Casting AnyObject to Specific Class - swift

I'm using Swift Library. With the following line of code,
socket.on("info") { (dataArray, socketAck) -> Void in
let user = dataArray[0] as? User
dataArray[0] is a valid object but user appears to be nil after casting.
Since dataArray[0] returns as an AnyObject,
how can i cast AnyObject to User Object?. Or somehow manage to do what i want with a different approach?

Since after this line
let user = dataArray[0] as? User
you have a nil value inside user it means that you don't have a User value at the first position of dataArray.
Since dataArray comes from a server (as I guess) it probably contains a serialized version of User.
Now we really need to know what really dataArray[0] is. However...
if dataArray[0] contains NSData
In this case try this
let json = JSON(dataArray[0] as! NSData)
let user = User(json:json)

You need to create a constructor that accept AnyObject and read data in it.
I guess in this case dataArray[0] is an JSON Object.
class User {
init(data: [String: AnyObject]) {
username = data["username"] as? String ?? ""

This is how i manage mine:
// Structure used as parameter
struct InfoStruct {
var nome: String = ""
var sobrenome:String = ""
var nascimentoTimestamp: NSNumber = 0
init() {
// Struct to AnyObject
func toAnyObject() -> Any {
var dic = [String:AnyObject?]()
if (nome != "") { dic["nome"] = nome as AnyObject }
if (sobrenome != "") { dic["sobrenome"] = sobrenome as AnyObject }
if (nascimentoTimestamp != 0) { dic["nascimentoTimestamp"] = nascimentoTimestamp as AnyObject }
return dic
// AnyObject to Struct
func fromAnyObject(dic:[String:AnyObject]) -> InfoStruct {
var retorno = InfoStruct()
if (dic["nome"] != nil) { retorno.nome = dic["nome"] as? String ?? "" }
if (dic["sobrenome"] != nil) { retorno.sobrenome = dic["sobrenome"] as? String ?? "" }
if (dic["nascimentoTimestamp"] != nil) { retorno.nascimentoTimestamp = dic["nascimentoTimestamp"] as? NSNumber ?? 0 }
return retorno
} }
// User class
class Usuario: NSObject {
var key: String
var admin: Bool
var info: InfoStruct // Struct parameter
init(_ key: String?) {
self.key = key ?? ""
admin = false
info = InfoStruct() // Initializing struct
// From Class to AnyObject
func toAnyObject() -> Any {
var dic = [String:AnyObject?]()
if (key != "") { dic["key"] = key as AnyObject }
if (admin != false) { dic["admin"] = admin as AnyObject }
dic["info"] = info.toAnyObject() as AnyObject // Struct
return dic
// From AnyObject to Class
func fromAnyObject(dic:[String:AnyObject]) -> Usuario {
let retorno = Usuario(dic["key"] as? String)
if (dic["key"] != nil) { retorno.key = dic["key"] as? String ?? "" }
if (dic["admin"] != nil) { retorno.admin = dic["admin"] as? Bool ?? false }
if (dic["info"] != nil) { = InfoStruct.init().fromAnyObject(dic: dic["info"] as! [String : AnyObject]) } // Struct
return retorno
} }
// Using
let dao = FirebaseDAO.init(_type: FirebaseDAOType.firebaseDAOTypeUser)
dao.loadValue(key: uid) { (error, values:[String : AnyObject]) in
if error == nil {
let user = Usuario(values["key"] as? String).fromAnyObject(dic: values)
I hope it helps!


