Subview not resizing proportionate to super view - swift

I have a gameView(Just a blue color view with grid lines). I have pinned this gameView to the bottom and the sides of the screen and set the height to 475. When a user taps on this view, I locate the point and create a custom view(fenceView) with the origin and frame of the cell(width and height). In the init method of the fenceView I create a new UIImageView of a fence image and add it as a subview.
Because of autolayout, when the device is rotated, the width of the gameView changes accordingly. But the problem is, the added fenceViews do not resize. I tried to set the autoresizingMask = [.FlexibleWidth, .FlexibleHeight] for both the gameView and the fenceView. But it did not solve the issue.
We can see that in the landscape mode, the fence images are not displayed properly. It might be small mistake that I am doing, but I am not able to solve this issue since two days. Any help is greatly appreciated.

.FlexibleHeight does not need to be used since the overall height will always be 475. Try setting the autoresizingMask = [.FlexibleWidth, .FlexibleLeftMargin, .FlexibleRightMargin].
The width will need to change as well as its X position for the larger/smaller width. Both flexible Left and Right margin will apply the increased width to both sides.


Trying to set a wide image in UIScrollview, with a fixed height

Novice that has been stuck on this problem for 2 days (please help!). I have an image that is much wider than the screen. I want the user to be able to scroll horizontally on the Image, and also want the image to be a specific height while maintaining it's aspect ratio.
Currently the UIImageView is nested within the ScrollView. The ScrollView has constraints to the Safe Area in all 4 directions, that place it in the upper half of the screen (250 from the bottom of the Safe Area). The ImageView has all 4 constraints of 0 to the "Content Layout Guide" of the Scrollview, and a 5th constraint of having an equal height to the "Frame Layout Guide" of the ScrollView.
I initially tried to set the image Content Mode to "Aspect Fit". This maintained the aspect ratio and set the image with the desired height within the ScrollView, however left a huge amount of transparency either side of the image so the user has to scroll for a while before seeing the image. For this I could not find a solution that contained the scrollview within the bounds of the non-transparent section only, so I then changed the image Content Mode to "Aspect Fill".
This removed the transparency either side but the image is now too tall and goes off the screen vertically. I have set "Clip to bounds" on the ImageView Size Inspector and also set it to true in code, but the image is still to tall and outside the height constraint specified. I also used:
scrollView.contentSize = gym_imageView.frame.size
But none of this is fixing it.
My expected result was that the image with original dimensions (W: 12064px, H: 1696px)
Would resize itself to the constraint height (0 to top & bottom of Content Layout Guide of Scrollview, which in turn is constraint 0 to top of Safe Area, 250+ to bottom of Safe Area) while maintaining aspect ratio.
Any ideas?
The Content Mode changes how the image appears in the imageView, but it does nothing to resize the imageView itself.
You should set an explicit aspect ratio constraint on your imageView with a multiplier of 12064:1696. Then Auto Layout will be able to calculate the correct width of your imageView based upon the fact that it already knows the desired height.

UIImageView does not fit my screen properly

I have a UIImageView that fills up the majority of my screen, with the exception of a navigationBar at the top. On my storyboard, I am using the formatting mode titled "compact width|regular height" that is supposed to work for all iPhones in portrait mode. When I attempt to run my app on an iPhone 5c, with iOS8, the imageView does not fill to fit the screen, and appears to "spill out" of the screen, based on the size and positioning of the image within the imageView. I do not have any auto-layout constraints on my imageView, because when I attempt to put them on they enlarge and distort the image even further. I have tried Scale to Fill, Aspect Fill, and Aspect Fit, and none of those work. I have also made sure that the clip to subviews selection button has been checked, so that the bounds are clipped. If anyone can help me, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
You can disable the auto-layout and use the autoresizing mask.
I used this on images and fixed the prob like yours that I had.

How to anchor UIView a few pixel off the middle point using Autoresizing Mask?

