How to get all order payment method information in magento2 - magento2

I try to get order related information like order status, total amount, payment method etc.
I got order status using
But how I get payment method-related information in Magento 2.

In Block file
/** #var \Magento\Sales\Model\ResourceModel\Order\Payment\Collection */
protected $_paymentCollectionFactory;
/** #var \Magento\Sales\Model\ResourceModel\Order\CollectionFactory */
protected $_orderCollectionFactory;
/** #var \Magento\Sales\Model\ResourceModel\Order\Collection */
protected $orders;
public function __construct(
\Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template\Context $context,\Magento\Sales\Model\ResourceModel\Order\CollectionFactory $orderCollectionFactory, \Magento\Sales\Model\ResourceModel\Order\Payment\CollectionFactory $paymentCollectionFactory, array $data = []
) {
$this->_orderCollectionFactory = $orderCollectionFactory;
$this->_paymentCollectionFactory = $paymentCollectionFactory;
parent::__construct($context, $data);
public function getPaymentsCollection() {
$collection = $this->_paymentCollectionFactory->create()->addFieldToSelect('*');
return $collection;
public function getOrders($storeId) {
if (!$this->orders) {
$this->orders = $this->_orderCollectionFactory->create()->addFieldToSelect('*');
return $this->orders;
In phtml file
$_orders = $block->getOrders();
if ($_orders && count($_orders)) {
$payments = $block->getPaymentsCollection();
$chekmo = $cod = $free = $bank = $paypalgrp = 0;
foreach ($payments as $_payment) {
$method = $_payment->getMethod();
switch ($method) {
case 'checkmo' : $chekmo++;
case 'cashondelivery' : $cod++;
case 'free' : $free++;
case 'banktransfer' : $bank++;
case 'paypal_group_all_in_one' : $paypalgrp++;
echo "Payment Methods<br>";
echo "Check / Money Order Methods " . $ckeckmo;
echo "Cash on Delivery Methods " . $cod;
echo "Free Methods " . $free;
echo "Bank Transfer Methods " . $bank;
echo "Paypal group all in one Methods " . $paypalgrp;
echo "You have no Orders";

Following code will be helpful
$orderId = 1001;
$order = $this->order->load($orderId);
It's work like a charm


Issue when updating a product in magento 2 from command line

Update the product status in Magento 2
When updating the status of a product I get the following issue:
public function __construct(
ProductRepositoryInterface $productRepository,
SearchCriteriaBuilder $searchCriteriaBuilder,
Product $product,
Configurable $configurable,
StockItem $stockItem,
State $state
$this->productRepository = $productRepository;
$this->searchCriteriaBuilder = $searchCriteriaBuilder;
$this->_product = $product;
$this->configurable = $configurable;
$this->stockItem = $stockItem;
$this->state = $state;
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): ?int
$product = $this->_product->loadByAttribute('sku', '46-50953763');
return 0;
And also I tried using the repository:
$product = $this->productRepository->get('46-50953763');
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
What is the way to update a magento product from command line?

Magento 2: change order status programmatically

I need to set in "canceled" all orders stucks in "pending" status.
The code that I used return this exception error:
[2022-12-03 08:00:53] main.CRITICAL: Please provide payment for the order.
Here the code:
use Magento\Sales\Model\Order;
protected $order;
public function __construct(Order $order)
$this->order = $order;
public function orderStatusChange()
$orderId = 9999;
$order = $this->order->load($orderId);
Please create a new file on the magento2 root and add below code:
use Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap;
require __DIR__ . '/app/bootstrap.php';
$params = $_SERVER;
$bootstrap = Bootstrap::create(BP, $params);
$obj = $bootstrap->getObjectManager();
$state = $obj->get('Magento\Framework\App\State');
$orderId = '12345';
$order = $obj->create('\Magento\Sales\Model\OrderRepository')->get($orderId);
echo "Order updated";

