Tiled background image - swift

Trying to create a tiled background image for a top down game. The SKScene is 8000,8000 and instead of creating a couple very large sprites I am trying to tile it to improve performance.
var coverageSize = CGSizeMake(8000,8000);
var textureSize = CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100);
var backgroundCGImage = [UIImage imageNamed:#"bg"].CGImage; //this line returns several errors.
UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(CGSizeMake(coverageSize.width, coverageSize.height));
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextDrawTiledImage(context, textureSize, backgroundCGImage);
UIImage *tiledBackground = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
SKTexture *backgroundTexture = [SKTexture textureWithCGImage:tiledBackground.CGImage];
SKSpriteNode *backgroundTiles = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithTexture:backgroundTexture];
backgroundTiles.yScale = -1;
backgroundTiles.position = CGPointMake(0,0);
[self addChild:backgroundTiles];

one way to do tiles is you create a node used to draw your tiles
You draw the amount of tiles that fits the screen into this special tile
var texture = self.view!.textureFromNode(drawingTile, crop: CGRectMake(-column.width, -row.height, self.frame.width + column.width , self.frame.height + row.height));
To convert this node to a texture
now remove all nodes from the drawing node
add in the a new node to the drawing node using this texture.
we now have our background in one node.
when you need to scroll, shift the drawing node, then you draw the 1 row and 1 columns worth of tiles that are missing. Do this only when you need your drawing mode has shifted so much that you have a gap on the screen to fill in. Use the above code again to create a new drawing mode texture. Rinse, repeat


Filling Colors inside edges

I am new to Iphone development.
Currently i am making coloring app.
I am using apple's paint app as ref to create my app.
I successfully create app where u can color on a screen with given texture image
What i did is
I create a custom UIView which extends opengl and i detect touches on it and draw accordingly.
I also kept background UIImageView which contain outline images, so it feels like your drawing above that Image.
Everything works fine
but i wanted to fill color inside black edges
Like if a image has four square which has black edges and inside of that square is blank and if i touch any square it should fill that square with selected color(mostly i am working on irregular shape)
Can anyone tell me how can i fill colors inside that square
The flood fill algo looks slow as i have some big images which will take time to fill the color
so is there any easy method by which i can fill color
A sample code will b very helpful as i am new to iPhone Dev
I implemnted this kind of feature in my recent project. The difference is: I filled color in border only.
Check my code over here, it might get helpful to you
// apply color to only border & return an image
+ (UIImage *)imageNamed:(NSString *)name withColor:(UIColor *)color
// load the image
UIImage *img = [UIImage imageNamed:name];
// begin a new image context, to draw our colored image onto
// get a reference to that context we created
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
// set the fill color
[color setFill];
// translate/flip the graphics context (for transforming from CG* coords to UI* coords
CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 0, img.size.height);
CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1.0, -1.0);
// set the blend mode to color burn, and the original image
CGContextSetBlendMode(context, kCGBlendModeColorBurn);
CGRect rect = CGRectMake(0, 0, img.size.width, img.size.height);
CGContextDrawImage(context, rect, img.CGImage);
// set a mask that matches the shape of the image, then draw (color burn) a colored rectangle
CGContextClipToMask(context, rect, img.CGImage);
CGContextAddRect(context, rect);
// generate a new UIImage from the graphics context we drew onto
UIImage *coloredImg = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
//return the color-burned image
return coloredImg;
Enjoy Programming !

Rendering views, scaled #2x, renderInContext, iPhone

I have a view (called outPutView) that contains graphics, like uIImageViews and labels. I need to render an image of the outPutView and it's sub-views. I am using renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() to do so. Works fine, except that I need to scale the views. I am using a transform on the outPutView. This successfully scales the view and it's sub-views, but the transform does not render. While the views are scaled onscreen. the final render displays the vies at their original size, while the render context is at the target size (here #2x iPhone view size).
Thanks for reading!!
[outPutView setTransform:CGAffineTransformMake(2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0)];
CGSize renderSize = CGSizeMake(self.view.bounds.size.width*2, self.view.bounds.size.height*2);
[[outPutView layer] renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
renderedImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
I've just made this work, although in the opposite direction (scaling down). Here's a summary of the relevant code:
// destination size is half of self (self is a UIView)
float rescale = 0.5;
CGSize resize = CGSizeMake(self.width * rescale, self.height * rescale);
// make the destination context
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(resize, YES, 0);
// apply the scale to dest context
CGContextScaleCTM(UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(), rescale, rescale);
// render self into dest context
[self.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
// grab the resulting UIImage
UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
To scale up instead of down, it should be fine to have rescale = 2.
I solved this by re-ordering my views. Actually adding another view between the output view: the view that the rendered context is taken from, and the view that is scaled via transform. It worked, but I have no idea why at this point. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Thanks for reading.