Realm accessed from incorrect thread occasional

I have this function
class func addCVals(_ criteres: [[AnyHashable: Any]], _ type: String) { .background).async {
autoreleasepool {
if criteres.count > 0 {
if let realm = DBTools.getRealm() {
do {
try realm.transaction {
let oldValues = CriteresVal.objects(in: realm, where: "type = '\(type)'")
if oldValues.count > 0 {
for critere in criteres {
let cval = CriteresVal(critere, type)
if let c = cval {
} catch {
DebugTools.record(error: error)
The request that get oldValues occasionally cause an error
Realm accessed from incorrect thread
I don't understand why as I get a new Realm before with this lines:
if let realm = DBTools.getRealm()
My function getRealm:
class func getRealm() -> RLMRealm? {
if !AppPreference.lastAccount.elementsEqual("") {
let config = RLMRealmConfiguration.default()
do {
return try RLMRealm(configuration: config)
} catch {
DebugTools.record(error: error)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
Notifier.showNotification("", NSLocalizedString("UNKNOWN_ERROR_DB", comment: ""), .warning)
return nil
CriteresVal is an RLMObject that is composed of this:
public class CriteresVal: RLMObject {
dynamic var cvalId: String?
dynamic var type: String?
dynamic var text: String?
dynamic var compositeKey: String?
override public class func primaryKey() -> String {
return "compositeKey"
private func updatePrimaryKey() {
self.compositeKey = "\(self.cvalId ?? "")/\(self.type ?? "")"
required init(_ cvalue: [AnyHashable: Any]?, _ type: String) {
if let values = cvalue {
if let cvalId = values["id"] as? String {
self.cvalId = cvalId
} else if let cvalId = values["id"] as? Int {
self.cvalId = "\(cvalId)"
self.type = type
if let text = values["text"] as? String {
self.text = text
func generateDico() -> [String: Any] {
var dicoSortie = [String: Any]()
if let realm = self.realm {
if let value = cvalId {
dicoSortie["id"] = value
if let value = type {
dicoSortie["type"] = value
if let value = text {
dicoSortie["text"] = value
return dicoSortie
compositeKey is the primary key which included cvalId and type
Thanks for help.

How to Clear Shared Dictionary which is causing saved values not to clear even when I login with other user

How can I clear the shared dictionary on logout in which I am saving login response?
Here is the code I am doing on getting status 1.
if(status == 1)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
UserDefaults.standard.set(self.DataDict, forKey:MaindataKey)
let Dict = self.mainDict[KData] as! [String: AnyObject]
print("self.DataDict", self.DataDict)
let User_ID = Dict[KUuid]as! String
let HMACSECRETKEY = self.deviceToken + "+" + User_ID
let cipher:String = CryptoHelper.encrypt(input:HMACSECRETKEY)!;
UserDefaults.standard.setValue(cipher, forKey:HmacKey)
UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: "isLogin")
GAloginUserInfo.shared.saveUserInfo(dict: Dict )
let tabar = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "GAtHomeTabbarViewController") as! GAtHomeTabbarViewController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(tabar, animated: true)
Here is the shared dictionary which I am using to save the values of login response.
import UIKit
import Firebase
class GAloginUserInfo: NSObject {
var loginUserMobileNo : String?
var loginUserId : String?
var loginUserUuid : String?
var loginUserCountry : String?
var loginUserCountryCode : String?
var loginUserEmail : String?
var loginUserlatitude : String?
var loginUserLongitude : String?
var loginUserName : String?
var loginUserQrcode : String?
var loginUserProfilePic : String?
var isverify : String?
var loginPassword : String?
var dateOfBirth: String?
var earnedPoints:String?
var loginUserGender:String?
var loginUserFollowers:Int = 0
static let shared = GAloginUserInfo()
func saveUserInfo (dict : [String : AnyObject?] ) {
if let loginUserMobileNo = dict["mobile"] as? String {
self.loginUserMobileNo = loginUserMobileNo
if let loginUserId = dict["id"] as? String {
self.loginUserId = loginUserId
if let loginUserUuid = dict["uuid"] as? String {
self.loginUserUuid = loginUserUuid
if let loginUserCountry = dict["country"] as? String {
self.loginUserCountry = loginUserCountry
if let loginUserCountryCode = dict["country_code"] as? String {
self.loginUserCountryCode = loginUserCountryCode
if let loginUserEmail = dict["email"] as? String {
self.loginUserEmail = loginUserEmail
if let loginUserProfilePic = dict["profile_pic"] as? String {
self.loginUserProfilePic = loginUserProfilePic
if let loginUserLongitude = dict["logitude"] as? String {
self.loginUserLongitude = loginUserLongitude
if let loginUserName = dict["name"] as? String {
self.loginUserName = loginUserName
if let loginUserQrcode = dict["qr_code"] as? String {
self.loginUserQrcode = loginUserQrcode
if let Password = dict["password"] as? String{
self.loginPassword = Password
if let dateOfBirth = dict["dob"] as? String{
self.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth
if let earnedPoints = dict["points"] as? String{
let myDouble = Double(earnedPoints)
let doubleStr = String(format: "%.2f", myDouble!)
self.earnedPoints = doubleStr
if let loginUserGender = dict["gender"] as? String{
self.loginUserGender = loginUserGender
if let loginUserFollowers = dict["followersCount"] as? Int{
self.loginUserFollowers = loginUserFollowers
Actually, the problem is when I log out and log in again with some other user it still shows some values of the previous user. I am clearing the userdefaults on the logout function. but I don't know how to clear this type of shared dictionary.
Use removeObject(forKey:)
to remove the values stored from user defaults in Logout method
UserDefaults.standard.removeObject(forKey: MaindataKey)
UserDefaults.standard.removeObject(forKey: HmacKey)
UserDefaults.standard.set(false, forKey: "isLogin")
Create a method to remove the values from the singleton class like this
extension GAloginUserInfo {
func removeUserInfo() {
self.loginUserMobileNo = nil
self.loginUserId = nil
self.loginUserUuid = nil
self.loginUserCountry = nil
self.loginUserCountryCode = nil
self.loginUserEmail = nil
self.loginUserlatitude = nil
self.loginUserLongitude = nil
self.loginUserName = nil
self.loginUserQrcode = nil
self.loginUserProfilePic = nil
self.isverify = nil
self.loginPassword = nil
self.dateOfBirth = nil
self.earnedPoints = nil
self.loginUserGender = nil
self.loginUserFollowers = 0
and call this method in logout

