Polish name (Wężarów) returned from json service as W\u0119\u017car\u00f3w, renders as Wężarów. Can't figure out encoding/charset. - encoding

I'm using DB-IP.com to get city names from IP addresses. Many of these are international cities, with special characters in the names.
As an example, one of these cities is Wężarów in Poland. Checking the JSON return in the console or opening the request URL directly, it's being returned from DB-IP as "W\u0119\u017car\u00f3w" with a Content-Type of text/javascript;charset=UTF-8. This is rendered in the browser as Wężarów - it is also saved in my mysql database as Wężarów (which I've tried with both utf8 and latin1 encoding).
I'm ok with saving it in the DB as another format, as long as I can convert it back to Wężarów for display in browser. I've tried encoding and decoding to/from several formats, even just to display directly on the screen (ignoring the DB entirely). I'm completely confused on what I need to do here to get it in readable format.
I'm working with PERL, however if I can figure out what I need to do with the encoding/decoding/charset (as I'm currently clueless), I'm sure I can figure it out from there.

It looks like the UTF-8 encoded string was interpreted by the browser as if it were Windows-1252. Here's how I deduced it:
% python3
>>> s = "W\u0119\u017car\u00f3w"
>>> b = bytes(s, encoding='utf-8')
>>> b
>>> str(b, encoding='utf-8')
>>> str(b, encoding='latin-1')
>>> str(b, encoding='windows-1252')
If you're not good with Python, what I'm doing here is encoding the string "W\u0119\u017car\u00f3w" into UTF-8, yielding the byte sequence 'W\xc4\x99\xc5\xbcar\xc3\xb3w'. Decoding that with UTF-8 yielded 'Wężarów', confirming that this is the correct UTF-8 encoding of the string you want. So I took a guess that the browser is using the wrong encoding to render it, and decoded it using Latin-1. That gave me something very close, so I looked up Latin-1 and noticed that it's named as the basis for Windows-1252. Decoding again as Windows-1252 gives the result you saw.
What's gone wrong here is that the browser can't tell what encoding to use to render the page, and it's guessing wrong. You need to fix this by telling it explicitly to use UTF-8. Here's a page by the W3C that describes how to do that. Essentially what you need to do is add an HTML <meta> element to the document head. If you also set an HTTP header with the encoding name in it, make sure they are consistent.
(In Firefox, while you're debugging, you can go to View -> Character Encoding to set the encoding on a page-by-page basis. I assume other browsers have the same feature.)


How to auto detect a String encoding?

I have a String which contains some encoded values in some way like Base64.
The problem is that I really don't know if it's actually Base64 (there are A-Z, a-z. 0-9, +, /) so it can be some any other code that i'm not familiar with.
Is there a way or any other online site to send him an encoded input and it can tell me in which code is it?
I'm not asking how to know if my String is UTF-8 or iso-8859-1 or something like that.
What I need is to know in which is my code is encoded.
To be more clear,
I need something to get an input like: 23Nzi4lUE4qlc+Pmc3blWMS1Irmgo3i8UTQHhoL7VyzqpEV/i9bDhoiteZ0a7/TqcVSkrXR89V2Yj7tEFDGJx4gvWEBs= this is the encoded String that I have.
The output should be the type of the encoded String and it's decoding like:
Base64 -> "Big yellow fish is swimming in the tube."
Maybe there is some program which get's an input and tries to decode it with a list of coding types (Base64 and etc.). The output doesn't really matter because it's the users decision if it's good or not.
This site handles base64 de/encoding.
Since Base64 is just one instance of a class of encoding schemes ( specifically, encoding a bit stream as base_<n> number ), you probably will never fare better than testing for just a couple of standard encoding schemes.
You either check the well-formedness of the encoding scheme or try to decode without getting an error thrown using a web service or your own code.
In (possibly pathological) cases there will be more than one encoding scheme for which a given octet stream will successfully decode.
Best practice would be to take the effort invested into setting up the verification to committing the data provider to one (or 'a few') encoding(s) first (won't always be possible, of course).

