Plug-in written by C/C++ on Microsoft Edge - plugins

I'm looking for a plug-in technology that can be written by C/C++ on Microsoft Edge. Something's like Native Messaging on Google Chrome or Js-Ctypes on Mozilla. Anyone can help me?

Preview builds of Microsoft Edge support an extension model similar to that of Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox: Once the Anniversary Update ships (currently planned for August 2, 2016), this support will be sent out to non-Insider* users of Microsoft Edge.
If you provide additional input as to what you're seeking, this answer may change.
*You can become an Insider, and test preview builds of Windows 10 and Microsoft Edge by joining the Windows Insider Program.


Develop application on top of Visual Studio Code

I would like to know if Visual Studio Code provides an API that help you develop a desktop application on top of it platform. The main idea is to do like in Eclipe RCP or IntelliJ Plateform.
I want to use the plugin system available in VS Code instead of developing my own plugin system.
Any help, any link or any information will be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
There are at least two ongoing projects that you can take inspiration from in this field: by Eclipse, which is an extensible platform to develop multi-language Cloud & Desktop IDEs. In the screenshots, you'll clearly distinguish the part coming from VSCode (like the Activity Bar) and custom ones, like the flexible layout system. based on Vim but that should also leverage the VSCode plugins ecosystem according to the roadmap.

Office Addin - No support for IE11

Is there a way to explicitly mention that the Add-in will not be supported in IE11 through the manifest.xml. As there are few features that require IE Edge, the add-in is getting rejected for issues in IE11.
You cannot explicitly declare support for specific versions of Office or Browsers.
More importantly, even if you were able to, failing to support IE11 would result in your Add-in not supporting Office for Windows as both 2013 and 2016 use an embedded IE11 instance to host add-ins.
If you have code that requires support for specific JavaScript or HTML functionality, you either need to provide an alternative for browsers that lack that support or use a polyfill to support that functionality.
I'd highly recommend taking a look at

Version Control System for Dynamics CRM 2011/2013

I have started using Git for my other development projects (PHP, HTML, JavaScript, etc.) and can now see how beneficial it is, however I've been unable to find anything similar for Dynamics CRM 2011/2013 as a lot of the solution development is done within the web interface.
I'm guessing this is not possible, but could someone with more experience than me please confirm this or let me know which tools I should be looking into?
You can use the Visual Studio Developer Toolkit available in the SDK to version control your plugins and web resources initially. I'd recommend this as your first step.
If you choose to take it further you can also look at using the SolutionPackager tool to version control your solutions. This will split out your solution zip file into separate version controllable files for each component. It works best when you follow the developer workflow outlined in the linked MSDN article

Tools for XML based Directed Graphs?

Visual Studio 2010 has this feature called Directed Graph Documents (files with a dgml extension). It can be used to show relationships between objects similar to UML. I was able to play with it during the VS2010 beta. The version I now have (VS2010 pro) doesn't have this functionality and I don't have access to the Ultimate or Architect versions.
Is there a similar XML based directed graph technology you can recommend?
Five months without an answer, so I guess the answer as of now is...
No, there are no tools other than Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate or Architect that can work with Directed Graph Documents. VS2010 Premium can read dgml documents, but not edit them.

Do Microsoft employees use Visual Source Safe (VSS)?

Microsoft has always been adamant about their use of "dogfooding" in the software development process, and it's made tools like Excel and Visual Studio work pretty well. My question is this: Do Microsoft employees use VSS? Have they ever used it? If not, what do they actually use? It seems to be such a flawed, inadequate version control system that I can't imagine that a competent developer would put up with it!
See the following links for details:
I believe that nowadays most of the groups either do currently use or are migrating to Team Foundation Server.
It's not clear to me that Microsoft has ever come out and described in detail the tools they use, but I have heard in some deep, dark corners of the internet that the large teams (Windows team, Office team, etc) have, for a long, long time, used what is essentially a custom version of Perforce for version control. I have been led to believe that some teams have (attempted to) made use of SourceSafe, but it's never been widespread there.
They use Teamserver for source control (or so I was told whilst attending a visual studio event at the Reading campus)