Synced reading from Firebase

I have a value I need to read from Firebase and then write it together with multiple other values to Firebase in a transaction of two objects total.
I am creating a CHAT and so when a message is sent, I am creating a chat room for both contacts, each to his own. My code :
private func CreateChatRoom(creatorID: String, creatorName: String ,contactID: String, contactName: String)
var creatorImageString: String = ""
var contactImageString: String = ""
ReadContactImage(contactID: contactID)
success in
if success
contactImageString = self.tempContactImg
ReadContactImage(contactID: creatorID)
success in
if success
creatorImageString = self.tempContactImg
let infoForCreator = [Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_NAME: contactName,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_ID: contactID,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.NUM_OF_UNREAD_MSGS : 0,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_IMG_URL: contactImageString] as [String : Any]
let infoForContact = [Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_NAME: creatorName,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_ID: creatorID,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.NUM_OF_UNREAD_MSGS : 0,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_IMG_URL: creatorImageString] as [String : Any]
let childUpdates = ["\(creatorID)/\(contactID)/": infoForCreator,
"\(contactID)/\(creatorID)/": infoForContact
private func ReadContactImage(contactID: String, completion: #escaping (Bool) -> ())
Constants.refs.databaseUsers.child(contactID).child(Constants.Account.AccountFields.USER_IMAGE_STR).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: {(snapshot) in
self.tempContactImg = (snapshot.value as? String)!
var tempContactImg : String = "";
I read here on SO that the function "ReadContactImage" should run synchronously, but it does not. So I'm left with empty contact images.
I thought about just reading both images in the same function, but CreateChatRoom also needs to be synchronous, so I am left with the same problem, basically.
Does anyone know how to handle this properly ?
Is there maybe an easier way of doing this?
If writing to Database is async, I get an exception here:
func AddChatToCollections(chatAsDictionary: NSDictionary!)
if chatAsDictionary == nil
let contactName = chatAsDictionary[Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_NAME] as! String
let contactImg = chatAsDictionary[Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_IMG_URL] as! String
//let lastMsg = chatAsDictionary["lastMessage"] as! String
let newMsgs = chatAsDictionary[Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.NUM_OF_UNREAD_MSGS] as! Int
let contactID = chatAsDictionary[Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_ID] as! String
let chatToAdd = PrivateChatLiteObject(chattingWith: contactName, ContactID: contactID, unreadMessages: newMsgs, LastMSG: "", ContactImageStr: contactImg)
chatsDictionary[contactID] = chatToAdd
When trying to use the information in dictionary, which is taken from Firebase.
That function is called from here:
private func populateActiveChats()
let loggedOnUserID = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid
let ref = Constants.refs.databaseChatsLite.child(loggedOnUserID!)
// Retrieve the products and listen for changes
ref.observe(.value, with:
{ (snapshot) in
for child in snapshot.children.allObjects as! [DataSnapshot]
if (self.chatsDictionary.keys.contains(child.key) == false)
let chatValueDictionary = child.value as? NSDictionary
self.AddChatToCollections(chatAsDictionary: chatValueDictionary)
Which is called from viewDidLoad() when I open my Chats page.
Thread 1: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
Because chatAsDictionary[CONTACT_NAME] doesn't exist, because when chatAsDictionary gets its data from Firebase, it is not yet written there from the async function
Both methods you call load data from Firebase asynchronously. You can't constructor infoForCreator (et al) until both calls to ReadContactImage have completed.
A simple way to do that is to nest the calls:
var creatorImageString: String = ""
var contactImageString: String = ""
ReadContactImage(contactID: contactID)
success in
if success
contactImageString = self.tempContactImg
ReadContactImage(contactID: creatorID)
success in
if success
creatorImageString = self.tempContactImg
let infoForCreator = [Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_NAME: contactName,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_ID: contactID,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.NUM_OF_UNREAD_MSGS : 0,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_IMG_URL: contactImageString] as [String : Any]
let infoForContact = [Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_NAME: creatorName,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_ID: creatorID,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.NUM_OF_UNREAD_MSGS : 0,
Constants.Chat.ChatRoomsLite.CONTACT_IMG_URL: creatorImageString] as [String : Any]
let childUpdates = ["\(creatorID)/\(contactID)/": infoForCreator,
"\(contactID)/\(creatorID)/": infoForContact
Alternative, you can keep a counter:
var creatorImageString: String = ""
var contactImageString: String = ""
var completedCount = 0;
ReadContactImage(contactID: contactID)
success in
if success
contactImageString = self.tempContactImg
if completedCount == 2
createDatabaseNode(contactImageString, creatorImageString)
ReadContactImage(contactID: creatorID)
success in
if success
creatorImageString = self.tempContactImg
if completedCount == 2
createDatabaseNode(contactImageString, creatorImageString)
And createDatabaseNode is then a function that contains your code to populates the data structures and calls updateChildValues.