internal string encoding

I'm trying to understand how ASP classic handles strings internally. I've googled and debugged, but I still don't know how a string is encoded within the ASP script.
See the illustration below.
Is input data transformed so that all string variables have the same encoding no matter what source?
Most ASP-pages are saved on disk as utf-8. They do however #include asp-files that are saved with another encoding. A the top of front-end-pages I set the Response encoding to unicode.
response.codepage = 65001 //unicode
reponse.charset = 'utf-8'
First of all its worth considering that the both UTF-8 and Windows-1252 (and ISO-8859-1 and others) are based on US-ASCII. The first 128 characters in all of these codepages are identical. Use exactly the same byte value and all occupy just one byte.
In many cases the vast majority of the content is within the US-ASCII range so its hard to tell there is any difference between. Frequently the whole file is just using US-ASCII characters and hence the files are identical despite choosen encoding (save perhaps the BOM at the start of the file).
Basic Script Processing
First the processor combines an ASP file with all its includes and the includes of those includes. This is done very simply sequentially replacing the include markers with the content of the include file being referenced. This is done purely at the byte level not attempt is made to convert files of different encodings.
Next the combined version of the file is parsed. tokenized, "compiled" even into a tight interperter friendly file. Its at this point that chunks of content in the file (the stuff outside of script code blocks) are turned into a special form of Response.Write. Its special in that at the point script execution would reach these special writes the processor simply copies verbatim the bytes as found in the file directly to the output stream, again no attempt is made to convert any encodings.
Script code and character encoding
The ASP processor just doesn't cope well with anything that isn't ASCII. All your code and especially your string literals in your code should only be in ASCII.
What can be a bit confusing once a script is executing all string variables are stored using Unicode encoding.
When code writes content the response using the proper Response.Write method this is where the Response.CodePage comes into effect. It will encode the unicode string the script provides to the response code page before adding it to the output stream.
What is the effect of Response.CharSet
It adds the CharSet attribute to the Content-Type http header. That is it, it has no other impact. If set this one character set but send different one because either your Response.CodePage doesn't match it or because the byte content of the files are not in that encoding then you can expect problems.
Input encoding
Things get really messy here. When form data is posted to the server there is no provision in the form url encoding standard to declare the code page used. Browser can be told what encoding to use and they will default to the charset of the html page contain the form, but there is no mechanism to communicate that choice to the server.
ASP takes the view that the codepage of posted form fields would be the same as the codepage of the response its about to send. Take a moment to absorb that.... This means that quite counter intuatively the Response.CodePage value has an impact on the strings returned by Request.Form. For this reason its important to get the correct codepage set early, doing some form processing and then setting the codepage later just before sending a response can lead to unexpected results.
The classic "the web page looks fine but the data in the database is corrupt" gotcha
One common gotcha this behaviour results in is where the developer has set CharSet="UTF-8" but left the codepage at something like "Windows-1252".
What ends up happening is the user enters text which is sent to the server in UTF-8 encoding but the script code reads it as 1252. This corrupt string gets stored in the database. A subsequent web page looks at this data, the corrupt string it pulled from the DB. This string is then sent by response.write using 1252 encoding but the destination page is told its UTF-8. This has the effect of reversing the corruption and everything looks fine to the user.
However when other components, say a report generator, creates content from the database then the data appears corrupt because it is.
The Bottom Line
You are already doing the correct thing, get that CharSet and CodePage set early and consistently. Where other files may not be saved as UTF-8 you will have problems if there is non-ascii content in them but otherwise you would be fine.
Many include asps are purely code with no content and since that code ought to be purely in ascii its encoding doesn't really matter.

What encoding does payload.encoded retrieves by default in metasploit?

I am analyzing this metasploit module, and I am wondering what encoding method does payload.encoded retrieves by default in metasploit.
I did a print payload.encoded in that exploit (without setting any encoder), and I get a normal string like:
The module has an encoder option but it's commented.
I am use to see payloads encoded with the standard hex values like:
Could someone help me understand where that string returned by payload.encoded comes from and what encoding it uses?
Turns out the first one was an alpha_upper encoded payload, the second is just binary data encoded with hex.

UTF-8 incorrectly displayed in Lua/ Corona

In Lua, for an iPad Corona project, I'm requesting a UTF-8 server text file (containing Chinese characters) using network.request, but the result when displayed in the console or in the app shows as "garbage". Google Chrome, for instance, displays the same UTF-8 page fine, as I'm setting the http header when the server sends this (using PHP) to 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8' (and there's no BOM, byte order mark either). The "garbage" I'm seeing in Lua looks similar to when I "force" Chrome to render the page as ISO-8859-1 using the options menu.
Does anyone have any help or pointers?
If all else fails, how would I convert the "garbage" string back to its UTF-8 origins within Lua?
Thanks for any help!
Lua doesn't know anything about UTF-8; Lua strings are just sequences of bytes. It sounds like Corona itself is parsing the strings as ISO8859-1. The most likely cause for this is them doing something really stupid and naive like treating each byte of the string as a Unicode code point.
I'm afraid I don't know Corona, so can't provide any specific solutions, but I'd suggest looking to see what functions it's got that involve encodings --- there may be a specific function to render a string with a particular encoding, for example.
Can you show the code for your network.request() call?
If you're downloading a html page, you should use network.download().
I had this exact same problem, except with Japanese characters. Although Lua doesn't support UTF-8, Corona acts like it does. What that means is that... if you pass a UTF-8 String to display.newText(...), it should display properly. Now, if you output to the console, it will actually print out the raw bytes of the String. And, if you try to print the length of the string, it will actually print out the number of bytes.
So, in summary, Lua treats all strings as an array of bytes. It knows nothing about UTF-8. Some Corona API methods, when passed UTF-8 strings, will display the strings correctly.
I had issues when I mixed UTF-8 with plain ASCII characters, which I believe confused Corona (what I mean is that I mixed English characters with Japanese characters... still all UTF-8, though). I have a hunch that each character in the string must be of the same length in bytes for Corona to display it properly. Try printing out one character at a time to see if that helps. Please feel free to post comments here if you run into trouble. I'd like to figure this issue out myself, too.

