Requesting Data from Tableau Server Using Rest API - rest

I currently have a windows server set up and I am looking to make rest API calls using Angular 2 to the Tableau Server.
The problem becomes that the Tableau Server that our company uses is over SSL, and my connection is not.
Before I start looking into an SSL certificate I would like to make sure that what I am trying to do is possible.
If I were to add the SSL certificate to the server would this remove my error upon making the request?
I Get an error when making my HTTP post request to an HTTPS server, ERR_INSECURE_RESPONCE.
If I purchase (or get a free trial) a SSL certificate, what kind would I need to do this.


IBM Cloud client certificate based authentication: Client certificate details to cloud

I have deployed liberty app on IBM cloud. I have setup custom domain and selected "request client certificate" so that clients have to send certificate to access app over TLS. I see client authentication does work, but I do not get any client certificate information in my app. This makes client certificate authentication a bit useless, as I would want to know the id of client which accessed my app. Any help/pointers appreciated.
I looked at attributes of request. Two attributes are passed in request with value /dummyRelPath and _javax.servlet.request.cipher_suite_ with value of ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 There's no attribute with name javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate passed in request.
X509Certificate[] certs = (X509Certificate[])
not return any certificates?
In cloud foundry on bluemix, your client should be handshaking with a DataPower proxy. That proxy adds a custom header to indicate the TLS client cert that was provided, then it is passed through the CF gorouter, then finally passed to the JVM.
WebSphere Liberty then surfaces that through the API above.
This is communicated through the $WSCC request header. If the API returns null, it's most likely that header was dropped or never set by the infrastructure, rather than making it all the way there and the API mysteriously losing track of it. You could dump the request headers, looking for this one in particular, and maybe something will stand out (some surprise hop/proxy).

Can my Web Server Issue a Client Rest Request to another REST Server

I have a web server that handles configuration set-up for various IO devices. I need to get some data from a REST server that is running on a different server. Can that web server code issue a client REST GET command to a REST server running on a different server? I tried it but I get a http 500 error. The server code is failing on the REST server request code.
I am closing out this question. Yes, your server can issue http requests to other services. I was having another problem with a self-signed certificate and the error made it look like their was a problem with my http request service.

How to access tableau server without login

I am new to tableau and I want to integrate tableau server in our application through Iframe, I am passing HTTP URL with authentication details like username and password but whenever I am accessing tableau it is asking for username and password.So please suggest me that how i can access tableau without redirecting to login page.
According to the Tableau community you can't do this through the URL:
There is no built-in mechanism to pass a username/password on the URL
as doing so gives "bad people" a super-duper-easy way to hack into
Tableau Server itself. As a hacker, all I'd have to do is "sit on the
wire", watch requests go to Tableau, and I could harvest everyone's
usernames and passwords. Scary stuff!
But there is a solution for built in credentials if you have a security mechanism on your end:
You might want to read up on Tableau Server's ability to do Trusted
Tickets authentication. You could essentially tell Tableau Server to
"Trust" whatever other security mechanism is authenticating your users
(I assume you have one). If you don't have another mechaism to
authenticate users before they get to Tableau Server, there's not too
much you can do.
More on Trusted Authentication from Tableau website:
Trusted authentication simply means that you have set up a trusted
relationship between Tableau Server and one or more web servers. When
Tableau Server receives requests from these trusted web servers it
assumes that your web server has handled whatever authentication is
Setting this up requires you to add the trusted IP addresses to your Tableau server. This is done by stopping tabadmin and then running the following command, followed by saving this config and restarting:
tabadmin set wgserver.trusted_hosts "<trusted IP addresses or host names>"
Once this is done you have to configure your web server so it can request tickets from Tableau server using a POST request to http://<server name>/trusted. These tickets must then be included into the script.
Hope this helps.

Does Exchange server uses Certificate to validate client?

I am creating an EWS service which will connect to the Exchange server 2007. I am using Autodiscover service of Exchange server.I need to understand following:
How can I validate the SSL/TSL certificates for my service.
I need to know conventional way how outlook communicate with Exchange server.
How to Detect the specific certificate is installed for authentication.
I had written the code to connect to the Exchange server.But I am facing issues with the Certificate part.I am totally confused with the proper handshake with help of certificate.
In my code I had used X509Store to get the certificate stores and then validate from the server,but the certificate may differ from server to server (Exchange).Is there any way around.

Secure connection in j2me

I need to implement secure connection in j2me. i.e. all http calls calling rest api should be changes to https. For that, according to my understanding, we need to install a certificate in server side using tomcat. My doubt is:
1. How do we install certificate in j2me so that the rest call can be converted to https?
2. Can i use self signed certificates instead of buying CAs like verisign and thwarte?