Tizen Emulator not playing video - tizen-emulator

I am trying to run a html5 app on tizen smart tv emulator 2.4. The mp4 vidfeo plays perfectly fine on web simulator but not on emulator. I don't have a tv right now to test it. Is this a problem with the emulator? Can I submit the app without testing on actual tv assuming there is no problem with the video?

If the case is the source of your mp4 video is web, then consider the answer.
Web Simulator uses your PC's network configuration (network configuration of google chrome). To access internet from TV emulator you have to give permissions.
Add internet access privilege for your Tizen application in the config.xml file.Internet Privilege allows the application to access the Internet.
<tizen:privilege name="tizen.org/privilege/internet"/>
Also defining external access Policy may be required to access network. According to the W3C Access Requests Policy (WARP), you cannot access external network resources by default. If you require access to an external network resource, you must request network resource permissions for the Web application using the Policy in the config.xml file.
<access origin="*" subdomains="true"/> <!--For any url-->
<access origin="your url here" subdomains="true"/> <!--For Specific url-->
<access origin="your url 2 here" subdomains="true"/>
Now your application should be able to access the internet from the emulator as well as real devices.
If you are still having issue I would suggest to post in Samsung D Forum. Community-> Tizen TV
Thank You.

If it works in the simulator, it should also work in the emulator. However, I sometimes find the emulator is a little flakey when it comes to video and would always recommend testing an app on an actual device.
You can still submit the app. If the video fails during QA, they will reject it, but you can fix it and resubmit.

I have a similar problem but a little different. I can to play on the emulator but some videos required a lot of time to start to play. For example this. I tested using AVplay, NaCl and VideoJS and either required at least 30seg to start. I tough that could be the size (i used other bigger and play normally) or the server (I moved the video to other place and fails anyway). In fact I have a set of videos with same behavior on samsung devices or samsung emulator.


Create Samsung Smart TV Offline Application

I've been asked to create a Samsung Smart TV offline App but I really don't know what it means to Offline Application.
The client said me
The app has no GUI. It's not like a regular app. The TV will be
pointed to a URL. That URL has specific Samsung TV instructions to
download the files and when the TV has it, it will open the zip and
display the content as required.
I've setup the development environment and have studied about Samsung AppsFramework and learned how to start an application but really confusing about the offline Application.
Could anybody please make me understand that what the client does exactly want?
What the client wants in my opinion is an app that can work on the smart TV without having to connect to the internet.
It would obviously need to connect to obtain the download files, but once the app is installed it will have offline functionality and not need to connect to the internet to run.
Have a look at http://electron.atom.io/ to build cross platform applications like this.
It is really difficult to say what they mean by offline as we dont have a brief. But offline generally refers to an app that has everything in the initial download. Example, a dictionary app will have all of the words and definitions in the download so they are always available even if the device is not connected.
Hope this helps
Samsung API provides interface for reading and writing files so you can download and store something for later offline use.
Alternatively you can use localStorage API.
The app has no GUI
This part is strange. Launched app occupy whole screen. You need some use-case description from client. Find out what problem is your client want to solve with this app.

Analytics: what are p502i and wireless transcoders devices?

We are currently running Google Analytics on an iPhone app, and we got two strange devices appearing at several percents: "DoCoMo P502i" and "Google Wireless Transcoder".
What are these strange devices?
I see the same after implementing the v2 SDK on iPhone. There's not a lot of visits, but enough to do some research.
Google Wireless Transcoder is a project that strips down everything from the page from scripts to styles back to it's bare bones. Some mobile browsers might use the service to reduce the page size before downloading it and showing on mobile devices.
It seems that you can instruct Google Wireless Transcoder to not process your page and instead redirect the user to another webpage using:
<link rel="alternate" media="handheld" href=”mobile_page.htm” />
Source: http://www.elc-seo.com/search-engines/google/mobile-search-the-google-wireless-transcoder/
I'm afraid I couldn't find out much about "DoCoMo P502i yet. It also seems to be related to some kind of Google Proxy. Look at the full UserAgent it uses:
DoCoMo/1.0/P502i/c10 (Google CHTML Proxy/1.0)
Source: http://user-agents.my-addr.com/custom_user_agent_lookup-ua_string_analysis_checker_tool.php?i=395&u=DoCoMo_1_0_P502i_c10_Google_CHTML_Proxy_1_0
I'm pretty sure the 2.0 beta versions of the Google Analytics SDK for iOS report an iPod touch as a DoCoMo P502i.
I've just set up a new Analytics profile & tested on two devices, and that's what's I'm seeing.
Yup. A sweet phone, the DoCoMo P502i.

Phonegap: Can iPhone web app access/check for wifi connections

I have tried looking for some answers but could not get anything concrete from the other questions in here.
I am looking for an answer to these two questions:
Using PhoneGap, if I create an iPhone web app, can I use it as
plain web app (i.e. without using iTunes to deploy it)? Just via a
web url?
Using PhoneGap, can an iPhone web app check for wifi
connectivity? i.e. If wifi/3g is available, if wifi is available,
can it scan for ssids.
Thanks for any help in advance.
You can create host the web app on your own server (or local). Then it is accessible via web url. If you want to use it as a normal app (there are differences - phonegap uses few native plugins for better experience), then you must have a developer license from apple and then deploy it to your device. Otherwise you can only use the simulator. You can also use Safari + USB to debug your app using the browser.
It is possible but limited. Only certain functionalities are available. Check out the following plugin for cordova (phonegap):
Good luck!

