's underlying buffer, along with an owner object to ensure that the buffer isn't deallocated from under the caller. Such an accessor is called an addressor, as it deals with addresses.
Therefore when you say:
you're actually mutating the actual element in the array directly, rather than a temporary.
Such an addressor cannot be directly applied to Dictionary's subscript because it returns an Optional, and the underlying value isn't stored as an optional. So it currently has to be unwrapped with a temporary, as we cannot return a pointer to the value in storage.
In Swift 3, you can avoid copying your COWStruct's underlying Buffer by removing the value from the dictionary before mutating the temporary:
if var value = dict["key"] {
dict["key"] = nil
value.change() // No Copy
dict["key"] = value
As now only the temporary has a view onto the underlying Buffer instance.
And, as #dfri points out in the comments, this can be reduced down to:
if var value = dict.removeValue(forKey: "key") {
value.change() // No Copy
dict["key"] = value
saving on a hashing operation.
Additionally, for convenience, you may want to consider making this into an extension method:
extension Dictionary {
mutating func withValue<R>(
forKey key: Key, mutations: (inout Value) throws -> R
) rethrows -> R? {
guard var value = removeValue(forKey: key) else { return nil }
defer {
updateValue(value, forKey: key)
return try mutations(&value)
// ...
dict.withValue(forKey: "key") {
$0.change() // No copy
In Swift 4, you should be able to use the values property of Dictionary in order to perform a direct mutation of the value:
if let index = dict.index(forKey: "key") {
As the values property now returns a special Dictionary.Values mutable collection that has a subscript with an addressor (see SE-0154 for more info on this change).
However, currently (with the version of Swift 4 that ships with Xcode 9 beta 5), this still makes a copy. This is due to the fact that both the Dictionary and Dictionary.Values instances have a view onto the underlying buffer – as the values computed property is just implemented with a getter and setter that passes around a reference to the dictionary's buffer.
So when calling the addressor, a copy of the dictionary's buffer is triggered, therefore leading to two views onto COWStruct's Buffer instance, therefore triggering a copy of it upon change() being called.
I have filed a bug over this here. (Edit: This has now been fixed on master with the unofficial introduction of generalised accessors using coroutines, so will be fixed in Swift 5 – see below for more info).
In Swift 4.1, Dictionary's subscript(_:default:) now uses an addressor, so we can efficiently mutate values so long as we supply a default value to use in the mutation.
For example:
dict["key", default: COWStruct()].change() // No copy
The default: parameter uses #autoclosure such that the default value isn't evaluated if it isn't needed (such as in this case where we know there's a value for the key).
Swift 5 and beyond
With the unofficial introduction of generalised accessors in Swift 5, two new underscored accessors have been introduced, _read and _modify which use coroutines in order to yield a value back to the caller. For _modify, this can be an arbitrary mutable expression.
The use of coroutines is exciting because it means that a _modify accessor can now perform logic both before and after the mutation. This allows them to be much more efficient when it comes to copy-on-write types, as they can for example deinitialise the value in storage while yielding a temporary mutable copy of the value that's uniquely referenced to the caller (and then reinitialising the value in storage upon control returning to the callee).
The standard library has already updated many previously inefficient APIs to make use of the new _modify accessor – this includes Dictionary's subscript(_:) which can now yield a uniquely referenced value to the caller (using the deinitialisation trick I mentioned above).
The upshot of these changes means that:
dict["key"]?.change() // No copy
will be able to perform an mutation of the value without having to make a copy in Swift 5 (you can even try this out for yourself with a master snapshot).