Magento 2 - Newsletter subscription issue

I use Martfury theme. When I subscribe to newsletter, it redirects me to /newsletter/subscriber/new/ and there is this message (JSON): {"success":true,"message":"Thank you for your subscription.","redirect":false}
It should show only notification and not redirect to that URL. In Martfury theme demo it works well.
In your theme, please check the newsletter controller return. Debug execute function line by line.
controller path: module-newsletter/Controller/Subscriber/NewAction
Then you can check the below function:
* New subscription action
* #return Redirect
public function execute()
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost() && $this->getRequest()->getPost('email')) {
$email = (string)$this->getRequest()->getPost('email');
try {
$websiteId = (int)$this->_storeManager->getStore()->getWebsiteId();
/** #var Subscriber $subscriber */
$subscriber = $this->_subscriberFactory->create()->loadBySubscriberEmail($email, $websiteId);
if ($subscriber->getId()
&& (int)$subscriber->getSubscriberStatus() === Subscriber::STATUS_SUBSCRIBED) {
throw new LocalizedException(
__('This email address is already subscribed.')
$storeId = (int)$this->_storeManager->getStore()->getId();
$currentCustomerId = $this->getCustomerId($email, $websiteId);
$subscriber = $currentCustomerId
? $this->subscriptionManager->subscribeCustomer($currentCustomerId, $storeId)
: $this->subscriptionManager->subscribe($email, $storeId);
$message = $this->getSuccessMessage((int)$subscriber->getSubscriberStatus());
} catch (LocalizedException $e) {
['message' => $e->getMessage()]
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->messageManager->addExceptionMessage($e, __('Something went wrong with the subscription.'));
/** #var Redirect $redirect */
$redirect = $this->resultFactory->create(ResultFactory::TYPE_REDIRECT);
// phpcs:ignore Magento2.Legacy.ObsoleteResponse
$redirectUrl = $this->_redirect->getRedirectUrl();
return $redirect->setUrl($redirectUrl);

Why doesn't this class that I called inside the method run?

I called a method from one class in another method but my class in not running.
My problem is the line that says sms::dispatch.
I will also make sure that all lines are executed, that is, both inside if and inside foreach.
The queries are also executed.
public function handle()
$custoemrsBirthDays = DB::table("customers")->pluck("birth_day");
foreach ($custoemrsBirthDays as $custoemrBirthDay) {
$getMonthAndDay = date('m-d', strtotime($custoemrBirthDay . "+1 day"));
if ($getMonthAndDay == Carbon::now()->format('m-d')) {
$customer = DB::table("customers")
->where("birth_day", $custoemrBirthDay)
$coupon = new Coupon();
$coupon->coupon = 'birthday' . rand(1, 1000) . '';
$coupon->discount = 13;
$customerMobileNumber = DB::table("mobile_numbers")
->where("customer_id", $customer->id)
->where(['is_default' => 1])
$mobileNumber = $customerMobileNumber->mobile_number;
$SMSText = "سلام خوشتیپ تولدت مبارک با این کوپن حتما یه سری به آرایشگاهمون بزن : " . $coupon->coupon . "";
SMSLog::dispatch($SMSText, $mobileNumber);
return "no birth day";
This is from my class :
class SMSLog implements ShouldQueue
use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;
* Create a new job instance.
* #return void
protected $sms_text;
protected $mobileNumber;
public function __construct($sms_text, $mobileNumber)
$this->sms_text = $sms_text;
$this->mobileNumber = $mobileNumber;
* Execute the job.
* #return void
public function handle()
log::info("send sms message ($this->sms_text) to $this->mobileNumber");

using Zend_Service_Ebay_Finding to retrieve sellers items

I wish to retrieve all sellers items using the findItemsAdvanced call of Zend_Service_Ebay_Finding API. I'm a bit confused as to how to use it? has anyone got a example of how this method works? I tried
$response = $finding->findItemsAdvanced('seller=<SELLERNAME>');
But gives me nothing?
Would appreciate any help
In the end I overloaded the Zend_Service_Ebay_Finding API and added 2 methods to grab me all the seller info. Maybe this will help anyone else with the same issue.
* Finds items for a specific seller
* and a page
* #param string $seller
* #param int $page
* #return Zend_Service_Ebay_Finding_Response_Items
public function sellerItems($seller, $page = 1){
// prepare options
$options = array('itemFilter(0).name' => 'Seller', 'itemFilter(0).value(0)' => $seller, 'paginationInput.entriesPerPage' => 100);
// do request
return $this->_findItems($options, 'findItemsAdvanced');
* Finds items for a specific seller - iterates through pages
* and a page
* #param string $seller
* #return array
public function getAllSellerItems($seller) {
$page1 = $this->sellerItems($seller);
$pages = $page1->paginationOutput->totalPages;
$items = $page1->searchResult->item;
$full = array();
foreach($items as $item) {
$full[] = $item;
if($pages > 1) {
for($i = 2;$i <= $pages; $i ++) {
$results = $this->sellerItems($seller, $i);
$items = $results->searchResult->item;
foreach($items as $item) {
$full[] = $item;
return $full;