fastlane sigh issue with input asking for more information - fastlane

I'm trying to use sigh and I am a bit confused. When I type the below line:
sigh username:"" app_identifier:"com.example"
It logs in with my user name but then gives me the prompt:
[21:19:44]: Successfully logged in
[21:19:44]: Fetching profiles...
[21:19:44]: To not be asked about this value, you can specify it using 'app_identifier'
The bundle identifier of your app:
When I type the below line:
sigh -a com.example -u
I do not get the prompt. What am I doing wrong in the first one? The first one from what I understand is what I can use in the fastlane file for automation, which is why this is important. I read the below on this:
as well as the sigh --help documentation.
My lane is defined as below:
desc "Get the provisioning profiles for the app"
lane :sign do |options|
apple_id = CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:apple_id)
team_id = CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:team_id)
cert(username: apple_id, team_id: team_id)
sigh(app_identifier: options[:bundle_id], username: apple_id)
The part where sigh is I get the same prompt. Is there a way to remove it?
The following works:
sigh --username "" --app_identifier "com.example"
But I want it to work in fastlane. What am I doing wrong there?

sigh username:"" app_identifier:"com.example"
That syntax is not supported, instead try the following from the command line
sigh --username "" --app_identifier "com.example"
To do the same from your Fastfile
sigh(username: "", app_identifier: "com.example")

Turns out the reason was that I had some data in my Appfile that Fastlane didn't like. It didn't show proper error messaging, but I put one more variable that it didn't recognize and there for it failed.
One thing I learned about Fastlane is that it works well but sometimes errors are hard to debug. Make sure to read the documentation properly!


Why might I get expected: MappingNode was SequenceNode during kpt pkg get?

I am undertaking and at the stage bash ./ there is a problem and I have isolated it to a single command inside the scripts:
kpt pkg get upstream
When I run this command alone, I get the same error as when it runs in the script:
Package "upstream":
* branch upgradekpt -> FETCH_HEAD
Adding package "manifests/kustomize".
Fetched 1 package(s).
Error: /home/tester_user/gcp-blueprints/kubeflow/apps/pipelines/upstream/third-party/argo/upstream/manifests/namespace-install/overlays/argo-server-deployment.yaml: wrong Node Kind for expected: MappingNode was SequenceNode: value: {- op: add
path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/args/-
value: --namespaced}
I made some mistakes following the script during the setup (that I think I corrected) so it could be something I did. It would be good to know why this error is happening even so for my general understanding.
I am on google cloud platform, in the command line prompt that comes built in to the web ui.

openfoam ./makeParaview

i am currently building openfoam 1912 from source and have some trouble building paraview. I just build Qt and Cmake but as soon as i type ./makeParaview qt-5.9.9 5.6.3i get the following error:
./makeParaView: 64: local: -DWM_DP: bad variable name
./makeParaView: 64: ./makeParaView: -DOPENFOAM: bad variable name
A similar error occurs when i try to make VTK / Adios2. Any idea where i took the wrong turn?
The proper solution is related to shell quoting issues
- flag="$(stripCompilerFlags $flag)"
+ flag="$(stripCompilerFlags "$flag")"
but in the meantime you can simply change the shebang to #!/bin/bash - it is more forgiving.
As discussed and resolved in these GitLab ticket-1 and ticket-2:
The issue seems to be Ubuntu related.
Prior to execute ./makeParaview, switch to bash:
Change the first line of makeParaView script to #!/bin/bash
sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash

ares-inspect luna-send command failed

I'm trying to debug my webos3 tv but I keep getting the following error:
ares-inspect --device web30 com.starz.lgtv.app_0.0.1_all.ipk
ares-inspect ERR! ares-inspect: Error: luna-send command failed (not exist)
It doesn't say anywhere in the documentation what luna-send is and it's closed source. I'm running on mac using the cli for webos. Is there anything I need to install?
By trial and error, I found that you need to omit the version numbers for it to work:
ares-inspect --device web30 --open
Don't forget the --open argument to open the inspector. :-)
The documentation doesn't explicitly say that you need to omit it but it is inferred in the demo code:
It's not about omitting version or removing suffixes from filenames. You should use the app id here, same as in your appinfo.json file.
ares-inspect [OPTION...] [--app|-a] APP_ID
APP_ID = ID of the app whose information is to be viewed using Web Inspector.
See for reference.

Error while processing event 'click': "SyntaxError: Unexpected token u\n

I am using basic features with MinkZombieDriver. my
node -v 5.2.0, npm -v 3.10.5, mink-zombie-driver v1.4.0 ..
base_url: ''
javascript_session: zombie
node_modules_path: '/home/ubuntu/node_modules'
goutte: ~
features: features
bootstrap: %behat.paths.features%/bootstrap
I wrote simple feature and it is giving Behat\Mink\Exception\DriverException
Scenario: View Products to assign store
Given I am on "/index.php" # FeatureContext::visit()
When I fill in "Username" with "hello" # FeatureContext::fillField()
When I fill in "Password" with "123" # FeatureContext::fillField()
And I should see "Manage Your Accounts" # FeatureContext::assertPageContainsText()
When I press "login_button" # FeatureContext::pressButton()
Error while processing event 'click': "SyntaxError: Unexpected token u\n at Object.parse (native)\n
I searched in the web but not sure how to solve. I am still using the basic default features. I know the problem is with JSON parsing .. I am not sure what I am doing wrong? I am looking forward for any suggestions.. Thanks ..
As is seems from my comment link you need to update zombie version to at least version 2.
Please note that you might have some compatibility issues that you will need to solve.
Check this answer also nodejs cannot find module 'zombie' with PHP mink

Error in Glance_image[cirros] : change from absent to present failed: Command: ... has been running for more then 20 seconds

I am running packstack.
Error: /Stage[main]/Main/Glance_image[cirros]/ensure: change from
absent to pres
ent failed: Command: 'openstack ["image", "create", "--format",
"shell", ["cirros", "--public", "--container-format=bare", "--disk-format=qcow2", "--copy-from="]]' has been running for more then 20 seconds!
I am having this error, I can wget it though, so I can perfectly reach it. Can someone help me resolving this? As a workaround I tried it manually, but I am really new to centos and Openstack, so I don't know much. I tried :
openstack image create --format shell cirros --public --container-format=bare --disk-format=qcow2 --copy-from=
I got Missing parameter(s):
Set a username with --os-username, OS_USERNAME, or auth.username Set
an authentication URL, with --os-auth-url, OS_AUTH_URL or
auth.auth_url Set a scope, such as a project or domain, set a project
scope with --os-project-
name, OS_PROJECT_NAME or auth.project_name, set a domain scope with
--os-domain-name, OS_DOMAIN_NAME or auth.domain_name
What should I add to the above command? Will it be able to solve my problem? If not what is the right way to solve the problem?
Solved it by replacing
--copy-from= to point --copy-from=<local path>
But didn't got why the original command not working even when I can wget it.