Cocos2d, Weird position offset when using CCParallaxNode

I'm using cocos2d for iOS. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong here or if CCParallaxNode does something strange that I just don't understand.
I'm trying to create a few layers of parallax scrolling in the background of my game, at the moment I just have one layer added to the parallax node till I can figure out what's going wrong. When the game loads the layer it's always offset down and left by about 30% of the image size. I've uploaded an image demonstrating the difference in position here http://oi42.tinypic.com/29dz1av.jpg.
Here is my code:
background = [CCParallaxNode node];
background.anchorPoint = ccp(0,0);
background.position = ccp(0,0);
[self addChild: background];
background_image = [CCSprite spriteWithFile: #"layer01.png"
rect: CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100)];
background_image.anchorPoint = ccp(0,0);
background_image.position = ccp(0,0);
[background addChild: background_image z:0 parallaxRatio: ccp(0,0) positionOffset:ccp(0,0)];
The cocos2d icon is attached to the same layer as the parallax node and it's position and anchor point are set to 0,0 so the bottom left of the icon should be in the same location as the bottom left of the blue background image.
I have tested this using a basic sprite in place of the parallax node and everything lines up as it should so it's not the image itself.
Any help with this would be appreciated.
First, I don't suggest you to set parallax node & its children's anchor point & position directly because it will cause some unexpected results. You should add the parallax node to a layer as its child, and set the layer's anchor point & position to place your parallax.
Second, CCParallaxNode also provides a positionOffset that you can place your picture in parallax at first. This can help if you want to align several layers of pictures' view center.
So I think you should do something like this(Since I'm using cocos2d-x, I'm not sure its right with obj-C):
layer = [[CCLayer alloc]init];
background = [CCParallaxNode node];
[layer addChild: background];
[self addChild: layer];
Then you just have to add the picture sprite in background, and set layer's position & anchor point.
Hope it can help.
Make sure the background image size is 480x320.
Why did you write CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100) ? Why 100 and 100 ? You're limiting your 'CGRect', that's probably wrong..

iPhone SDK: Problem saving one image over another

basically I am making an app that involves a user taking a photo, or selecting one already on their device, and then placing an overlay onto the image.
So, I seem to have coded everything fine, apart from one thing, after the user has selected the overlay and positioned it, when saved the size of the overlay has changed, whereas the x and y values seem correct.
And so this is the code I use to add the overlay ("image" being the users photo):
float wid = (overlay.image.size.width);
float hei = (overlay.image.size.height);
overlay.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, wid, hei);
[image addSubview:overlay];
And this is the code used to save the resulting image:
// Draw the users photo
[image.image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, image.image.size.width, image.image.size.height)];
// Draw the overlay
float xx = (overlay.center.x);
float yy = (overlay.center.y);
CGRect aaFrame = overlay.frame;
float width = aaFrame.size.width;
float height = aaFrame.size.height;
[overlay.image drawInRect:CGRectMake(xx, yy, width, height)];
Any help? Thanks
The problem is that you are using image's size rather than the image view's frame size. Image seems to be much larger than its image view so when you use the image's size the other image's size ends up being much smaller in comparison although it is still the correct size. You can modify your snippet to this –
// Draw the users photo
[image.image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, image.frame.size.width, image.frame.size.height)];
[overlay.image drawInRect:overlay.frame];
UIImage * resultingImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
Avoiding loss of quality
While the above method leads to loss of resolution, trying to draw the parent image in its proper resolution might have an unwanted effect on its child image i.e. if the overlay wasn't of high resolution itself then it can end being stretchy. However you can try this code to draw it in the parent image's resolution (untested, let me know if you've problems ) –
float verticalScale = image.image.size.height / image.frame.size.height;
float horizontalScale = image.image.size.width / image.frame.size.width;
CGRect overlayFrame = overlay.frame;
overlayFrame.origin.x *= horizontalScale;
overlayFrame.origin.y *= verticalScale;
overlayFrame.size.width *= horizontalScale;
overlayFrame.size.height *= verticalScale;
// Draw the users photo
[image.image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, image.image.size.width, image.image.size.height)];
[overlay.image drawInRect:overlayFrame];
UIImage * resultingImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();