Convert to string an Any value

This fails (Non-nominal type 'Any' cannot be extended)
extension Any {
func literal() -> String {
if let booleanValue = (self as? Bool) {
return String(format: (booleanValue ? "true" : "false"))
if let intValue = (self as? Int) {
return String(format: "%d", intValue)
if let floatValue = (self as? Float) {
return String(format: "%f", floatValue)
if let doubleValue = (self as? Double) {
return String(format: "%f", doubleValue)
return String(format: "<%#>", self)
as I would like to use it in a dictionary (self) to xml string factory like
extension Dictionary {
// Return an XML string from the dictionary
func xmlString(withElement element: String, isFirstElement: Bool) -> String {
var xml = String.init()
if isFirstElement { xml.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n") }
xml.append(String(format: "<%#>\n", element))
for node in self.keys {
let value = self[node]
if let array: Array<Any> = (value as? Array<Any>) {
xml.append(array.xmlString(withElement: node as! String, isFirstElemenet: false))
if let dict: Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any> = (value as? Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any>) {
xml.append(dict.xmlString(withElement: node as! String, isFirstElement: false))
xml.append(String(format: "<%#>", node as! CVarArg))
xml.append((value as Any).literal
xml.append(String(format: "</%#>\n", node as! CVarArg))
xml.append(String(format: "</%#>\n", element))
return xml.replacingOccurrences(of: "&", with: "&amp", options: .literal, range: nil)
I was trying to reduce the code somehow, as the above snippet is repeated a few times in a prototype I'm building but this is not the way to do it (a working copy with the snippet replicated works but ugly?).
Basically I want to generate a literal for an Any value - previously fetched from a dictionary.
It seems like you can't add extensions to Any. You do have some other options though - either make it a function toLiteral(value: Any) -> String, or what is probably a neater solution; use the description: String attribute which is present on all types that conform to CustomStringConvertible, which includes String, Int, Bool, and Float - your code would be simplified down to just xml.append(value.description). You then just have make a simple implementation for any other types that you might get.
Ok, finally got this working. First the preliminaries: each of your objects needs to have a dictionary() method to marshal itself. Note: "k.###" are struct static constants - i.e., is "name", etc. I have two objects, a PlayItem and a PlayList:
class PlayItem : NSObject {
var name : String = k.item
var link : URL = URL.init(string: "http://")!
var time : TimeInterval
var rank : Int
var rect : NSRect
var label: Bool
var hover: Bool
var alpha: Float
var trans: Int
var temp : String {
get {
return link.absoluteString
set (value) {
link = URL.init(string: value)!
func dictionary() -> Dictionary<String,Any> {
var dict = Dictionary<String,Any>()
dict[] = name
dict[] = link.absoluteString
dict[k.time] = time
dict[k.rank] = rank
dict[k.rect] = NSStringFromRect(rect)
dict[k.label] = label ? 1 : 0
dict[k.hover] = hover ? 1 : 0
dict[k.alpha] = alpha
dict[k.trans] = trans
return dict
class PlayList : NSObject {
var name : String = k.list
var list : Array <PlayItem> = Array()
func dictionary() -> Dictionary<String,Any> {
var dict = Dictionary<String,Any>()
var items: [Any] = Array()
for item in list {
dict[] = name
dict[k.list] = items
return dict
Note any value so marshal has to be those legal types for a dictionary; it helps to have aliases so in the PlayItem a "temp" is the string version for the link url, and its getter/setter would translate.
When needed, like the writeRowsWith drag-n-drop tableview handler, I do this:
func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, writeRowsWith rowIndexes: IndexSet, to pboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool {
