Missing files in axis2 download - eclipse

Does anyone know anything about this?
Every simple SOAP web server tutorial I have found uses Axis2 from:
But I keep getting a 500 error that says files are missing.
I am missing the "include" folder with the jsp files in it. This folder is supposed to be located under Web Content > axis2-web
Here's a screenshot of one tutorial that actually shows what I seem to be missing from the apache download. By the way, I am downloading the binary zip and using Tomcat and Eclipse.
click here to see the files that are missing


Bring back the original project from a WSDL file or a WAR file

We have lost our java code that implement a web service. Now we have only a wsdl file (and a WAR file) published in tomcat. We need to bring back the original java project so I have tried to generate java source code from WSDL file (and WAR file) and I succeeded -by using axis2 (WSDL2JAVA) plugin- but I think it generates only the java classes that should exist in the src package of the project.. no welcome pages or index.xml etc.. I Don't know what other things are missing and how to bring them back.
My question is: what to do after generating java classes from WSDL file? should I complete the other project parts in my own? Is there a way to bring back exactly the original project from WSDL or WAR file?
As per the Scenario you mentioned for WAR file you can use JAD tool to unpack the whole code but with certain limitations like you cannot edit or save the code and I am not sure about the copy feature because it was not working for previous version.
Here is the link below.

GWT and Gradle build - the war file doesn't contain html page and WEB-INF dir also empty

I am working on a GWT application and want to use Gradle as a build tool.
Went thorough with various post on internet but none of them is really complete.
I followed couple of blogs as given below:
I downloaded the example from these blogs but still not working.
War file doesn't contain html host page and also WEB-INF folder comes empty in war.
When I try to hit the URL generated by gradle build, I am not able to see any html page there hence getting not found message.
I was trying to run sample given in second link.
Could anyone please help me to give complete example of GWT with Gradle?
Example which create proper war file.
That will be great help!
You can try GWT Gradle Plugin which have a lot of examples and documentation.
By the way, this is the first result in Google for "gradle gwt"...

Import directory structure into eclipse

I've recently gotten the source code to a jsp application (I'm primarily a c# guy, so apologies for any terminology that doesn't fit). I'm trying to use Eclipse to make changes and run the application locally, but am having some problems getting started.
The folder structure is as follows
...more folders that look like your typical web site
I've tried creating an empty dynamic web application and dragging the folders in, but there are ton's of build errors saying that the code found in the sub directories under /classes/ isn't recognized.
I can run a very simple jsp tutorial locally, so I'm confident that tomcat and the jsp framework is installed.
The source code is coming straight from (sorry) Source Safe and the current methodology is to make changes and deploy and test on a development server.
Is there something obvious that I'm missing or need to configure?
Sounds like you are not telling Eclipse about your dependencies. Go to Project > Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries and make sure you have all your dependency JARs referenced there.

Configuration about eclipse + Tomcat

I wrote a little helloworld jsp file to test it. But it failed. I can't figure it out.Any one help me ?
I got these error info:
Problem accessing /myjsp/WEB-INF/myjsptest.jsp. Reason:
HTTP error 404 means that the requested resource was not found by the server.
The problem doesn't seem to be related to Tomcat or Eclipse but rather to your web application. I think the reason is that you are trying to access a JSP file in WEB-INF folder. You shouldn't do that because WEB-INF folder is not accessible directly from a web browser. Your JSP files should be outside of it.
WEB-INF folder is used to store configuration files (e.g. web.xml) and Java classes (e.g. servlets). JSP files and all static content should be placed outside of it.
You may find more information about JSP technology e.g. in this tutorial or this tutorial (in Chapter 12).

Problems deploying WAR file from Netbeans to Tomcat

I'm trying to configure build.xml files for build forge, but it seems like I am having trouble with the libraries required for the java servlet pages. I am actually trying to use OWASP's AntiSamy library but I keep getting a Policy Exception followed by a file not found
org.owasp.validator.html.PolicyException: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\Program%20Files \Apache%20Software%20Foundation\apache-tomcat-6.0.29\webapps\XSSDemo\WEB-INF\classes\...\antisamy.xml (The system cannot find the path specified)
The antisamy.xml file is definitely in this location, however.
So I tried using Netbeans to clean and build a WAR file that I would have expected to work, since the web app works fine when I run it through Netbeans. However, I get the same problem. Is there possible some reference that Netbeans is creating when I run the app through the ide that is not occurring in the WAR deployment? Could the URL Encoding in the antisamy.xml location be causing problems?
Thanks for the help.
Edit: I compressed the long class path into the three dots here. The actual response has the actual class path. I am not getting any kind of security errors.
The problem I had was not actually with the deployment--it was the file reference itself in my java servlet. The encoding in the path '%20' in the Program Files folder caused a FileNotFoundException. The reason this did not occur in netbeans is because the deployed files are in a c:\users... folder and there are no spaces to be encoded. The also explained why the application ran well on other computers with their tomcat folders directly on the root directory. This is the actual solution to my problem. Thanks for all your help.