Observe the following screenshot:
How do I anchor UIView a few pixel off the middle point using Autoresizing Mask so that it is always 20px to the left of the middle point?
I have tried setting the autoresizingMask property to UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin and it's not really doing it.
I did manage to do it if I wrap the view in another bigger view that fills the entire screen and doesn't resize at all. But is there a way to do it without an additional view?
Autoresizing masks don't handle this case very well, as you've already discovered. They work great if you want to keep something a fixed distance from its superview or proportionally resizing/repositioning somewhere in the middle. You can do a surprising amount with just those options, but off-center anchoring is not something you can do easily
If you want do this with autoresizing masks, you'll need to put your box inside another empty UIView, one that is in a more convenient position for autoresizing masks. It will look like this.
Here's what you've got right now:
|---------------------------------------------------| <-- The main parent view
|-----| <-- your view
What you want is this:
|---------------------------------------------------| <-- The main parent view
|--------------------| <-- The new view, centered in the parent
|-----| <-- your view
The new view should be completely transparent, have a fixed width, and a flexible distance from both sides of the parent view. It should be wide enough to fully contain the off-center box, and no wider. If it is positioned exactly in the center of the main parent view, it will stay centered no matter what happens to the size of the parent view.
Then add your box as a subview of the new view, with a fixed width and fixed distance from the left edge of the parent. Now, using only autoresizing masks, your view will stay where you want it.
A simpler option might be to override -layoutSubviews on your view, or -viewDidLayoutSubviews on your controller (available iOS 5.0 and later) and just manually position the view. But you asked how to do it with autoresizing masks, so that's what you got. Without adding an extra view, there's no way to use autoresizing masks to get the positioning behavior you want.
I guess the best solution is to set center property to: = CGPointMake(self.view.frame.size.width/2-20,;
And set up it in willRotate method.
Not exactly an answer, more of an avenue for exploration. You can try playing with the layer-level property anchorPoint. Setting it to (1.0, 0.5) means the layer's position will be defined by its right edge. In that case centered would mean the right edge is centered. Set flexible left margin and flexible right margin and it might stay left of the center.
To get it exactly 20p left of the center, just set the anchorPoint to 20p right of the center of the view. (But anchorPoint units are a fraction of the size of the layer, so do some math to find the right value.)
I'm not sure if it will work. I'm not sure what the effects are of mixing layer-level positioning with autoresizing.

Scaling a sub classed UIView

I have created a subclass of UIView and am trying to scale and move the view from within its m file but am running into some problems. When I used the command:
self.frame = CGRectMake(self.frame.origin.x-10,self.frame.origin.y-10,self.frame.size.width/2,self.frame.size.height/2); the object moves location but does not resize (the view only contains a few UIImageViews). In the xib file of the sub class I have the options checked to Clip Subviews and to Autoresize Subviews but neither appears to happen. Any ideas as to why the view will not resize with this command and how I could get it to resize.
Resizing your view is not the same as scaling it. Think of your view as a picture frame. What you're doing above is moving the frame, and also moving the lower right corner (you're shortening the frame's wood bars) - but that does not automatically shrink the picture.
There are four ways of resizing a view with subviews:
Let the superview clips its subviews (by setting view.clipsToBounds = YES): Subviews do not resize or relayout, but only show in the area that is inside the frame.
Let the superview not clip its subviews (by setting view.clipsToBounds = NO): Changing superview size does not have any visual effect on subviews, they also show outside of the frame.
Give the subviews autoresizingMasks: The subviews do not change size, but they relayout according to their autoresizing mask (for instance, a subview may always stay 10 px off the lower right corner of the frame, or may always span exactly the width of the frame.) Note that this does not necessarily automatically scale subview content. Set subview.contentMode accordingly.
Scale the superview: By setting superview.transform = CGAffineTransformScale(superview.transform, 0.5, 0.5), you shrink the superview and all its subviews (you essentially zoom out). Note that this makes superview.frame undefined, which means you shouldn't use that anymore. It can also make things a bit blurry.
You could also "manually" change all the subviews, but that kind of defeats the purpose of having a nice view hierarchy.
As MishieMoo said, temporarily set the backgroundColor of your superview to something visible. This will very likely show you that your view is indeed changing.

Creating a UIView in Interface Builder that automatically centers itself when added as a subview

I created a UIView xib in Interface Builder and tried everything I could to indicate that the UIView should center itself, anchor itself at center, orient itself in central coordinates, etc. etc.
But whenever I add it as a subview in code, I also have to programmatically set its frame up with CGRectMake() or else it will always add to the top-left of its parent. The math to reframe it is pointless and ugly, so I presume I'm just not twiddling a bit in the IB inspector correctly.
Can anyone confirm this is possible, and if so, what I need to do in IB to accomplish this?
Why don't you just set .center of the subview just added, to be the point created by halving the width and height of the superview?
Either that or define the rectangle that view is going into with IB (I'm imagining a container view) and simply set the frame of the view you are adding to containerView.bounds (bounds is a position independent value and so x,y will be 0 while size will equal the container size.
Centering but maintaining size isn't possible in IB. Centering but maintaining margins to its superview is though.
You will have to override the layoutSubviews message or simply keep the calculation code you wrote.