Override Swift dictionary creation to not allow nil

In this playground example I'm hoping to find an extension that will remove any nils I put into the creation of a dictionary.
var someValue: String?
if false {
someValue = "test"
var dict = ["key": "value",
"key2": someValue]
dict["key3"] = nil
In the above code the current log is
[AnyHashable("key2"): nil, AnyHashable("key"): Optional("value")]
[AnyHashable("key2"): nil, AnyHashable("key"): Optional("value")]
key3 is never added because setting = nil tells it to be removed. I would like to add that functionality to the initial creation of the dictionary but have yet to find a solution that works.
A working solution would result in the following print out
[AnyHashable("key"): Optional("value")]
[AnyHashable("key"): Optional("value")]
This is not solvable in Swift. The correct way to write it is:
var dict = ["key": "value"]
if false {
dict["key2"] = "test"
Swift doesn't provide the kind of syntax you're describing, and trying to force it to is going to break the type and create buggy situations. Do not try to create [AnyHashable: Any?]. That is a completely broken type that's going to burn you (Any? is completely broken as a type because Optional is Any, and anything can implicitly become Optional, so it becomes a bizarre recursive rabbit hole). [AnyHashable: Any] is acceptable if you must bridge to NSDictionary, but in general it should be strongly avoided and limited to just where you need it.
Note that this was much even more broken in ObjC (you could write this kind of stuff, but then it'd crash or truncate your dictionary, or some other weird bug), so at least we're making some progress.
In a lot of cases when I see people run into this problem, it's because they've overused optionals in the first place. In your example, why is name optional in the first place? Is there any difference between nil and ""? If there isn't (and there usually isn't), then just make name non-optional (nonnullable in ObjC) and default it to empty and lots of problems go away. Having two versions of the same value (i.e. nil and "" have the same meaning) indicates a type problem, not a syntax problem.
If you want to simplify the syntax just a little bit with a quick extension that works on key/value? pairs like this:
extension Dictionary {
init(keyOptionalPairs: [(Key, Value?)]) {
var d: [Key: Value] = [:]
for (key, value) in keyOptionalPairs {
d[key] = value
self = d
let keyValues: [(String, String?)] = [
("key", "value"),
("key2", nil)
let dict = Dictionary(keyOptionalPairs: keyValues)
But notice that the Dictionary is [String: String], not [String: String?]. That's on purpose.
Compared to your syntax, it just adds a set of parens. But compare to the non-fancy version, which isn't beautiful, but is very straightforward.
let dict: [String: String] = {
var d: [String: String] = [:]
d["key"] = "value"
d["key2"] = nil
return d
In Swift The Programming Language Book, I quote:
You can use subscript syntax to remove a key-value pair from a dictionary by assigning a value of nil for that key
They said that assigning a value to nil while remove the pair, but it is not mentioned while initializing the dictionary, so I think it is not valid.
If you really need to do that, I suggest to do some logic after initializing the dictionary to do that for you, like that:
for (key, value) in dict {
if value == nil {
dict[key] = nil

How to deeply duplicate a multidimensional array in Swift

This question has been asked and answered for a couple other coding languages, but I think I may have a unique problem anyway. So, I want to duplicate a three dimensional array (filled with arbitrary objects). I believe I found that this:
var duplicateArray = originalArray
Does not work, since, for whatever reason, they thought it would a nice safety measure to have this create a duplicate array, but filled with pointers as sub-arrays instead of duplicating the sub-arrays as well. This seems like a strange design choice, since if duplicateArray and originalArray were one-dimensional, this would work as intended. Anyway, so I tried this (where object is some arbitrary object):
var duplicateArray = [[[object]]]()
for x in 0..<originalArray.count {
var tempArrYZ = [[object]]()
for y in 0..<originalArray[x].count {
var tempArrZ = [object]()
for z in 0..<originalArray[x][y].count {
let copiedObj = originalArray[x][y][z]
This still does not work; all the values in duplicateArray will act like a pointer for their values in originalArray. Perhaps someone has a simple way of deeply duplicating multidimensional arrays, or perhaps someone can find my error?
EDIT: How is this a duplicate of that other question? I'm asking specifically how to "deeply" duplicate. The question that's being referred to nebulously asked about duplicating arrays.
var duplicateArray = originalArray
Would work if the objects are not of reference type. However, for the reference type you need to actually create the copy of the object with copy. Your original code was pretty close.
var duplicateArray = [[[object]]]()
for x in 0..<originalArray.count {
var tempArrYZ = [[object]]()
for y in 0..<originalArray[x].count {
var tempArrZ = [object]()
for z in 0..<originalArray[x][y].count {
let copiedObj = originalArray[x][y][z].copy()
As already stated, your problem isn't really the copying of the array, it's the copying of Objects. Arrays, like all structs, are copied by value. Objects are copied by reference.
When you copy an array of objects, it's a brand new array with brand new references to the contained objects. Your code is simply creating additional references to the same objects then organizing them in a similar fashion.
Anyway, here's my simpler/functional implementation for copying arrays:
func copyArrayWithObjects <T: Copying>(items: [T]) -> [T]{
return { $0.copy() }
func copy2DArrayWithObjects <T: Copying>(items: [[T]]) -> [[T]] {
func copy3DArrayWithObjects<T: Copying>(items: [[[T]]]) -> [[[T]]] {
Then you can simply do this:
let copiedArray = copy3DArrayWithObjects(originalArray)
Theoretically I think it's possible to create a function to do this for an n-dimension array, but I haven't found a solution yet.
I think it would be best to write an extension on Array that adds conformance to NSCopying, which recursively copies the elements. This solution would be very elegant because it could scale to any number of dimmensions.
Swift arrays are value types so the snippet you provided is fine.
var duplicateArray = originalArray
See this example in a Playground as proof:
var array = [[["test"]]]
var newarray = array
// print different memory addresses
print(unsafeAddressOf(array[0][0][0])) // 0x00007ff7a302a760
print(unsafeAddressOf(newarray[0][0][0])) // 0x00007ff7a33000e0
If you use NSArray or reference types inside the Swift array, then they will no longer copy implicitly and will be treated with the same address - this can also be proved in the Playground. You would need to call copy() explicitly on reference types.

