Using my Rest Service with WSO2 API Manager - rest

I have my REST Service name getRates. Which accepts few inputs and gives out the loan rates. I wanted to use the API that I have with WSO2 Api Manager. I am not able to do it. I am not sure where and how to define the sample request/response code to check if my service is being hit or not. I have a URL to my Service but I want it to be used via WSO2 APi manager. Help me out with this

Question is too generic to give an exact answer. Please follow this guide to create a new API from scratch and add your backend service URL as 'Production Endpoint'. If you already have set this up and want to get an idea if the message flow is working correctly, enable wire logs as follows,
open file from a text editor. file is located in /repository/conf directory.
Un-comment the following entry.
Get an idea about the wire logs from here. Explain the steps you tried already and mention if you get any errors.


mendix Swagger REST Webservice in UAT/PROD

Hi I am working on the mendix rest webservices and through swagger , i can test the local host data all right.
But when i promote objects to acceptance, i need to update the webservice seurity to 'Requires authentication'. This would need username and password.
when the webservices are in the UAT, it fails to autheticate the request as below shown. Can you please help if you have a solution in this situation?
This could be due to the Path based access restrictions in your cloud environment. Allow all access to the appropriate paths as below to verify your endpoints.
Restart your application after applying the changes.

Azure Logic App custom connector SOAP endpoint using WSDL

I am using a Logic App for which I need to create a custom connector. This connector depends on a web service, for which I am trying to add using wsdl definition.
Now If I provide the url, it needs authentication, which I am not able to provide via this UI. I can see the parameters can be provided while using it in the logic app. However it fails to pull the services and hence not creating the definition for the connector
I tried downloading the wsdl and adding here as a file, but the schema have xs import tags, because of which its failing again. And as per this answer, I can not replace it with actual schema.
<xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="./path/to/it.xsd"/>
Is there a way that I do not need to provide the custom connector definition manually and make it work using wsdl, as it contains a lot of endpoints and it would be too much to add all actions and triggers manually. Plus it would be also reference for me if needed in future for such scenario
You may try this if the services are accessible over the internet, then you call service endpoint over HTTP or HTTPS from azure logic apps. This article will help you with details steps to be followed:
If it is not accessible over the internet then this article will help with step by step process:
Before you can access data sources on premises from your logic apps, you need to create an Azure resource after you install the on-premises data gateway on a local computer. Your logic apps then use this Azure gateway resource in the triggers and actions provided by the on-premises connectors that are available for Azure Logic Apps.
Also check this

issue in using mock service as partner link in SOA BPEL11g

I have created one Mock service in SOAPUI which I want to use as partner link in my bpel. I just have simply added one invoke activity which calls that partner link .But when I am trying to deploy the code I am getting the below error:
here was an error deploying/undeploying composite on soa_server1: Update Failed: ****Unable to find a WSDL that has a definition for service {}bpelprocessmock_client_ep and port BPELProcessMock_pt. Please make sure that the port attribute for the binding defined in the composite file is correct by checking the namespace service name and port name. In addition check that the WSDL associated with the binding namespace is imported and currently reachable (check the import nodes at the top of the composite file). Finally validate the HTTP proxy settings for the server..****
The mock service endpoint is opening properly in my browser and able to hit the same from SOAPUI as well.
Please suggest.
When you try to invoke the partner link, under the Partner role webservice interface, if you can access to all the methods available in Operations then your partner link is in sink with BPEL,
So try to access the operations and if it responds then your build should be success.

API Management vs. Service Flow

I have a very basic setup: APIM + SF with WebAPI Stateless Service (Kestrel). Just trying to make this POC work. Unsuccessful so far... :(
Following the available instructions I got to the point, where I am having problems with the APIM inbound policies...
What am I supposed to use for the backend-id?
Besides the "servicefabric" one (from examples), I have tried probably all of the options from my "service fabric" instance metadata. It keeps coming back to me with:
"Backend with id 'whatever-I-put-in-here' could not be found."
I would really appreciate if someone could shed some light into what exactly is meant by backend-id=""!
The backend-id has to reference a "backend resource" that has been created via the API Management API (or deployment template) as there currently is no UI to create these backend resources. In the deployment template pointed to by the article the definition of the backend resource is here:
You can use this API call to list the existing backends for your service:

DocuSign Default Print Destination deployment

I am hoping someone can help me with a deployment of DocuSign. I am trying to deploy out the DocuSign driver silently to machines, but I need to have the machines default print destination changed from DocuSign Web to DocuSign Web NA2.
I would like to do so in a Transform but I do not see any options for this in the msi. Also I was wondering if maybe there was a config file that stores this information but I couldn't find such a file.
Can someone please help me with this?
The information is stored in the registry, not a config file. The Print Driver always would use www in the initial authentication call. I suspect this question was asked when it was still using legacy auth. this is not relavant anymore. The url is determined after the user logs in.