What charset to use to store russian text into javascript files as an array

I am creating a coldfusion page, that takes language translation data stored in a table in my database, and makes static js files for each language pairing of english to ___ etc...
I am now starting to work on russian, I was able to get the other languages to work fine..
However, when it saves the file, all the text looks like question marks. Even when I run my translation app, the text for just that language looks like all ?????
I have tried writing it via cffile as utf-8 or ISO-8859-1 but neither seems to get it to display properly.
Any suggestions?
Have you tried ISO-8859-5? I believe it's the encoding that "should" be used for Russian.
By all means do use UTF-8 over any other encoding type. You need to make sure that:
your cfm templates were written to disk with UTF-8 encoding (notepad++ handles that nicely, and so does Eclipse or the new ColdFusion Builder)
your database was created with the proper codepage for nvarchar (and varchar) datatypes
your database connection handles UTF-8
How to go about the last two items depends on your database back-end. Coldfusion is quite agnostic in that regard, as it will happily use any jdbc driver that you may need.
When working in a multi-character set environment, character set conversion issues can occur and it can be difficult to determine where the conversion issue occurred.
There are two categories into which conversion issues can be placed. The first involves sending data in the wrong format to the client API. Although this cannot happen with Unicode APIs, it is possible with all other client APIs and results in garbage data.
The second category of issue involves a character that does not have an equivalent in the final character set, or in one of the intermediate character sets. In this case, a substitution character is used. This is called lossy conversion and can happen with any client API. You can avoid lossy conversions by configuring the database to use UTF-8 for the database character set.
The advantage of UTF-8 over any other encoding is that you can handle any number of languages in the same database / client.
I can't personally reproduce this problem at all. Is the ColdFusion template that is making the call itself UTF-8? (with or without a BOM it matters not for Russian). In any case UTF-8 is absolutely what you should be using. Make sure you get a UTF-8 compliant editor. Which is most things on Mac. On Windows you could use Scite or GVim.
The correct encoding to use in a .js file is whatever encoding the parent page is in. Whilst there are methods to serve JavaScript using a different encoding to the page including it, they don't work on all browsers.
So make sure your web page is being saved and served in an encoding that contains the Russian characters, and then save the .js file using the same encoding. That will be either:
ISO-8859-5. A single-byte encoding with Cyrillic in the high bytes, similar to Windows code page 1251. cp1251 will be the default encoding when you save in a text editor from a Russian install of Windows;
or UTF-8. A multi-byte encoding that contains every character. All modern websites should be using UTF-8.
(ISO-8859-1 is Western European and does not include any Cyrillic. It is similar to code page 1252, the default on a Western Windows install. It's of no use to you.)
So, best is to save both the cf template and the js file as UTF-8, and add <cfprocessingdirective pageencoding="utf-8"> if CF doesn't pick it up automatically.
If you can't control the encoding of the page that includes the script (for example because it's a third party), then you can't use any non-ASCII characters directly. You would have to use JavaScript string literal escapes instead:
var translation_ru= {
launchMyCalendar: '\u0417\u0430\u043f\u0443\u0441\u043a \u041c\u043e\u0439 \u043a\u0430\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0434\u0430\u0440\u044c'
when it saves to file it is "·ÐßãáÚ ¼ÞÙ ÚÐÛÕÝÔÐàì" so the charset is wrong
Looks like you've saved as cp1251 (ie. default codepage on a Russian machine) and then copied the file to a Western server where the default codepage is cp1252.
I also just found out that my text editor of choice, textpad, doesn't support unicode.
Yes, that was my reason for no longer using it too. EmEditor (commercial) and Notepad++ (open-source) are good replacements.