if tableView == playlistTableView {
let objects: [PlayList] = playlistArrayController.arrangedObjects as! [PlayList]
var items: [PlayList] = [PlayList]()
var promises = [String]()
for index in rowIndexes {
let item = objects[index]
let dict = item.dictionary()
let promise = dict.xmlString(withElement: item.className, isFirstElement: true)
let data = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: items)
pboard.setPropertyList(data, forType: PlayList.className())
pboard.setPropertyList(promises, forType:NSFilesPromisePboardType)
pboard.writeObjects(promises as [NSPasteboardWriting])
let objects: [PlayItem] = playitemArrayController.arrangedObjects as! [PlayItem]
var items: [PlayItem] = [PlayItem]()
var promises = [String]()
for index in rowIndexes {
let item = objects[index]
let dict = item.dictionary()
let promise = dict.xmlString(withElement: item.className, isFirstElement: true)
let data = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: items)
pboard.setPropertyList(data, forType: PlayList.className())
pboard.setPropertyList(promises, forType:NSFilesPromisePboardType)
pboard.writeObjects(promises as [NSPasteboardWriting])
return true
What makes this happen are these xmlString extensions and the toLiteral function - as you cannot extend "Any":
func toLiteral(_ value: Any) -> String {
if let booleanValue = (value as? Bool) {
return String(format: (booleanValue ? "1" : "0"))
if let intValue = (value as? Int) {
return String(format: "%d", intValue)
if let floatValue = (value as? Float) {
return String(format: "%f", floatValue)
if let doubleValue = (value as? Double) {
return String(format: "%f", doubleValue)
if let stringValue = (value as? String) {
return stringValue
if let dictValue: Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any> = (value as? Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any>)
return dictValue.xmlString(withElement: "Dictionary", isFirstElement: false)
return ((value as AnyObject).description)
extension Array {
func xmlString(withElement element: String, isFirstElemenet: Bool) -> String {
var xml = String.init()
xml.append(String(format: "<%#>\n", element))
self.forEach { (value) in
if let array: Array<Any> = (value as? Array<Any>) {
xml.append(array.xmlString(withElement: "Array", isFirstElemenet: false))
if let dict: Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any> = (value as? Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any>) {
xml.append(dict.xmlString(withElement: "Dictionary", isFirstElement: false))
xml.append(String(format: "<%#>\n", element))
return xml
extension Dictionary {
// Return an XML string from the dictionary
func xmlString(withElement element: String, isFirstElement: Bool) -> String {
var xml = String.init()
if isFirstElement { xml.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n") }
xml.append(String(format: "<%#>\n", element))
for node in self.keys {
let value = self[node]
if let array: Array<Any> = (value as? Array<Any>) {
xml.append(array.xmlString(withElement: node as! String, isFirstElemenet: false))
if let dict: Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any> = (value as? Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any>) {
xml.append(dict.xmlString(withElement: node as! String, isFirstElement: false))
xml.append(String(format: "<%#>", node as! CVarArg))
xml.append(toLiteral(value as Any))
xml.append(String(format: "</%#>\n", node as! CVarArg))
xml.append(String(format: "</%#>\n", element))
return xml
func xmlHTMLString(withElement element: String, isFirstElement: Bool) -> String {
let xml = self.xmlString(withElement: element, isFirstElement: isFirstElement)
return xml.replacingOccurrences(of: "&", with: "&amp", options: .literal, range: nil)
This continues another's solution, the toLiteral() suggestion above, in hopes it helps others.