Force download mp3 for mobile site on iPhone

I'm working on a little mobile site for a musician and they want to be able to let users download a song for free on their mobile device. The problem I'm running into is that in Safari for iPhone the song plays in the browser no matter what and does not get added to the music library.
On Android I've been able to force a download which the user can then add to their music application of choice. I was hoping there was some way to get the song into the iPhone music library with out requiring some additional application or going through iTunes.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
It is not possible to have Mobile Safari download a media file from your site to a device's library. That and many other parts of the iOS filesystem are protected from external access.
Safari on iOS 13 and up finally supports file downloads, just like Android and Chrome.
According to a senior level Apple Support Rep, Apple has coded their OS to specifically prevent any audio file that does not have DRM protection, to be downloaded. This means Apple products will force a file to stream as opposed to downloading the entire file. Finding an official statement from Apple is difficult so the closest I could get was talking to a senior rep. You can, of course, call apple for free support with ANY apple product (including I-tunes on windows lol) by calling 1-800 My Apple. Most likely you can get additional confirmation there.
I actually created a site where if you click on a link with a windows or android device, it forces the download. This doesn't work on Apple devices, it still will only stream. The only real fix for this is to offer the file as a compressed file. (ie. zip) then they could download the compressed file but then they would have to open the .zip up and extract the audio.
Ironically, I'm currently looking into how I can use PHP to "zip" a file up on the server side per client request and then deliver them the file in the compressed format. I stumbled across this post because I was attempting to see if there was a way to fool a system into believing a file was in fact protected when it was not.
Hope this helps.

Develop a website for an iPhone without having iPhone/Mac

I need to develop a website which will be used exclusively on iPhone and iPad. I don't have those devices, neither do I have a Mac.
What are the possible free solutions for me to be able to test the website during development?
The most obvious one would be to use an iPhone SDK, but since it costs $100/year but since it is available only for Mac, it is not a solution in my case.
Download Safari 5 for Windows, enable the Developer Menu features and change the User Agent to Mobile Safari iPad or Mobile Safari iPhone. This will let you see how your website looks when an iPad or iPhone renders it. Just make the window smaller to get the full experience.
If analyst predictions are right, there will soon likely be an abundance of iPhone 3G devices on eBay as lots of people are eligible to upgrade to iPhone 4 tomorrow. Picking up a cheap 3G may be the best solution to your testing requirements.
Or you can test it out at an Apple Store if your website is accessible over the internet or available on a laptop with an ad-hoc WiFi connection.
You can test your website in any browser, but yes, mobile browser probably behave different at some points.
If you cannot find a mobile web browser simulator for iPhone than the "cheapest" alternative would probably be an iPod touch.
You might want to have a look at iBBDemo:
iBBDemo2 - Cross Platform iPad and iPhone Simulator
You could try using something like:
Recommend you use jsconsole
Remotely debug a mobile web app
jsconsole.com is a simple JavaScript command line tool. However, it also provides the ability to bridge across to other browser windows to remotely control and debug that window - be it in another browser or another device altogether.
In fact, mobile web app debugging is so damn tricky, that I gave up, and decided to build this very tool instead. See the videos examples if you'd rather see this in action now.
Creating a session
To create a new session, in the jsconsole prompt, simply run:
This will yield a unique key along the lines of FAE031CD-74A0-46D3-AE36-757BAB262BEA. Now using this unique key, include a anywhere in the web app that you wish to debug:
<script src="http://jsconsole.com/remote.js?FAE031CD-74A0-46D3-AE36-757BAB262BEA"></script>
Now any calls to console.log from your web app will display the result in the jsconsole session that is listening to your key. Equally, if you run a command in the jsconsole session, the code will injected in to your web app and the result returned to jsconsole.
In addition to generating a new code with :listen, you can also ask jsconsole to listen to a predefined code (but for your own security, try to chose something unique that only you know):
:listen FAE031CD-74A0-46D3-AE36-757BAB262BEA
Now I can use the same remote key in my web app to avoid having to regenerate a new code each time. Note that only the last remote client (i.e. your web app) to connect to jsconsole will recieve remote debug calls - previous windows will be ignored.
To know when the web app has connected, jsconsole will notify you by showing your the userAgent string for the device:
:listen FAE031CD-74A0-46D3-AE36-757BAB262BEA
Creating connection...
Connected to "FAE031CD-74A0-46D3-AE36-757BAB262BEA"
Connection established with Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8
A word of warning
Note that this technique is also injecting code directly in to your web app - this tool should only be used for debugging. I can't take respibility for how you use this tool, basically: take care!
Current known support
Remote debugging has been developed to work on all platforms, even if the technology isn't supported. However, jsconsole remote debugging has specifically tested and working on the follow mobile devices (feel free to add to this list):
iOS 4.2.x - iPad, iPhone 4
Andriod 2.2.2 - Nexus One
webOS - Palm Pre
There are some Video examples too
More detailed information please see this links:
There are some obvious things here:
1)Work very hard to make your site work on all major browsers - including Safari and any other mobile devices other than iPad... this will let you make sure it works on smaller screens well.
2)Read up on known glitches in these browsers and see if you can avoid them.
3)Whenever you are with friends showing off their iPad, or who have an iPhone, ask to test your site on it.
I need to develop a website which will be used exclusively on iPhone and iPad
This seems a bad idea. if it's only used on iPad/iPhone, surely you should write an App and get all the benefits of UI, etc.
Websites should not be tied to specific devices.
This is not 1998 : Best viewed in I.E. In fact your suggestion is worse than that.
If you really want a website that only works on those devices then you'll need to check the user-agent string, but otherwise html is html and unlike what Apple may want you to believe, works just as well on Symbian, Blackberry, Android, S40, Windows, Windows Mobile, etc etc..
(In fact, it works better on Symbian as Symbian actually supports Flash.)