How to create a dataframe using the value of another dataframe - scala

I am getting suppId DataFrame using below code.
val suppId = sqlContext.sql("SELECT supp_id FROM supplier")
The DataFrame return single or multiple value.
Now I want to create a DataFrame using the value of supp_id from suppId DataFrame. But not understand, how to write this.
I have written below code. But the code is not working.
val nonFinalPE = sqlContext.sql("select * from pmt_expr)
nonFinalPE.where("supp_id in suppId(supp_id)")

It took me a second to figure out what you're trying to do. But, it looks like you want rows from nonFinalPe that are also in suppId. You'd get this by doing an inner join of the two data frames which would look like below
val suppId = sqlContext.sql("SELECT supp_id FROM supplier")
val nonFinalPE = sqlContext.sql("select * from pmt_expr")
val joinedDF = nonFinalPE.join(suppId, nonFinalPE("???") === suppId("supp_id"), "inner")


Convert header (column names) to new dataframe

I have a dataframe with headers for example outputDF. I now want to take outputDF.columns and create a new dataframe with just one row which contains column names.
I then want to union both these dataframes with option("head=false") which spark can then write to a HDFS.
How do i do that?
below is an example
Val df ="path")
val newDf = df.columns.toSeq.toDF
val unoindf= df.union(newDf);

Filter Spark Dataframe with list of values in Scala

I am trying to create a dataframe from hive table using SparkSession like below. Once created I am filtering the rows by a list of Ids.
val myDF = spark.sql("select * from myhivetable")
val someDF = mfiDF.where(mfiDF("id").isin(myList:_*))
Instead of this approach is there a way I can query the hive table as below:
val myDF = spark.sql("select * from myhivetable").where (("id").isin(myList:_*))
When I try like this I am getting a compilation error.
Could someone suggest a best approach for this. Thanks.
You could also do an inner join to remove unwanted ids, something like below may work.
val ids = sc.parallelize(myList).toDF("id")
someDF.join(ids, ===

null pointer exception while converting dataframe to list inside udf

I am reading 2 different .csv files which has only column as below:
val dF1 ="some.csv").select($"ID")
val dF2 ="other.csv").select($"PID")
trying to search if dF2("PID") exists in dF1("ID"):
val getIdUdf = udf((x:String)=>{dF1.collect().map(_(0)).toList.contains(x)})
val dfFinal = dF2.withColumn("hasId", getIdUdf($"PID"))
This gives me null pointer exception.
but if I convert dF1 outside and use list in udf it works:
val dF1 ="some.csv").select($"ID").collect().map(_(0)).toList
val getIdUdf = udf((x:String)=>{dF1.contains(x)})
val dfFinal = dF2.withColumn("hasId", getIdUdf($"PID"))
I know I can use join to get this done but want to know what is the reason of null pointer exception here.
Please check this question about accessing dataframe inside the transformation of another dataframe. This is exactly what you are doing with your UDF, and this is not possible in spark. Solution is either to use join, or collect outside of transformation and broadcast.

How to join multiple dataFrames in spark with different column names and types without converting into RDD

My df1 has column of type Double, df2 has column of type Timestamp and df3 has column of type Integer.
I'm trying to achieve something like this:
df1 = ...
df2 = ...
df3 = ...
val df4 =
However there's no such function like "zip". How can I archive such result?
There's no explicit zip for DataFrames. You can do workaround:
val df1Ordered = df1.withColumn("rowNr", row_number().over(Window.orderBy('someColumn));
// the same for other DataFrames
// now join those DataFrames
val newDF = df1Ordered.join(df2Ordered, "rowNr").join("df3Ordered", "rowNr")
However it will be quite slow, because there is no partitionBy in Window operation.

Unable to compare Spark SQL Date columns

I have a case class in scala
case class TestDate (id: String, loginTime: java.sql.Date)
I created 2 RDD's of type TestDate
I wanted to do an inner join on two rdd's where the values of loginTime column is equal. Please find the code snippet below,
val res = sqlContext.sql("select * from firstTable INNER JOIN secondTable on to_date(firstTable.loginTime) = to_date(secondTable.loginTime)")
I'm not getting any exception. But i'm not getting correct answer too.
It does a cartesian and some random dates are generated in the result.
The issue was due to a wrong format given while creating the date object. When the format was rectified, it worked fine.
You can try using another approach:
val df1 = firstRDD.toDF
val df2 = secondRDD.toDF
val res = df1.join(df2, Seq("loginTime"))
If it doesn't work, you can try casting your dates to string:
val df1 = firstRDD.toDF.withColumn("loginTimeStr", col("loginTime").cast("string"))
val df2 = secondRDD.toDF.withColumn("loginTimeStr", col("loginTime").cast("string"))
val res = df1.join(df2, Seq("loginTimeStr"))
Finally, maybe the problem is that you also need the ID column in the join?
val df1 = firstRDD.toDF
val df2 = secondRDD.toDF
val res = df1.join(df2, Seq("id", "loginTime"))