find() using Functional Programming

I'd like to create a generic find() typically used in functional programming. In functional programming you don't work with array indices and for loops. You filter. The way it works is that if you have a list of say
["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
and you want to find banana then you assign the array indices to the list elements by creating tuples
[(1, "apple"), (2, "banana"), (3, "cherry")]
Now you can filter down to "banana" and return the index value.
I was trying to create a generic function for this but I get an error. What's wrong with this syntax?
func findInGenericIndexedList<T>(indexedList: [(index: Int, value: T)], element: (index: Int, value: T)) -> Int? {
let found = indexedList.filter { // ERROR: Cannot invoke 'filter' with an argument list of type '((_) -> _)'
element.value === $0.value
if let definiteFound = found.first {
return definiteFound.index
return nil
UPDATE 1: I would like to use the above solution as opposed to using find() (will be deprecated) or in Swift 2.0 indexOf() because I'm trying to follow the Functional Programming paradigm, relying on general functions and not class methods.
The minimum change required to make this work would be to make T conform to Equatable and use the == operator.
func findInGenericIndexedList<T:Equatable>(indexedList: [(index: Int, value: T)], element: (index: Int, value: T)) -> Int? {
let found = indexedList.filter {
element.value == $0.value
if let definiteFound = found.first {
return definiteFound.index
return nil
It doesn't really make sense to use === here because are usually going to be applying this to value types (especially if you are following functional paradigms) for which this is never true.
Beyond this I spent some time thinking about the problem and here is what I would do:
extension Array where Element : Equatable {
func find(element:Array.Generator.Element) -> Int? {
let indexedList = lazy(self.enumerate())
let found = indexedList.filter {
element == $1
let definiteFound = found.prefix(1)
return definiteFound.generate().next()?.index
Protocol extension on Array because it makes the syntax neater, lazy sequence to avoid checking every element, 0 indexed.
Here are a couple of thoughts.
I would still prefer to use the identity operator '===', because in my array I may have multiple items of the same value.
The identity operator === only works for reference types, like classes. It will never work for value types, like Strings or Ints, or structs, etc. You might take a look at the difference between value types and reference types, especially if you are interested in functional programming, which eschews reference types almost completely. When you are working with value types, there is only equality (==) - there is no identity. Two instances of the String "bananas" will never refer to the same identical object. They will always refer to two different Strings, though their values might be equal.
I want to delete the exact item that I passed to the function. Is it impossible to do this?
If you are working with value types, like Strings, then yes, it is impossible. There is no such thing as two different Strings that are the exact same item. Two Strings are always are always different objects, for the reasons stated above.
Note that if you work only with classes, and not value types, then you could use the === operator, but this would defeat much of what you are trying to do.
What this boils down to is that if you have an array of (index, value) tuples that looks like this:
[(0, "bananas"), (1, "apples"), (2, "oranges"), (3, "bananas")]
And you write a function that looks for tuples where the value is "bananas", you have a couple of choices. You can filter it and look for the first tuple in the array that has the value "bananas" and return the index of that tuple. In the above case it would return 0. Or, you could return all of the indexes in the form of an array, like this: [0, 3]. Or I suppose you could return some other arbitrary subset of the results, like the last index, or the first-and-last indexes, etc., but those all seem a little silly. The Swift standard library opts for returning the index of the first item that matches the search criteria for precisely this reason. None of the other options make a whole lot of sense.
But putting it back into the context of your question, none of the tuples that you find with the value of "bananas" are going to be the exact (identical) instance of "bananas" that you passed in to your search function. No two value types are ever identical. They may be equal, but they are never identical.
One more note - mainly for clarification of what you are even trying to do. In your first attempt at writing this function, you appear to already know the index of the item you are searching for. You pass it in to the function as a parameter, right here:
// ----------vvvvv
func findInGenericIndexedList<T>(indexedList: [(index: Int, value: T)], element: (index: Int, value: T)) -> Int?
Just out of curiosity, is this a typo? Or do you actually know the index of the tuple that you are searching for? Because if you already know what it is, well... you don't need to search for it :)