How to compensate the flipped coordinate system of core graphics for easy drawing?

It's really a pain, but always when I draw an UIImage in -drawRect:, it's upside-down.
When I flip the coordinates, the image draws correctly, but at the cost of all other CG functions drawing "wrong" (flipped).
What's your strategy when you have to draw images and other things? Is there any rule of thumb how to not get stuck in this problem over and over again?
Also, one nasty thing when I flip the y-axis is, that my CGRect from the UIImageView frame is wrong. Instead of the origin appearing at 10,10 upper left as expected, it appears at the bottom.
But at the same time, all those normal line drawing functions of CGContext take correct coordinates. drawing a line in -drawRect with origin 10,10 upper left, will really start at upper left. But at the same time that's strange, because core graphics actually has a flipped coordinate system with y 0 at the bottom.
So it seems like something is really inconsistent there. Drawing with CGContext functions takes coordinates as "expected" (cmon, nobody thinks in coordinates starting from bottom left, that's silly), while drawing any kind of image still works the "wrong" way.
Do you use helper methods to draw images? Or is there anything useful that makes image drawing not a pain in the butt?
Problem: Origin is at lower-left corner; positive y goes upward (negative y goes downward).
Goal: Origin at upper-left corner; positive y going downward (negative y going upward).
Move origin up by the view's height.
Negate (multiply by -1) the y axis.
The way to do this in code is to translate up by the view bounds' height and scale by (1, -1), in that order.
There are a couple of portions of the Quartz 2D Programming Guide that are relevant to this topic, including “Drawing to a Graphics Context on iPhone OS” and the whole chapter on Transforms. Of course, you really should read the whole thing.
You can do that by apply affinetransform on the point you want to convert in UIKit related coordinates. Following is example.
// Create a affine transform object
CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1, -1);
// First translate your image View according to transform
transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(transform, 0, - imageView.bounds.size.height);
// Then whenever you want any point according to UIKit related coordinates apply this transformation on the point or rect.
// To get tranformed point
CGPoint newPointForUIKit = CGPointApplyAffineTransform(oldPointInCGKit, transform);
// To get transformed rect
CGRect newRectForUIKit = CGRectApplyAffineTransform(oldPointInCGKit, transform);
The better answer to this problem is to use the UIImage method drawInRect: to draw your image. I'm assuming you want the image to span the entire bounds of your view. This is what you'd type in your drawRect: method.
Instead of:
CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
UIImage *myImage = [UIImage imageNamed:#"theImage.png"];
CGImageRef img = [myImage CGImage];
CGRect bounds = [self bounds];
CGContextDrawImage(ctx, bounds, img);
Write this:
UIImage *myImage = [UIImage imageNamed:#"theImage.png"];
CGRect bounds = [self bounds];
[myImage drawInRect:bounds];
It's really a pain, but always when I draw an UIImage in -drawRect:, it's upside-down.
Are you telling the UIImage to draw, or getting its CGImage and drawing that?
As noted in “Drawing to a Graphics Context on iPhone OS”, UIImages are aware of the difference in co-ordinate spaces and should draw themselves correctly without you having to flip your co-ordinate space yourself.
CGImageRef flip (CGImageRef im) {
CGSize sz = CGSizeMake(CGImageGetWidth(im), CGImageGetHeight(im));
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(sz, NO, 0);
CGRectMake(0, 0, sz.width, sz.height), im);
CGImageRef result = [UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() CGImage];
return result;
Call the above method using the code below:
This code deals with getting the left half of an image from an existing UIImageview and setting the thus generated image to a new imageview - imgViewleft
CGContextRef con = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
imgViewLeft = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()];