SWIFT4 Contextual type 'FPChat!.Type' cannot be used with dictionary literal

I need to initialize an object, and pass it through a prepareforsegue to another class.
Last line of the code below throws "Contextual type 'FPChat!.Type' cannot be used with dictionary literal"
if (segue.identifier == "chatmessages") {
let vc = segue.destination as! FPChatMessageViewController
//vc.currentChat = fPChat
fPchat = FPChat?
// Start the Chat
#IBAction func Chat(_ sender: UIButton) {
// Create a new entry in chats. This variable is passed with prepareforsegue
let chatRef = ref.child("chats").childByAutoId()
let chatId = chatRef.key
//fPchat = FPChat?
let fPchat = FPChat.currentChat(currentChatID: chatId)
Below chat class:
import Firebase
class FPChat {
var chatID = ""
var chatDate: Date!
var text = ""
var messages: [FPChatMessage]!
var author: FPUser!
var mine = true
// Calling FPChat.currentChat(id) I have back the FPChat object
static func currentChat(currentChatID: String) -> FPChat {
return FPChat(chatID: currentChatID)
private init(chatID: String) {
self.chatID = chatID
init(snapshot: DataSnapshot, andMessages messages: [FPChatMessage]) {
guard let value = snapshot.value as? [String: Any] else { return }
self.chatID = snapshot.key
if let text = value["text"] as? String {
self.text = text
guard let timestamp = value["timestamp"] as? Double else { return }
self.chatDate = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: (timestamp / 1_000.0))
guard let author = value["author"] as? [String: String] else { return } = FPUser(dictionary: author)
self.messages = messages
self.mine = == Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid
What I am doing wrong?